My Life Started After High School

By Kuragari

Published on Jan 17, 2016


My Life Started After High School

MLSAHS is a story written by Kuragari129. Posting this story to another site without my permission is not permitted. Events in this story, though some may be based on actual events, are completely fictional, any similarities are coincidental. If you are not the legal age in your area to look at porn, I must ask you to leave even though you won't.

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MLSAHS is a continuation of my story My Life Started at the End of the World. I encourage you to go and read it first, but it is not completely necessary. You can find it by following this link:

MLSAHS – Chapter 4 – What You Cannot See – Don't Know How To Stop

Greyson's POV


My bedroom door shook at each knock. "Greyson, you need to get up," Dad spoke clearly from the other side of the door.

I hit my alarm clock. The little robotic voice told me the time. "TEN TWENTY THREE AM."

"Do I have to!?" I rolled over in my bed. On the weekend, I have to get up before noon? What kind of teenage life can I live before noon?

I could barely hear a chuckle come from my dad. "Greyson get up, please. Abel is here for the afternoon." Abel is here? Why?

I got up, double checking I have PJs on before exiting my room. I don't want to be out in the living room with only my underwear on. That would be too awkward for Abel and me! Pretty sure Abel doesn't want to see my junk.

As I was reaching the living room, I heard my mom speaking to Abel. "You don't have to be so uptight. Just relax and enjoy yourself."

"Thank you, Mrs. Payne." His voice was so gentle and meek sounding. God, I wish I could see what the kid looked like!

I walked into the room tired, and groggy. "Hey..." I groaned.

"Good morning Greyson!" Mom cheered. How can someone be so happy in the morning? "Abel is going to be spending the day with us. Sorry to wake you up early."

I rubbed my eyes and yawned. "It's okay; I was about to get up anyways." I was fooling no one with that lie.

Mom went to prepare a family brunch, leaving Abel and me in the living room. We had this awkward silence for a while. I was too tired, or I would try to break it, or I usually would. He would fidget from time to time in his seat. If I could tell you anything more, I would.

Eventually, I decided to break the silence. "So how come you're hanging out with us for the day?" If that sounds rude, I don't mean it to be. It was a genuine question.

Again he fidgeted in his seat. "Mom and Dad have to take my little sister out of town for the day. I didn't want to go, but my brother is at work. So mom asked your parents if I could stay here for the day." He spoke so quietly, lucky I can focus on listening more.

"Oh, where does your sister need to go?"

"Doctor's appointment..."

"So why don't you want to go with?"

I could hear him swallow before he spoke. "I don't like needles, and she'll be getting one." I will never understand a fear of something. I get the fear of lack of something, but really? Every time I get a needle, I get a pinch, and then moments later the nurse says 'it's done' and that's it.

"Oh, I see... Do you like your new house?" I didn't hear anything from him, just the chair he was sitting on creak. "If you shrugged I didn't see it."

"Sorry, I forgot..." Favorite part of meeting new people. Like legit, I love it when people forget I'm blind. "It's okay I guess."

"Tell me about your old place and town. Why is it better?"

"It's not that it's better... It's just that its home."

"I can get that. I moved here after my dad was transferred. I got used to what would have been my school but by the middle of summer, we were moving. Luckily I had Skylar to show me around so I can get used to it." Awww the early days, they make me smile. "I had to get used to a new house and everything. I liked my old place, but it'll grow on you."

"Ya, I guess." He sighed. "I miss my old friends, though. This new school isn't as much fun as the one I would have been going to."

PERFECT! I get to know what school he's going to! "What school are you going to? I haven't seen you at mine."

"That's probably because I go to the private Christian school. Mom and Dad want me to grow up as close to God as I can." Gaaah God. The whole idea that some... thing decided that the world should exist and created it in a week is ludicrous to me. That and what kind of sadist can 'It' be?

The world has gone to war twice, and countless other wars have happened. 'It' just sits there and watches as people kill each other. I don't know about you, but if I could control who died and when, I wouldn't let wars happen.

Abel broke me out of my trance. "Do you believe in God?"

"Hard to believe in something that would choose to make a kid blind from birth." I retorted bitterly.

"Oh..." You could hear Abel retreat into his shell some more.

Footsteps... Dad. "What Greyson is trying to say is, that for some people who have been cursed, for lack of better words, it's hard to believe that someone would purposely do that to them. Personally, I find believing the Bible in a literal sense hard." Now that I think about it, mom and dad have never spoken to me about religion. "That is a conversation for another time; now it's time for brunch!"

Mom made a really good brunch. Some pancakes, bacon, sausage! It was pretty amazing, and Abel seemed to really enjoy the food as well. He apparently cleared everything on his plate. He even opened up a little bit and said mom's cooking was better than his mom's.

After we had finished brunch, we turned on the TV and hung out in the living room for a bit. Of course, Abel asked about me and watching TV. I simply explained that most shows have enough lines to give the basic part of the show to the blind. That or Dad explains everything to me.

Eventually, Dad had to go out for something and mom started on a cleaning rampage. That left Abel and me alone to watch tv. Apparently Abel came out of his shell enough to ask, "Are you and Skylar more than friends?"

It caught me completely off guard. "What?" I choked.

"Sorry." He quickly replied. "It was just weird that you two were holding hands."

"And if we are more than friends? How would you feel about that?"

"Ummm... I don't know. The Bible says..."

I cut him off. "The Bible says a lot of shit about random things. Sure many of the laws in countries are based on the text in that book, but not everything is. We live in Canada, gay marriage is a thing. You can like it or not, but it's still a thing."

Abel remained quiet for a few minutes. Did I scare him from talking? "You get really passionate about things you believe in."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"My parents... I don't know how they feel about that issue."

"Why would you care?" Abel didn't reply at all. "Wait, are you..."

Mom cut me off. "Abel, I think your brother is home now."

I heard Abel get up from his seat and rush away from me. "Thank you, Mrs. Payne, for having me," Abel called up to my mom.

"Anytime Abel!" Mom called back.

Abel didn't move, or did and was being quiet about it. "I'll... talk to you later Greyson. See you."

I offered him a wave as he left the house. I didn't get to finish my question. Guess I'll just have to ask it when it comes up again. I want to know what is going through that kid's head.

Aidyn's POV

"You're such a loser!" Bryce joked to me. I gave him a shove; he almost slammed into the wall. "A strong looser."

"Ya, whatever Bryce." I rolled my eyes.

Bryce here, he's my best friend. Has been since the early days. We've been through hell and back, and we're still best buds. Surprisingly, our studies even brought us to the same school for a year. So I get him to be around for a while yet.

"How's your roommate?" Bryce asked me.

I shrugged. "Nathan is alright. His cousin was randomly here the first day I got here. He was back again last night."


"No idea. The kid looked like he hadn't had a bath since he was last here." I wonder what's going on with him. Nathan said he was going through something but never specified what exactly "Must be going through something rough."

"Maybe something is preventing him from having baths at home." I looked over at Bryce, giving him a 'seriously?' look. "Okay, something else is probably going on, but if I'm right I win!"

"Hopeless, that's what you are." I got my dorm room door open. Nathan was sitting on his laptop with headphones on, playing a game of some kind no doubt. Carter looked directly at me; his face was unsure about something. "Hey, Carter. How was your sleep last night?"

He ducked under the cover of the couch. "It was okay. How was class?"

"Finally getting into learning some stuff. This is Bryce, by the way. He's one of my best friends." Carter offered him a small wave before turning around and returning his attention to the tv.

"Social..." Bryce had commented before I elbowed him in the stomach.

"Oh hey, Aidyn!" Nathan noticed us finally I guess. "Carter has been checked in, so he's good to stay with us for a couple of days. If you're okay with it, of course."

"Ya whatever. He's not sleeping in my bed, so what do I care?"

Nathan smiled. "Sweet, thanks, man."

Before long Nathan had to go off to a class, which left just us three in the room. Carter tried to stay distant from us; we didn't mind. Bryce and I were just goofing around talking about stuff. Well, we were until Carter spoke. "You're gay, aren't you?"

It caught both of us off guard. "Ya he is, what of it kid?" Bryce replied. I know he's just trying to defend me, but it's a kid Bryce. Chill.

"I saw you on Grindr the other day... You don't seem gay to me." Thanks? I think...

Wait a minute! This kid was on Grindr? "You have grindr? Isn't it for 18 plus guys?"

He smirked. "That doesn't stop younger people from getting on. Anyways, I was just wondering what your parent's think of you being gay. For curiosity's sake."

What's up with this kid? "First you've got to answer me something." He nodded. "What were you doing on grindr?" He blushed and averted his eyes.

"The kid is gay Aidyn; why else would he be on it?" Bryce smacked me. I gave him a push back before returning my attention to Carter.

He was wearing one of Nathan's shirts. It was a little too big for him; it had to be Nathan's. His hair, even though I know, he washed it looks greasy still. There's something about this kid that doesn't add up. "My mom is perfectly fine with it. My dad had a tough time accepting it at first but he came around."

"Oh... cool."

"I'm guessing what's going on has something to do with your liking guys?" His face fell. Carter looked so ashamed of something. About what I had asked him. He gave a tiny nod before turning around. "I know it sucks, but give it time. It's bound to turn around for you."

"Thanks, Aidyn." He slouched down on the couch far enough so that we couldn't see him. Bryce and I looked at each other and just shrugged.

Bryce got in close to me. "What is this Grindr?"

"It's a dating app for gay guys."

"And why are you on it then? That would mean you're single wouldn't it?" Bryce gave me a stink eye.

I just sighed. "I'm on there to see who in the area is gay and to meet new people. Nothing more, Noah and I are still going strong." There is no way that I would do anything to hurt Noah. He's gone through and going through too much. I WILL NOT hurt Noah.

Noah's POV

It's just after a Student Council meeting during the lunch hour. Most of the council had left to hang out with their friends for the last few minutes of lunch. I remained in Mr. Davis' room afterward.

Mr. Davis is the teacher who makes Student Council happen. See every club requires a teacher to sponsor it, and Mr. Davis is the Student Council sponsor. So I was just helping him get some paperwork sorted out.

Well, I was, but then he stopped me. "Noah, why are you still here?" The question caught me off guard. "Why don't you be a teenager and not an adult?"

"I am being a teenager." I retorted.

He shook his head. "No, you're not. You are doing paperwork while everyone else who was here has gone to hang out with their friends. And I mean literally everyone." I looked around the room and just like he said no one was here. "What's up Noah, talk to me."

I sighed and fell for his bait. "I'm not sure if my old friends would welcome me back in with open arms..."

"Why wouldn't they Noah?"

I shrugged. "I left hanging out with them for spending time with Aidyn. I don't even remember the last time I ate lunch with them. We've hung out every once and a while but not really outside of class and the occasional after school."

"Well, the way I see it if they won't take you back they weren't your friends to begin with."

"That's what I'm afraid of." Mr. Davis nodded his head. "I've got to go, though... thanks."

He offered a wave as I left. "Anytime Noah." I quickly made my way down the hallway and towards where my friends always sat. Right up against the English classroom lockers. Tiz and Edea have had those lockers since grade 8th grade, so it made a good spot.

When I turned the corner and saw them all sitting there, I had to stop. Will they still want me there? Is this the right thing to do? My anxiety started getting the better of me. What do I even do in a situation like this?

There's Edea, Tiz, Isaiah, Tidus and Ashton all sitting there. You know stuff about the Twins and Isaiah so let's just skip over them.

Ashton joined the group in the middle of grade 8. Isaiah actually pulled him into the group cause, and I quote, "Look at this kid's suspenders, they are so awesome! He's hanging out with us now." Ashton has what Isaiah would call perfect hair. His black hair perfectly sets around his face and shows off his blue eyes perfectly.

Tidus is a special kid. See when I met him he had solid brown to his hair, a nice brunette. Now he's got snow white hair. You may ask "did he dye it?" and the answer is NOPE! His dad's side has a really hard time keeping pigments in their hair, so yes he already has old people hair. It helps his icy stare too; his light blue eyes are a sight to see.

I wonder what they are up to...

"Hey, Noah, what are you doing?" Kayde...

I turned around to see Kayde and his bestie Ben. Those two have been inseparable since I met them. The only thing worse than them is Rebecca, Ben's girlfriend.

"What do you want Kayde?"

They pretended to be cold. "Ooooo Icy Noah. I was just saying hi." I rolled my eyes. Kayde gets on my nerves now. Before I liked him a little, but now it's just blah!

"Why don't you hang out with your loser squad?" Ben pointed towards everyone.

Kayde gave him a smack. "Hey, they aren't losers just different. Get that through your head man." One thing Kayde always had was that he didn't like people getting picked on.

"I'll just be going now. See you later." I bolted off away from the two of them before they could say anything. Before I knew it, I was standing in front of everyone, knowing that Kayde wouldn't follow me to them. I just stood there awkwardly until they all noticed me. Once they did I gave a wave. "Hey, guys."

"Sit down! Join the conversation." Tidus moved over to give me room to sit down with them. Well, right now it seems like a good idea to join up with my old friends. Let's hope it stays that way. I would hate to make another Kayde out of them.

Abel's POV

"Jude can you drive Zina to soccer practice!" Dad called from his office.

Jude and I were sitting in the living room watching TV. "Ya, when does she need to be there?"

"At 1!" I looked at the time, 11:45. He had a little over an hour before she had to be there.

Zina came into the living room. "Where's mom?" I shrugged. "Thanks, Abel." She rolled her eyes.

"She went out," Jude replied to her. "I don't know where or when she'll be back." Zina turned around and went back towards where her room is.

Well... I'm Abel Yeager. I just recently moved here and still haven't finished putting together my room. My older brother is usually busy looking for work, and Zina has gotten into all of her activities again. Me... I'm here.

Even before we moved, I was never one for doing things outside of school. I've always liked going over to friends and playing video games. See at my house, video games are the biggest no no.. next to sin. Living with a super religious family suuuuuucks. Like I want to believe in the god they believe in, but I like science.

"Abel, how's your room coming?" Dad came out of his office with a stack of papers. Probably looking at church paperwork. He's a pastor at a church.

I groaned. "Same state as it was last time." My clothes are still in boxes. Let me rephrase that, everything is still in boxes except for my bedding.

"I want that done by the end of the day Abel." I threw myself onto the couch in protest. "We're having people over Sunday night, and I want the room done. That's final." Dad looked me dead in the eyes when he said it. When he says 'that's final' that means that you better not disobey him.

"Yes, sir." I nodded my head and headed off to my room. I guess I'm finishing my room today.

Looking around my house... it's nicer than the one we were in. It's bigger; I don't have to share my room with Jude. I have a bathroom for just Jude and me now, compared to one bathroom for a five person family. My room itself is okay. I have a dresser for all my clothes and a desk for my laptop. My bed is a double bed, so not that big but workable. For just me to be in here, it's fine.

My home before, I had friends, and I knew where everything was around town. Now I feel lost. A new town means new hangouts and new places to find. So I guess I get to explore but since I don't know the area I could get lost.

I think I might have skipped over something very important. See back home I had a good friend. When I say a good friend, I really mean a friend with benefits. Yes, my family is all about 'no sex before marriage' and I think Jude has actually followed that. Me.. I'm the black sheep of the family. I'm into boys.

Yes, I live in a Christian household as a Bi, at a minimum, boy. I can't tell you what my sexuality is. There are some boys I find good looking, and the odd girl that captures my attention. So I don't know what I am right now so bare with me. But seriously its chaos living in this house.

Black sheep is an understatement when talking about me. Everyone in my house loves the church; I hate it. It's boring and long. They all follow the bible to a tee! I've touched another boy. I seriously don't know how I got raised in this house.

While I've had all these thoughts, I got most of my room put together, and I am now laying down for a rest. Well, I would be but at the sound of my door opening, I got up into an upright position. "How's the room going Abel?" It was mom.

"It's fine," I replied. "Walls are empty still, though." I lost most of my posters and stuff when I tried to take them down. Most of them got ripped when they didn't want to come down.

"I guess you'll have to get some more." Mom smiled at me. "I think we could start the collection again."

I couldn't help but smile. "We can find more posters that suit me and not Jude."

"There's nothing wrong with my posters!" Jude called out from the hallway. Mom and I shared a laugh.

Mom sat down on the bed beside me. "How do you like everything?"

I shrugged. "It's okay, I guess. Still would rather be at home." Home being where we moved from.

"I know. In time, you'll get used to being here. If you need anything, just say it, okay Abel?" I smiled and nodded. "Okay, I think we should get back to getting your room done! I'll strike you a deal, if you sort your clothes to go into drawers, I'll fold them up for you."

"DONE DEAL!" If mom is going to offer her help, you accept it! In no time, my clothes were split up, and Mom was busy folding everything. I started sorting through my knickknacks and deciding where they should go. My room is starting to feel like my room now.

Mom is right, I will get used to living here. It just takes a little time, though. I think I can wait, though.

Chapter End.

ABEL GETS A POV! Yes, Abel will be getting more POVs in the future. He's part of the extended cast in MLSAHS.

Got any ideas on who the??? POV may be? Please email me on your ideas for the mystery POV. I'd love to hear what you have to say. is the email you want to send that too!

Thanks for reading!!


First of all, if you have any idea for future trivia, please fill out this survey:

Well going off one of the suggestions, let's talk about a specific character! In the past for LLL, I have told everyone what inspired character names. For MLSASH, I will get a little more specific. Going one character at a time!

We'll start with my favorite! Greyson Payne! Greyson was the product of a last minute idea of "what if I do a blind character?" In the past, I told you guys how an actual blind man emailed me and gave me more ideas for Greyson's story.

I also do a bunch of research when it comes to activities that Greyson can do. I want to do activities that a blind person can enjoy, which by the way is anything that really utilizes the other senses. Baking, swimming, listening to TV for the hearing impaired.

Greyson himself really strives for independence. He's always doing his best to remember where things were so that he can do it himself. He's got a damn good memory for things. Sky is the whole reason he enjoys things. Sky is behind a whole lot of Greyson. This is why Sky is next chapter.

Ya, I should have started with Aidyn, but I didn't. He'll be third I promise. Again Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 6

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