Peter's Mistake

By Iarwain

Published on Jun 1, 2003


Usual Disclaimer: If you are not 18 years old yet do not read. If you are offended by male to male sexual content do not read. If the laws in your state or county forbid this type of material, do not read. Otherwise enjoy the story and all comments good or bad are welcome and I'll look forward to hearing them.

The author retains copyright (2003) to this story. Reproducing this story for distribution without the author's permission is a violation of that copyright.

What happened in Part Sixteen.

Peter met Jeremy when Pete arranged for the swimming team to meet the surf club. Pete did some sneaky arranging and Peter had a wonderful night and got to know how special Jeremy was.

Part seventeen

Just before he left Jeremy, Peter changed the day for him to come and meet everyone to Thursday. This way they could have tea, do his college work for an hour, then go to the swimming pool.

When he got home he called everyone together and explained that there would be a new person coming to live.

I'm sorry everybody but he'll have to use the TV room and we'll move the TV into the big living area. My heart was hurting when he told his story. His best friend told his parents he was gay when he was 15 and they kicked him out of the house. He's been lonely and on his own ever since, but somehow he's been coping with it and putting himself through college. He's got nothing, and the crooks where he's staying are charging him $120 a week to live in a room not much bigger than a cupboard. He wants to write stories and study and he hasn't even got a computer or a desk. He has to do his college work on his bed at the moment. Sam and Michael already know him. His name is Jeremy and he's on the swimming team. I'm friends with him after only two days and he's another special person. I want to have the room all set-up by Thursday, because he's coming for tea then, and I want him to think that everything in it was spare in the house. Andrew! Can you get a good computer for me and have it going by then?

That was a bit of a speech wasn't it?

Why are you all looking at me?

Sam looked round at everyone else then said,

Because you're doing the same thing for someone new that you did for us, and its why we all love you so much.

Andrew grinned and nodded and Michael came and gave Peter hug. Brian and Anthony came over and Brian said,

Peter! If you think he's special then we already like him.

I'm sorry Anthony! What's happening with your three guys? Did they come over on the weekend?

Yes! And they worked so well that Andrew shouted us out for a meal on Saturday night.

Peter laughed.

And they call me a softy!

On Tuesday and Wednesday Peter helped Sam and Michael take their pictures to the gallery. Thursday was a viewing day and so was Friday, with the official opening on Friday night. The excitement and nervous energy that Michael was developing was electrifying and Peter had a quiet talk with him about it. Peter was surprised at how well Michael handled himself as soon as he realized he was getting near the edge. Sam was the opposite and went quiet. On Tuesday night Peter had a talk with Philip at the gallery, and on Wednesday Brian had to turn up as well. Peter introduced a puzzled Brian to Philip.

Philip! This is Brian and I think he would be perfect for your problem. Brian! Philip has been playing $2000 for each catalog he gets printed, and I thought you might be able to help him out. You'd have to do a practice one to show him you were good enough, but have a talk about details and see what you think a fair price is.

Brian rushed out to Peter about an hour later.

Peter! This is fantastic. I'm sure I can do this better than the catalogs he's already showed me, and I think a fair price is $900 but I have to find out a few more prices yet.

Brian! You have to charge him at least $1200. He told me he'd pay over $1500 if you could do a very good job. And do you realize how much work it is? Catalogs like mine are easy because I'm always so late there is no time for photos. But some people have every picture in their catalog and that's a lot more work and higher printing costs. Why don't you think about $1000 for easy catalogs and a sliding scale up to $1500 for hard ones.

Peter! That's brilliant.

Peter laughed.

No it's not! I've seen it done that way before that's all.

Jeremy's room was all set up by Thursday and Peter was really pleased. Andrew said he'd found an old computer at work but Peter didn't believe him because it was as good as his without the high graphics capability. You couldn't argue with Andrew though. Pete had searched the secondhand shops and found a beautiful big study desk, which was collected and installed, along with a bed, cupboard, study lamps, a computer desk, a sturdy old swivel chair and some bookshelves.

Peter went with Michael and Sam to the gallery straight after College and Philip said it was only the first day, but it was looking like one of his most exciting exhibitions.

They got home at about 5 o'clock and helped set up for Jeremy's visit. Sam was cooking one of his special meals. Brian and Anthony had organised everything in Jeremy's room after giving it a thorough cleaning. At about 5:30 PM Pete left to collect Jeremy and everyone waited. Peter couldn't get over the way everyone was so excited. Andrew wasn't there, but would turn up at about 6:15 PM. Pete's van pulled in at 5:45 PM and everyone heard Pete's laugh. Jeremy looked very quiet and nervous as he walked in with his bag of College books.

Pete took over and did the introductions.

Everyone's here except Andrew! I'm the most important so I'll give you the first hug.

Pete introduced everyone else and they all gave him a hug. Hiram Ho in Jeremy was shown around the house next, except for his room, which was being kept till after tea. Sam had done wonders with the meal and the first course was homemade mushroom soup. Andrew arrived on his motorbike and when he walked in dressed in his leathers, Peter saw Jeremy's jaw drop. Andrew soon made him feel at ease though, and then everyone started on the main course, which was a giant lasagne made by Sam, veal parmigiana, and bowls of salad. There was a great deal of excitement and Jeremy was bombarded with questions. Pete carried on with his jokes. Peter explained to Jeremy that Michael and Sam had just had good news about their exhibition, Brian had good news about a designing job, and everyone else was pleased about him coming to live. Sam served up lychees and cherries with ice cream for sweets and then Pete took over again.

Come on Jeremy! We want to show you your room. Peter made us work like slaves cleaning the junk out so you have enough space to move.

This was total nonsense because it was bigger than any of the other bedrooms. Pete held his hands over Jeremy's eyes while they all walked in then lifted them off.

There you are! What do you think of it?

Peter watched Jeremy's eyes searching around and taking everything in.

It's so big! I can't believe it. But hasn't the last person taken their things out yet?

Everyone was waiting for this moment. Pete said,

This was mostly sort of lying around so it's all for you.

But there's a computer!

Andrew had an old one sitting there, so he said you might as well have it, and it's connected to the Internet too.

All these things are for me?

Of course they are! There's not that much!

Jeremy went totally quiet and Peter saw he was struggling to control his feelings. Everyone had a lump in the throat as they watched a tear trickle from his eye. After a moment he pulled himself together.

I'm sorry! Peter told me how kind you would be but it was hard to believe till we were having tea, then seeing this room with all these things I'd like to have, was a bit much.

Peter put his arms around Jeremy shoulder.

I call him Mr. Back to Front. He's really happy even if it looks the opposite. If he laughs at one of Pete's jokes we'll know he's really in agony like everyone else is. You'll have to talk to Jeremy later though, because he's coming upstairs to have some coaching with maths and physics, and the time's going quickly.

When they got upstairs Jeremy relaxed and started talking excitedly.

Peter! It's wonderful. The room's enormous. Do you know I've never had a study desk? I've never had a computer either and if it's on the net I'll be able to find out stacks of things. I thought I'd have to buy everything. How come it's a double bed there? I don't remember ever sleeping in one.

Jeremy paused, then looked at Peter.

Peter! I'm not a dope. That room wasn't even a bedroom before. You did all that for me didn't you?

Well! It wasn't just me. Everyone helped.

Jeremy jumped at Peter and gave him a big hug. Then came a kiss and soon the hug was more of a grind.

Jeremy! We're not doing any study!

Half and half! Peter! I've been thinking about you all the time.

In moments Jeremy's clothes were scattered on the floor and then Peter's followed. They stood hugging tight and pressing their cocks against each other till Peter said,

Come on! I'll show you what a double bed is like. Making love to Jeremy was like wrestling with a whirlwind, or perhaps a waterspout would be more apt because he came three times in the half-hour they had. As they finished Peter said,

Promise me that I'll be the first to share your double bed.

After a very quick shower and much willpower they started looking at the maths that Jeremy was doing. After a short while and some probing questions Peter knew that Jeremy was probably as good as Michael at his maths. They finished up and Jeremy packed his books.

Jeremy! I think you should try to do two years in one otherwise you're going to be bored this year. We'll look at physics carefully next week, but we'd better rush because the others are waiting.

Andrew was waiting to see Jeremy off. Sam and Michael decided to come for a swim too, to get their mind off the exhibition and because they missed practice after college, but Peter knew it was mainly to get to know Jeremy better. Peter spent half the time with Brian and Anthony working on their strokes, and the other half he set them doing laps for endurance. Peter watched Michael as he worked through the different strokes and realized that he would be the best on the team by the end of the year if he kept working as hard. Pete and Sam had those mischievous grins and since they'd been talking to Jeremy Peter thought he'd better check this out.

OK! You two! Tell me! I can see from the other end of the pool that you're up to something.

Well! We've been talking to Jeremy and he's never had a proper massage in his life. He's agreed that Sam can show him his special massage and we've arranged a night. You wont spoil the secret will you Peter? No! But be gentle. He's pretty quiet and shy at the moment.

Sam and Michael spent ages getting ready for the opening. They both refused to wear suits and wore very smart casual. Peter's eyes opened when he saw them looking so good. Sam must have a good eye for clothes because the colors set off his skin, and the style brought out the line of his body. Philip would look after them well, but they had also begged Peter to stick closely. It took ages to find a parking spot so Peter knew there was a good attendance, but he was stunned when he walked in the entrance. The place was packed. Phillip rushed over to meet them then escorted them inside. As they walked across the room the buzz of conversation gave way to complete silence. Philip announced them very dramatically.

Ladies and gentlemen I give you Michael Weyland and Sam Ngyen, accompanied by Peter Bonner.

The room erupted into genuine and prolonged applause. Michael leaned over.

What's happening Peter?

I don't know, but whatever it is, it's good.

Phillip spoke for a while, welcoming numerous art critics and several prominent art patrons, then he invited Sam to speak. Michael had refused but Sam was well-prepared. He explained how they had been originally inspired by Peter, but then came up with the idea of combining their two areas into one. Peter was totally proud of him as he quietly but clearly spoke to the crowded room in a confident and earnest manner.

Phillip next asked if anyone had any questions for the artists. Michael and Sam answered these easily. Someone asked question about Sam's nudity but Phillip completely disallowed it and cautioned people about asking any similar questions. Then came the one that Peter was half expecting.

How true is the story going around that these pictures were conceived by Peter Bonner and made under his supervision?

Sam and Michael looked puzzled but after getting the nod from Phillip, Peter jumped to his feet.

My name is Peter Bonner and I state clearly and strongly that any such story is a slight on the reputation of these two young and talented artists. To my own chagrin, I can tell you that when Sam and Michael came up with the idea of this theme I advised them against it. It was only after earnest discussion and several examples that I conceded that the idea might work. Work and travel commitments meant that I didn't see the results of their project till several weeks ago. Some of you might know that recently I was touring in England for the British photographic society for a month. I can state categorically that not one of the photos taken was my conception, though there may be some influence, as we are friends. As far as the sketching element goes my personal talents are hardly past the stick figure stage, so the rumor becomes quite nonsensical. I reiterate! These inspired works were conceived and produced entirely by Sam Ngyen and Michael Weyland. I hope you have better judgment as to their worth than I did originally. Thank you Phillip.

The official section was over and Peter helped Sam and Michael face the barrage of critics and patrons who wanted to talk to them. The overwhelming feeling was one of excitement and praise. Peter couldn't imagine what the reviews would say in the papers tomorrow. He knew it would be good but the real test was whether people really wanted to buy the pictures.

Peter got up at 6 o'clock on Saturday morning and bought all the newspapers. The reviews were all wonderful, and were treating the pictures almost like a new concept. At midday Peter, Michael and Sam went to the gallery for the final result. Phillip looked like he was almost dancing as he informed them he'd never had an exhibition like it.

Boys! I have to tell you that I used my option as director to change your pricing. We have this method called Best in Time, where I hold all sales till the last day, then the highest of any offer up till eleven o'clock is binding. It's sometimes a gamble because if the highest offer is low you are still bound to take it, but it's worked well today. The lowest price was $1900 and 2 pictures went for $4000 each. After my commission you receive just over $24,000 between you. Next time it will be a lot more because it was the clever ones who got in this time. They're the trendsetters and when everybody sees who's bought them the price could even be double.

Peter! Brian and I have agreed on a price scale, and I'm hoping he can do a good job because it will save me about $800 each time. Could you tell him to make one for Michael and Sam's big auction as his trial? It's hitting him a bit hard, because it will most likely be the biggest catalog all year, but I'm committed till then.

The three friends drove home in a state of euphoria. Michael was mostly excited because everyone thought their pictures were so good, and so was Peter. Sam had obviously worked out the numbers and he turned to Peter.

Peter! This is beyond belief! If I use the numbers from this time, we'll end up with over $70,000 each, and Phillip says it should be more. I won't know what to do with it all.

It sounds a lot Sam, but being an artist can be very chancy. You could have two or three bad years and it would disappear before you knew it. And if you ever wanted your own house it would only pay for one-third of it around here.

Peter! I don't want to get a house. I want to live here with you as long as I can!

This simple statement hit him like a bolt of lightning from a blue sky and Peter's mind started whirling. This was Sam's last year at college and Peter didn't want Sam to leave either.

Hey you two! I hope you realize it's your turn to shout everyone out to a meal.

The whole household had a great meal at a place called Carl's Beef House, which had a reputation for being the best steak place in Melbourne. Brian was over the moon because he'd already worked out his plan for producing the catalog, and thought he was certain to get the contract.

The next day the two Peters went off on some location work. Peter was inspired by Michael and Sam's work, and had some special shots he wanted to take. Pete had lots of questions to ask and Peter finally asked him what was wrong.

Well! I'm wondering if I've been good enough as a model for you. You've taken so many photos that I thought you might be finding it hard to get good ones. And when I saw how good Sam looks in their work, I thought I could never look as good as that.

Peter wrestled him to the ground and sat on him.

I'll squash you to death if you don't listen hard. Pete! The reason I've taken so many photos is not because you're no good. It's because you're too good, and I keep finding new moods and expressions that I want to use. You're coming up to my room tonight and I'll give you a sneak preview of some of your photos. You'll get the shock of your life because you look absolutely amazing. I've learned a lot from working with Michael and Sam and I'm more excited about your pictures than any I've ever done. Now! You'd better remember the right answer or I'll twist your nose right off. Why are you my model?

Peter watched Pete frantically straining his memory till he grinned.

Because of my special talents.

Good man! Your nose is safe. Now let's get back to work.

When Pete saw the photos Peter showed him he really was amazed.

Wow! It is me, and I remember when you took them, but the light you've put in makes me look different.

Only in your eyes Pete. This is what I saw in you when I took it. Pete! Can you come up later?

So! You can't do without me?


Do you want to learn some new tricks to teach Jeremy?

He doesn't need tricks. You hardly touch him and he explodes. I was a big lost with him though, because he'd never been with anyone in his whole life. Thanks for putting him in the tent with me. That was pretty special to read him so quickly you know.

Are you trying to brainwash me again Peter?

I guess so! You realize that Jeremy looks on you like some sort of God don't you?

Don't worry! We'll work it out.

The next day Peter took his camera to swimming training. He still had to get photos of three more guys, and if he didn't do something today, he'd only have one more chance. When everyone headed for the showers he set the time lapse on one second automatic and slung the strap around his neck. With his heart pounding and his stomach feeling funny he walked into the shower room. He looked round and said,

Has anyone seen Pete?

William was having shower and noticed the red light blinking each second.

Hey Peter! Is your camera turned on?

Peter looked down then said,

A light comes on when the battery needs changing.

William did a pose in the running water and said,

Come on take my photo.

What? In the shower? Well you asked for it.

You have to give me that photo now Peter. Hey! You guys! Get your private photo taken with the famous Bonner camera.

Peter couldn't believe it. Once again there were nude guys lining up to get their photo taken, trying to outdo each other with their poses.

You're a pack of idiots. I'll give you the copies William, and you can distribute them to their owners.

On Wednesday Peter and Michael organized themselves for their weekend away. They'd have to be back in the early afternoon because it was Sam's 20th birthday and Jeremy was moving in as well. Pete had given them strict orders. On Thursday Peter drove around to collect Jeremy for his coaching. They concentrated on the physics and Peter gave him some problem books to use. As they were driving back Peter talked with Jeremy about moving in and his weekend with Sam.

Do you think you'll be able to put up with some stirring Jeremy? It will only be in fun, but it might shock you.

Pete did say something, but he wouldn't hurt anybody.

Well! Harmless Pete filled Sam's jocks with honey and shaving cream and raw eggs and ice cream. Then gentle Sam read a rude story to Pete when it was his birthday and made him get a hard on in front of us all.

Oh God! Just as well you warned me but I'll be ready now.

I hear that Sam's giving you one of his special massages on Saturday night?

Did they tell you about that? Yes! I've never had a proper massage and Pete said I would find it very relaxing. I don't quite know what he meant but he's made me promise to trust Sam.

Jeremy! You can trust Sam and I think you'll never forget his massage. I'm going away with Michael this weekend but I'll see you on Sunday. Now! Promise me you'll do what ever Sam asks.

Jeremy looked puzzled but promised.

Peter and Michael left straight after College the next day. Peter had kept it secret from Michael about where they were going. Michael kept guessing at every turn in the road but didn't have a clue. It was a spot called Sheepyard Flat, on the Howqua River in Victoria's Alpine area. They arrived at about 8:00 and camped on the bank of the river. They made a campfire and had some tea, then talked for a while and watched the flames. Michael got lively and said he had a good game. He found some dry reeds and gave one each of the same length. He lit them and said the first person to drop their reed had to play a forfeit. Michael's burned fastest and he said it was cheating because he should win when it was his game. The moon was shining brightly and Peter said Michael had to go for a swim in the river. Michael stripped off and paddled in the shallows. He was shrieking as soon as his feet touched the water.

Peter! This is torture.

Peter watched as he slowly moved into the deeper water. When the level reached his groin he was gasping.

Peter! I'm going to get you for this.

He suddenly ducked right under till only his head was out. Peter couldn't quite see the grin but he could hear it in Michaels voice.

Come on! You have to come in now.

Michael! That's a funny forfeit where I have to suffer too.

We'll do another one. Come on!

Peter stripped and faced the inevitable. As the water came higher up his legs he felt his balls tightening in anticipation of the cold. There was no chance for a gradual entry because Michael jumped forward with a great splash and pulled him under. The water was really cold but after a short time their bodies adapted.

Peter! My skin is so cold I feel warm and tingly allover.

Peter felt the same and it was a strangely pleasant feeling. Michael splashed and tried to pull Peter over for a few minutes then jumped on his back.

Carry me out quick! I'm getting hypothermia.

Shivering, and covered with goosebumps, they dried off near the fire and wrapped their sleeping bags round them. Michael got two more reeds.

Hurry and we'll see who gets the forfeit before we get in the tent.

When Peter yelped as his fingers burnt, Michael was delighted.

I've got you now Peter. You have to do my forfeit.

In the tent Michael undid the sleeping bags and they had one underneath and the other over them. When they warmed up Michael said it was time for the forfeit.

It lasts for ten minutes and you have to promise to do it.

You're making me nervous, but all right, I promise.

You have to lie on your back with your hands behind your head.

Is that all?

And let me tickle you.

Michael! That's torture. Can we do a different forfeit?

No! You promised.

As soon as Peter put his hands back Michael started tickling his bellybutton. As Peter was wriggling and gasping he knew that the monster wanted him to get a boner again. In the next moment Michael dived over and sat directly on Pete's lap. Peter didn't need any tickling. With Michael that close, he was hard in moments.

Eight and a half! Eight and a half!

Michael kept tickling and all the movement and pressure was making Peter more aroused.

Michael! Please! You have to stop.

Why? There's still three or four minutes to go.

You just do.

All right! But leave your hands behind your head.

To Peter's relief Michael climbed off and settled down beside him. It wasn't quite over because Michael grabbed Peter's cock and gave it a quick squeeze.

Wow! That's pretty hard isn't it?

Michael rested his head on Peter's chest.

You're amazing the way you keep your promises Peter.

They talked their own special talk for a while then went to sleep. Michael seemed to be waking up first these days as Peter was sprung again the next two mornings. They hiked to a mountaintop called the Bluff and marvelled at the scenery. Michael kept stopping all the time to look at everything. In the afternoon they drove back to Fraser National Park on the banks of a large reservoir. The water wasn't cold here and they swam out to the big old dead trees that had been drowned when the dam was made. After tea they explored along the banks and watched about 30 kangaroos grazing on the grassy area near their camp. On Sunday morning Peter had a special surprise for Michael. They drove to a small airport near Melbourne and Michael started to get excited.

We're going for a joy flight aren't we?

No! I'm going to push you out of the aeroplane.

As if!

But when he saw the signs he knew that Peter meant it.

I hope you're game Michael, because I've made all the arrangements and they're waiting for us. I'm pretty scared myself but I know it will be safe.

Michael couldn't believe it. The big signs were advertising skydiving.

Peter! We can't do this. You have to have all sorts of training. I've seen it on TV.

Yes we can! They have this way that you're hooked to an expert, and he takes you down. I saw where and 80-year-old lady tried it out.

They did have some basic training for half an hour before they took off. Peter had booked the full option where the plane went higher so you could freefall first before the big gliding parachutes opened. As the plane climbed, Pete's heart beat faster and faster. It was like the first time he did abseiling but even more exciting. When the plane was high enough they didn't have time to be scared. One moment they were being buckled on and the next they were out of the plane. Peter had never felt anything like it as the guys moved to different positions. It wasn't very long but it seemed like forever before there was a great jerk as the parachutes opened and they glided to the ground. As they were unclipped, Peter felt as though he was drunk from the excitement. After thanking the guides, who were really friendly, they set off home.

They hadn't gone far when Peter sensed that Michael was looking at him.

What's wrong Mudcrab?

Can you stop the van Peter?

Peter pulled over to the side of the road and as they stopped he watched Michael unsnap his safety belt. In the next instant Michael's arms wrapped round him and a head of fine blonde hair was pressed against his chest. Pure happiness rushed through Peter as they held close for an eternal instant that he would never forget. Michael sat up and looked at Peter with his piercing eyes.

Peter! You were being a magician again. Sometimes when I look at you my heart just starts beating faster How do you keep doing these things that make me feel so good?

Peter didn't know what to say so he reached out and tugged the hair on the back of Michael's neck then started the van moving.

Michael started talking about the flight.

Peter! I've never been in a small plane like that. It was much better than the big ones. If we hadn't done our abseiling I don't think I would have been game to do that.

Michael announced he was going to learn to fly an airplane.

Part Seventeen ends here.

Next: Chapter 14

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