Tales from Bentonville

By David Lee

Published on Jun 29, 2008


Tales from Bentonville, Chapter 100

By David Lee


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction. Much of this involves males with other males. If the reading or possessing of such material as this is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so. It is not my intention to offend anyone or to get you in trouble.

The author retains all rights to this original story. Please do not publish without explicit authorization from me.


This story is completely fictional. Most of the places mentioned, and none of the characters exist in real life. Some may possess physical or personality characteristics of people I know or have known. But if you see yourself in this story, your imagination is better than mine!

"Tales from Bentonville" is a romantic story centering on the lives of high school kids. Lovers of other ages may appear, but not normally in a cross-generational sense. References to sex with under-age kids may be made for the sake of the story line. However, I feel that child molestation is a crime and should not be glorified or tolerated.

This is my fifth attempt at writing fiction. My other stories on Nifty include: "Zeke" (August 29, 2005), "Always and Forever" (March 25, 2004) under High School, "Brad and Alan's Canoe Trip" (April 23, 2004) under Camping, and "Jacob and Jacques" (May 30, 2004) under High School. Some characters from previous stories may have cameo roles in this one. However, you need not read them first.

Our only reward for contributing to Nifty is your e-mails. Please write if you like the story. Please include the name of the story in the title of your e-mail. I get a lot of spam!

Finally, thanks and hugs to Tom and David who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes! They not only proof-read, but make other valuable suggestions.


Tales from Bentonville, Chapter 100

Homecoming in October came off well as usual. The football team won their game against a worthy opponent because of Kevin Hames's abilities as a quarterback. He accepted the praise of his peers humbly citing how much he had learned from playing with Alex and Allen. He said that he wished he had the ability to read his receiver's mind like Alex seemed to have with his twin.

Kevin was crowned homecoming king at halftime and Leah Foster was crowned queen. Both were happy to be thrown together for the dance because neither had a serious love interest and were attracted to each other enough to think this might lead to a relationship.

Mike and Brent took the suggestion of their older mentors and went to the dance stag. They ended up having a good time and danced nearly every dance. The only down side to it was that they were not dancing with each other.

Dane, Colt, Dustin, and Dave went as a foursome. They also danced with a number of girls, but braved the possibility of being teased or hassled by their peers and danced with their boyfriends for the last, slow number of the evening. Dane thought of Joel and Alex in that moment because it had been they who had broken the barrier first.

For many of the kids on the dance floor, it was more like rubbing together locked in an embrace. A number of young males were happy that the lights were not turned up after it ended because they were not eager to have their friends see evidence of their arousal.

In early November, Greta's boys were having an interesting discussion sitting on Dane and Colt's bed.

"Coach Franklin seems to know his stuff, but I'm kind of concerned about some of the things he wants to do," Dustin said.

Colt agreed: "Yeah, that bit about ordering different colored jocks to signify our weight classes is weird."

"Well, after Dustin's big show at a meet last year, it might not hurt to cage that beast!" Dave snickered.

"But having the whole team at his lake cottage for a party and sleepover where we have to wear nothing but our jocks all weekend seems strange to me," Dustin continued.

"It's supposed to build togetherness and it's still better than having his two co-captains, us, alone with him like he wanted at first," Colt insisted.

"Do you think he's a dirty old man?" Dane grinned.

"I'd bet the farm!" Dave exclaimed.

The boys went on discussing the new wrestling coach and speculating on why he had left a winning tradition at a larger school to come to Bentonville. He could possibly be a pervert, but they decided to give him the benefit of the doubt for the time being.

"I e-mailed Dad about it," Colt remarked. "He said that he was reading on a discussion board on the `net about a coach who used to have his team captain share a room with him on wrestling trips. The guy writing in claimed that he and his coach used to suck each other off and then sleep together."

"Damn! I don't want to feel like I could be pressured into doing anything like that!" Dustin gasped.

"Me either," Colt agreed.

"You'd better not follow through even if you are pressured!" Dave insisted and Dane was quick to concur.

It was also in early November that the same four guys visited two of the state universities. At the University of Iowa, they stayed in dorm rooms that were part of a suite divided by a bathroom with a door to each room. The assignment was a lot more comfortable for them than sharing with guys they didn't know. There was no worry about what the others would think if they slept naked, sprouted morning wood, or made out with their boyfriends.

Bryan and Zeke invited them over to the mobile home they shared with Trevor and Marc. They all went out for a quick dinner together, but didn't have extra time since there was an orientation meeting at 7:00.

They did spend a couple of hours after the meeting enjoying the exercise facilities at the field house. No one hit on them although a couple of guys were openly checking them out in the sauna.

Their second visit, a week later, was to Iowa State in Ames. There, Alex and Joel met them for dinner and showed them around more than the student hosts did. Both schools had an excellent reputation and both were interested in Colton and Dustin because of their wrestling records. Coaches at both schools talked about the possibility of sports scholarships. It was going to be a difficult choice, but all four were certain of one thing. Where ever they went, they would do it together.

Brent was experiencing a number of emotional ups and downs. Darrin had set up counseling sessions with Lori Evans to work out his problems. She had prescribed a mild antidepressant that had recently been approved by the FDA for use with young adults. Her instructions were to limit its usage until he could tell her if he experienced any side effects.

One evening, when he and Mike were studying together, Brent became argumentative. Mike tried to take a conciliatory approach to avoid an all-out quarrel. Brent, however, got upset and angry. He yelled at Mike and told him to go home and leave him alone. Mike was hurt. He didn't yell back, but simply packed up his homework and left quietly. He cried all the way as he trudged home and he slipped into the house without letting his parents see his distress.

Back at the old Victorian house, John was disturbed by what he had overheard. Because he felt compelled to do so, he came into Brent's room unannounced and found the boy counting the number of antidepressants in his bottle. That made John even more concerned.

"I'm just checking to see how soon I need to have this prescription filled," Brent lied looking at the floor.

"Bullshit! Brent, I've been where you are. You can't pull that crap on me. I'm taking charge of your meds and doling them out as you need them."

"Yeah, so you can use them yourself to get high?"

"I should slap you for what you're implying, but I have some idea of how lousy you feel. I was emotionally abandoned by my parents and I was abused by a `friend of the family' who used to babysit my brother and me. I've been there. I considered taking the easy way out too."

"I know why you started that argument with Mike," John continued. "You wanted to push him away before you did yourself in. You wanted him to hate you so that he wouldn't be so hurt when you were gone. Come here!"

Brent obeyed John's command even though he didn't know what to expect. John pulled the boy into a tight embrace and rubbed his back. That was all it took for Brent to break down and cry like a baby. He sobbed until he had soaked John's shirt through. When he was done, he felt slightly better.

"You're right. I was going to give up and die," Brent confessed. "My Mom doesn't love me, my Dad's dead because of what I am, and I feel like I don't have a family anymore."

"You're not responsible for your father's death! You have us for family and you have Mike. He loves you so much that it almost hurts. I can see it in his eyes. He idolizes you the way I do Darrin. Even when I feel down, and I do sometimes, I could never take my own life knowing what it would do to him. I know it isn't meant as a selfish act, but in a way it is. Think of Mike, your grandmother, the guys in this house, and all of your friends at school. We would suffer a great loss if you left us."

Brent cried again as the reality of John's words soaked in.

"It's still early. I'm going to call Mike and ask him to come back," John said.

"You're not going to tell him what I was thinking about doing," Brent pleaded.

"No, I'm not. You are! He has a right to know and you're the one who has to tell him. It's not healthy to have secrets in a relationship. You have to be honest. He needs to know so that he can understand what's going on in your head and be supportive."

Brent was not entirely pleased with John's demand as the latter made the call. But, he began to rehearse what he would say to his lover because he knew in his heart that John was right.

Mike was at the door, gasping for breath, nearly as soon as John had hung up the receiver. He had evidently run all of the way. He was troubled when he saw that Brent's eyes were puffy from crying.

"Mike, we need to go to my room and I need to tell you how sorry I am."

Mike was about to protest that he didn't need an apology, but Brent nearly dragged him to the second floor bedroom. Once inside, Brent's eyes filled with tears again and he was hardly able to talk.

"I was thinking about doing something that was really wrong on my part. John had a talk with me and made me see that I was being selfish. I was going to overdose on my meds and simply go to sleep – permanently. I didn't want to tell you, but he convinced me that I had to. I'm very sorry."

Mike didn't leave Brent in doubt about how he felt - even for a second. He pulled his boyfriend into a fierce hug that nearly crushed his ribcage. The two stood in the bedroom crying together for several minutes.

Mike finally said: "Brent, if you had gone through with it, I would have figured out a way to join you. I'd have thrown myself in front of a freight train or gone to Cosgrove and jumped into the river. I couldn't go on without you."

"Shit! I'd have been guilty of killing you too!" Brent sobbed.

"No, I would have followed you willingly. But, you didn't carry it though. Something stopped you."

"Yeah, John did. He overheard me picking a fight with you and thought it was unusual. After you left, he felt like he was being nudged to check on me. He wasn't sure why, but has his suspicions."

"Miss Charlotte?"

"That's a strong possibility."

John rapped on the door and entered after being invited in. He had a tray with a large bowl of popcorn and cans of the boys' favorite sodas.

"Since it's Friday night, why don't you call your parents to get permission to stay over?" John said to Mike. "I think it would do you both good to be close tonight."

Mike had no problem getting his parents' consent. He had a toothbrush in the bathroom and a few extra clothes in Brent's closet for impromptu invitations.

The guys were all nearly ready to settle down for the night when the phone rang. Darrin grabbed it quickly because he didn't want it to disturb the rest of the household. The call was from Lori Evans.

The gist of it was that she had been reading a medical journal on line that evening about the meds that she had prescribed for Brent and the evidence disturbed her enough to phone past the time that she felt was socially proper.

The study suggested that this drug, when given to teens, contributed to mood swings and suicidal thoughts. Fortunately, only one young man had actually taken his own life while on the medicine and might not have done so because of it, but there was no reason to take any chances. She wanted Brent to stop taking the prescription immediately and to destroy the rest of the pills.

Darrin thanked her repeatedly for alerting them to the possible danger. When he got off the phone, he knocked on Brent's door.

Brent and Mike were lying naked under the sheet and light blanket, but quickly invited Darrin in after moving apart slightly.

Darrin told them about Dr. Lori's concern and asked for the bottle. Brent took it out of the drawer and handed it over willingly.

"I'll be glad to be rid of them. Did John tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"That I was thinking of doing myself in."

"No, he only said that you and Mike had had a fight and he was trying to get you to make up. It looks like he succeeded," Darrin commented with a grin.

"Yeah he did. So you think it was the meds that made me want to do that?"

"Probably. If you're already down, some antidepressant drugs can push you over the edge. I've been on a couple of calls where that was the case. Fortunately, we managed to get the people to the hospital on time!"

"So John keeps secrets from you?" Brent asked.

"Not about himself. He's very honest. But, he's not a gossip and he can be trusted with your deepest secret as long as he feels that keeping it would not do you harm."

"He's really cool!"

"Yeah, I'm very lucky to have found him. I think that you might be that lucky too," Darrin said inclining his head toward Mike.

"You're right," Brent agreed taking Mike's hand in his.

"I think you've made a friend for life," Darrin said to John as they got ready for bed. "You did the right thing by not telling anyone else about Brent's wanting to die. It's no one else's business!"

"I wasn't sure. I figured that it was best for him to take the responsibility of letting others know if he wanted them to. I see that he trusted you with the information. I did insist that he level with Mike. He shouldn't try to keep that kind of secret from his lover."

"Would you keep that from me," Darrin inquired.

"No. You know that I don't have any secrets from you. You even know exactly where my G-spot is."

"Want me to prove I can still find it?"

"Yeah! I was about to suggest that!"

Brent couldn't get to sleep easily. Whether it was due to residual medication in his body or the realization of what he had contemplated doing or both, he simply couldn't settle down.

Mike came up with a plan to help him relax. He coaxed him to share a hot bath (it didn't take too much persuading) in the bathroom down the hall. As evidence of how at home both were becoming in that house, neither bothered to put anything on before walking down the hall hand in hand.

After they soaked and played around until the water began to cool, they toweled each other off and returned to the bedroom. This time, they followed their hard cocks up the hall.

Dan peeked out of the room he was sharing with Cory in time to see the streakers. He ducked back before they saw him. He didn't want to embarrass them and he didn't necessarily want them to see that Cory and he were heading to the same bathroom to rinse away the evidence of their lovemaking.

Mike laid the drier of their two towels on the bed and told Brent to lie face down on it. He got a bottle of baby oil out of the nightstand drawer and warmed some in his hands. Then he proceeded to rub Brent's back, feeling it relax under his touch. He worked his way down toward Brent's firm, but spongy butt cheeks. Brent flinched when Mike's fingers strayed into the cleft between them, but soon relaxed again enjoying the feeling.

Mike abandoned that area for a few minutes while he massaged Brent's feet and ankles. Soon, he worked his way to the calves and up toward Brent's thighs. By this time, Brent was oozing precum on the towel.

Brent was moaning non-stop even before Mike had moved back up to his ass. He felt like he was on fire with lust.

"Take me," he pleaded as Mike's fingers teased his rosebud.

"We're too young. I bet even Dane and Colt haven't done it yet."

"We're not Dane and Colt. Besides, I could have died a virgin. I don't want to do that."

"Then for sure I'm not gonna do it!" Mike insisted. "That can be an incentive for you to stay alive."

Mike didn't relent, but he did slip his middle finger into Brent's most private place. Brent flinched.

"Take it easy; that feels like a baseball bat!" he groaned.

"Still think you want my six-incher?"

"Uh, maybe you're right. I guess we should wait."

Mike went back to teasing Brent's asshole until his sphincter muscle relaxed. Then, he slipped his little finger in. Brent moaned in pleasure this time as Mike got near his prostate.

After a few minutes of stimulation, he replaced his pinky with his index finger. Brent pushed up against the intruder trying to get it further into him.

Eventually, Brent was able to take Mike's middle finger without pain. This time, his prostate got a thorough massage. About 20 seconds into that action, he spewed his load on the towel. He turned over right away and the quick-thinking Mike managed to catch the rest of the spurts in his mouth. Then he proceeded to lick Brent's wilting tool clean.

Brent was totally sated and satisfied, but felt he should return the favor. Mike said that he could wait until the next day. He knew that Brent was now so relaxed that he was fighting to stay awake. It didn't take long for him to succumb to the magic of the sandman.

Author's notes:

Thanks to Ron M, Raymond K, Jim We, Tom E, Chuck, Dave (moi duo), Paul W, Bill B, Mell K, Jerry F, J, Vann, Justyn C, Carroll, Rad, and Paul R who all wrote since last posting. A special thanks to Tom H and David S who faithfully edit for me, pointing out typos and awkward sentences. They put up with my quirks and I love them!

Be kind, be loving, be forgiving, but most of all, be careful! HIV has not been conquered. Young guys, especially, are being careless and the rate of new infections is rising again. Don't be a statistic!

Wow! This is chapter 100. I never saw this long a saga happening. I need to wrap it up before you all lose interest. I appreciate how many of you have been with me since the beginning. I also love the fact that new readers are going back to read my first attempts. Love you ALL!

Please keep the people of eastern Iowa in your thoughts and prayers. It's going to take a long time for lives to be put back into some kind of order here. FEMA trailers are slated to arrive soon, but that's not HOME!!! This is not New Orleans. We didn't suffer a hurricane ahead of the flooding. Our local and state governments have stepped up rapidly to maintain order and bring relief. Even our federal government seems to have learned a few things since Katrina! Like the Phoenix, we will rise again!


Next: Chapter 102

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