
By Kirk Landers

Published on May 13, 2008


Copyright and Disclaimer: 1. This is a fictional story with fictional characters. 2. No one is to steal this story under any circumstances. 3. This story deals with relationships and not sex, so if you're looking for a story with a lot of sex in it, this isn't the story for you.

It's great to be back! I hope everyone is doing great. It felt nice to revisit this story one last time. I really missed writing about these characters.

I was reading the final chapter a couple months ago and wanted to explore what happens to Kurt, Ryan, Leo and Jesse now that years have passed and they are older and Leo and Jesse have a kid now. It ended with all four of them finally having success in their careers and wanted to see what else I can explore with them in their personal lives at this point in their lives. My other motivation for writing this is because I got several e-mails from readers who wanted to know what happened with Luke and what happened with Mark so I wanted to wrap up their storylines as well. However, the focus of this final story is definitely the main four characters and how their lives have changed and are changing still. So I hope you all enjoy revisiting this story one last time with me. This story picks up one year after Kurt and Ryan reconnected in New York. Since then they have been having a long distance relationship. Enjoy!



Kurt was sitting alone at his kitchen table in front of his laptop writing. Since his first book became a best seller, his publishers immediately wanted more books from him. In the past year he's written a follow-up book which was another success and now he's busy writing book number three. His third book however was becoming much more difficult to write than his previous two. Kurt's two previous books were both fairly autobiographical. His first book was essentially about him and becoming the man that he is today (albeit, he did change the names in the book and embellished certain aspects to make it more enjoyable for the readers, but for the most part, it's about him). His second book focused on the relationship between him and Ryan and the obstacles they went through to be together. Having written a book about himself and about his most important relationship he decided that he would have Leo and Jesse be the biggest inspirations for his third book.

Kurt always admired Leo and Jesse and all that they've been through. Especially Leo, who's changed so much over the years that Kurt has known him. He felt that this book would be the perfect way to honor his best friend. He had no problem writing about them. There was so much story to tell about the two of them, however when he reached the final chapter he stopped. He couldn't find a fitting ending to the story.

Kurt stared at the laptop in front of him and the lack of an ending was looking right at him... Kurt closed his eyes to try and concentrate on what else to write, but he came up blank. He didn't know where to begin to write the end. Kurt's attempt at finishing writing was cut short by the sound of the front door opening. He held his breath as his heart began to beat faster. Since Kurt lived alone he knew that the only person who could be coming through the door was an intruder. Kurt looked at the door to the garage that he could always use to escape, but he quickly remembered that Leo and Jesse's son, Liam, was upstairs in the guest bedroom asleep since he was babysitting tonight. Kurt's fear for his own life quickly vanished and instead was replaced by his fear for Liam's life. Kurt loved Liam as if he were his own son and would do anything to protect him.

Without making a noise Kurt quietly got off of his chair and went to the closet next to the kitchen and pulled out an old baseball bat. As Kurt slowly made his way down the hall to the entryway of his house his heart raced. In the entryway he heard the sound of footsteps as they stepped inside the house. Because the entryway was around the corner of the hallway, Kurt couldn't see the intruder, he only heard the footsteps and the sound of his breathing. Kurt stepped closer and closer until he was near the end of the hallway and was about to turn the corner and be face-to-face with the intruder.

Kurt stopped himself before he turned the corner, he needed to catch his breath and build up his courage. He knew it was now or never, fight or flight. He had to protect Liam.

He lifted the bat high above his head and took one giant swing as he turned the corner, hoping to hit the person who broke into his house.

"What the hell?!" the intruder screamed as he barely ducked out of the way of the swinging bat. He dropped to the floor and covered his head up. "Kurt, it's me!"

Kurt looked down at the floor where the intruder was cowering in fear and saw that it wasn't an intruder at all, it was...Ryan!

"Oh my God! Ryan? What the hell are you doing here? It's nearly ten," Kurt said as relief washed over him.

"I came here to surprise you, but I didn't realize that I was risking my life in doing so!" Ryan barked as he got up off the floor. "A little antsy are we?"

"I'm sorry," Kurt said setting the bat down. He forgot that he gave Ryan a key to his house. "I thought you were a burglar or something."

"Obviously," Ryan said catching his breath, "My life flashed before my eyes."

"I'm sorry," Kurt said again, "Can I give you a proper greeting to make up for it?"

"You better," Ryan replied, his heart was still pumping. Kurt then went up to Ryan and wrapped his arms around him and kissed him.

"How are you?" Kurt asked between kisses.

"Well, I think I just aged ten years," Ryan quipped. "Other than that, I'm great."

"What are you doing here?" Kurt asked. "It's Thursday.

I didn't think you'd be coming in to visit until Saturday."

"I came early," Ryan said. "I had a job interview today."

"Job interview?" Kurt asked confused. "You didn't tell me you had a job interview. Where at?"

"UCLA," Ryan boasted proudly.

"Wow! That's great! And how did it go?" Kurt asked hopeful.

"You are looking at their new Sociology professor!" Ryan answered with a big grin.

"Oh my God!" Kurt cheered giving Ryan a kiss, "Congratulations! So does this mean what I think it means?"

"Yup," Ryan replied. "I'm moving back to California!"

"This is the best night ever!" Kurt said smiling.

"Well it was almost the worst night ever. Had I not ducked from your swinging bat you might have killed me on the day I got a job at UCLA," Ryan joked.

"Again, I'm sorry," Kurt said giving Ryan a kiss. "I'm so happy! You've been living in New York for way too long."

"So do you know of a place that I can move into?" Ryan asked coyly.

"I might know of a place," Kurt played along smiling. "Ryan, you have no idea how happy I am right now. We can finally be together full-time. No more back and forth trips between the coasts. I hated only seeing you once a month."

"I know," Ryan said. "We sure did get a lot of frequent flyer miles out of this past year though, didn't we?"

"Yeah," Kurt said. "Too many. I've had enough planes for a while. When do you move back?"

"Next month," Ryan said.

"I am so proud of you," Kurt smiled, "You got a job at one of the best colleges in the world. You have come so far."

"Right back at you," Ryan said giving Kurt another kiss. He was so glad to see Kurt again, it's been a month since they last saw one another.

"I don't know how good I'm doing right now," Kurt said going back into the kitchen. "I can't think of an ending to my book."

"Just give it time," Ryan encouraged, "You'll find the words."

"I hope so," Kurt replied. "Otherwise, I'll be retiring from writing very early."

"Don't worry," Ryan said. "You'll be fine."

"I'll worry about it later," Kurt said, "How about you and I go upstairs to the bedroom and properly greet each other."

"I think that is a great idea," Ryan said as he picked up his suitcase and the two headed up to the bedroom.

"We have to be quiet though," Kurt said. "Liam is asleep in the guest bedroom. I'm babysitting him for the night."

"Where's Leo and Jesse?" Ryan asked.

"Jesse asked me to babysit Liam tonight so he can have some alone time with Leo," Kurt replied. "Liam's become a handful for them so they haven't had time to really have time for each other lately."

"Oh," Ryan nodded, "Well, hope they get lucky tonight as well."

Over at Leo and Jesse's house down the street candles filled the living room, the dining room table was set for two with a prime rib keeping warm in the oven, steamed vegetables on the table a glass of wine at Jesse's seat and sparkling cider at Leo's. It was a perfect romantic dinner for two. The only thing missing was Leo who still hasn't come home from work. Jesse sat at the table alone, patiently waiting for Leo to come home. He looked at the melting candles on the table and debating blowing them out so they didn't melt completely, but before he could, Leo came through the front door.

"Hey, I'm home finally," Leo said exhausted. "My dinner meeting with the producers ran late. They had a few changed they wanted made on my script. I have so much work to do tonight." He then began texting his agent on his Blackberry. His Blackberry seemed to be in his hand twenty-four hours a day. He was always messaging his agent or some producer he was working for. It was non-stop for him.

"How about some dinner first," Jesse said getting up from the table.

"After I check on Liam," Leo replied setting his laptop case down on the kitchen counter. "Is he in his room?"

"No. He's staying the night at Kurt's place," Jesse replied.

"What?" Leo asked, "Why?"

"Because I thought we could have some alone time together," Jesse replied giving Leo a kiss on the cheek.

"I wish you discussed it with me first," Leo sighed. "You know I don't like being away from Liam."

"I know, but we need a night together. Don't you think?" Jesse asked.

"Yeah, but you should have talked to me about it first," Leo said. "Tonight isn't a good night. I have a lot of re-writes to do on my script."

"But I made dinner and had a whole romantic evening planned," Jesse said. "Come on."

"I really wish I could, but it just isn't a good time tonight," Leo said. "Another time. I promise." Leo then gave Jesse a tender kiss. "I'm going to take a shower."

Leo headed upstairs while Jesse went back into the dining room to blow out the candles, another unsuccessful night. Things have changed so much for Jesse and Leo over the years. Since Leo found success in screenwriting his career has really taken off. Four of the scripts he's sold have become box office hits and two of them have even been nominated for various awards. Leo's focus has noticeably changed, his life revolved solely around Liam and his work. Jesse couldn't help but feel hurt over all his efforts to have a romantic evening ruined.

Jesse's career has stabilized, he's made partner at the advertising agency he works, however he still always made sure that Leo and Liam were his top priorities in his life. He wished that Leo made the same effort to put importance on their relationship. They've been together for so long that it's easy to let the value of their relationship fall to the wayside. Jesse especially knew how important it was to keep the relationship with Leo full of love after all they've been through together, he just wished Leo felt that way. He knew that Leo loved him, but he wished that he showed it more.

When Leo got out of the shower Jesse was sitting on the bed in the living room waiting to talk to him.

"Hey Leo, are you sure you can't just spend a couple hours with me tonight?" Jesse asked.

"I really want to," Leo replied. "But I can't. I'm going to be up all night as it is."

"You know the last time we had sex?" Jesse asked.

"I don't know," Leo replied putting his pajamas on. "A few weeks?"

"Two months," Jesse replied. "It's been two long months."

"It hasn't been that long," Leo denied.

"Yes it has," Jesse answered. "We need to spend some time together. It's important for us."

"Absolutely," Leo said. "This weekend, okay?"

"Fine," Jesse replied. "I'm going to go clean up downstairs."

"I'm sorry Jesse," Leo said giving Jesse a kiss. "I'll make it up to you. Okay?"

"I'm holding you to that," Jesse replied before he left the bedroom.

Leo sighed as Jesse left the room. He wished he could spend time with him tonight, but with work he just doesn't have the time right now. He missed spending evenings with Jesse and just relaxing and enjoying each other's company and playing with Liam. But since his career has taken off he has to do what it takes to be on top of his game. It's taken Leo a long time to get his career on track and he can't lose it.

After getting dressed Leo went to his office next to the bedroom and began to work.

The next morning, Kurt was in the kitchen feeding Liam cereal when the doorbell rang. Ryan answered the door to a surprised Leo and a not-so-surprised Jesse.

"What are you doing here?" Leo asked.

"It was a surprise visit," Ryan said giving Leo and Jesse a hug.

"How did the interview go?" Jesse asked. He was the only one who knew that Ryan was going to come in town for the weekend.

"I got the job," Ryan smiled.

"Ryan, that's awesome," Jesse said happily giving his best friend a hug.

"What job?" Leo asked. He then turned to Jesse, "You knew he was coming?"

"Yeah," Jesse replied. "Ryan called me earlier this week. He wanted to surprise Kurt and if I told you then you would have told Kurt and the surprise would have been ruined."

"I wouldn't have told Kurt," Leo said unconvincingly.

"Okay," Ryan and Jesse both said sarcastically.

When the three of them walked into the kitchen Leo quickly rushed to Liam giving him a big kiss. His Blackberry started ringing and he quickly checked the messages that his agent sent him.

"How was Liam?" Jesse asked.

"Perfect as always," Kurt replied.

"Why is he always good with you?" Jesse asked as he poured himself a cup of coffee. "I can barely get him to settle down to take a nap."

"Because your too lenient with him," Leo replied not even bothering to look up from his Blackberry. "You have to be firm with him."

"You're good with Liam," Kurt encouraged Jesse. "He loves you."

"Yeah, but he's not good at disciplining him," Leo commented still texting his manager.

"Didn't realize you noticed me enough to criticize my parenting skills," Jesse snapped.

"Excuse me?" Leo asked taken back by Jesse's comment.

"Nothing," Jesse replied sipping his coffee.

Everyone grew silent, not sure how to break the awkwardness. Finally after a couple moments Leo said to Ryan, "So what's the job you got?"

"I'm going to be a Sociology professor at UCLA," Ryan said.

"That's great," Leo said. "Wow, UCLA is a great school."

"Yeah, I'm excited," Ryan replied. "I can't wait to move back."

"Me neither," Kurt said giving Ryan a kiss. Jesse looked at Kurt and Ryan and missed the affection that him and Leo used to have. He let out a silent sigh to himself as he wondered if the spark between him and Leo was fading for good.

"Hey Ryan, can I talk to you for a second?" Jesse asked.

"Sure," Ryan replied as the two left the kitchen. After they left Kurt turned to Leo who was picking up Liam out of his booster chair and holding him in his arms.

"Things okay between you two?" Kurt asked gesturing towards Jesse. Leo didn't say anything, he just shrugged his shoulders and brought his attention back to Liam.

"Things are not so great," Jesse said to Ryan as they entered the study to talk privately with each other.

"What's going on?" Ryan asked. "I thought you two were supposed to have a romantic night last night."

"It didn't happen," Jesse answered. "He had `too much work.'"

"I'm sorry," Ryan said empathizing with Jesse. "Can I do anything to help?"

"It depends, can you help me save my relationship?" Jesse asked.

"How long has it been since you two had sex?" Ryan asked.

"Too long," Jesse replied.

"What's too long? A few weeks?" Ryan asked.

"Two months," Jesse answered.

"Wow," Ryan said shocked. "That is a long time."

"Yeah," Jesse answered. "And it sometimes seems that he barely even notices me."

"I'm sure that's not true," Ryan said. "Leo loves you."

"He's always consuming himself with work and when he's not working he's spending any spare time he has with Liam," Jesse explained. "And obviously I don't mind him spending his free time with Liam, but I wish he'd work a little less so he can make some time for me."

"Have you tried talking to him about this?" Ryan asked.

"I shouldn't have to," Jesse said. "He should know that he needs to spend time with me."

"I know, but you need to talk to him about this stuff," Ryan said. "It's important. You can't keep stuff from him. Be honest. Remember how bad it was when you didn't tell Leo you got fired from your job all those years ago."

"Yeah, but this is different," Jesse justified.

"No it's not," Ryan said. "It's about being honest and open with each other. Talk to him."

Jesse nodded quietly, he knew Ryan was right.

"I've missed you man," Jesse said sincerely. "I'm really glad you're moving back. I need you here."

Ryan smiled and rubbed Jesse's back comforting him.

In the kitchen Kurt was sitting down next to Leo trying to find out what's going on between him and Jesse.

"Did you two have a nice night?" Kurt asked.

"No," Leo replied. "I worked all night. I have to leave soon, I have a lunch meeting."

"What's going on between you two?" Kurt asked concerned.

"Nothing," Leo shrugged. "We're fine."

"It doesn't seem like it," Kurt replied. "Something"

"It's nothing," Leo said. "Jesse is just caught up in the past."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kurt asked.

"It means that Jesse wishes things were back to the way they were seven years ago," Leo said. "When it was just me and him and I didn't have my career. He's being selfish."

"I don't think he's trying to be selfish," Kurt said. "I think he just wants to spend more time with you."

"I want to spend more time with him too, but I have other things going on in my life besides him," Leo explained. "I have my job which keeps me running back and forth from studio to studio and then I have Liam who requires the rest of my attention. He's two years old and I'm sorry, but Liam needs my attention more than Jesse."

"Do you realize what happened?" Kurt asked.

"What are you talking about?" Leo asked confused.

"Remember when you and Jesse first broke-up?" Kurt asked trying to jot Leo's memory.

"What about it?" Leo asked.

"You complained that he worked too much and that you two lost the spark between you guys," Kurt said. "You and him have switched places."

Leo thought about it and saw that Kurt was right. Him and Jesse are in the same place they were in so many years before.

"Look," Kurt began, "You have to talk to him. You and him just need to go somewhere and talk and find the root of your guys' problems. There's so much history between you two, after all this time I think you owe it to your relationship to try and find a solution."

"You know, I think Nick gave me that exact same advice when he was alive," Leo commented.

"Oh yeah?" Kurt smiled thinking fondly of Nick.

"When did you become the wise giver of relationship advice?" Leo asked.

"Since I finally am in a good and healthy relationship with Ryan," Kurt replied.

"Must be nice," Leo said. "You're right. I should talk to Jesse."

"Good," Kurt said. "You know what you two should do?"

"What?" Leo asked.

"Go on a weekend trip together," Kurt replied. "Leave Liam with me, leave your work at home and just spend time with each other."

"I guess I can do that for one weekend," Leo said.

"Definitely," Kurt said. "Do it this weekend."

"That's tomorrow," Leo said.

"Exactly," Kurt replied. "After your meetings today go and pack and you two can have the rest of the weekend to reconnect."

"But you have to plan these kind of trips," Leo said. "We have to look up hotels and places to go."

"No you don't," Kurt rebuffed. "Just be spontaneous. You used to love doing this kind of stuff."

"Yeah, that was before I had a career," Leo replied.

"Just do it," Kurt said.

"I don't know. I have a lot of writing I should be doing this weekend," Leo replied.

"You always say that," Kurt replied. "You can afford one weekend to spend time with Jesse."

"But I have two meetings to go to on Monday," Leo replied. "A couple producers want me to re-write a script that some new writer did. They think I can add some good stuff to it."

"Well you can worry about it on Monday," Kurt said. "This is important."

"I have to text my agent and let him know," Leo said taking out his Blackberry.

"Then do it now," Kurt said. "It will be good for you two."

"I'll have to rearrange my schedule for this weekend, but I guess it's worth a shot," Leo said.

"You two are married now. It's definitely worth a shot," Kurt smiled.

"What's worth a shot?" Jesse asked as the two walked back into the kitchen.

"You and Leo are going to go on a weekend trip together," Kurt said. "Ryan and I will watch Liam this weekend. That's okay, right babe?"

"Definitely," Ryan said. "We'll happily watch Liam."

"You really want to?" Jesse asked Leo surprised that Leo actually wants to spend time with him.

"Yeah," Leo smiled hoping that this weekend trip wouldn't interfere too much with his work.

"Then I'm all for it," Jesse replied. "Thank you."

"Of course," Leo said. "I'm going to get going to my meeting, but I'll be home afterwards and we can go from there."

"All right," Jesse smiled. "I'll see you later."

Leo then gave Liam a big kiss and headed out for his meeting.

"Maybe you were worrying for nothing," Ryan said to Jesse.

"I hope so," Jesse replied.

Later that day, Kurt was sitting in the backyard of his house by the pool with his laptop attempting again to write his next book. He also brought out some photo albums and looked at pictures of Leo and Jesse together to try and find inspiration in them so he can write a good and loving story about his two friends. As he was looking through the pictures Ryan was in the pool with Liam holding him as Liam enjoyed splashing in the water.

"Does he have enough sun block on?" Kurt asked Ryan.

"I should think so," Ryan said. "I put half the bottle on."

"What SPF did you use?" Kurt asked.

"SPF a million," Ryan joked. "Don't worry, I put enough on him."

"Sorry," Kurt said. "Ignore me."

"No, it's cute," Ryan said. "You know how long I waited for you to like kids?"

"I know, I know," Kurt said with a laugh. "You thought I never would. Hell, I thought I never would."

"I know you've said no in the past, but would you be pissed if I brought up the idea of adoption again?" Ryan asked hopeful.

"You know, it's something I've actually given a lot of thought to since we got back together," Kurt smiled.

"Hold on a second," Ryan said smiling, "I think I died and went to heaven." He picked Liam up and the two came out of the pool. After he wrapped a towel around the two of them he gave Kurt a kiss, "You really have been thinking about it?"

"Yeah," Kurt replied. "I know you've always wanted us to adopt and I know you're a great dad, you light up every time you talk about Sydney. I think it's definitely something we should discuss."

"You just made me the happiest man alive," Ryan said giving Kurt another kiss. "Thank you."

"No, thank you," Kurt replied. "You've been really patient with me. I know that I've had a lot of issues to work through."

"Don't I know it," Ryan joked.

The two of them sat by the pool together holding Liam.

Ryan couldn't help but imagine that in a year or two it might be a child of their own they were hanging out by the pool with.

Meanwhile, in town, Jesse stopped by his office to finish a few last minute things for his presentation he had the next week then he went out shopping for a gift to buy Leo. He wanted to get Leo something so Leo would know just how much he loved him and wants to work things out between the two. As he was shopping around he heard a familiar voice call out his name. When he turned around he saw his brother, Mark walking up to him.

"Hey bro," Mark said smiling giving Jesse a hug.

"Hey!" Jesse replied. "How are you? I haven't talked to you in over a month."

"I know, I'm sorry," Mark apologized, "I've been really busy with school."

"That's good," Jesse said. He was really proud of his brother for going back to school and making a fresh start for himself.

"Nancy and I have also had our hands full with Cynthia," Mark said. "She just started second grade. Can you believe that?"

"Wow," Jesse replied. "She's getting to be a big girl."

"Yeah," Mark nodded. "I never thought I would be good at being a dad, but I love it."

"That's great," Jesse said. "You look happy."

"I am," Mark said. "For the first time in a long time I can actually say that I'm happy."

"How's Nancy?" Jesse asked.

"She's great," Mark replied. "She just got a promotion at work so I'm taking her out to dinner tonight to celebrate."

"You two still make time for each other huh?" Jesse asked.

"Of course, why?" Mark asked confused.

"I just figured since you're busy with work and school and she has her job and you both have Cynthia to raise, I would imagine it wouldn't leave you two much time for each other," Jesse explained.

"Yeah we're both really busy, but we always make sure to make time for one another," Mark replied. "We have date nights every week."

"Date nights?" Jesse asked.

"Yeah," Mark replied. "Every Wednesday and Friday night we drop off Cynthia at Mom and Dad's place for a few hours and go out together."

"That's a good idea," Jesse said. He never thought he'd ever feel this way, but he was actually jealous of his brother's life.

"How about you?" Mark asked. "How's Leo and Liam?"

"We're fine," Jesse said unconvincingly.

"That was believable," Mark said sarcastically. "Talk to me bro."

"It's nothing," Jesse said not wanting to tell Mark about his troubles with Leo, "We're just having a bit of a rough patch right now."

"Well you two have been together for so long now, I'm sure you'll get through this," Mark said with certainty.

"Yeah, I'm sure you're right," Jesse replied hopeful that things would work out.

"I have to get going to pick up Cynthia from school, but I'll call you later," Mark said. "Mom had mentioned all of us coming over for dinner next week."

"Sounds good," Jesse said. "I'll see you."

"Good running into you Bro," Mark said giving Jesse a hug goodbye.

"You too," Jesse replied. He then watched Mark leave and couldn't believe that Mark had the relationship life that Jesse yearned for. He was now determined more than ever to make sure that he worked things out with Leo.

That evening after Leo got done with his meetings he went home and him and Jesse packed their bags and stopped by Kurt's house to say bye to Liam before they left.

"So where are you two staying?" Kurt asked as they said their goodbyes for the weekend.

"I booked us a room at the Four Seasons in Santa Barbara," Jesse said.

"Sounds nice," Ryan said. "You two have a good time."

"We plan on it," Jesse replied.

"Bye buddy," Leo said giving Liam a big hug, "I'll miss you."

"He'll be fine," Kurt said.

"I know," Leo sighed, "But we've never left him for a whole weekend before."

"It's just two days," Ryan said. "Now get out of here.

Have a great time."

"Thanks again for watching him you guys," Jesse said. "We really appreciate it."

"It's no problem," Kurt smiled. "We'll see you Sunday."

Leo and Jesse then left and drove up to Santa Barbara.

On the way up there Leo was on his Blackberry texting.

"Who are you texting?" Jesse asked.

"These producers I have to meet with on Monday," Leo replied.

"We said we wouldn't bring any work with us," Jesse said. "Put the phone away."

"But I need to be available in case the studio wants any more re-writes," Leo replied.

"No," Jesse said. "This is our weekend, remember?"

"I can't text at all?" Leo asked.

"No," Jesse said. "In fact, give me your phone. I'll hold on to it for the weekend."

Jesse grabbed Leo's phone and turned it off and put it in his pocket. Leo let out a deep sigh as he looked out the window of the car. It was going to be a long drive for him.

"So you know what I was thinking?" Jesse asked Leo.

"What's that?" Leo asked.

"How about if we have date nights?" Jesse suggested.

"Date nights?" Leo asked.

"Yeah, maybe every Wednesday and Friday night we can drop off Liam at Kurt's place or my parents' place and we can do stuff together, just the two of us. What do you think?" Jesse asked.

"I don't know about every Wednesday and Friday night," Leo said. "I don't exactly have a set work schedule."

"Well I think we should set aside two nights a week that we HAVE to go out together," Jesse said.

"Yeah, but like I said, I don't know if that will always be possible," Leo said. "Why don't we just try and spend more time together?"

"You say that all the time and it gets us nowhere," Jesse said quietly under his breath. He then just simply replied, "Forget the date nights then, it was obviously a bad idea."

Back in LA, Kurt put Liam to bed and read him a book so he would fall asleep. Ryan peeked in on them and admired how cute Kurt was as he read softly to Liam. After fifteen minutes of reading, Liam drifted off to sleep and Kurt quietly walked out of the bedroom. When he closed the door behind him Ryan wrapped his arms around Kurt.

"You are amazing," Ryan said sweetly. "I love seeing you with Liam."

"You're pretty good with him too," Kurt replied.

"So we're really going to consider adoption?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah," Kurt replied with certainty. "I think we'd be pretty great parents together."

"We would," Ryan agreed.

"We'll do some research on it tomorrow," Kurt said. "For tonight, how about we go to the bedroom and do some `stuff'." Kurt gave Ryan a seductive smile.

"What kind of `stuff'?" Ryan asked playing dumb.

"I think you know what kind of `stuff'," Kurt replied as they headed to the bedroom.

"I'm not sure," Ryan smiled. "You may have to lead me through it."

"I think I can do that," Kurt said as they closed the door to their bedroom."

Up in Santa Barbara, after Leo and Jesse checked into their room they started to unpack their bags. They were both quiet with one another, it seems that neither one knew how to act with each other without Liam being with them to distract them. Jesse picked up a pamphlet of activities the hotel provided.

"We can take a tour of a wine vineyard," Jesse suggested.

"Yeah because that's a place I would want to go to as a former alcoholic," Leo replied.

"Forget that then," Jesse said turning the page, "We can play golf. They have a great golf course here."

"When have you and I ever played golf?" Leo asked.

"Or," Jesse said turning the page again, "We can book a couple of massages at the spa."

"And pay three hundred dollars to have someone poke my back for an hour? No thanks," Leo said.

"Well, instead of shooting down all my suggestions, why don't you think of something," Jesse shot back.

"I'm sorry," Leo said. "I'm just a little uptight right now. Let me just unwind a bit and I'll be fine."

"Fine," Jesse said. "I'm going to take a shower."

"Okay," Leo said.

Jesse went into the bathroom and closed the door as Leo went out on the balcony and looked at the view. They had an ocean view room so all he saw was darkness since it was past nine-thirty. He sat down on a chair on the balcony and felt the wind on his face. He took a deep breath to try and relax, but all he could think of was Liam and work. He reached into his pocket to grab his Blackberry, but he remembered that Jesse took it from him. Leo went back inside the room and looked to make sure the bathroom door was closed. He then began to go through Jesse's things to find his Blackberry. After digging through Jesse's things he finally found it and turned it on. He felt relief wash over him as he held the Blackberry in his hand. When his phone came on he saw that he had five messages from his agent and from the producers he was working for and he proceeded to message them back. He then placed a call into Kurt to see how Liam was doing.

"Hello?" Kurt asked answering the phone. He sounded out of breath.

"Kurt, it's me," Leo said.

"Oh hey. How's Santa Barbara?" Kurt asked.

"Fine I guess," Leo replied. "How's everything? How's Liam?"

"He's great, he's asleep," Kurt replied trying to catch his breath.

"Is everything okay?" Leo asked. "You sound weird."

"You just kind of caught me in the middle of something," Kurt replied.

"Oh, what were you doing?" Leo asked.

"Everything is fine," Ryan said equally out of breath as he took the phone from Kurt, "Stop worrying and enjoy your weekend. We'll call you tomorrow."

Ryan then hung up the phone so him and Kurt could get back to one another. It took Leo a minute to process what it was that Kurt and Ryan were doing. He then went back to messaging his agent. Before Leo could put his Blackberry away Jesse came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. Leo quickly hid the Blackberry in his back pocket.

"How was your shower?" Leo asked.

"It was fine," Jesse replied. Jesse then went to his bag to get some clothes, but Leo didn't want to risk Jesse realizing the Blackberry was gone so he quickly went up to him and started kissing him.

"You don't need clothes right now," Leo said. "Let's have sex."

"Seriously?" Jesse asked.

"Yeah, let's do it," Leo said quickly.

"Don't have to ask me twice," Jesse said as he wrapped his arms around Leo. Leo wrapped one arm around Jesse and with his other arm he took the Blackberry out of his back pocket and tried to slip it back into Jesse's bag, but before he could the Blackberry started ringing. Jesse broke the kiss and looked at Leo's free hand holding the Blackberry.

"What's going on?" Jesse asked.

"Whoa, how did this get in my hand?" Leo asked hoping he could `cute' his way out of trouble.

"Did you seriously try using sex with me just to get your phone out of the bag?" Jesse asked.

"No," Leo said hesitantly. "I already had it, I was trying to put the Blackberry back in your bag."

"You know," Jesse said putting on a pair of boxers and a pair of jeans. "I'm not in the mood anymore and obviously you weren't either."

"No, I was," Leo said.

"No, you were just trying to distract me to get your phone," Jesse said. "When was the last time you actually wanted to have sex with me?"

"I always do," Leo said. "I just don't always have time."

"That's bullshit," Jesse said. "You can make time for it."

"Jesse, I try," Leo said. "I really try."

"No you don't," Jesse said. "Look at now, you can't even put your phone away for one weekend to spend time with me. I don't deserve this."

"I know," Leo said looking down.

"I've been a great husband to you," Jesse said.

"I know," Leo said again.

"Why can't you just put your work aside for one weekend?" Jesse asked. "For me."

"Because I've worked so hard to get my career to where it's at now," Leo said. "I can't just push it aside."

"You've become a workaholic," Jesse said. "When did this happen? Have you consumed yourself in work so you don't have to deal with our failing relationship?"

"Excuse me?" Leo asked.

"If you don't want to be in this anymore, just say so," Jesse said.

"What?" Leo asked.

"If I am just too much of a hassle for you to deal with then just say so and I'm gone," Jesse snapped.

"Jesse, I love you," Leo said. "It's not a question of that. I just have so much going on right now."

"So do a lot of people," Jesse said. "But they make the time for the ones they love."

"Do you not think I love you?" Leo asked.

"You have a hell of a way of showing it if you do," Jesse replied.

"Jesse, I love you more than anything in this world," Leo said. "You are everything to me. I'm sorry I can't always be there to express it to you, but I do."

"Fine," Jesse sighed, "Maybe you do love me...but maybe love just isn't enough." Jesse then reached into his bag and took out a small gift wrapped box and tossed it to Leo. "I got this for you. I'm going for a walk." Jesse then grabbed a t-shirt and shoes and left the hotel room.

Leo sat down on the bed and opened the gift. It was a beautiful silver frame with a picture of him, Jesse and Liam inside. Leo smiled to himself, he really did love Jesse, but what if Jesse was right, what if love isn't enough?

Two hours passed before Jesse returned to the hotel room. Leo was awake and waiting for him.

"So I guess we should talk," Leo said.

"Yeah," Jesse sighed. "I think so."

The day Ryan and Kurt were playing with Liam in the living room. As Kurt was playing with Liam he imagined how fun it would be if it were his own child he was playing with. He knew he wanted to discuss the idea of adopting with Ryan, but suddenly he became sure of what he wanted.

"Let's do it," Kurt said to Ryan with a smile.

"Do what?" Ryan asked.

"Lets adopt," Kurt replied.

"You mean it?" Ryan asked smiling.

"Yeah," Kurt replied. "I think now more than ever we are ready to be parents."

"I think so too," Ryan said giving Kurt a kiss. "So we're really going to do this?"

"Yeah," Kurt replied. "We're going to adopt!"

"I love you," Ryan said sweetly.

"I love you too," Kurt smiled. Their happiness was interrupted however, when there was a knock on the front door. When Kurt answered it he was surprised to see Leo.

"What are you doing here?" Kurt asked. "I thought you and Jesse weren't coming back until tomorrow."

"Change of plans," Leo said.

"What happened?" Kurt asked, he saw the sad look on Leo's face and already knew the answer.

"We broke-up," Leo replied.


Two months passed and Christmas was quickly approaching. It's been a long two months for Leo and Jesse. After they broke-up, Jesse moved into a loft in Pasadena while Leo stayed at the house. Liam would spend weekdays with Jesse while Leo had him on weekends. It was a less than ideal situation. Neither one of them thought they would ever break-up. No one was more surprised by the break-up than Kurt and Ryan. Kurt still was having trouble writing his book and his publishers were anxiously awaiting to get some pages to read. With Leo and Jesse broken up Kurt began to wonder if he should even write a book about them since the happy ending he was hoping to write about didn't come true. After Ryan moved back to California, he thought that he could help the two of them get back together, but Jesse didn't want to. He was too hurt by the fact that Leo chose his career over him.

It was a Tuesday evening and Kurt and Leo were at the mall together doing some Christmas shopping.

"So what are you getting Ryan?" Leo asked.

"I bought him a computer for his office at the university," Kurt said.

"That's nice," Leo replied.

"I've been meaning to ask you," Kurt brought up, "Will you be okay with Jesse coming over for Christmas dinner?"

"You invited him?" Leo asked.

"Ryan did," Kurt replied. "They are best friends and all."

"I guess that's fine," Leo sighed.

"Have you two talked at all?" Kurt asked.

"No," Leo replied. "I just pick Liam up on Friday evening and drop him back off Monday morning."

"Don't you think you should at least attempt to talk to him?" Kurt asked.

"What's the point?" Leo asked. "He still thinks I'm a workaholic and I can't do anything about that."

"You can not work as much," Kurt suggested.

"I can't slack off," Leo said. "You know how many up and coming screenwriters would swoop in my place?"

"So you're really choosing your work over Jesse, huh?" Kurt asked. "That doesn't seem like you."

"I love Jesse," Leo said. "But he said it best, sometimes love isn't enough."

"And sometimes it is," Kurt retorted. "Look at Ryan and me. Him and I had everything going against us. He lived in New York, I lived in LA, he wanted kids, I didn't, we were total opposites, but we made it work because we love each other."

"It's different with Jesse and me," Leo replied. "Can you just drop the subject, please?"

"Fine," Kurt said. "I'm sorry."

"Thank you," Leo said as they went back to shopping.

"You going to buy Jesse anything?" Kurt asked.

"How is that dropping the subject?" Leo asked.

"Sorry," Kurt said quickly.

Meanwhile, Ryan was over at Jesse's place picking up a letter of recommendation that Jesse wrote for him and Kurt to help them adopt.

"Thanks so much for doing this," Ryan said as Jesse handed him the letter.

"Of course," Jesse replied. "Besides, you and Kurt both wrote Leo and me a great letter of recommendation to the adoption agency when we were in the process of adopting Liam."

"I can't believe how long of a process it is to adopt," Ryan said. "You would think that these adoption places would want to hurry and find good homes for these kids."

"They do, but they also want to make sure they get them to good people," Jesse replied. "I know it's a daunting experience, but once you finally hold your kid in your arms, it's one hundred percent worth it."

"So how are you doing?" Ryan asked concerned.

"I'm fine," Jesse shrugged. "It's just going to be a rough holiday season this year."

"You know you can always call up Leo," Ryan suggested.

"You know that's not going to happen," Jesse replied.

"Why not?" Ryan asked. "He loves you."

"Yeah, but he loves his career more," Jesse replied.

"You haven't even filed to end your domestic partnership with Leo," Ryan said. "Which obviously means that you're hoping you'll get back together."

"I'm not filing to end it because Leo is on my company's insurance which he needs," Jesse said.

"He can afford his own insurance," Ryan said. "Just admit that you still care about him."

"Of course I still care about him," Jesse said. "But if he wants to give us second chance he has to prove that I'm important to him."

"A second chance?" Ryan asked. "Jesse, I think you and Leo will be going on round four or five. Face it, you two have never been able to escape each other. You'll get back together."

"I wouldn't be so sure this time," Jesse replied. "Leo isn't the same man he used to be."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ryan asked.

"He used to be fun and outgoing," Jesse said. "He used to always be up for a good time and always live life to the fullest. Now he's different."

"He's grown up," Ryan tried reasoning.

"No, he's changed and not for the better," Jesse said. "He's lost the fun in him and with it the spark him and I used to have."

"Well I still think you two will get back together," Ryan said.

"You only think that because you're a romantic," Jesse said.

"You are too," Ryan pointed out.

"Not as much as I used to be," Jesse said. "After losing everything with Leo I feel that it's bullshit."

"I hope you realize you're going to be seeing him on Christmas," Ryan said.

"I figured," Jesse replied.

"Will you be okay with that?" Ryan asked.

"Sure," Jesse shrugged. "I guess so."

Christmas day quickly came and Ryan and Kurt were both busy in the kitchen cooking Christmas dinner. Leo arrived first and about ten minutes later Jesse came with Liam. Leo quickly hugged Liam and went to open some presents with him. When Leo and Jesse approached one another they both civilly wished each other a Merry Christmas and walked away from each other.

"There's a surprise guest coming tonight," Kurt said trying to ease the tension.

"Who?" Leo asked as he helped Liam open up his present he got him.

"Luke," Kurt replied.

"Oh my God," Leo said surprised. "Really?"

"Yeah, he's coming here with his boyfriend," Kurt replied.

"He has a boyfriend?" Leo asked.

"Yeah," Kurt replied not sure if Leo was upset or happy about the news. Jesse couldn't help but feel the urge to comfort Leo, he knew what a touchy subject it was to talk about anything close to Nick.

"You okay?" Jesse asked.

"Fine," Leo replied quickly, "I think it's great. It'll be great to see him and meet his new boyfriend."

"Well, he's not exactly a new boyfriend," Kurt said. "They've been together for a few years now."

"Wow," Leo said.

"Yeah," Kurt replied. "He moved on."

"It's been a long time," Leo said. "He deserves to be happy."

"Yeah, I know," Kurt replied. "I just can't get past the idea of Luke with anyone other than Nick."

"Will you two be okay?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah," Leo said. "It'll be great to see him. It was good of you to invite him."

"I just didn't think he'd bring his boyfriend along too," Kurt shrugged. Before they could talk anymore there was a knock on the door. It will be the first time Kurt and Leo have seen Luke since he left LA to move to San Diego. As Kurt walked towards the front door he remembered the time when Nick told him and Leo of his plans to move to San Diego with Luke, he only wished that Nick's life wasn't cut short so he was able to make the move...


"You're moving to San Diego?" Kurt asked in shock as Nick, Leo and him were all sitting down for breakfast together at Nick's place.

"Yeah," Nick replied. "Luke got a job promotion there and asked me to go with him."

"Oh my God," Leo said stunned. "I can't believe it."

"You guys, it's only a couple hours away," Nick reasoned, "We drove for three hours every week up to visit Leo when he was in rehab."

"But that was only temporary," Kurt said. "This is indefinitely."

"I know it's a big change," Nick said, "But this is really what I want to do. I love Luke and I want to be with him. Besides, if we move it will also hopefully get Wayne off our backs."

"That's true," Kurt said. "But still, it's a huge change for all of us. We've been here together for so long."

"What are you doing with your apartment?" Leo asked.

"I'm going to sublet it," Nick replied.

"I just thought we were coming here for breakfast, I didn't know you were also serving a side of life changing decisions," Leo said.

"Nick, don't think we aren't happy you and Luke are back together, because we are," Kurt began, "It's just-"

"Have you thought this decision through all the way?" Leo asked finishing Kurt's sentence.

"You guys I've been thinking this over for the past two weeks and every time I think it through I come up with the same answer," Nick said. "I want to do this and I would really like the support of my two best friends."

"Then of course we'll support you," Kurt said. "It's just going to be very sad for us."

"You're breaking the group up," Leo half-joked, wanting to make Nick feel a little bad for leaving him and Kurt.

"I'm sorry," Nick said, "I love you both so much, but I really think this is best for me."


When Kurt opened the door he saw Luke's familiar, warm, smiling face.

"Hey you," Luke beamed wrapping his arms around Kurt tightly. "It's great to see you."

"Really great seeing you too," Kurt replied happily. He then looked next to him and saw another man standing quietly. He was an attractive man and for a split second he thought he was looking at Nick for the man had similar features to him. He had the same kind eyes that Nick had and the gentle smile. After Kurt and Luke finished hugging he introduced his boyfriend.

"Kurt, I want you to meet Shane," Luke said.

"Hi," Kurt smiled, not sure to be happy or sad as he shook Shane's hand.

"It's nice to meet you," Shane said. "Luke was telling me a lot about you as we drove up here."

"Come on in," Kurt said. Luke and Shane entered the house. Leo, Jesse and Ryan were waiting for them in the living room.

"Guys, this is Shane," Kurt said introducing him to everyone. Kurt and Leo were both hesitant towards warming up to Shane. They wanted to like him, but couldn't help but feel that he was taking the place of their best friend in Luke's life.

Later that evening Jesse and Ryan were talking with Luke and Shane in the living room as Kurt and Leo were getting dinner ready in the kitchen and talking about Luke and Shane.

"He seems happy," Leo noted.

"Yeah," Kurt replied.

"Shane's a nice guy," Leo said.

"I guess so," Kurt replied. "He's no Nick."

"No one ever will be," Leo said.

"But he does seem to make Luke happy," Kurt sighed.

"Yeah," Leo said.

"Can I be completely honest?" Kurt asked.

"You wish he wasn't so happy," Leo said knowing that it's what Kurt was thinking.

"I know it's horrible," Kurt said hating himself for even thinking such a selfish thing. "I mean, I am happy for Luke. I'm really happy for him that he's found someone, but a small part of me was hoping that he was still hurting over Nick the same way we are."

"You don't think I still hurt over Nick?" Luke asked standing in the entryway to the kitchen.

Kurt and Leo both looked up shocked to see Luke, they didn't want him to hear what they were talking about.

"Luke, I'm sorry," Kurt said. "You must think I'm an asshole."

"No, I don't," Luke said walking into the kitchen and standing next to them. "I understand. You two were Nick's best friend, I knew that it would be hard for you two to see me with someone else."

"Don't get us wrong," Leo said. "Shane is a nice guy. We like him a lot. It's just different for us to see you with someone else."

"I know," Luke said. "And let me tell you something; not a day goes by where I don't think of him."

"Yeah?" Kurt asked.

"Of course," Luke said, "Nick the love of my life. I will always love him and I miss him. He was the most amazing man I ever knew and I will love him forever, I promise. Just because I'm with someone new doesn't mean that Nick didn't mean the world to me."

Kurt and Leo didn't say anything, they both just stood in front of Luke with tears in their eyes. They realized that they weren't the only ones who still couldn't fully get over Nick's death.

"He was a pretty great guy," Kurt remembered.

"Even though he pissed me off half the time," Leo smiled.

"I don't want you two to worry," Luke said. "I will never forget Nick. He's always with me."

"Thanks for telling us that," Kurt said giving Luke a hug. The three of them all hugged each other tightly.

"Well let's eat," Leo said.

During dinner Kurt and Leo warmed up to Shane and saw he was a really good guy and he made their friend Luke happy which was all that mattered. After dinner Luke and Shane were getting ready to leave. As Leo was saying goodbye to Luke he couldn't help but wonder about something he said earlier.

"Hey Luke, when you were talking to Kurt and me in the kitchen I couldn't help but wonder about something you said," Leo said.

"What's that?" Luke asked.

"You said that Nick IS the love of your life," Leo replied. "You still think he is even though you're with someone else?"

"Yeah," Luke nodded. "I think that in life you can get many great loves, but you only get one love of your life and I know Nick was mine. Finding that one person is hard, but when it happens, you have to hold on to that person and do everything to make it last."

Leo didn't know what to say, he looked over at Jesse who was saying goodbye to Shane and realized that he just recently broke-up with the love of his life.

After Luke and Shane left, Jesse grabbed his coat and Liam's coat to head out as well.

"Well I have to get this little guy to bed," Jesse said picking up Liam. "Thanks for a nice night. Merry Christmas."

"I'll call you later," Ryan said giving Jesse a hug.

"Bye boys," Kurt said giving Liam and Jesse a hug.

"I'll see you Friday when you pick up Liam," Jesse said to Leo.

"Okay," Leo nodded.

"Merry Christmas Leo," Jesse said.

"Merry Christmas," Leo replied with a detection of sadness in his voice. After Jesse and Liam left Leo sat down on the couch in the living room and buried his face in his hands.

"You okay?" Kurt asked.

"Yeah," Leo sighed. "It's just not a very merry Christmas."

"Go talk to him," Kurt encouraged. "Catch him before he leaved."

"Yeah, you're right," Leo said getting up and rushing out the door. He ran up to Jesse who was busy putting Liam in his car seat. "Jesse, can I talk to you?"

"What is it?" Jesse asked.

"I just wanted to say-" Leo said trying to find the right way to say it. He couldn't believe that he could write award winning scripts, but in his own life he can't come up with the right dialogue to tell Jesse that he misses him.

"Say what?" Jesse asked hopeful that maybe Leo was indeed changing for the better.

"I wanted to say that I mis-" Leo began, but was cut off by his Blackberry ringing. "Sorry, this will just take a minute." He began to message back his agent when Jesse got inside his car.

"I don't have time for this," Jesse said in frustration because he saw that Leo wouldn't change. "I'll see you Friday when you pick up Liam." He then drove off leaving Leo feeling horrible for the way he left things between the two of them.


Another three months passed. Kurt and Ryan have applied to adopt a baby, and the adoption agency was going to send someone to evaluate them and their home to make sure it's a good environment for a child. Jesse was toying with the idea of begin the legal proceedings to end his marriage to Leo, but he couldn't bring himself to do it just yet. Leo sold another script and was busier than ever writing and re-writing to please the studios and producers of the films.

"So how are you doing?" Jesse asked Ryan as the two of them ate lunch together at a café near Jesse's work.

"Anxious," Ryan replied taking a bite of his sandwich. "At two today a woman from the adoption agency is coming over to evaluate Kurt and me."

"You guys will be fine," Jesse assured him. "She'll love you guys."

"I hope so, and if all goes well then we'll just have to sit back and wait for someone to choose Kurt and me to be parents," Ryan said.

"The waiting is definitely the hardest part of adopting," Jesse said. "You always hope that every time the phone rings that it will be the people at the agency telling you that you're going to be parents."

"I don't know how Leo and you did it," Ryan said.

"We just kept picturing how happy we would be once we had a kid and started a family," Jesse said. "Too bad it didn't quite work out the way we pictured it. How's Leo doing?"

"I don't know," Ryan said. "Kurt and I hardly see him.

I think you're right, he has changed a lot."

"I told you," Jesse said. "He's not the same man he used to be."

"I think that he'll come around," Ryan said. "It probably hasn't totally sunk into him yet. Once he sees that he might lose you forever, he'll come around."

"There you go being romantic again," Jesse said. "Life doesn't work that way. He's not going to change."

You don't know that," Ryan said.

"Yes I do," Jesse said. "I've known him for a long time."

"Yeah, but you also said he's a different person, so you really don't know if he'll change or not," Ryan pointed out.

"Just don't hold your breath," Jesse said. "I think the Leo I loved is gone forever."

"I hope not," Ryan replied.

"Well I'm moving on," Jesse said. "I have a date tonight."

"A date?" Ryan asked surprised. "With who?"

"This guy from work," Jesse replied. "His name's Patrick."

"Does Leo know?" Ryan asked.

"No," Jesse replied. "And he doesn't need to. It's just a date. It's not serious or anything."

"I can't believe you're going on a date with someone," Ryan said.

"I have to," Jesse said. "If I just sit and wait for Leo to come back to me then I'm going to be waiting forever. I need to do this."

"I guess," Ryan sighed not sure if he liked the idea of Jesse dating someone.

After lunch Ryan rushed home. Kurt was busy cleaning up the house to make it spotless for when the woman from the agency comes. Ryan went to the kitchen and began to make some snacks for the evaluation.

At exactly two o'clock there was a knock on their door. It was show time.

"You ready?" Ryan asked Kurt giving him a kiss.

"I hope so," Kurt said taking a deep breath. Ryan then went and answered the door. The woman was in her mid-forties, she had light brown hair that was pulled back into a tight bun and was wearing a dark brown suit. Her black framed glasses gave her an almost librarian-type look.

"Hi, I'm Ryan Sanchez," Ryan said extending his hand to shake hers.

"Judy Hawkings," she answered firmly shaking his hand.

"Please come in," Ryan said opening the door up for her to enter. She walked in and immediately scanned the house.

"Nice home," Judy said and wrote something down on a notepad she was carrying in her hand.

"Thank you," Ryan said as they entered the living room. Kurt was standing there anxiously waiting. "This is my partner, Kurt Parker."

"It's nice to meet you," Kurt said shaking her hand. "Can I get you something to drink? Ice tea maybe?"

"Ice tea would be great," Judy replied.

Kurt quickly went to pour her a glass and they sat down on the couch in the living room together to talk.

"Are you two a couple recognized by the state?" Judy asked.

"No," Ryan replied.

"I see," Judy said writing something down on her notepad. Kurt and Ryan both exchanged a look with one another, they weren't sure if she was writing something good or bad.

"But we're in this relationship for the long haul," Ryan said.

"Yeah, we have a long, complicated history together," Kurt added.

"Complicated?" Judy asked, "Would you mind expanding on that?"

"We just had to overcome a lot to be together," Ryan replied. "But trust us, we're going to stay together."

"Good optimistic attitude to have," Judy said writing another note on her notepad. "Do you two plan to become registered as domestic partners?"

Kurt and Ryan both looked at one another, not sure how to answer that. It was no secret that Kurt didn't have any desire to marry, but since he changed his mind about children, he might change his mind about that as well.

"We may do that at some point in the future," Ryan said.

"But we've been together for so long now that it's not something we feel is absolutely necessary," Kurt added. "We don't need to be recognized by the state to prove that we love each other." "All right. So tell me about your work situations." Judy said.

"I'm a professor at UCLA," Ryan said.

"Impressive," Judy nodded. "How about you Kurt?"

"I'm an author," Kurt said as he wiped his sweaty palms on his pants.

"What kind of books do you write?" Judy asked curious.

"Erotic novels," Kurt joked trying to lighten up the mood. It didn't work however, Judy raised an eyebrow and pursed her lips, clearly not amused.

"He's kidding," Ryan said quickly.

"Yeah, it was just a bad joke," Kurt added feeling stupid.

"I see," Judy said writing yet another note on her notepad. "Is that the kind of sense of humor you normally have?"

"No," Kurt said quickly, "I don't have a vulgar sense of humor. I have a very g-rated sense of humor. I don't say stuff like that around kids."

"He doesn't," Ryan defended.

"Okay," Judy said taking a sip of her ice tea. "Well how about we take a look around the house?"

"Good idea," Ryan said as they all got up to walk upstairs. As Kurt walked along with them he kept silent and let Ryan do the talking, he felt that if he said another word he would ruin it for both him and Ryan.

A little later, Leo arrived at Jesse's place to pick up Liam for the weekend. Even though he's done the same routine every week for months he still got nervous every time he knocked on the door. He had a whole mix of feelings when he saw Jesse.

"Come on in," Jesse said opening the door. "I'm just finishing packing Liam's things."

Leo walked in and quietly waiting by the front door, he didn't know what to say to Jesse or what kind of small talk to make.

"So how you doing?" Jesse asked being civil.

"Fine," Leo replied. "Busy."

"Of course," Jesse said.

"How about you?" Leo asked as Liam came out of the bedroom and rushed into Leo's arms.

"I'm good," Jesse answered. Leo then noticed that Jesse was wearing a nice button up shirt with black slacks and loafers.

"You look nice," Leo said. "You going somewhere?"

"Um...yeah," Jesse replied quickly, he didn't want to get into the subject with Leo.

"Where are you going?" Leo asked.

"Just out to dinner," Jesse said.

"Business dinner?" Leo asked.

"Um, it's kind of," Jesse said hesitantly.

"A date?" Leo asked shocked.

"Yeah," Jesse replied. "Just a dinner, nothing big."

"I see," Leo said feeling jealous. Jesse then handed Leo Liam's overnight back. "Well we should go so you can go on your date."

"Do you want to stay and talk about it?" Jesse asked sincerely concerned.

"No," Leo said. "It's fine. Have fun." Leo then quickly left with Liam not wanting to show how upset he was about it in front of Jesse.

Back at Kurt and Ryan's house, after the tour of the house they went back in the living room and sat down with Judy for some more questions.

"So Ryan, you're a dad already, correct?" Judy asked looking over her file on the two of them.

"Yes," Ryan replied. "I have a daughter. She's in 6th grade and lives with her mother in Florida."

"How often do you see her?" Judy asked.

"She stays with me during summer and one weekend a month I fly out to Florida to see her," Ryan replied.

"I see," Judy said taking notes. "How about you Kurt? Have you always wanted to be a father?"

"Um...," Kurt said at first not knowing how he should answer the question. Should he lie and say he always wanted to or should he tell the truth? "Well, it's complicated."

"Another complicated situation huh?" Judy asked.

"Well," Kurt said trying to find a good way to tell the truth, "You see, I used to be very if-y about children."

"How so?" Judy asked.

"I used to be really nervous around them," Kurt said. "I didn't think I would ever be a good father."

"Interesting," Judy said writing on her notepad.

"But that was a long time ago," Ryan interjected trying to help Kurt look good.

"Yeah," Kurt added. "It was when I was a lot younger and stupid. I love kids now."

"He does," Ryan said. "You should see him with our best friends' kid. He's great with him."

"Oh?" Judy asked.

"Yeah, our two best friends adopted," Ryan said. Let me show you some pictures. Ryan quickly grabbed a photo album from the coffee table and showed Judy pictures of Leo and Jesse with Liam and most importantly pictures of Kurt with Liam so she can see how good he is with him. "Kurt is great with their son. He loves him so much."

Judy didn't say anything, she just looked at the photos and examined them closely. She then looked up at Kurt and Ryan and was trying to get a sense of who they really are and how good of parents they will be.

"Well, I'll be in touch," Judy said getting up. "It was nice meeting you both."

"You too," Kurt said he then looked down on the ground feeling as if he completely blew the evaluation.

"Can I just say one more thing?" Ryan asked.

"Certainly," Judy replied.

"We know adoption is a big commitment," Ryan said. "We know how important it is for you to put a child with a couple who will raise him or her in a good environment. All I'm trying to say is that, Kurt and I are really caring people. You won't find two better people who will do everything they can to raise the child in a loving environment."

Judy took a moment to process what Ryan said and then a small smile formed on her face. "You know, usually we're a little hesitant when it comes to same sex couples. We have many people who feel that a child is best raised in a home with a mother and a father."

"So what are you saying?" Ryan asked worried.

"I like you two," Judy said. "And even though you aren't the conventional couple we usually look for, I feel that you two have a good home and will make great parents."

"Really?" Kurt asked smiling.

"I'll be in touch with you two," Judy said as she left.

"Thank you," Ryan said gratefully. "Thank you so much."

"Have a good day," Judy said as Ryan closed the door behind her. Ryan and Kurt both smiled and wrapped their arms around one another kissing each other deeply.

The next day, Ryan and Kurt were sitting in the living room doing work. Ryan was grading papers for his class while Kurt was still trying to write an ending for his book.

"Do you think it's a good idea to write about Leo and Jesse?" Ryan asked.

"Just because they didn't last doesn't mean they didn't have a good story to tell," Kurt replied. "Besides, part of me is hoping that maybe they'll read the book and see they belong together."

"Hopefully by then Jesse hasn't fully moved on," Ryan said.

"What are you talking about?" Kurt asked.

"Jesse went on a date last night," Ryan replied.

"He did?!" Kurt asked. "Does Leo know?"

"No," Ryan replied. Kurt's cell phone started ringing, it was Leo.

"What's up Leo?" Kurt asked.

"Did you know Jesse went on a date last night?" Leo asked.

Kurt then whispered to Ryan, "So much for Leo not knowing." He then gave his attention back to Leo. "I just found out now."

"He's moved on," Leo complained.

"Well you two aren't together anymore," Kurt said.

"I know, but I always figured we would get together eventually," Leo said.

"I'm sorry Leo," Kurt said. "You want me to come over and keep you company?"

"No," Leo replied. "I have some work I should be doing anyway."

"Are you sure?" Kurt asked.

"Yeah," Leo replied. "I'll be fine. Sorry to bother you."

When Leo hung up the phone he went to his computer to start working on a new script he was writing. As he was writing he kept thinking about Jesse and everything they went through together. Did he really lose Jesse forever?


Two more months passed. Kurt and Ryan were put on the list of hopeful parents and were now just waiting to get a call from the agency telling them that they had a baby for them. Ryan finished his first year of teaching at UCLA and loved every second of it. Kurt still didn't have an ending for his book. Jesse never went on a second date with Patrick, instead he just focused his attention on raising Liam. Leo was still busy as ever, although he always thought of Jesse.

It was late at night and Leo laid awake in bed. It was lonely in the house with Jesse and Liam gone. He looked at the clock next to the bed and saw that it was nearly two in the morning. Sleepless nights became a common thing for Leo since him and Jesse broke up.

Finally he couldn't resist the urge any longer, he called up Jesse.

"Hello?" Jesse asked groggily as he picked up the phone.

"It's me," Leo replied.

"Hey," Jesse said. "It's late. Everything okay?"

"I guess so," Leo replied. "I was just thinking."

"Oh yeah? About what?" Jesse asked.

"You," Leo replied.

"Oh yeah?" Jesse asked.

"I was thinking about that night before you moved to Chicago, remember?" Leo asked.

"Oh yeah," Jesse replied. "I remember. That was an incredible night."

"Remember how I tore off your shirt?" Leo asked closing his eyes to remember the night.

"Yes," Jesse replied

"Remember the way you put my legs over your shoulders?" Leo asked.

"Oh yeah," Jesse sighed as he slowly began to touch himself.

The next morning Leo went over to Kurt and Ryan's place.

"What's up?" Kurt asked opening the door for him.

"Jesse and I had phone sex last night," Leo replied.

"Come in," Kurt said knowing that this was definitely a conversation they needed to have over coffee. Kurt poured Leo a big cup of coffee and they sat down at the kitchen table.

"Where's Ryan?" Leo asked.

"He's at the university." Kurt replied. "So what happened?"

"Last night at around two AM I called him and we had phone sex," Leo said.

"What does that mean?" Kurt asked.

"I don't know," Leo replied. "Afterwards we just said bye and hung-up."

"Are you two going to get back together?" Kurt asked.

"I don't know," Leo replied.

"You should talk to him," Kurt said.

"I know, I'm going to go to his office after my meeting this afternoon," Leo replied as he began to send a text to his manager.

"Well I think this is a good thing," Kurt said. "You two have been apart for too long."

"Let's not jump to conclusions," Leo said.

"All I'm saying is that he might want to get back together with you since he didn't stop the phone sex," Kurt brought up.

"But he didn't initiate it," Leo said. "I did. Maybe he was just being polite."

"I don't think participating in phone sex is being polite," Kurt laughed.

"I just don't want to get my hopes up," Leo sighed.

Before Kurt could say anything his phone began to ring. Kurt froze, he wondered if it was the adoption agency. Everyday he hoped and prayed it would be the day when him and Ryan got the phone call that some pregnant girl has chosen them to be the parents to her child.

"Are you going to answer it?" Leo asked looking at the ringing phone.

"Right, sorry," Kurt said as he picked up the phone and answered, "Hello?"

Leo saw the hopeful look on Kurt's face quickly fall away. After a couple minutes on the phone Kurt hung up.

"Talk about getting ones hopes up," Kurt sighed. "It was just my mom."

"Don't worry Kurt," Leo said. "Someone will choose you and Ryan."

"I just hate waiting like this," Kurt replied. "I can't do anything but wait."

"I know," Leo said. "It's horrible waiting, but you'll get that phone call soon enough."

"Yeah," Kurt nodded hopeful.

"Well I should get going," Leo said. "Thanks for the talk."

"No problem," Kurt replied. He then couldn't help but ask, "So, how is phone sex?"

"You've never done it?" Leo asked.

"No," Kurt replied.

"Well, are you and Ryan vocal in bed?" Leo asked.

"Yeah," Kurt answered.

"Then you'd be great at it," Leo smiled. "I'll see you."

"Thanks. Good luck with Jesse," Kurt said as Leo headed out. Kurt then sat alone at the table holding the phone in his hand and praying that he would get the call soon.

That afternoon after Leo got done with his meetings he went to Jesse's office to talk to him. When he walked into his office Jesse was on the phone. When Jesse looked up to see Leo he gave a brief smile and gestured for him to come in and sit down. After a couple more minutes on the phone Jesse hung up.

"Sorry," Jesse said. "I was on the phone with a client."

"It's fine," Leo replied. "How are you?"

"Honestly, a little tired," Jesse replied. "I got a late phone call." Leo felt relief when he saw a slight smile on Jesse's face.

"Sorry about that," Leo said. "I was just thinking about you."

"I've been thinking about you too," Jesse replied.

"I think about you a lot," Leo said. "Everyday."

"You too," Jesse said. "Is this what you wanted to talk about?"

"No...well, yes," Leo replied. "I miss you. Do you think we can maybe talk about giving us another shot?"

"I don't know," Jesse replied. "Has anything changed?"

"Well, you wanted more attention from me and here I am," Leo said. "I'm making the effort to come to you to try and work this out."

"Well, maybe we can talk about this over dinner," Jesse said. "I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind watching Liam for a little while longer."

"I can't go to dinner tonight," Leo said. "I have work to do."

"Of course you do," Jesse sighed disappointed. "This is who you are now."

"Don't bring up my work again," Leo said. "Look at me, I'm here making time for you."

"Only because we're not together," Jesse said. "I don't want to have to break-up with you in order to get some attention from you."

"I'm sorry," Leo said. "What more can I say?"

"It doesn't matter what you say," Jesse replied. "It's who you are now."

"What does that mean?" Leo asked.

"You've changed," Jesse replied. "You aren't the same man I fell in love with."

"Yes I am," Leo tried defending himself.

"No you aren't," Jesse said. "The Leo I love was full of life. You were spontaneous and always lived in the moment. You know why I enjoyed the phone sex last night? Because that's something the old Leo would have done, and I hoped that maybe you were finally getting back to being yourself."

"This is who I am now," Leo said. "I'm sorry if I'm not the Leo you fell in love with, but this is who I am."

"No, it's not," Jesse replied. "You are letting your work life rule you."

"I didn't come here to be psychoanalyzed," Leo said. "I came here because I miss you."

"And I miss you too," Jesse said. "But obviously nothing has changed."

"So what do you want me to do, quit my job?" Leo asked. "Stop writing?"

"No," Jesse said. "All I'm asking is that you make the time for us. But you're not willing to do that because you think you'll have to give up your career. You can't find a balance and you're too scared to try."

Leo didn't know what to say, because he knew that Jesse was right. He was afraid to try and slow down his work because he was afraid he'd lose his career if he did, he knew how he had the ability to lose control and he wasn't going to let that happen to him.

"I guess I should go," Leo said.

"I think so," Jesse sighed.

Leo slowly walked out of Jesse's office. He knew Jesse was right, but he also didn't know how to fix it without giving up everything he's worked so hard for.

A few weeks later, Kurt was sitting with his laptop in the kitchen trying once again to attempt to write to end to his story. He had realized that he was trying so hard to write a happy ending, but he's seen that not all great love stories have the happily ever after. So he started to write a different ending, an ending that wasn't so happy, an ending that was tragic and sad, but maybe that's what this book needed to let readers know...not all stories have a happy ending.

As he was writing Ryan came into the kitchen holding the phone in his hand.

"I just got off the phone with Jesse," Ryan said. "He's filing a motion to legally end his marriage to Leo."

"Oh no," Kurt sighed. "I feel so bad for them. I wish there was something we could do."

"Well, I spent the past hour trying to talk him out of it," Ryan said. "But he's pretty convinced that Leo will never change."

"This sucks," Kurt said. "They've come so far and it's all just falling apart."

"That's life sometimes," Ryan said. "Not everyone gets what they want."

"Yeah," Kurt sighed.

"I'm starting to feel like maybe we should be preparing ourselves for that lesson," Ryan said. "We still haven't heard from the adoption people."

"We just have to be patient," Kurt said. "It's only been a few months."

"We can be waiting forever," Ryan said. "You remember what Judy said? They usually look for a mother and a father. We're not exactly the choice couple."

"Look at Leo and Jesse," Kurt said. "They were just like us and they got Liam. Our baby is coming."

The next day Leo came over to Kurt and Ryan's place for dinner. He just received the papers from Jesse's lawyers to end their marriage earlier that day.

"I guess it's really over," Leo said sadly.

"It doesn't have to be," Ryan said. "You can change his mind."

"The only way I can change his mind is if I give up my career," Leo said. "It's not such an easy thing to do."

"I'm sure there's a way to give Jesse what he wants with out you giving up your job," Kurt said.

"I don't know what," Leo said. "I've tried thinking of something and couldn't come up with anything."

"You will," Ryan said trying to keep Leo positive. "It's not over between you and Jesse yet."

Their phone then began to ring and Kurt got up to answer the phone. As he was gone Leo confided in Ryan.

"So what has Jesse told you?" Leo asked. "Does he miss me?"

"Of course he does," Ryan replied. "But it's really up to you."

"How is it up to me?" Leo asked. "He's the one who's divorcing me."

"Yeah, but you can find a way to stop that," Ryan replied. "You can find a way to get him back."

As Leo thought of ways to win Jesse back, Kurt walked back into the dining room with a look of surprise on his face.

"Everything okay?" Ryan asked.

"I just got off the phone with the adoption people," Kurt replied.

"Oh my God," Ryan said trying not to get his hopes up, "And?"

Kurt looked into Ryan's eyes and they both had tears in them. He then smiled, "We're getting a baby."

"Seriously?" Ryan asked standing up and walking to Kurt.

"They're giving us a baby!" Kurt beamed wrapping his arms around Ryan tightly.

"Oh my God!" Ryan exclaimed kissing Kurt.

"That's great," Leo said putting aside his problems to share in their joy. He gave them both a big hug.

"What did they say?" Ryan asked.

"There's a teenager up in Washington who is six months pregnant and she chose us," Kurt replied.

Ryan and Kurt didn't know what else to say to each other, they were both too happy. They held each other tightly as they thought about their future as parents.

That night Leo went back to his house and paced back and forth in his bedroom. He was trying desperately to find a way to get Jesse back. He knew there had to be something he could do. He sat down on his bed and accidentally sat on his remote control and the television turned on. The hit sitcom `Young Love' was on. After a brief moment of watching the show he got an idea and quickly began to text his agent.


Another three months passed. It was the most exciting three months of Kurt and Ryan's life as they decorated their new baby's room and made sure everything in the house was prepared for the baby when they brought it home. Within those three months they also frequently met with the biological mother and worked out a closed-adoption with her. She didn't want to be an active member in the child's life, but she did want to make sure the child had a good home and she knew she picked the right couple when she met Kurt and Ryan.

When it was time for her to give birth, Kurt and Ryan flew up to Washington and were able to witness the birth of their daughter, who they named Jennie Rose. When they brought Jennie home, Kurt's mom and Ryan's dad both threw a big party to celebrate. They were both so excited to be grandparents.

Jesse has been trying to get Leo to sign the final papers to end their marriage, but Leo has been avoiding him. Jesse was about to call his lawyers, but Leo finally made contact with him and asked to meet him for dinner.

That night when Jesse arrived at the café they always used to go to Leo was sitting in a table near the back waiting for him.

"I was wondering when I would finally hear from you," Jesse said sitting down. "Did you sign the papers?"

"Yes," Leo replied.

"And you agree that we'll share 50/50 custody of Liam?" Jesse asked.

"Of course," Leo replied.

"Do you have the papers with you?" Jesse asked.

"I do," Leo said holding up a green folder. "I can give you this folder which has the papers in it, or I can give you this one." Leo then held up a red folder.

"What's that?" Jesse asked.

"See for yourself," Leo said handing the folder to Jesse. When Jesse opened the folder he saw a script.

"What's this?" Jesse asked.

"You know the sitcom, `Young Love?'" Leo asked.

"Yeah," Jesse replied. "What about it?"

"That's a script for an episode of the show," Leo explained. "I wrote it."

"You're writing for the tv show?" Jesse asked.

"Yeah," Leo replied. "I'm on the writing staff there."

"So what does that mean?" Jesse asked.

"It means that I have regular hours, I work ten months a year and then have two months off," Leo replied. "In other words, it's letting me have my career, but also letting me have time for you."

"You quit writing features?" Jesse asked.

"Yeah," Leo replied. "Working non-stop wasn't good. You were right, it changed who I was. I don't want to be that person. I want to be the fun, spontaneous person you fell in love with again."

"What are you saying?" Jesse asked.

"I'm saying that the Leo you fell in love with is back, if you'll still have me," Leo replied hopeful. "So which folder do you want?"

Jesse didn't say anything for a minute, he was processing everything that Leo said and wanted to be sure he heard him correctly. He then smiled warmly at Leo, "I'll take the red folder."

Leo smiled and leaned over the table and they kissed. It was the best kiss of their lives, it was full of love and forgiveness.

"I have one more thing for you," Leo said.

"What's that?" Jesse asked.

"Come with me," Leo said as the two got up and left the café.

They drove to the beach and walked down the pier together holding hands. When they reached the end of the pier Leo took out his Blackberry.

"Remember this thing?" Leo asked.

"Unfortunately I do," Jesse replied. Leo then threw the Blackberry into the ocean.

"No more," Leo said. "The Leo you love is officially back."

"Thank God," Jesse said gratefully has he kissed Leo again.

That evening after Jesse and Leo picked up Liam they stopped by Kurt and Ryan's place.

"You're both here together," Ryan said in surprise as he opened the door for them.

"Yes we are," Jesse smiled.

"Does this mean what I think it means?" Ryan asked.

"It does," Jesse said.

"This is great!" Ryan exclaimed giving them a hug. "Come on in. Kurt's going to be so happy. He's just putting Jennie to bed."

They all entered the living room as Kurt came down the stairs.

"Hey," Kurt said surprised to see everyone in the living room. "What's up?"

"I think you're going to have to change the ending to your book," Ryan said. "It looks like there's a `happily ever after' after all."

"Oh my God!" Kurt smiled as he rushed to them both and gave them a hug. "I'm so glad!"

After Leo, Jesse and Liam left Kurt went straight to his computer and re-wrote the ending to his book. It was the perfect ending, the ending he wanted the book to have. It was a happy ending.


Ryan, Kurt, Leo and Jesse were all at Kurt and Ryan's place with their kids and all of them had just finished reading Kurt's book.

"It was perfect," Ryan said giving Kurt a kiss.

"Leo and I are both so honored you wrote a story about us," Jesse said he watched Liam run around the living room playing with his toys.

"I really liked the character of Lee," Leo joked, "He seemed like a real stud."

"Too bad he's not in real life," Kurt joked.

"Let's all do something," Leo said standing up from the couch.

"What do you mean?" Ryan asked.

"Let's all go somewhere for the weekend," Leo said. "We can go up to Santa Barbara together. I think we'll have a much better time than the last time Jesse and I were there."

"Don't remind me," Jesse quipped.

"Why do you want to go on a trip?" Kurt asked.

"Do I need a reason to want to go on a trip with my husband, son and best friends?" Leo asked.

"You know," Kurt said getting up. "You don't. Let's do it."

"Awesome," Leo said.

"That's the Leo I know and love," Jesse said giving Leo a kiss. "So we'll all pack up and leave in an hour?"

"Perfect," Ryan agreed.

As Ryan and Kurt were in their bedroom packing, Kurt picked up Jennie from her cradle and went up to Ryan and gave him a kiss.

"What was that for?" Ryan asked.

"No reason," Kurt replied. "I'm just happy."

"Me too," Ryan said. He gave Kurt another kiss and then kissed Jennie who smiled and giggled.

"You know, I think that we are all finally living our `happily ever after,'" Kurt said.

"I think so too," Ryan smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too," Kurt replied.

And Kurt was right. They were living their dream, their happiness. And that's the way it always will be.

************************************************************************ The End...

Thanks again so much for reading this and visiting these characters one last time with me. I really enjoyed writing for these characters again. While this story ends with the more traditional ending then I had originally wanted, I think it is appropriate for this story. After all the characters have been through and for the people who have read all 50 previous chapters, I think it was necessary to end it with the knowledge that these characters do in fact live `happily ever after.' I hope you all enjoyed the story and with any comments, questions or feedback please e-mail me at All my best!

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