Peter's Mistake

By Iarwain

Published on Jun 20, 2003


Usual Disclaimer: If you are not 18 years old yet do not read. If you are offended by male to male sexual content do not read. If the laws in your state or county forbid this type of material, do not read. Otherwise enjoy the story and all comments good or bad are welcome and I'll look forward to hearing them.

The author retains copyright (2003) to this story. Reproducing this story for distribution without the author's permission is a violation of that copyright.

What Happened in Part Nineteen. Peter and Jeremy went to the Grampians mountain range and got to know each other even more. Peter made some special promises to Jeremy.

Part Twenty.

On Monday night everyone was there after teatime, so Peter called them together.

OK you guys! I've got a big announcement to make and I'm nervous about it.

If you've got any complaints then see Sam because he started it. He said awhile ago that he wanted to live here as long as he could and I realized that if this house was sold we'd all have to leave. I couldn't stand the thought of that, so I contacted the owners who are friends of my parents, and I've bought the house for a very good price. Now we can all stay here for as long as we like.

Michael came over and gave Peter a big hug. He whispered in Peter's ear.

I'm staying here forever Peter.

I hope so Mud crab. I really hope so.

Peter could see the big smiles on everyone's face.

Andrew was the one who picked him up though.

Peter! You love it when you surprise us don't you? But why would you be nervous about telling us?

Well! It was important to me that you all know that this is your place too, so I've put your names on the title deed. It means that we all own an equal share. I've made a condition that I'm the only one who can decide to sell it, but I can't see that happening for long time, and if anything happened to me it would become Andrew's decision.

After a moment when everyone just looked at Peter in astonishment, Andrew spoke first again.

Peter! You've surprised me more than I can believe. You mean you've bought the house and given us equal title!

Pete called out next.

Holy hell! That means I own this house without even paying for it. He's mad everybody! But I love him.

Chaos reigned as everybody came to understand exactly what Peter had done.

Peter quickly started talking again.

The first thing is that I can't charge you rent anymore but if we reduce everyone's payments by $10 a week it would cover the loan repayments which would be very helpful. I made a condition that I can add people to the title but I can't take them off. The last thing is that I'm working on some plans for the house and I'll show them to you when they're ready. Andrew! Can you come up to my room? I've got some stuff to show you.

When they were upstairs Peter said.

I needed an excuse to get away, but I really want you to look at these plans.

Peter showed Andrew the plans he'd drawn up. He was very pleased with them but needed to know what Andrew would like.

Andrew was astonished.

Peter! How will you pay for all this?

Peter explained about his $150,000 bonanza at the gallery.

See this Andrew? There are three options for you. If you moved into the house you could have Michael's bedroom and we'd put a door through into Jeremy's room for your piano and workroom. You could stay in the bungalow but we'd add a lockup garage and an extra room and the third option would be to have a small flat and workroom above these new garages.

Andrew said staying the way he was suited him best.

If I come into the house I'd worry about the noise from my piano and a new flat would cost much more to fit out. What are you going to do when we all try to give you money to pay for this?

Andrew! I'll accept it gratefully on the understanding that eventually you'll get it all back. As things are going I'd say it would be within two years.

I can come up with $30,000.

Without getting a loan?

Yes Peter! No loan needed!

Peter talked to Sam and Michael next. Their eyes bugged open when he showed them the plans.

The main things for you Michael are that you could have Brian and Anthony's bedroom with the ensuite, and I've designed this big 14 m by 5 metre studio for us to share with any photography work.

Sam! You would be upstairs with your own ensuite, and your own studio, and there's even a little deck area. It will mean we all have our own really good workspace. The main thing I want to talk to you about is an idea I have had. You are both recognized artists now and I'd like to do lots more work with you. I was wondering if you'd like to join with me and form our own company. I know I'd like to have you both as models again at some stage and I've got some ideas for Sam's sketching as well. Even if you don't join with me I think you should be partners somehow because you work so well together.

Sam and Michael looked at each other and laughed.

We've been talking about what to do in the future because Michael isn't sure that he wants to be a full-time artist like I do. We were going to ask for your ideas.

Michael started to speak.

We both want to keep working with you Peter. We know we were lucky our joint project went so well, and you know stacks more than we do. Being able to live and work here at the same time is like a dream. We already decided to give you half our money from our exhibition but this is like getting our own studios for one-quarter the price.

Peter was really pleased.

This is exciting. We'll have our own company and our own studios and I'm working it so you'll get your money back eventually.

Peter took his plans and went down to Brian and Anthony's room next. When he knocked Anthony called out.

Who is it?

It's Peter!

Come on in!

Peter walked in and saw Brian and Anthony in bed.

Whoops! Sorry! I didn't think you'd be in bed yet.

Anthony jumped out and Peter had a strong man with a strong erection hugging him.

We weren't in bed for sleep. We were celebrating because we don't have to worry about finding anywhere else to live. Come and join us.

Do you mind having a look at my plans? I want to see what you think.

Peter's plans involved doubling the kitchen and living area size, building a five car lockup garage with rooms above, three more bedrooms and four studios or workshops, plus a library/computer room.

The first thing I want to show you is the area I've designed for you. It's right at the back of the house this time, but I know you're going to need a workspace Brian, so I want to build this 5 by 5 metre workroom next to your bedroom.

Brian's jaw dropped and Anthony went quiet.

Peter! I don't understand you! Why do you keep doing these things for us?

I've already told you. I don't want you to leave. I want you to have a happy place to live. And if you're going to stay, it's an area you'll need if you're going to build up your business.

But it will cost of fortune! How can you pay for it?

It's all covered Brian. My exhibition got me lots of money and the others are helping out too.

That's not fair. We haven't got any money. We'll feel bad about that.

No you won't! It's not costing them anything in the long run, so it doesn't matter whether you can help or not.

Anthony grabbed Brian's arm.

Yes we can Brian! Just not straightaway. If you get all those contracts Peter told you about we could make regular payments easily.

Peter! Are you building with timber or metal?

I've no idea Anthony. Whatever the architect says I guess.

Peter! Tell him to design it with steel. Then it will be much stronger and I can build most of it for you. How much is it all going to cost?

It's a bit of the guess but the credit union people think it will be about $200,000.

Peter! I know how to do the concrete slabs, and construction and welding are my best areas of work. I bet I could save you at least $60,000.

It was Peter's turn to be a bit stunned.

Could you do that? Of course you could, but how would you find the time?

I'd work in the evenings and on the weekends. It's not a problem.

Anthony! I know a good deal when I hear one.

It was now Anthony's turn to be given a thankful hug.

Anthony was very excited and asked lots of questions.

I'll start on the double carport straightaway. Mick will help me. He's turned into a good friend and I think Jack and Charlie will to. Wow! Peter come over here.

Anthony took Peter over to the bed and pushed him gently down.

Come on Brian! We don't often get this kind of chance to say thank you to Peter.

An hour later and feeling very happy Peter checked to see if Pete was awake. He was lying on his bed in a pair of jocks and reading a magazine.

Hi Peter! Come in and shut the door. You're not going to give me any more shocks are you? You've broken all records in the last week.

Well! I've got a proposition for you.

Pete grinned and said he liked being propositioned but only by people dressed the same as he was.

Pete was obviously in one of his lively moods and Peter knew he'd get nowhere until he complied, so he stripped.

Hey Peter! This proposition is starting to look interesting.

Behave yourself! I want to get to bed sometime tonight. Tell me what you think of these plans.

Pete put the plans on his desk and worked out what they meant.

Holy hell Peter! To quote someone I know. Are you building your own hotel? I can count nine bedrooms here.

I know! I might change some of the downstairs ones and your bedroom would be the first to go. I hope you like this upstairs one. It's got its own ensuite, and you could make this room next to it your own special entertainment area. It's time you had some more space, especially with your social habits.

This looks like you want me to get even more social Peter.

It's this big living area where you come up the spiral staircase that I was hoping you could design for us all. It's seven metres by five metres so there's plenty of room and I want it to be a special private space where we could have a spa Bath and music and anything else that would help us relax together.

Wow! I could make it like a palace.

That's the idea. And the other thing I wondered was if you would give me all your money.

All of it? Sure! If you need it that 's OK!

Pete! Don't be an idiot! I wouldn't really take your money. I was hoping you could loan it to help build all these plans though. I'd pay you interest and you'd get it all back.

I know you wouldn't take my money Peter, but you could have it anyway.

Pete thought for a few moments.

You can have it as long as the first $30,000 is free and the rest is lower interest than you'd normally have to pay. You have to take those jocks off too.

Pete! I'm shocked! You want to buy my body for $140,000. Is that all you think I'm worth?

Pete grinned.

Considering I know I can get my hands on your body for nothing, I reckon it's a pretty good deal. Come on!

Peter dropped his jocks and they were lying on the bed in a moment.

Hang on Pete! I've found out you've been holding back on me.

I don't think so! What do you mean? I found out you showed Jeremy things that you've never showed me.

I see! Well don't tell Sam or anyone will you, but Jeremy wore me out. I had to try just about everything I knew to keep up with him.

The next day was the auction day for Sam and Michael's remaining pictures, and they sold as well as Philip had predicted. Philip wanted to know if they had more projects planned, and they told him they would probably only have one more for the year, because it took so much time out of their study. The modelling agencies had contacted Philip about both Sam and Pete. Sam wasn't interested but Pete asked Peter what he thought about it.

You would be good at it Pete. It wouldn't be fun like when we worked together, because they really want to get their money's worth out of you. Why don't you make yourself available for a week in the holidays to see if you like it?

During the week Peter finished the Cock-of-the-Month photos and sent them off to Gaycheck so he didn't have to worry about them.

On the weekend Peter did a big session of portrait work with Jeremy. He was an excellent model and quickly knew what Peter wanted from him. Jeremy was very eager for his car now that he knew what was happening. Andrew had taken him to several car yards and they'd decided on a small hatchback car.

Andrew's going to look around for me. He says he's got some contacts who'll make certain I get a good one. It might take a couple of weeks but it will be worth the wait. I'm going for my learner's license this week and Andrew's going to give me some lessons. Next weekend I think I'll have our intercom system going if you don't need me for more photos Peter.

Peter had the next weekend to himself. On Saturday morning he took his house plans to an architect who went over them with him. A full set plus approvals from the council would hopefully be ready in four to five weeks. At home he worked hard at College work because the semester ended in two weeks. Anthony had measured up the double carport and was collecting materials and hoped to start the next weekend. On Sunday Peter worked in the morning. In the afternoon he drove to the bay and read a novel for a couple of hours then had a run before returning home. As soon as he walked into his room he heard Jeremy's voice.

Hi Peter! Can I come up to show you the intercom? You just press the speak button to answer.

Peter was very impressed with Jeremy's intercom. It was high-quality sound and had all sorts of options. You could speak to everyone at once or speak privately. There was an option to say you were not available, and even an emergency channel which would work even if you'd put yourself off line.

Jeremy! I didn't know you could do all this. It would cost of fortune to buy a setup with these specifications.

Well! Andrew helped me with some problems, but I learned most of it from the Internet course.

On Thursday evening at swimming for Brian and Anthony, Peter checked with William to see if he was ready for the weekend trip. He was excited and nervous but said his pack was nearly ready.

Bring it to college with you tomorrow because we're leaving straight from there in Pete's van.

Peter had decided to go to the Grampians again. It was just as close as the beach but at this time of the year the weather was more likely to be fine. They had a hamburger at Ararat, a town on the way, then drove on till they reached Mount Stapleton which was their destination. They set up the tents by the parking lights from the car, and Sam shared with William on the first night. Peter awoke as it was growing light and grabbed his camera. He climbed to the top of a rocky outcrop to get some photos of the early sunlight as it glowed on the stark rock faces.

Peter was keen to see how well William would handle the challenges of the day. The first was the climb of nearly an hour to reach their chosen abseiling spot. He was a bit nervous on some of the sections but made it OK. Peter showed him the six metre drop where Sam had first tried. William climbed up but when he looked down he said he couldn't do it. Peter found a three metre drop, and with patience and coaxing William finally lowered himself over the edge. He did it once again before he built up enough courage to try the six metre drop. William watched Sam and Pete first. They made it look like they were going for an afternoon stroll. Peter was standing with William as he moved to the edge and could see beads of perspiration on his forehead as he went over. He was excited at the bottom this time. Peter made him do the six metre drop twice more before trying a bigger one. By lunchtime he was doing the same abseils as the others and had learned that height had no bearing on safety. It just felt that way.

After a snack they explored the wind caves and crevasses which gave this section its name of Hollow Mountain. At one stage they watched two magnificent wedge-tailed eagles with their three metre wingspan glide close by. Sam was awed by them, as he'd never seen them so close before. They were back at the car by 3 PM and set off for their next camp.

William! Can you drive?

No! I've never even tried.

Pete! Stop the car! This is a good spot to learn. A country road with no traffic anywhere.

William was panicky about this as well and kept saying he didn't want to wreck the car. Peter took things slowly and calmly with him, and after half an hour he could stop and start and change gears quite well. Peter didn't let him get out of second gear because it was a gravel road. Pete took over, probably with some relief, and they drove to their next camping spot. After setting up the tents they set off to look at a little waterfall which wasn't far away. Peter took photos and was pleased at the effect of the afternoon sun glinting on the damp rocks and vegetation.

Is any one game to get in there for me? It'll be freezing.

Pete started stripping.

If I do this, you have to promise to do the same and let Sam get some photos.

All right Pete! You're on! Every minute you stay in I'll stay in 30 seconds longer. If I can't you've got one over me, otherwise I've got one over you. Okay?

William was looking at them like they were mad. Sam piped up next.

Careful William! Don't let them suck you in. They're into one of their crazy games.

Pete put a bit of pressure on.

Sam! We wouldn't even ask William. He's a city kid. He'd never be able to hack it. I bet he only swims in the summer or in a heated pool.

Peter wondered whether William would fall for this.

He did!

I bet I could. I'll stay in just as long as you Peter and if I can't, you can have one over me too, what ever that means.

Pete laughed and finished stripping.

Hah! Two turkeys! Check your watch Sam. This will be murder, but now I get two for the price of one.

Pete waited till William stripped then they both went in. Peter started to click away and got some very agonized looks from both Pete and William. Pete wasn't giving up. William had to get out but Pete didn't stay much longer anyhow. After they'd dressed and jumped round to warm up it was Peter's turn.

You take the camera Sam and I'll check the watch.

William said,

Sam should have the watch because he's not part of it.

Good thinking William! You've got to watch him when he's in one of his games.

It was too cold for Peter. He could have forced himself, but he'd planned to lose this when he worked it out with Pete earlier on.

Pete was carrying on.

I told you! Two turkeys! We'll have a good show tonight Sam.

They had a good camping spot. It was cleared area not too far away from the creek and downstream from the falls. It was right on dark when they got back and set a good campfire going. After tea they talked about the day's events and sat enjoying the warmth and glow from the campfire. Pete had collected a large pile of dried leaves and every now and again he'd throw a handful on the coals and the light would flare up. He started to talk.

Just think of it Sam. The aborigines would sit around campfires like this. Imagine how interesting it would be to see one of their corrobbores.

I don't think we'll ever see one Pete. Those times are gone now.

I don't know Sam. I reckon there's a good chance will see one tonight. All we need is an aborigine.

Hey William! It's time to pay up for getting out of the water too quick. Come over here near the fire and strip to your jocks.

William looked pretty uncertain but he could tell by everyone smiles that it was okay and he went ahead.

That looks good, but he's not much like an aborigine is the?

Sam grabbed some of his art things and Pete used dust and cold charcoal. Between them they painted him up with primitive designs and light and dark markings. Peter grabbed his camera and caught some interesting shots.

Sam! He looks really savage but how can he do a corroboree by himself? Come on Peter! It's your turn now and then we'll have a proper dance.

When Peter was decorated he made Sam and Pete go and hunt for some things.

We'll need some sticks for spears, and bark for a shield. We want flat rocks and solid wood for rhythm sticks.

While they were gone Peter talked to William.

The idea is to embarrass us, so instead we'll do a good job. Are you game to have a go? Good!

They worked out a little fighting story and Peter showed William some basic dance patterns they could use. Peter made Pete and Sam provide sound effects with the rocks and the rhythm sticks and there were some big laughs when they had to try and imitate didgeridoo sounds. William and Peter were awkward at the start but somehow they both got caught up with the atmosphere of everything and entered the spirit of the dance. At the end Pete and Sam both clapped and cheered and Peter could see that William was glowing with excitement. Pete was so taken with the atmosphere that he and Sam stripped to their jocks and ended up painted with designs as well and Peter had to work out another story to dance to. When they finished they stayed close to the fire and Peter told a couple of Dreamtime stories that he'd read and they shared their ideas about Australia's ancient people and their ways. Peter couldn't help taking lots of photos because the imagery of the bodies gleaming in the firelight was irresistible. Every few minutes they'd turn around as their front warmed and their back chilled and then the other way.

A bit reluctantly they decided it was time to clean up.

Pete! Get some billies of water from the creek. We're not leaving the fire while we wash up.

They put the billies on the fire to warm the water and had soap and towels ready beside them. Peter took off his jocks and started his cleanup. It took a while but he methodically worked from head to toe till he felt properly clean. He could see William watching and copying his actions as they had this bush-bath by the campfire. After some more talk and a drink, everyone went to bed and Peter was sharing his tent with William. Once they were in the tent Peter asked William how much he enjoyed the day.

I was as scared as anything this morning but I was so excited when I could do the abseiling. I thought I wasn't going to be able to do it at the start but Pete and Sam made it look so easy I had to have a go.

I was impressed with you William. You were very brave to fight off your fear like that. Lots of people give up when they aren't nearly as nervous as you were today.

True? I thought I was pretty weak.

You're not weak William. You learned to drive when you were nervous about it and you faced Pete's challenge with the icy water and then you must have wondered what hit you with the dance thing tonight.

I did! I couldn't believe it went Pete told me to strip in the dark in the middle of nowhere and I felt strange when we were round the campfire after the corroboree. It was like we were a little tribe or something. Is it always exciting when you go away on trips Peter?

Not always. But often. Especially when Pete's there.

Will you hold me for a while Peter?


Because I want you to!

That's not a good enough reason.

William was quiet for a moment.

Because you made me feel good all day, and hardly anyone does that, and it would make me feel good again.

That's a better reason. I like that one.

Peter gave William a tight hug, then got him to rest the back of his head on his chest. He wrapped his arm round William's head and held firmly.

Peter! Have you got any spare rooms at your house?

Not at the moment. Why?

I'm looking for a place to stay. I'm moving out at the end of next week.

Halfway through the year? How come?

I don't get on with the people where I'm staying.

I'm sorry William but we really haven't got any room. Jeremy just moved in a while ago and we had to use our TV room to find him space. I'll ask around for you though. I'm going to sleep now William. I'll see you in the morning. Okay?

In the morning he woke and found William holding his hard cock. He grabbed William's hand and moved it firmly away.

Why did you do that?

I thought you were sleep.

You knew I didn't want you to do that. Can't I trust you?

After a pause William said.

Peter! I wont do it again! I promise!

I hope so. You know I'm gay William but you must be 18 or I could lose my job and go to jail. Now! I've been thinking that you might be able to help me. I'm always looking for people who can help me with my photography and you would be an interesting model. Would you like to do that?

Like Pete? Do you think I look good enough?

Peter laughed.

Jeremy! Stop fishing for compliments! You know you're one of the best looking guys at college, but your looks aren't the most important part. It's more your expressions and character that count. It's quite a lot of work, and we'd have to go away on weekends sometimes. That's why I need to be able to trust you.

William looked quite embarrassed.

When would we start?

It wouldn't be till next semester. So have a think about it.

I don't need to because it sounds interesting and I would love to.

The new day's adventure was a hike up to a massive feature called Briggs Bluff. When they reached the higher part the whole landscape turned eerie. There had been a wildfire and all the vegetation had been burnt away. The black trunks of the scrubby trees were starting to sprout new green leaves and the loose boulders stood out starkly. Peter took stacks of photos. They left the trail and scrambled to the base of the Bluff, where there were a number of caves and shelters to explore. The main adventure for the day was the next part where they climbed the face of the Bluff. There was a section at the western end where it wasn't as steep and there were plenty of hand and foot holds. Peter thought of it as halfway between walking and climbing. It was quite safe but being on the open rock face made it more nerve racking the higher you went. It was a relief to reach the flat areas at the top. William had had a hard time on the way up and Peter had gone just in front of him to show him where to put his hands and feet in some parts. Sam looked very relieved too. A hundred metres to the east, the Bluff was vertical and the view was spectacular.

Wow! Peter! I was having an adrenaline rush climbing up there. I was sure glad to see the top. I hope there's a different way down.

Don't worry Sam! I wouldn't want to go down that way either and we'll follow the trail to get back.

They reached the car at about 3 PM. They got William to drive for about ten kilometres before reaching the main road and it was good to see his nervousness disappear as he became more competent. Peter shouted pizzas for tea and they arrived home at about 8:00. Peter had a shower and got set for an early night.

He checked his e-mail then looked at the Gaycheck site to see what had happened. Thank goodness he was anonymous. His third set had won the ratings poll, and in the open forum, people were wanting to meet him, to trade photos with him and offering to jack him off. One guy wanted to buy his speedos for $200.

The next week was the last week of semester, and apart from the usual routine Peter spent most of his time on College work.

The End of Part Twenty.

Next: Chapter 17

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