Judgment Error

By Chip Dyp

Published on May 15, 2000


The following program contains material suited for a mature audience. If you are not over 18 you should be leaving now. Of course I can't control you and neither can anyone else really. This story is entirely false except for the true parts. This segment contains the third, fourth, and fifth chapters of this story and I highly recommend reading the first two chapters which can be found in the Nifty Archive. And now for our feature presentation. Viewer Discretion is advised...

My web site is located at http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Atrium/2898.

Judgment Error- Chapters 3-5 by: Chip Dyp (chipdyp@hotmail.com)


I woke up the next morning to a firm but gentle knock on my partially closed door. I stayed on my side looking away from the door to hide the bruises I had received from Stefan the night before.

"What?" I grumbled.

"Just wanted to say good bye," my father said. "Don't go into the pool until after lunch, all right? I turned the heater on last night, and the right chemical balance should be achieved after lunch. Make sure you check the chemical levels before you get in the pool though."

"No pool until after lunch. Got it. Have fun at Aunt Martha's."

"Yeah, right. What do you and Stefan have planned for today?"

"Nothing that I know of," I replied truthfully.

"Well, see you Thursday sport."

I closed my eyes again and drifted back to sleep. I started dreaming and the dream became very vivid. I was in a fog and someone was calling my name softly. I couldn't tell where the voice was coming from, and every time I tried to move towards the voice, I felt like I was going in the wrong direction. I felt a hand on my shoulder and my eyes snapped open. Standing at the side of my bed was Stefan.

As soon as I recognised my attacker of the night before I panicked. Thinking of nothing but escape, I rolled off the bed and crashed to the floor with a thud. Stefan laughed at me and walked around the foot of the bed. Stefan was grinning at me, but I failed to find any humour in the situation. He was cornering me, and I was petrified over what he might do to me.

"Stay away from me, you fucking psycho!" I shouted.

"Calm down. I'm just here to talk. Don't worry," Stefan replied as he continued advancing on my position. His smile started fading and a look of concern appeared on his face.

"You don't have to get any closer to talk." My mind was racing. I needed to get out of this corner. I looked for something to defend myself with but the corner was empty.

Stefan stopped moving towards me. I was shaking violently and he could see that I was clearly afraid of him. "Are you all right?" Stefan asked quietly.

"Oh, yeah. I'm great. There, we've talked. Now get the fuck out my room and out of this house!"

Stefan didn't say a word or move a muscle, but just continued standing there. I slowly pulled myself up and formulated my escape. I would drop the blanket and make a beeline for the bedroom door. Once out of the bedroom I could lock myself in the bathroom where I hoped I would be safe.

I tensed up and prepared to make my break. I dropped the blanket and leapt onto the bed. I took two steps and was promptly tackled by Stefan. I started kicking and striking out, in an attempt to get away from my attacker. Stefan quickly grabbed my arms and straddled my chest, eliminating any chance I had of hurting him or escaping.

"Quit thrashing. I am not going to let go of you until you settle down."

"Fuck you! Let me go," I yelled as I continued struggling.

"Look, I just want to talk. I want to apologise for hitting you last night. I over reacted."

"Over reacted? You did a hell of a lot more than over react. You held me down and choked me into unconsciousness!" I struggled to hold back the tears that were welling up. I wanted to be friends with Stefan, but I didn't want to get hit for every comment I made.

"I didn't mean to hurt you. I just...look can I ask you a question?"

"I'm not going anywhere with you sitting on my chest. If you want me to answer your question, though, you'll let me up."

Stefan released my arms and cautiously lifted his weight off of my torso. I quickly pulled myself into a sitting position and covered my exposed genitals with a pillow.

I took a few seconds to calm down. If Stefan wanted to hit me again he could have done so. So, what was so important about the question? "What did you want to ask me?" I asked with a mix of curiosity and anger in my voice.

Stefan sat down beside me on the bed with his arms in his lap. "I overheard your parents talking this morning out on the deck. Are you really gay?"

"What were my parents saying?" I asked. I was shocked and even more afraid than before, now that the secret that I had hoped to protect from the outside world had escaped.

"They were talking about someone named Colin and how they hoped you'd find someone who treated you better than he did. Your mom said that you were a lot happier now than you were at the end of April and that she hoped that you would make a bunch of friends out here. Your dad also mentioned that he thought you'd gained a little weight which sorta floored me seeing as you're--really thin. From the way they were talking about you and Colin, I just assumed that you two were more than just friends."

"We were. And to answer your first question, yes, I am gay."

Stefan lowered his head so he was looking at his lap. "Do you find me attractive?"

Talk about a loaded question! I decided that honesty was the best policy. "I find you very attractive Stefan. Now what's this all about?"

Stefan looked up at me and into my eyes. "I...I dreamt about you all last night Ian. I keep seeing me kissing you and...and doing other things with you. It's driving me crazy."

I slowly absorbed what Stefan was saying. He was dreaming about me. I looked at him and made a rash decision. I put my hand onto his chin and brought my lips to his. Just as I was about to kiss him, he gently pushed me away.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that," I said.

"I can't be gay. I just can't be."

I sat quietly on my bed waiting for Stefan to speak again. We sat next to each other on the bed for five then ten minutes, neither of us saying a word. The quiet was getting on my nerves and I figured that I would have to break the silence when Stefan spoke.

"I'd still like to be your friend," he said as he got off of the bed. "But I can't be gay and I don't want you to try anything."

"I'd like to be your friend too. And you don't have to worry. I can control my hormones. I just have one favour to ask of you."


"Could you please keep the fact that I am gay to yourself? You owe me at least that much after last night"

"You don't have to worry. I won't tell anyone."

I pulled the pillow off of my lap and got out of bed. I could feel Stefan's eyes as he watched me pull on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I looked in the mirror above the dresser and assessed the damage that Stefan had caused the night before. There were faint bruises on my neck and on my cheeks but nothing too terribly noticeable. I did have one hell of a black eye though. Where there had once been pasty white skin, there was now a black and blue bruise that stood out like a sore thumb. It was obvious that I had gotten hit and there was no way I could hide it. But I realised, as I looked in the mirror, that I had to make a decision. Did I want to stay friends with Stefan even though he had a touch of a potentially violent temper? I really liked him so far. His friends seemed very cool. I had to be careful. I had to make a decision that would affect at least my next year. I made my choice. "Damn. You throw one hell of a punch."

"You didn't tell your parents how you got that did you?" Stefan asked with a little concern in his voice.

"No, they haven't seen it yet."

"What are you going to tell them when they come home?"

"They won't be home until tomorrow and then I'll tell them I walked into a door or something. Hopefully by the time they see it, it won't look quite so bad. But I'm hungry. Did you want something to eat?" I turned around to look at Stefan who was still sitting on my bed.

"Sure. What are you having?" At the mere mention of food Stefan stood and walked towards me.

"Probably a couple of Pizza Pops. There is nothing better for breakfast."


Stefan led the way out of the room and I followed close behind. We went upstairs and I put on my sunglasses to avoid the sun. I found a box of Pep'n'Bacon Pizza Pops, tossed four into the microwave oven and set the timer. I grabbed a can of Diet Dr. Pepper out of the fridge and offered Stefan a choice of Root Beer, Diet Dr. Pepper, or Coke. He decided on a Root Beer so I grabbed a can out the fridge and tossed it to him. We stood in front of the microwave watching the numbers countdown as we waited for our food. There was no noise except for the microwave. Neither of us knew what to say to each other and when the machine finally beeped it was a relief. I opened the door and grabbed the steaming pockets. I quickly dropped the pizza pops onto plates to avoid burning my fingers too badly.

"You want to eat on the deck?" I asked as I handed Stefan his plate.

"Why not. It's a beautiful day out."

Out on the deck Stefan and I sat down on the patio furniture that had moved with us from out east. Stefan had been right. It was a beautiful day. I was still a little hesitant about what Stefan might do so I tried to be on my best behaviour. We both sat in silence devouring our meal and looking at the pool. Finally I popped the last morsel into my mouth as Stefan took a swig of his pop and put his plate down.

"Is the pool ready?" Stefan asked in an attempt to make conversation.

"Should be ready after lunch. I'm supposed to check the chemical levels to see if it's ready."

"So what do you want to do until then?"

I knew exactly what I wanted to do and he was sitting on the deck beside me. "I was going to set up the entertainment centre in the basement and listen to a few tunes. You are welcome to come watch."

"Did you want a hand?"

"If you want to help I could always use another hand," I replied. I left Stefan an out in case he wanted to leave. I didn't want him to feel obligated.

"Sounds good to me."

I grabbed Stefan's plate and my own and walked into the kitchen. After depositing the plates in the dishwasher and placing the cans into the recycling bin, I led the way downstairs.

"So how should we go about this?" Stefan asked as he surveyed the boxes of electronics staked in a little pile.

"Well, let's set up the stand. It has wheels so if we set it up we can put the components onto it and then wire everything together at the back. Then all we have to do is push the stand against the wall."

Stefan opened the box with the carefully packed stand while I went and grabbed my dad's tool kit from the garage. Stefan pulled all the pieces of the stand out and we set about reconstructing the stand according to the instructions. After about half an hour's work, the stand was complete. Stefan and I then started loading the shelves with the various components of the stereo. While we were putting everything together Stefan started asking some questions.

"So when did you decide you were gay?"

"You don't really decide. You just are."

"That's not what my dad says. He says that fags all chose to be gay and that they induce young men to join them."

"Sorry to disappoint your father but it doesn't work that way," I replied briskly. I always hated that people thought that I chose to be gay. It was the biggest lie that I had ever heard and I knew that the Christians were propagating it.

And so I answered all of Stefan's questions about homosexuality. He asked some good questions and made me think on more than one occasion. He only asked one question about the sexual aspect, and the question was about anal sex.

"Doesn't it hurt when some guy fucks you up the ass?"

"It can if you aren't careful. But then it feels really good. As long as you go slow for the first little bit, until your ass is stretched out a little, you should be okay." I finished connecting the last wire and checked to see that everything was connected properly. "And we are done. Let's see if it works before we push it against the wall."

After ensuring that the TV, VCR, and stereo were hooked up properly and that everything worked, Stefan and I pushed the now full stand against the wall and locked the wheels. I looked at my watch and was surprised to find that it was noon.

"You want to grab some lunch and then go for a swim?" I asked as I flopped down on the couch.

"Sure. I have to go grab my trunks though," Stefan quickly replied.

"We could skinny dip. There is no one here but us," I said and then cringed after the words left my mouth. Stefan took the comment in stride and didn't seem to be bothered by the thought.

"Sure we could skinny dip except that my mom's home office looks down into your back yard. I know she'd be less than impressed if she saw us running around naked."

"I suppose. Well go and get your trunks and I'll make sandwiches or something to eat."

"'Kay. I'll be back in about five minutes."

Stefan got off the couch and walked out of the basement. I continued sitting on the couch, resting a little bit. Lestat jumped up into my lap and as I petted him I yawned wide. I was a little tired and before I knew it I was asleep. Some time later Stefan slowly roused me from my slumber. He was wearing nothing but a pair of tightly packed Speedos that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. I sat staring at him for a long while. His chest was nicely developed. He wasn't overly muscular but then again he wasn't scrawny like me. His abs were firm and I noticed a light dusting of blond hair all over his stomach and chest which I had missed before. His legs had a fair amount of hair on them and he had an average amount of hair under his arms.

"What?" Stefan asked with an innocent smile on his face. As if he didn't know what that swimsuit was doing to me. I couldn't understand his choice of suit. Surely he had a swimsuit that covered a little more of his body. Was this a test? Was he seeing if I could control my hormones?

"Nothing. Just thinking about something," I replied.

Stefan laughed and helped me off of the couch. "Come on you lazy prick. My mom sent over some freshly baked cookies for desert. But we need the main course first."

"I don't want to make sandwiches. How about some soup?" I asked.

"Sounds good."

We went back upstairs and after agreeing on Cream of Chicken I left Stefan holding the fort while I went and changed into my swimsuit. Not wanting to be out done by the stud that was upstairs, I grabbed my pair of Speedos and pulled them on. I adjusted my basket and encouraged things to grow just a little. After I had finished adjusting myself, I grabbed my bottle of sun block and headed up to the kitchen. Stefan was ladling the soup into bowls when he saw me come up the stairs.

"Nice suit," Stefan said after he had stared at my crotch for a couple of moments.


I grabbed a bowl of soup and sat at the kitchen table. Stefan sort of looked at me funny and then sat beside me.

"You don't want to eat outside?"

"Nope. When I am not wearing a lot of clothes I have to put on my SPF 9000 sun block before I go out into the sun otherwise I burn really, really fast."

"SPF 9000?" Stefan asked in a questioning tone.

"Well actually SPF 50 but it might as well be 9000."

Stefan and I quickly finished our soup while we watched Jerry Springer on the kitchen TV. Jerry had the requisite fights and the topic was rather boring. How many times can you watch two brothers fighting over a girl? After we both had finished I grabbed both of the bowls and placed them into the dishwasher. "Well, shall we go see if the pool is ready?"

"Let's do it."

I grabbed the test kit out of the garage and made my way into the backyard.

Stefan and I rolled back the thermal cover and I reached into the water with a test kit. After conducting the test I checked the result. The pool was ready. I was about to leap into the water when I realised I hadn't put any sun block on. I went back to the house and grabbed the bottle from the counter. I walked back out to the pool while putting a generous amount of lotion into my hands. I applied a generous coat of sun block to my arms, legs, chest and face. There was only one area I couldn't reach.

"Could you put some lotion onto my back Stefan?" I asked.

"Sure. Can I borrow some lotion? I burn quite quickly."


Stefan put some lotion into his hands and slowly started rubbing it into my shoulders and my back. His strong hands massaged the oil into every pore. His hands were sending electricity down my spine. Quickly my cock started to grow inside the tiny spandex suit. And just as he was about to push me over the edge he stopped and handed me the bottle. He looked down at my tenting Speedos and then looked into my eyes. "Your turn."

Stefan turned around and I began to rub oil into his back. I worked the oil into his shoulders and his lower back. I caressed his smooth skin as I ran my fingers over his shoulder blades and along his spine. He moaned softly and I smiled. "Okay. All done."

I turned Stefan around and found that he had a major tent going. His cock was so hard that it was causing the waistband to pull away from his stomach and I took a quick peek into his basket. I ran to the edge of the pool and jumped in. The water felt fantastic. I broached the surface of the water in time to see Stefan walk to the edge of the pool, and dive in. His body entered the water without causing a splash. I was impressed. I looked in the water to see where Stefan was and saw him swimming towards me. I stood my ground and waited. He surfaced in front of me and dunked me. I had a suspicion that he would try something so I was prepared when he pushed my head under water.

We swam and played in the pool for three and a half hours before his mom came to the fence to talk with us. She invited me to supper and told us that supper was in an hour. After she went back in the house we played around for another five minutes when suddenly Stefan disappeared. I looked around for him and was surprised when I was lifted off the bottom of the pool. Stefan had gotten behind me and he quickly yanked down my Speedos and tossed me out of them. He swam to the edge of the pool as quickly as he could with my Speedos in his hand. I made a desperate grab for him, to try and prevent him from getting away. In my haste I managed to get a hold of his suit and pulled it from his body.

"I've got your suit," I gloated.

"Yeah but I've got yours.

"So," I replied and hopped out of the pool. When Stefan realised that I wasn't going to give his swimsuit back, he tried chasing after me. I made it to the deck doors before he did and locked him out.

"Come on man. Let me in. My mom will freak out if she sees me naked outside."

"Beg nicely."

"Come on man. You have to let me in. Please let me in," Stefan pleaded with growing fear in his voice

I opened the locked door and Stefan quickly ran inside. We both stood naked in the living room dripping water. "We had better go downstairs before we get everything wet," I said as I led the way to the basement.

Once in the basement I ran to the bathroom and grabbed a towel. Stefan was close behind and I tossed him the towel so he could dry off. "I'm gonna hop into the shower so I can get cleaned up for supper," I told him as I pulled the curtain closed.

"All right. I'm just going to dry off and head back to my place.


I turned on the warm water and felt the warm water run through my hair and over my body. I grabbed the bar of soap and started soaping up my body. The water felt so good and I was still horny from the earlier incident with the sun block, so my cock started growing. It quickly reached its full length and my balls ached for a release. I grabbed the shampoo bottle, and got a hand full of shampoo. I used the shampoo as a lubricant and started masturbating in the shower. My hand flew up and down the shaft and I could feel the urge to cum building in my loins. My hand started moving faster and faster in desperation as my body yearned for release. My knees buckled and with my free hand I grabbed at the shower curtain for support. Finally I let out a yell and blew my load across the shower. In the aftermath of my orgasm my knees completely buckled and I put all my weight on the shower curtain. The curtain ripped off the hooks as I struggled to keep my balance.

As I was falling to the floor of the tub, I looked over to my left where the shower curtain had once been and saw Stefan pounding his cock with his right hand. He was standing on the shower mat. He was close enough to see me in the shower. His eyes were closed and he let out a loud yell and blew his load all over my chest. He opened his eyes quickly and saw me lying there staring at him. He ran out of the bathroom with his suit in his hand.

I just lay there in shock. He had been watching me beat off! I looked down at my chest and could see strings of his cum. I scooped up some of his seed and tasted it. It was sweet with a slight aftertaste. My cock started hardening again and I urged it back to full size and continued pleasuring myself until I climaxed for the second time in 20 minutes. I finished showering and dried myself off.


After I had finished drying off, I tied my hair back and brushed my teeth. I was tempted to go without contacts but I decided that I should wear them. I had just finished putting my contacts in when I heard the phone ring in my room. I ran to the bedroom and answered the phone. It was Stefan.

"Hi Ian, um look I want to apologise for watching you in the shower. It was wrong and I am very sorry."

"It's all right Stefan. No harm done."

"No, it's not all right. I was so turned on by the thought of you masturbating in the shower that I couldn't help myself. I can't feel that way. I can't feel..."

"Look Stefan. Just forget about it. It was my fault. I should have been more discrete. Besides, if you aren't attracted to guys it was just a freak of nature."

"Does that sort of thing happen?" Stefan asked with a touch of curiosity in his voice.

"Sometimes Stefan. Listen. Did you still want me to come for supper or would you prefer I stay at home?"

"I still want you to come over. You're right. It was just a freak of nature. I'll be in the shower so just come on down to my room."

"'Kay. See you in about five minutes."

I went to my dresser and pulled out a polo shirt and a pair of casual shorts. I quickly got dressed and headed next door. Stefan's mom met me at the door and asked me about my black eye. I told her I had run into some furniture last night while I was walking in the dark and unfamiliar basement. She took the story at face value and told me that Stefan was in the basement. I went down to his room and found Stefan standing in the middle of his room naked and drying off.

"So what's for supper?" I asked as Stefan pulled on his clothes.

"Barbecued spare ribs and rice."


I looked at the floor while Stefan got dressed. I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable. I figured if I sat there staring him while he got dressed he would be a little embarrassed. When I saw that he had pulled on a pair of shorts, I looked up and started talking with him. I asked him some questions about school. Stefan answered my questions much more truthfully than he had before when my parents had asked similar questions.

Finally it was suppertime and I was treated to the same inquisition that my parents had treated Stefan to. I answered the questions as best I could. His parents were interested in how I had liked high school in Toronto. They seemed to think that Toronto was a violent city. I tried to correct their misconceptions. After Stefan and I had finished eating we cleaned off the table and did the few dishes that wouldn't fit in the dishwasher. I had the urge to go for another swim and I asked Stefan if he would like to join me for a swim and then maybe stay the night. Stefan thought about it long and hard. I'm sure he was trying to figure if I was trying to get into his pants or if I was just being a normal teenager. Finally he said sure and he asked his mom. His mother had no problem with him staying at my place for the night, so we went back downstairs and Stefan took off all of his clothes. I stood there as he packed them into a backpack and pulled his Speedos back on. His cock was soft and he had no trouble getting everything adjusted. I realised that I was staring and I turned around as he finished adjusting himself.

"So are you all packed?" I asked looking at the wall.

"Yep, let's go."

We walked upstairs and Stefan said good night to his parents. We walked across the patch of lawn that separated our houses and I unlocked the front door. I took Stefan's backpack and told him I would be right out. I went downstairs and put his pack onto my bed. I walked into the bathroom and pulled my clothes off. I grabbed my bathing suit off of the curtain rod and pulled the cold, clammy suit on. My balls quickly climbed into my abdomen in search of warmth. I took my contacts out and grabbed a couple of towels out of the linen closet. I figured if there were towels upstairs, we wouldn't have to drip all the way through the house. I grabbed my clothes off the floor and tossed them into my room before heading upstairs. I walked out the back door onto the deck and put the towels down on the deck chair that was by the door. Stefan was already in the pool swimming lengths. I stood on the deck admiring his form and his stroke. He was a really good swimmer and his suit accentuated his very beautiful body.

I walked to the deep end of the pool and decided to dive in and do a few lengths. I dove into the water and although I didn't create a very big splash I knew that my dive was no where as good as Stefan's had been earlier that day. I swam fifteen lengths of the pool before I started tiring and decided to rest in the shallow end. The water had warmed up since the afternoon as the heater worked to bring the water temperature to a very comfortable 72 degrees Fahrenheit. I left my head above water while I kept my body submerged. Stefan finished his lap and swam over to where I was resting. He surfaced next to me and took a deep breath.

"The water is warmer now," he said as his breathing slowed to a more normal rate.

"Yep," I replied. "The heater was going all afternoon."

"Wanna race?"

"Okay. There and back. Go!" I cheated and started swimming away before Stefan was ready. It didn't matter, however, as he quickly passed me before we got to the other end of the pool and ended up beating me by a little less than half the length of the pool.

"You cheated and I still won," Stefan gloated as he did a little celebration dance.

"So you swim better than me," I said trying to dismiss his win. Stefan wouldn't let it go and I finally had to start splashing him. The splashing eventually escalated to dunking and I gave as good as I got. Stefan could use his brute force to dunk me while I had to be a little sneakier. I tripped him several times and jumped on his back repeatedly. We were having so much fun that we didn't notice that a storm that had been rolling in until we heard a clap of thunder and saw a bolt of lightning.

"Uh oh," Stefan said, "Looks like we are in for a storm."

"Yeah. We better get out. Stay in the pool and grab the end of the thermal cover. I'll unroll it. It works better this way."

"So why do I get to stay in the pool during the storm?" Stefan asked sarcastically.

"Cause you swim better. Deal with it."

I quickly hopped out of the pool and ran over to the thermal cover. I handed Stefan the end of it and quickly started unrolling it. It took about a minute to get the pool covered and by the time we had finished it had started raining heavily. Stefan hopped out of the pool and we both ran to the deck. I handed Stefan his towel and we went inside to escape the rain. Inside, we were dripping all over the floor, so I told Stefan that perhaps we better go downstairs so that we don't get the floor too wet.

We ran downstairs and crowded into the washroom. The shower curtain was still lying partially in the shower and partially out of the shower from the afternoon's events and Stefan sort of blushed when he saw it. I pulled off my suit and rinsed it out in the sink. After wringing it out I threw it over the curtain rod and turned to Stefan.

"Take off your suit and I'll rinse it out for you," I told him as he stood there towelling off his chest.

Stefan paused for a moment and then tossed his towel over his shoulder. He pulled off his suit and handed it to me. He took his towel off of his shoulder and continued drying off. I tried not to look at his equipment but the temptation was too great. I quickly regained my self-control, rinsed out his suit and tossed it over the bar next to mine. I finished drying myself off and hung the towel onto the towel rack. I walked out of the bathroom with my soft cock dangling between my legs. Once in my room I grabbed the briefs I had been wearing previously and pulled them on. I pulled on a t-shirt and a pair of shorts and took a look in the mirror. My hair was a mess. The bruises on my neck were gone and the bruise on my face was nearly gone. My black eye had gone down a little but it was still very noticeable. I caught a reflection of Stefan standing behind me naked. His body was so beautiful but I knew that I shouldn't and couldn't do anything with him because of the way he felt. I watched as Stefan reached into his backpack and pulled on his clothes.

"How's your eye feel?" Stefan asked.

"A little better than it felt last night. How do your nuts feel?" I asked as turned around to look at him, now that he was fully dressed.

"Man, last night when you pounded my nuts I thought you had crushed them or something. They were still sore this morning when I woke up. In fact they are still a little tender now."

"I'm sorry I hurt you Stefan..."

"You have nothing to apologise for. If that had been me I would have done the same thing. You were just trying to get away."

I smiled at him. "So what do you want to do?"

Stefan shrugged, "I dunno. What's on TV?"

I looked at my watch. It was almost nine o'clock. "Leno and Letterman will be on in half an hour," I replied, "And there might be a good movie on Super Channel."

We headed out to the family room and turned on the TV. I checked the preview channel and was pleased to see that 'In & Out' would be starting at 9:30. I hadn't seen the movie when it was in the theatre and had been waiting patiently for it to come out on video. I turned to Stefan, and asked if he had seen 'In & Out'.

"Nope," he replied. "I did want to see it though. Have you seen it?"

"Nah. I missed it in the theatre. How about we order a pizza and watch the movie."

"Sounds good. What kind of pizza do you want to order?"

"Canadian from Pizza Hut sound good to you?"

"Sounds good to me," Stefan replied.

I picked up the phone and then realised I didn't have a clue as to the phone number for Pizza Hut. "Hey, you know the number for Pizza Hut?"

"Ummm, 555-7500 I think."

I dialled the number that Stefan gave me and was pleased to hear the pleasant voice of a Pizza Hut employee. I gave her my order and my address and was happy to hear that the pizza would arrive in about 30 minutes. Stefan and I channel surfed, looking for something interesting to watch but we were thoroughly disappointed with the selection. I heard the doorbell ring and I ran upstairs with my wallet. I gave the driver his money and a decent tip and went into the kitchen. I grabbed a couple of pops out of the fridge, pulled a few sheets of paper towel of the roll for napkins and headed back downstairs. I put the pizza down and grabbed my seat just as the movie started.

Stefan and I devoured the pizza like teenage boys tend to do. By the time the movie was over both Stefan and I were yawning deeply. I looked over at Stefan and thought over the sleeping arrangements. He could have my bed and I would crash on the couch. I told Stefan that he could have my bed and he asked where I was going to sleep.

"I'll just sleep out here on the couch," I told him.

"There's no need to do that. Your bed is large enough for both of us."

"Are you sure you'll be comfortable knowing I'm in the bed with you?" I asked.

"You said you wouldn't do anything and I trust you. There's just one thing. Do you mind if I sleep in the nude?"

"Nope. That's how I sleep all the time."

We both got up and headed to my room. I stopped in the washroom and brushed my teeth. I quickly washed my face and headed back to my room. When I arrived in my room Stefan had already pulled off all of his clothes except for his underwear. He had his toothbrush in his hand and he headed to the washroom when he saw me come in. I quickly pulled off my clothes and got under the covers. Stefan came back into the room about five minutes later and shut off the lights. I could see his body silhouetted against the wall and watched as he removed his underwear. I closed my eyes so that I wouldn't get a raging hard on while he was lying in my bed. I knew it would be futile but I tried my best. I felt Stefan crawl into bed and heard his breathing start to slow. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

I awoke a short time later when I felt a hand playing with my cock. I moaned quietly and almost instantly the hand withdrew. I rolled over on my side and looked at Stefan.

"Why did you stop?" I asked.

"Um, I'm sorry Ian. I think I better go sleep on the couch."

"Don't bother Stefan. I don't mind if you want to play with me."

Stefan was quiet for a few moments and then he rolled onto his side so he was looking at me. "Would you um..."

"Would I what?"

Stefan stammered for a few seconds trying to ask for something he desperately wanted. I put my finger to his lips and he instantly fell silent.

"Would you like me to give you a blow job?"

Stefan slowly nodded his head. I pulled back the comforter and exposed my rock hard cock. I ran my hand over Stefan's chest. His nipples were hard and I couldn't resist tweaking them. I gently caressed his cock and balls. A loud moan escaped from Stefan's lips and he closed his eyes.

"Sorry. I would imagine things are a little sore after last night," I said.

Stefan made no reply so I moved down to the foot of the bed and spread his legs. By the light of the moon I could see his family jewels. Nestled in a patch of curly black pubic hair was the most beautiful cock I had seen, and also one of the largest. Stefan's circumcised cock measured at least eight inches and was pleasantly plump. His low hanging balls had a thin covering of pubic hair and at the moment were drawn close to his body. I lowered my mouth towards his cock and quickly took in the first 4 inches of its length.

Stefan made a loud gasping noise and clenched the sheets of the bed with his hands. I ran my tongue around the glands of his cock teasing him a little before I made the final assault and took in the last four inches. I moved my head up and down his cock, slowly deep throating the whole length of it. I started caressing his tender balls very carefully with my hand as I started increasing my speed. I squeezed his balls, trying to push him to the edge but also trying not to hurt him.

Stefan started breathing heavier and grasped even harder at the sheets. I felt his cock expand in my mouth and was rewarded with a mouth full of Stefan's sweet cum as he blew his load. I stopped deep throating Stefan and concentrated on the glands in an attempt to tease all of the cum that I could out of his cock. I gave his rapidly softening cock a few strokes with my hand to get the last of his cum. Finally, I removed his cock from my mouth and lay down beside him. I placed my arm onto his chest and kissed him.

I felt his tongue move through my mouth and he moved his left hand onto my back. He pulled me close and we lay in each other's arms for a few minutes enjoying the warmth that the other's body was providing. Stefan pulled me on top of him and slowly ran his arms down my back. His fingers ran over the small of my back and cupped the cheeks of my butt. He rolled to his side and placed me back down on the bed. He sat up and moved down in between my legs. My seven-inch cock was pointing straight up and was begging for attention. It had oozed out a fair amount of precum and Stefan used his finger to wipe it off and taste it.

Stefan slowly moved down to my cock and I could feel the breath coming out his nose striking the head of my manhood. He took a few tentative licks and then drew the glands of my cock into his mouth. He played with the head of the cock with his tongue before he started moving his head up and down my cock. It had been so long since I had had a blowjob and I knew I wouldn't last long. Stefan took more and more of my cock into his mouth with each stroke until his mouth was full. He tried deep throating my cock like I had done for him but he started choking. Stefan worked on my cock and in his enthusiasm scraped his teeth along the glands of my cock. I moaned loudly. I started bucking my hips furiously as I neared my climax and Stefan stopped moving and let me do all the work. I blew my load into Stefan's mouth. Stefan took my load in and swallowed. He crawled back up beside me on the bed and kissed me. I could taste my seed in his mouth mixed in with his saliva.

"How was I?" Stefan asked as he pulled me close to him.

"Not bad--for a beginner," I replied with a big grin on my face. "But man watch those teeth."

"Sorry, I tried to be careful but I got so into what I was doing."

I wrapped my arms around Stefan's neck. "That's all right. It was still great. But I thought you couldn't do this."

"Can you please not tell anyone? I would like to keep it a secret."

I nodded and placed my head on Stefan's chest. He wrapped me in a warm embrace and I felt immense happiness.


I awoke at about 2:30 am when I felt a rock hard cock pressing into my back. My cock quickly hardened and I knew I wasn't getting back to sleep until I blew a load.

"Stefan," I whispered. "Are you awake?"

"Yeah," he replied. "And I'm horny."

I laughed quietly. "Believe it or not I could tell."

Stefan slowly sat up and crawled in between my legs. "I want to try something if that's okay with you?"

"All right."

Stefan took my penis into his mouth and slowly ran his tongue around the head. I could feel his breath on my pubes. He was teasing me with his tongue and my body started tensing up. He removed my cock from his mouth and started licking my balls. He took one of my balls into his mouth and applied a lot of suction to it and then repeated on the other one. I groaned loudly from the pleasure that Stefan was giving me. The pressure started building in my balls and I knew I was going to blow my load soon. I urged Stefan to start sucking my cock and he took the whole length in, gagging a little as he got to the end. His gag response shoved me over the edge and I started pumping my cum into his mouth. Stefan sucked as hard as he could on my cock. He kept my cock in his mouth for a couple minutes after I had cum and then let it slip from his lips.

Stefan the moved up my body and straddled my chest without putting a lot of pressure onto it. As his cock came near I took it into my mouth and started sucking on it. After I had sucked on his cock for a couple of minutes he told me to stop and to close my eyes. I did as I was asked and felt him get off of my chest. I felt his weight on the bed again and he was down by my feet. I spread my legs for him and felt the weight shift as he moved closer to my soft cock. I wasn't sure what he was doing but I kept my eyes closed.

Suddenly I felt something that I wasn't expecting. Stefan had placed the head of his cock up against my ass hole. Before I could tell him to stop he had grabbed my thighs and slammed the full length of his cock up my ass. I felt my anus tear and felt a warm liquid on my cheeks. I screamed loudly and told Stefan to stop.

"Come on. You said I could try it," he replied as he kept pounding his cock into my ass.

The pain was unbearable. The blood from the tear was lubricating Stefan's cock but I was in massive pain. I tried to get away from the intruder but Stefan had placed my legs over his thighs and had a firm grip on them preventing any escape. There was no pleasure for me in the fucking that I was getting. I kept screaming for him to stop but Stefan had begun pounding the cock in and out of my ass faster and faster as he approached the edge. I kept trying to get away but I couldn't. Finally Stefan rammed his cock all the way into me and I felt his cock expand as he blew his load.

I started sobbing from the pain. My hole had been battered and bruised by the beating that had been administered by Stefan. I had tried to get him to stop but I couldn't. I didn't think it was rape but I knew that he had no right to hurt me as bad as he had. Stefan pulled his cock out of my ass and got out of the bed. He didn't turn on the light as he left to go to the washroom. I lay on the bed in shock from the pain that my spasming ass hole was experiencing. Stefan was gone for only a couple seconds when he ran back into the room and turned on the lights.

"Oh my god. Ian, are you all right? What have I done?"

I couldn't answer him, as I remained a sobbing mess on the bed. Stefan quickly ran back to the washroom and grabbed a handful of toilet paper that he placed against my anus in an attempt to stop the bleeding. He went back to the bathroom and I could hear the water running. He came back into the room and picked up my quivering body and carried me to the bathroom. In the bathroom he placed me in the tub that was quickly filling with warm water. I tried to get my breathing under control but I couldn't.

"Come on Ian. Take a deep breath now. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe In. Breathe out."

I tried to breathe in time with Stefan and slowly I caught my breath. My ass still hurt but the warm water was easing a bit of the pain. Stefan turned the water off and rolled me over onto my stomach. He propped my head up and gently began cleaning my bloody hole. The washcloth brushed up against the tear and I felt a burning sensation. I gasped, and Stefan took greater care when he cleaned near there trying not cause me any more pain than I already felt. Once he felt that the area was cleaned, he lifted me out of the tub and wrapped me in a towel. He sat himself down on the toilet and held me close. He carefully rolled me over to see if I had stopped bleeding and was distressed to find that I had not stopped.

"Ian, you haven't stopped bleeding. What should I do?"

My voice was still shaking from the shock of the assault. I tried to tell him about the salve that was in the medicine chest. Eventually he understood what I was trying to tell him and he took me back to the bedroom.

He put me down on the bed very carefully and went back to find the salve that I had told him about. I had gotten the salve from Colin's older brother, a proctologist, who had given it to me just in case. He had given Colin some too but we had never had to use it. The salve stopped the bleeding, reduced pain and prevented infections.

Stefan re-entered the room carrying the tube and read the directions. He rolled me over onto my belly and carefully applied the salve to my battered sphincter. I gasped slightly when it was applied, feeling a slight burning sensation. I had no idea how long it was going to take to heal, but I really didn't care at that point.

Stefan got closer to my ass hole and carefully examined it. "It's stopped bleeding," he told me with relief in his voice.

Stefan picked me up again and carried me into the living room. He lay me down on the couch and went back to the bedroom. I was still shaking but I had calmed down a little. I was still in shock though. I had never expected Stefan to try to fuck me without telling me. I heard Stefan run the water for a bit in the bathroom, and then I heard a bunch of cupboard doors opening and closing. Louis and Lestat hopped up onto the couch with me, and cuddled close to my chest. My eyes started growing heavy and I feel asleep.

Sometime later I felt myself being lifted and carried. I left my eyes closed. Stefan gently put me back down on the bed and I partially opened my eyes. Stefan had replaced the sheets on the bed and was wearing his underwear again. I started shivering as my body quickly started cooling. Stefan turned off the lights and crawled into bed with me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled my head to his chest. I could hear the sound of his heart, and between the rhythm of his heart and the warmth of his body I fell asleep.


Next: Chapter 3: Judgment Error 6 8

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