Charming the Halliwells

By Jason Decade / Femtoka

Published on Feb 4, 2008


All rights to the Halliwells and Charmed go to The Wb and Aaron Spelling. This is a spin-off of his creation, of which we're all thankful for. please do not plagiarize or anything. LOVE YA

Writers note: Alternate Universe of Charmed....

Chapter 31: When he was bad

Even being Charmed can't stop death. That's what they learned. After the Charmed Ones died, they left behind two nephews. Wyatt and Chris. Wyatt had only two loves...power and the love of his life. Chris was the freedom fighter of the new world. A world made in Wyatt's image. Two brothers, as different as can be, locked in a war. The betrayl. The heartache. From a young age Wyatt had learned that there was no good. No evil. Just power. And he harnessed it. Wielded it. Chris was the younger brother, the one chosen to clean up the mess. Unwillingly, he was supposed to go back in time to save everyone...Supposed to.

"Are you okay?" Wyatt asked as we lay in our big bed. The walls covered in red satan and black silk. I moved back into him and he chuckled, " I love you."

"Do you?" I asked.

"What kind of question is that?" he asked.

"Love come with freedom. I can't even leave without your permission." I smirked, biting his lip.

"Who knows what Chris and his little whore will do. They will try to fight us." Wyatt smiled.

"Wyatt." I said.

"Huh?" he asked.

"You can't keep me here like some kind of pet." I said quickly.

Wyatt sat up, " I'll do anything to keep you here, safe with me." he bent down and whispered in my ear, " If you ever left me, the world would crumble...literally."

I smirked and got to my feet, " I need a shower." I said, going to turn on the shower.

"I'll join you." he smirked as he walked into the shower with me. After a lengthy shower session, Wyatt had 'business' to attend to and I found myself in the training room with my teacher.

"Your powers aren't limited." Talik smiled, " Try. Open your mind." he threw five knives at me at once and they stopped just before they hit me, " Very nice."

"You'd be surprised." I said, holding my hand out and grabbing a knife, then I shimmered out and behind him, " I'm getting better."

He shimmered out and to the other side of the room.

"Knives!" I shouted, causing the knives to disappear in black smoke and reappear in a silhouette around him on the wall, " Something's different. Do you have news from the seer?"

"I thought best," a disembodied voice said, " if I deliver the news myself." the seer, a child that was in deep danger of being called Damien, said appearing in front of us.

"News?" I asked.

"The Source of all Power is to have an heir." she said.

I stared at him for a second, " I'm pregnant?" I asked.

"Yes." she said.

"Who else knows?" I asked.

"Just us." she smirked.

I raised my hand and blew him to pieces, then turned to Talik, who jumped a little, " No one is to know. Am I clear?" I asked.

"Crystal." he said.

"How's my baby doing?" Wyatt asked, shimmering in.

"What?" I asked.

"How's your practice going?" he asked, looking around.

"The Seer. He was trying to double cross us. I had to take care of her." I said.

"Pity, she was so useful." he said, kissing me passionately. His lips smelled like cherries and I had a weird craving for cherries, " You sure are into it, not that you're not usually, but something is different."

"You taste like cherries." I smirked.

"There are cherries in our bedroom." he said seductively. He stopped when he remember Talik, " You're dismissed."

"Yes sir." Talik said, shimmering away.

"I..." Wyatt smiled.

Suddenly, Cole shimmered in, " Master, there is trouble with the Grimlocks and the vampires." he said.

Wyatt looked at him angrily, " Dammit!" he shouted, causing a small earthquake, " I shall return." he said shimmering out.

I immediately took the chance to shimmer out too. I shimmered to a nearby park and waited until I heard something move in the bushes, " Chris." I said with relief.

"Drake." Chris said, hugging me as he hopped from the bushes, " Couldn't be too safe. How are you?"

"I'm alright." I said, " How's Bianca?"

' she was attacked. After Wyat killed her mother and little brother, she was really depressed." Chris replied.

"I was there." I said with disgust, " Chris, I don't think there's a way to save him."

"There has to be a way." Chris said frantically.

"How do you think I feel? I love him, I gave up everything for him, but the truth is what it is." I said hopelessly.

"Come on! I know he can be saved." Chris said hopefully.

"Chris...It's not like we can go back in time and fix everything." I said, then looked at him nervously, " Unless..."

"Give me and Bianca a few weeks." Chris said.

I nodded, " I don't know how much longer..." I began.

"Not long." Wyatt said, walking towards us.

"Wyatt." We both said at the same time.

"I didn't think I'd find you here." he said, looking at me.

I looked away, " You're the source of all power, you didn't see this coming?" I asked.

Wyatt grabbed Chris' neck telekinetically. I kicked his arm, breaking the hold and Chris orbed away, but Wyatt grabbed me and slammed me against a shed, most likely the caretaker's shed. I gave a yelp and he moved away from me.

"Why do you do these things?!" Wyatt raged, " Haven't I given you everything?!"

"For years, I've put Drake on the backburner. I ignored everyone you killed. I let you be this 'leader' and I've let you hunt down power witches, good and bad. I've let you kill innocent people...Wyatt...what happened to you? Don't you love anyone else?" I asked harshly.

"If I didn't love you, I would have killed you a few minutes ago. I would have never spared you!" Wyatt shouted, " There's two things I've got going for me, you and power..." Wyatt said.

"Not to soud vain, but can you live without me?" I asked.

"I've never cheated on you. I've been faithful and supported you." Wyatt said, " Given you everything."

"But freedom." I said, tearing up, " I can't do this. You're killing me!"

"I love you, but I won't let you do this to us." Wyatt smirked, " To make me the villain."

"You're making yourself the villain." I cried. Wyatt went to put his hands around me, but I pushed him away.

"This is for you. To be someone you can love." Wyatt said angrily, " You're the only person that still loves me."

"I love Wyatt. I don't love you...I don't know who you are." I sneered, walking away, but Wyatt grabbed my arm.

"You don't love me?" Wyatt asked.

"You need help." I said quietly.

Wyatt grabbed my wrist and wrenched it so that he was behind me, " We're going home." he said.

"Home? We're a long way from home!" I said sadly.

Wyatt smirked and we shimmered out together.

I wasn't allowed to go anywhere alone. I was sick and was getting no better. The morning sickness was terrible and I still hadn't told Wyatt, who was in full 'worry' mode. He was also distracted by Chris and Bianca and their group. I heard screams from the foyer and realized that Wyatt was interrogating another witch. I heard her name, vaguely. Willie? Wilma...Villie? I had to try to save her, but the guard, Tristan, had become my bodyguard and he wasn't small by any means.

"Can you please move!" I said, trying to enter the meeting.

"Sorry, but I'm not allowed to let you pass." Tristan said quickly.

"Look, I'm pretty horny, pretty...sick, and pretty damn mean at the moment, so if you don't move, I'm going to blow you up!" I said angrily.

"Sorry, either way I'll die." Tristan smirked.

"Okay." I said cheerily, freezing him and moving to the next room, " What in the hell is going on here?" I asked.

"Baby, are you okay?" Wyatt asked, obviously annoyed.

"Seriously, any demon who wants to keep their private parts, leave." I said. At first no one left, but I raised my hand and called, " Demon dick!" and waved my hand at the wall and it flopped against the wall and fell to the floor as one of the demons cried out in pain! The other shimmered out quickly.

"You have no right..." Wyatt said angrily.

"I have every right." I said, " I'm not afraid of you! Wyatt this is me, you've known me since we were young and I'd never back down from you."

"That's what I love about you." he said, his expression still a frown.

"Where are my brother and friend?" I asked.

"Help me!" the blonde witch said.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Bil...." she said.

"Can't." Wyatt said, blowing her up, " What are you talking about?"

"Wyatt." I said, watching the place where Billie used to be, " You can't...Are you going to kill them too?"

"He's my brother, how do you think I feel?" Wyatt asked.

"I honestly don't know what you feel anymore." I said angrily, " But I'm warning you..."

"Warning me?!" Wyatt said, causing me jump and he pushed me back against the wall and put his hands on either side of me, " I thought you were asking."

"So, you're going to hurt me?" I asked, " You love the power and you say you love me...which do you love more?"

"What?" Wyatt asked.

"If I died and you still had power..."

"When you die, Wyatt goes with you." Wyatt said.

"I think 'Wyatt' died a long time ago." I said indifferently.

Wyatt looked at me angrily, " What is with you?!" he asked.

"We all just change, I guess. I don't know you." I said quickly.

"DAMMIT! Quit saying that! I am Wyatt Matthew Halliwell, former Charmed One, and your husband. Father of your child." Wyatt said angrily.

"What child?" I asked, watching him touch my stomach, " How..."

"I can feel them." Wyatt said.

"Them?!" I asked, " Wyatt, you're scaring me."

"My power scares you?" he asked.

"Your power terrifies me." I said, walking away.

"I would never hurt you, I love you." he said, a flash of the old Wyatt in his eyes.

"You loved Piper, Phoebe, and Paige..." I said slowly.

Wyatt's face transformed and he raised his hand and backhanded me to the floor, " You will not bring them up!" he said angrily.

"It's TRUE! And you just hurt me!" I said from the floor.

Wyatt looked down, " You...I didn't..." he said stiffly.

I stood, That's the difference between who we used to be. The old you would have never let yourself be taken by the power...the old me would have never let you put your hands on me." I said angrily.

Suddenly there was a pop and Wyatt looked back to the vault, where the Book Of Shadows was and he telekinetically opened it, to see the book gone.

Then a demon shimmered in, " My liege! Your brother and his girlfriend have infiltrated the mansion and got away through a portal!" he said.

Wyatt grabbed me and orbed us to the Manor, where Bianca was. I could still see the chalk on the wall. I smiled and Wyatt noticed the smile, " Where is Chris?" he asked.

I just smirked.

"Baby..." Wyatt said, grabbing my wrist, " Where is our brother?"

I yelped, but elbowed him, " You remember when I sad that the old me wouldn't let you put your hands on me?" I said, taking a stance.

Wyatt felt his nose and looked up at me, his eyes black, " Take the prisoner away." he commanded, " Why do you always want to hurt me?" he asked.

"I hate you." I shouted.

"You hate me?" he asked.

"I-Hate-You!" I shouted.

"But you love me!" Wyatt shouted back.

I waved my arm and he flew backwards, " There's a thin line." I said, pulling out a potion Chris had given me, " I cannot let my children be raised anywhere near you. The world needs to heal...without you."

"I can't let you do that." Wyatt said, not taking his eyes off me, " You can't do it."

Before I could take my hand down, I felt something hit my back. I saw Wyatt's eyes go big and he raced to me as I fell to the ground.

Wyatt ran his hand overme, " Why won't you heal...HEAL, DAMMIT!" he shouted.

"Wyatt..." I said and he looked into my eyes. I touched his face, " Show me Wyatt." I said quietly.

"Wha..." he said frantically. His eyes shifted out of black and I smiled up at him.

"I love you. I hate who you are now...." I said quickly, " But I love you. I need you Wyatt." I said, slumping over.

Wyatt's eyes shifted back to black and he screamed out, holding me closer. He stopped and stood, turning to look at the demon that had walked in, " Bring in the prisoner."


I stood in the center of Chris' band of rebels. We had been ready to attack for a while, but that wasn't what I wanted. I loved Wyatt and somewhere in there, was Wyatt. So, I had come up with a different plan. Chris had to go back and prevent all this from happening.

"Guys, you know the plan. All around the world, we're going to distract Wyatt's forces so that his focus is divided." I explained.

"Why are you against your husband?" Billie asked.

"We've tried to help him, bring him back, but it's time that we end this." I said angrily. I was angry, but not at her, at the situation, " All this will help Chris get through the portal. He'll have only a few minutes, so someone will have to go with him." I said.

"I will." Bianca said.

"No." Chris said.

"Chris is right. Are you sure you want to give your life for this?" I asked.

"He's taken more than enough from me." Bianca said bitterly, " I want to change all this."

"Well, what if I don't make it, Bianca. Then we fail and we're both dead." he said, " I don't even know if I can do it."

"Chris...All you've ever said about yourself is that you're the one who doesn't matter or that you are the bad one...yet all I've seen is the good in you. Now is your time because Wyatt barely exists in the past. You could change the world. The whole world. don't you want that? One event took everything away from, we're taking it back." I said quickly, " One of us has to go, and if I show up in their house, they might not know me. My parents didn't meet your family until after you were born."

"You're right." Chris said, hugging me, " I love you." he said, grabbing Bianca and orbing away.

I looked at the rest of them, " You guys ready?" I asked, watching the potions go to the floor as they all disappeared from the room. I nodded to myself and shimmered back home and laid in bed with Wyatt.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

I know this is gonna work.


I jumped from my nightmare. I was covered in sweat! I was sweaty before I went to sleep, but this was different, it was cold sweat. I looked around the room, trying to make sense of what I had just seen. I looked down at Wyatt, who smiled in his sleep and snuggled closer to me I laid down and looked over to him. A feeling of dread and peace washed over me. Something bad was coming.

If you liked it, let me know and I'll start on the next one.

Next: Chapter 33

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