My Life Started After High School

By Kuragari

Published on Jul 23, 2017


My Life Started After High School

MLSAHS is a story written by Kuragari129. Posting this story to another site without my permission is not permitted. Events in this story, though some may be based on actual events, are completely fictional, any similarities are coincidental. If you are not the legal age in your area to look at porn, I must ask you to leave even though you won't.

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MLSAHS is a continuation of my story My Life Started at the End of the World. I encourage you to go and read it first, but it is not completely necessary. You can find it by following this link:

Last Chapter(s):

Aidyn: He's been at school for almost a full semester now. Final exams are over, time to go home and face the music.

Abel: Could today be the day he meets the boy of his dreams? After being hit on by Jason and coming out to his brother, what's his next step?

Noah: Aidyn was in bed with another boy, but nothing happened. Noah hasn't expressed himself properly to his brother yet, how will that go down?

Cairo: Cairo was quickly taken out of his Father's care after Carter was removed from his home. But what truly happened with his father?

Sky: Greyson had promised a date where Sky experienced being blind, and it's finally time to deliver!

MLSAHS – Chapter 19 – Little Secrets – Dirty Diana

Aidyn's POV

I woke up to my alarm for class, must have forgotten to turn it off last night. After rolling over, I reached for the night stand and shut off the alarm. Not even a minute later my phone was ringing. Since the phone was on the other side of the room, I had to actually get up to answer.

It was mom. "Yes?"

"Today is your last exam!" She sounded excited, way too excited in the morning for me to handle. "Are you coming home tonight or tomorrow?"

"Probably tonight." I yawned.

Mom got all giggly. "Perfect, I'll make something special for dinner then!" Whatever, sure, not going to complain. "Noah seems to be a little down, by the way."

"I know..." It's my fault he's like that.

"Do you know why Aidyn?" How do moms always know?

I let out a sigh. "I might have had another guy in my bed one night... and I don't remember how he got there." I heard mom almost say something, but I cut her off. "Nothing happened, we just shared a bed."

"And Noah is understandably upset about it all... You need to come home tonight and make things up with him."

"I know."

"So get your ass to that test and get it back here. I don't want to see you until after you've talked to Noah." Strict mamma mode activated. This is when you listen to her and do exactly what she said.

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Love you, see you later tonight."

"Love you too." and we hung up the phone. Walking out of my room, Nathan was sitting there smiling with a bowl of cereal in front of him. "You heard that?"

He nodded as he swallowed his food. "Yep! Though I didn't hear her, so it couldn't have been that bad."

"No, not really. My mom doesn't want to see me until I talk with Noah though." I scratched the back of my head and went to the fridge. "I don't blame her. I really have to talk to him."

"Just one more exam!" Oh, shut up Nathan. I laughed before joining him in the most important meal of the day.

Abel's POV

Kyler being at Greyson's house turned out great for our friendship. My parents got to meet his, and now I am free to go to his house after school whenever. He and I are taking full advantage of that today.

"Dude! You have to check out my dad's old games. He's got an N64 and original PlayStation. We could play Conker's Bad Fur Day or something." Kyler was ecstatic I was coming over. "The luck we have, that you live across from Greyson!"

I laughed. "Yeah!" both of us were bouncing in excitement. "I haven't ever played on an N64, so that will be an experience."

Kyler got a grin on his face. "You're going to be so confused by the controllers. They are just awful looking, it's great!"

"How can they look awful and be great?"

"Just trust me, dude." Whatever you say, Kyler, I guess we'll see.

HE WAS RIGHT!? What even are these controllers? Humans don't have three arms! We've never had three arms, right!? Kyler laughed over my reaction of the controller. Then he decided to show me the best way to hold the controller before starting up Golden Eye.

Of course, he kicked my butt every single round. He was so confident in his abilities he let me choose 'Oddjob'. I ended up doing so much better after that against him. We were having mutual fun.

Our entertainment was interrupted by a knock at the door. Kyler's mom was in the kitchen doing some cleaning. "Kyler, can you answer the door please?" He ended up pausing the game and pulling me along with him.

We opened the door together to see an older boy and a kid about our age. "Is this the Virtue residence?" The older boy asked.

My eyes were caught up on the younger one. His eyes were two different colors and just gorgeous. Who is this boy!?

Kyler broke my concentration. "Yes, I'm Kyler Virtue. How can I help you?"

"I'm Noah Wesley, Student Council President, and I've been tasked with giving Kayde his homework." He set down his backpack and pulled out a large stack of papers. "I've been told that all his science work is expected at the end of his suspension."

"Okay, thanks." Kyler took the stack of papers from Noah. "I'll get these to my brother."

The younger boy tilted his head at Kyler's comment. "Kayde has a brother? Why don't you go to our school?"

"Long story, kid."

The boy's face puffed up. "I'm not a kid; I'm 13. My name is Cairo Reynolds."

Kyler shrugged. "Never heard of you. Sorry for calling you a kid, though. Thanks again, see you later." With that, Kyler closed the door and turned to me. "Oh god..."


"You're face... You think one of them is cute." My face heated up in a full blush. I may have been hanging around Kyler for too long. "It's Cairo isn't it?" All I could do is nod.

"Am I not allowed to think someone is cute?"

"Yes, you're allowed to find someone cute. Just don't be a Jason, okay?" Oh, 100% there's no way I'm throwing myself on him. "Anyways, this is Kayde's lame school work. I'll be right back."

Cairo Reynolds... I would love to get to know you a little better, but I have no idea how that would happen. We don't go to the same school, but we do live in the same town. I guess I'll have to wait for an opportunity to arise.

Noah's POV

I heard Aidyn as he came into the house. I have been distracting myself with homework all evening, and that ended just a few minutes ago. I've sat here in silence staring at my TV screen just trying to figure out what I'm going to say.

Foot steps stopped right behind me. "Hey, Noah," Aidyn spoke softly. I turned around and saw him leaning against the wall. A smile couldn't help but slowly form on my face. "It's great to see you."

"Yeah, it's nice to see you too." I got up and started heading to my room. Aidyn's footsteps told me he followed me there. I left the door open when it closed I knew we were alone. "You're an ass; you know that?"

I couldn't even look at him at the moment. "Yeah... I know."

"First you go and get so drunk you don't remember the night! Then you wake up with a guy next to you that you do not know." I clenched my fist. "Then we barely talk because of the tension between us. And THEN I almost had to show that kid around at school!" I hadn't even told him about Cupid showing up at school, so that must have caught him off guard.

"I didn't realize the magnitude of my stupidity..." At least he admits he was stupid that night. "Noah, I'm so sorry."

I turned around and looked at him. "I know you are, but that doesn't change that I'm hurt, that every time I see this Cupid guy, I will be reminded of him sleeping in the same bed as you. It doesn't matter that nothing happened between you two, it's the fear that things could have been worse that gets me!"

Aidyn walked up and wrapped his arms around me. I started to cry into him unable to stop myself. He just held me tight and let me cry, rubbing my back the entire time. I have no idea how long I cried once I finally calmed down.

We stayed standing very close to each other. "What else is going through your head? I know I caused some hurt, and you're reaction is understandable, but I don't think hysterically crying over this is you... If I'm wrong, I'm an even bigger idiot."

I shook my head. "You're an idiot but not a big one." I finally returned his hug, as tight as I could. "It's Ryan's anniversary next week..."

Aidyn lifted me, and we sat on my bed. "Hey, I'm here okay? I'm here for the holidays and won't be going anywhere. I've got your back, Noah."

"I know..." He kissed my forehead. "Thank you for coming back right away."

"Every time, Noah. Every time."

Cairo's POV

Judith had me sit down once I got home. It's still so weird calling her Judith; she's Mrs. Craven but has started ignoring that. She only responds to Judith now. At least it's becoming more normal now.

I must have been sitting for twenty minutes when she finally spoke up. "So I have some news Cairo. I don't know if it's good or bad news though."

"What's the news?"

She took a breath. "Your father has a hearing coming up, regarding you." Oh no. "He's wanting you out of foster care and back into your step-mother's custody."

"How could that be good news!?" I yelled at her. "Sorry..."

She nodded. "It's okay to be upset and express yourself Cairo. Thank you for recognizing when things may have gone too far though." She's really a nice lady. "It depends on the results of the hearing, which will tell us if it's good news or not."

"That's fair... I don't want to go back with either of them."

"If that's what you'd like, then that's what we will work for. We just need to build a case that shows your stepmother is unsuited to raise and care for you." Carter is here now... he can help with that since he doesn't live with her.

Carter leaving... that caused a huge chain of events.

A few months prior.

"Did that faggot touch you!?" Dad yelled at me as he drove home from the school. I remained quiet as he drove. "Answer me Cairo!"

"No sir!" I jumped at the volume and rage he used. I started to listen intently; I didn't want to get in trouble right now.

"He better fucking not of or he will get my full force in revenge." My body didn't move, tears were few and far between, but only because I was scared. My father's rage was like steam coming out through his ears.

When we got home, I immediately went to my room. My body was so exhausted from the day that I fell asleep almost immediately. I slept until the next day.

At school everyone was staring, many of them must have heard about what happened at Carter's school. I ended up skipping most of the day because of my anxiety levels. I even faked being sick the next day of school.

The day I was sick though turned into a chaotic day. It started when Dad was on the phone with my Auntie, his sister. "What do you mean you've taken him in?" Dad suddenly sounded furious. "That sinner does not belong in any house of my family!"

"What's dad talking about?" I knew it was about Carter, well I figured it was about him.

Carter's mom, my stepmother, just shook her head. "Just ignore it Cairo."

I didn't ignore it; I listened to every word dad said. "You will not keep him in your home. Yes, I do have the right to say that, I am your older brother. Excuse me!" Dad stomped over to his jacket and started making his way out of the house. "I'm going to my sisters. I won't be home until late."

That night home was quiet, way too quiet to be any good. Around 11pm we had a knock on the door. I was in bed, but my window is right beside the front door. "Good evening ma'am, I am Constable Holmes, I am looking for a Dom Reynolds."

"He isn't home right now, and I don't know when he will be." She sounded irritated with something. "Sorry I cannot be any help to you."

"Ma'am..." I heard the door stop but not close completely. "I will be outside waiting for him to come home. Good night." I stayed up the entire time. I even sneaked peeks out the window to see if the officer was still there.

Sure enough, when dad got home, the officer and he got into an argument. It wasn't until the next day that Dad was taken away on charges of trespassing and child abuse. A lady came and told me to pack up everything of importance.

I then stayed in a boys home for the remainder of the school year. I was the best behaved kid there; everyone else would always talk back. Once school ended, the social workers looked into getting me a place to stay elsewhere. That led me to the Craven's loving home.

Skylar's POV

"Seriously?" Greyson held a blindfold in his hands. "I have to wear that?" We were in Greyson's bedroom getting ready for me being blind.

"A quite literal blind date requires you to be blind." He smiled and pushed the blindfold towards me. "I'll get to show you around!"

I took the small piece of fabric from him. "The blind leading the blind, GREEEAT." Greyson laughed as I put on the blindfold. I couldn't see a damn thing no matter where I look. "It's pretty black in here."

"Get used to it! Now, here." He placed a cane in my hand, I think. "It's a walking cane for the blind. It lets you know a whole bunch of things like if the ground suddenly drops off, or if there are stairs."

"Do you have one? Please tell me you have one!"

"Yes, I do." Well... I guess we're safe?

We started moving from the bedroom, and I was bumping into everything! Greyson tried not to laugh the first couple times, but eventually gave in and just laughed. I even heard his mom giggle from down the stairs.

"You know what!? This is a lot harder than it looks!" I joked my anger.

She continued to laugh. "Oh believe me I know. We have done it as well, though only in our home."

Greyson gently placed his hand on my chest. "Wait like two feet before turning right." Sure enough, I hit an end table. Not going to show how much that hurt to anyone. "So you promise to go unnoticed?"

"Yes Greyson, I promise I will not interfere unless it's for your safety." His dad assured us.

"And you!" Greyson turned to me, changing where his voice was coming from. Echoes are not nice to blind people. "You are not allowed to take the blindfold off ever!"

"I will keep it on unless we get in danger."

"That's what dad's here for! So you just keep that on." This is going to be one hell of a date.

We went all around doing stuff. I had to eat things that I didn't know what they were. Had to feel things that felt absolutely disgusting. Being blind is the worse thing in the world! Greyson did do his best to include nice things too.

We watched a movie that I hadn't seen before and now will have to watch again. It's been an interesting experience. "Greyson can I take the blindfold off yet?"


"Why not?"

He giggled. "I want to hear you try and get through your house. And then you can take it off. But only once you get to your room." Oh great... Time to bump in to literally everything all over again!

Chapter End.

There is more "blindness" for Skylar coming up. It may or may not be sexual, but that's for you all to find out.

Next chapter will have a larger Carter flashback placing him at finding Nathan again. Which will get him to the point he was at in chapter 1? Abel is also going to have a big moment next chapter, so stay tuned to find out.

So that everyone knows, MLSAHS may not get a chapter until September. I have a very busy August that may not allow me to write enough. So please be patient, and a new chapter will find its way to Nifty and Gay Authors. Thanks!

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Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 21

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