Aaron and Friends

By authorsix

Published on Aug 8, 2005


Caution/Welcome. Chris Trousdale, with the help of four young fans, gets his revenge on his former band mates from the defunct Dream Street band after their assault on him in July. Although incorporating many real facts, this story does not reflect nor imply a real event nor the real sexuality of these performers. If you do not like reading gay fantasies about celebrities or the humiliation of teenage stars, this is where you stop and hit the back or delete key and wait for the next story. This is part two of the forty-sixth standalone story in a series of Aaron and Friends fanfic gay fantasies. This story is posted at gay adult story sites for the purpose of adult entertainment. Permission is not given to copy electronically for the purpose of redistribution or posting at sites other than described without the permission of the author. Comments can be sent to the author J.O. Dickingson at authorsix@hotmail.com


"Oh maaaan, if they don't do something soon, I'm going to like totally burst, right here in the bed," groaned Greg.

"Do you have to fucking talk about it?" snapped Frankie. "I'm in enough pain without you having to remind me every five fucking minutes."

"Well, excuse me."

"Guys, why don't you both just cool it, okay?" asked Matt irritably.

"You guys feeling anything else, I mean, like compared to yesterday?" Jesse dared to ask.

"You mean like horny?" asked Greg.


"As a goat."

"Me too," Matt observed.

"Then, that's a good sign, no?"

"Yeah, I guess."

It did give the boys something positive to think about, but only for a moment. Even the return of feelings between their legs could not compete with the stomach and bladder cramps they were experiencing. Yesterday they had been in agony over their masculinity, having ended their session with Doctor Redderik certain that they had the anti-virility virus in a bad way. Depressed, humiliated, and anxious, they had lain in bed the rest of the day eating the special diet the doctor had prescribed, a large bowl of bran flakes with sliced banana, the bran giving their intestines bulk and the banana ensuring they would not be constipated, besides providing potassium for their sperm production, a thirty-two-ounce glass of iced tea ensuring their bladders would be filled to capacity, and a milky emulsion of proteins to build up their sperm count and stimulate the production of the fluids that make up their ejaculate mixed with a healthy dose of a powerful aphrodisiac.

After being fed the diet every two hours from five to eleven that night, they woke up with a very different agony, the physical agony of having to take the crap of their lives, a bladder so full they were certain the dam was going to burst with each cautious move they made, and a morning wood that refused to go down. Their needs fell on deaf ears when they were brought their seven o'clock breakfast and nine o'clock meal. At eleven they were given a large glass of orange juice, spiked with ground up Viagra, fitted with diapers, and paraded once again through the hospital to a combination lecture and examination room, waddling after the doctor as if they were nine months pregnant and feeling like it, and walking as bowlegged as any veteran cowboy.

They stood there uncomfortably as the doctor went on and on about retention and elasticity and resiliency and other things they either were too much in pain to concentrate on or had no idea what he was talking about. Even when he mentioned that they were in a teaching hospital, and that they frequently brought in medical students to observe their patients, and sometimes students from the local schools, and reminded the boys that the papers they'd signed the previous day gave him permission to do so, they didn't pay that much attention. Of course none of them had bothered to read the small print of the dozen forms they'd been given to fill out the previous day. He finally asked if they had any problem if he did that, knowing of course the boys would have no idea what they were getting into, and would most likely say yes out of habit and out of desperation to get this next part of their exam over with. Of course they did exactly as he'd predicted. Smiling, he told Nurse Bjornson to bring in the students. To the surprise of his four patients, twenty-one boys between the ages of ten and fourteen from the local middle school including their two younger interviewers, their young, handsome, third-year teacher, and the two older boys who had interviewed them the day before filed into the room and took their seats.

It being early in the year and their first class visit to the hospital, the boys were particularly hyper, especially the older students who'd been told by former students of Mister Darlington, their teacher, about the hands on nature of Doctor Redderik's health class sessions, which were so wild none of them seriously believed they could possibly be true, but over which every one of them had more than a few wet dreams and jerk off sessions wishing it were. Today they were about to find out the truth and could barely contain themselves. Seeing the four teenagers in diapers caused immediate smirks and giggles, and a few shocked looks by those who recognized who the four patients were. Their teacher tried to quieten them of course, but to little avail.

Having had a year's experience bringing his classes to the hospital now, Mister Darlington knew the truth about these visits and had been dreading this day for a week. He had resolved over the summer that he would stand up to the doctor and refuse to bring his young, impressionable students to the doctor's educational sessions in the new school year, but he had discovered that the doctor had a lot of pull in the town. The day after he had adamantly turned down the doctor's invitation to bring his class to the hospital this Tuesday, he had been phoned by both the Superintendent of Schools and the Board Chairman reminding him of their policy on partnerships in the community and expressing their disappointment he'd refused to take advantage of the offer from the prominent and highly respected physician. He knew, without being told, that explaining why he had refused would not only do him no good, but would probably get him in further trouble.

"Now," began Doctor Redderik, "I think most of you know who our famous patients who have so graciously volunteered to be part of today's lesson are. They gave an in-depth interview yesterday to Perry and Jimmy for your newspaper, and to Jason and Shaun for the high school and whom I invited to be part of today's lesson in case you're wondering why the four of them are here too. But before I begin, I'll let them introduce themselves for anyone who might not know who they are."

Each of the boys nervously introduced himself, each wondering after yesterday's experience and their current condition just what the doctor was going to do. Among other things, they'd discovered the man had no concept of privacy. "Now, today we are going to talk about three very basic body functions. But first, I need four volunteers from Mister Darlington's class." The boys glanced at each other, not eager to volunteer not knowing what to expect and being at that self-conscious age, but curious at the same time. Finally four of the bolder held up their hands, a fourteen-year-old and his buddy, both of whom had heard stories about this class and who now faced with the possibility the stories were true were both eager to be participants but at the same time anxious what that might involve, a twelve-year-old honour student and class suck who was accustomed to volunteering, and a ten-year-old who was simply of a curious nature when it came to anything related to science. Each of them were told to come up and stand beside one of the patients. "Now, I want you to stick your hand inside the front of your patient's diaper up to your third knuckles, and then feel back and forth like this," the doctor said, demonstrating by slipping his fingers in his pants, "and tell me what you feel."

The boys snorted in surprise as they glanced at him and then at each other and as their class snickered. As they began to do as they'd been told, giggling self-consciously, the class snickered and giggled even more. The four patients turned bright red as they felt the boys' fingers slip inside their diapers and over their taut stomachs.

"Now, what can you tell me about their stomachs?"

"They're fat," one of the two oldest boys responded.


"Well, swollen," the boy said, and the others nodded their agreement.

"Anything else?"

"They're hard."

"Right. In this condition we say they are extended. Does anyone know why a boy's stomach might be swollen like that?" Although they had some ideas, none were sure enough to say. "Well, let's see if we can find out. First, so our patients aren't unduly influenced by what we say or do or by other factors, we're going to blindfold them, and give them these earplugs." The four patients did not like the idea, but knowing they had no choice, they stood there passively as the doctor inserted the earplugs and blindfolded them. "Cory," he said, addressing the fourteen-year-old who had spoken after he was finished inserting the earplugs and blindfolding his patients, "I want you to stand behind Frankie and slip your hands in his diaper along the crevice between his stomach and thighs, like this." The boy did as he was told, the class quiet and attentive now as they wondered what was going on. "Good. Now push in." Frankie clenched his peehole closed as the pressure on his bladder increased. "Harder." Cory pushed harder and Frankie struggled to keep his piss from bursting past his clenched sphincter. "Harder."

"Doctor, I can't hold it back. I really can't," Frankie announced desperately.

"If pressure alone won't do it, touch will," advised the doctor to the class as Cory removed his hands. Taking the fourteen-year-old's right hand, he placed his fingertips at the tip of the bulge in Frankie's diaper and told him to softly rub in concentric circles, causing the young student to blush and the class to twitter. Someone observed that he should be used to doing that, referring to doing himself, to which Cory responded by giving him a finger with his other hand. The class immediately glanced at their teacher but he didn't do a thing to reprimand them.

Frankie strained to hold it back but there was no way he was able to. "Oh God," he sighed as he gave in and Doctor Redderik quickly told Cory to remove his hand. The odour, and the widening darkening of Frankie's diaper left no doubt in everyone's mind what was happening and the boys giggled and snickered and stared in disbelief. Of course with the tea and the diuretic, there was far too much for the Depends to hold, and soon the diaper was sodden with his piss and it was trickling down his leg to form a pool about his naked feet, much to his embarrassment and continued amusement of the class. Frankie Galasso, the heartthrob of thousands of girls, was standing there in front of them in a diaper pissing himself!

"So, as you can see, the mind can exercise powerful control over a guy's bodily functions, and is one of the first controls a baby learns in order to avoid that uncomfortable wet feeling, but pressure or touch can overpower the mind and cause a guy to urinate against his will. Now, another stimulation the mind reacts to is sound. Damon," he said, addressing the ten-year-old, "I want you to remove Greg's diaper, and then his ear plugs and hold this bed pan in front of him. Now for this, you all have to be very, very quiet."

Greg was surprised to feel his diaper fall off of him, and he immediately slipped his hands before him to cover his privates. As his ear plugs were removed, the doctor told him to leave his hands by his side and he reluctantly did so. A second later he heard a tap running, and then a bubbling brook, a water fall, and a sound very similar to that of a guy pissing in a toilet bowl. With each the need to take a leak increased and he tried to hold back but with the last, as the sound grew louder, he could not hold back any longer, and he let the dam break. The class giggled as at first he overshot the bed pan and Damon quickly reacted only to overestimate and hold the pan too far. Greg blushed a bright red with the laughter of the class, having no idea why they were laughing other than the sight of him standing there pissing, but once he started he could not stop. After a couple seconds it sounded as if his piss was filling a tin container of some sort. The class glanced at each other in surprise and amusement. First Frankie Galasso standing there pissing his diaper and now Greg Raposo standing there stark naked and pissing into a bed pan in front of them as if there was no end.

"Now, again as you can see, the mind has powerful control, but the sense of sound can overpower it. Does anyone here have to take a leak?" The boys giggled and more than a few squirmed. "Come now. Not one of you? I don't believe that. Maybe we need to play the tape again?" Several hands went up, knowing that playing the tape a second time could have embarrassing results. One of the hands that went up was that of twelve year old Tyrrell standing beside Matt. "Much, much better. You must remember, in this class never be afraid or embarrassed to answer. We are all guys here after all. At least I think we are, aren't we?" he joked and the class giggled.

"Now, Tyrrell, do you think you can fill this for us?" he asked, handing the boy a beaker. The boy blushed and chuckled with amusement and uncertainty, not believing the doctor could be serious. From the look in his eyes, he was. He glanced at his classmates. As a top student and high achiever he was more confident and self-assured than most twelve-year-olds, and that plus the fact his intelligence was not always appreciated by his classmates, overcame his hesitance. Taking a leak in front of everyone would certainly help him dispel his geek image. Taking the beaker to the cheers of the class, he pulled down his fly and self-consciously pulled out his limp dick. It was only a matter of seconds before he began to fill the glass to everyone's amusement and a round of clapping, and with the distinct sound of his piss filling the beaker with not a little discomfort for a few. He filled the beaker practically to the rim. Shaking his limp dick off, he struggled with one hand to tuck his dick back in his pants. Doctor Redderik quickly came to his rescue, not by holding the beaker for him as he'd expected, but by slipping his fingers about his dick and tucking it back in his pants and underwear, and then pulling up his fly for him. That simple act confirmed rumours several of the older boys had heard about the doctor, and they squirmed uncomfortably as another need caused their young dicks to twitch.

"Now hold the beaker under Matt's nose." He did and from the look on Matt's face it was evident he was struggling. Not having had any diuretic, Tyrrell's urine was much darker, and of a much stronger odour. Removing Matt's ear plugs, the doctor told him to inhale deeply and repeatedly. Seconds later his diaper began to darken, and the slender eighteen-year-old star stood there totally mortified as his hot urine flooded over his groin, drenching his balls and spurting cock, flowing over his stomach, and soaking into his disposable diaper and wicking up the cloth and spreading over his butt. Like Frankie, it was not long before the Depends was sodden and his piss was trickling down his legs and pooling about his naked feet.

"Now, Tanner," the doctor continued, addressing the other fourteen-year-old, "you can remove Jesse's blindfold and ear plugs, and his diaper, and then give him this bed pan." From the unmistakable odour of urine Jesse had suspected one or more of his former band mates had been unable to hold back, and he now glanced over at this three fellow performers, at Frankie and Matt standing there in their soaked diapers and a pool of piss and at Greg standing there stark naked like himself and a bed pan of piss on the floor before him. Unlike himself, his former band mates were still blindfolded.

"Now, Jesse, hold the bed pan before you and go ahead and relieve yourself, and Tanner, help Jesse by taking his penis and aiming it for him."

Both boys looked at the doctor in surprise, and then at each other in embarrassment. Tanner could not believe what he'd heard. Hold another guy's dick, and while he was pissing? He had heard that Doctor Redderik's classes involved some messing around, and could be pretty raunch, but he hadn't expected this. He glanced at Jesse's limp dick. He'd never held another guy's dick in his life, and had never even thought about it. He was no fag. Jesse was hesitant too, but not quite to the same extent. With the pressure on his bladder and the odour of fresh urine filling the room, seeing the others had all relieved themselves, and glad that at least he was not going to have to go in his diaper, which had to be totally embarrassing, and uncomfortable as hell besides, he figured it was not going to be that bad, even with a boy he'd never met holding his dick. So did the class as they began stamping their feet and telling the two to do it.

Tanner slowly reached over and slipped his fingers about Jesse's limp dick to the cheers of his classmates. His dick felt surprisingly warm and soft, and when he began to leak a second later he could feel his piss streaming through the shaft. It wasn't that bad. Besides, how many guys could claim to have held the dick of Jesse McCartney! He had no idea how, or even if, he'd tell his girlfriend about this experience, but at least all of his classmates would know about it. Jesse had little difficulty relieving himself despite having an audience of twenty-three boys and two adults and a strange boy holding his penis. As the pan began filling, his main concern, and that of Tanner also, was that he might overflow the pan. To their relief he finished before it did. When Tanner was told to shake off Jesse's dick, the perversity of what he'd just done sank in and the boy began to blush with embarrassment.

"Now, as I said, the mind is very powerful and can control if and when a guy urinates, as you have just seen. Now why do you think I asked Tanner to hold Jesse's penis?"

"Because he's a fag," one of Tanner's buddies joked to the boy sitting beside him, not realizing the acoustics in the lecture theatre would pick up his whisper. Tanner immediately responded with a finger but the narrowing of his eyes and the smirk on his face showed he knew his buddy was joking. The class twittered with amusement, and with apprehension over the overt profanity.

As Doctor Redderik cleared his throat, the room fell silent and they waited for the certain reprimand. "I'm glad you said that," Doctor Redderik said, much to everyone's surprise, and the relief of the boy who'd said it. "Taking a leak is a very normal, natural thing, something every one of us does at least once a day, sometimes more often. There is no need to be embarrassed about it, or ashamed of it, or to do it in secret. That is why the boy's room has a row of urinals instead of individual stalls. It's a natural thing all boys do. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a boy holding another's penis while he does it either. You hold your own, so what difference should it make holding another's?" He paused to let them think about that. As far as the boys in the room were concerned, there was a big difference, one they were surprised the doctor didn't know, the one Michael had suggested as a joke. "Right, there is none," he said, taking their silence as agreement. Of course he knew better, but he also knew by suggesting nobody in the room had a problem with that, he'd be planting doubts in the minds of those boys who did. "That taking a leak is something dirty or private is a false idea started by mothers because they are envious that they don't have a hose they can use to aim their pee at things like boys can." The boys all giggled, and some could see how mothers would feel that way. It was certainly an aspect of taking a leak that none of them had thought about before and made them think twice about the doctor's comment about it being a natural function, and about there being nothing wrong with holding another guy's while he did it. A couple decided in fact to ask Tanner how it had felt.

Having the boys insert the plugs in the ears of Jesse, Matt and Greg once again, and having Jesse blindfolded once more, Doctor Redderik continued. "Now, Tanner and Damon, I want you to feel Greg's and Jesse's stomachs again. Do you feel any difference?"

"Not really," replied Tanner after feeling Jesse's extended stomach, and Damon agreed.

"So, there is something else that must be distending their stomachs. Does anyone have any suggestions what might be doing that?" From the exchange of glances, it was evident that many did. "Well, nobody?" A couple of the more daring boys put up their hands. "Just you few? Come now! Remember what I said about not being afraid or embarrassed to answer my questions." Most of the rest put up their hands. He finally selected a ten-year-old boy in the front.

"Poop," he said to the giggles of the others.

"Well, that very well can be. Shall we see?"

"Yes!" cheered the entire class, totally forgetting their teacher by then who was sitting on the side wishing he was not there.

"Now, the mind can control defecation just like urination," Doctor Redderik began. One of the ten-year-old boys raised his hand. "Yes?"

"What's defa-, defa-?" he began.

"Defecation," replied the doctor. "Can anyone here answer that?"

Almost everyone's hand went up. One of the older boys in the back was selected.

"It's taking a crap," he responded, and everyone giggled.

"Right," the doctor replied, confirming for the remaining doubters that you did not have to fear being punished for saying things that were right but you'd never be able to say in school, which was, as far as they were concerned, how school should be also. "Now, the mind can be influenced by the same four stimuli as in urination. Who can remember the first sense we looked at that was stronger than the mind?"

"Pressure and touch."

"Very good. Let's see if the same applies to . . . Matt," he said, pretending to select the boy at that moment, but in reality having rehearsed his lesson many times in his mind since the Dream Street boys had made their appointment. Slipping his hand inside the eighteen-year-old's pissy diaper, the doctor knew exactly where to press. At the same time he slipped his other hand down the back of Matt's diaper and began to caress his butthole, much to the amusement of his young audience. With the blindfold and the earplugs, Matt had no idea who had their hands in his diaper, but he knew what they were trying to do, and rather than fight what was going to happen sooner or later, he let it happen. As soon as he relaxed his sphincter and the first thick turd began to emerge, there was going to be no going back. The relief was just too great to stop at one. Even when the doctor removed his blindfold and earplugs and he saw the audience of boys sitting there smirking and leering as he began filling his diaper he could not stop. One by one his turds oozed out almost as if on their own, and being blocked by the diaper, spread out over his buttocks to make room for the next.

"Now," said the doctor, leading Greg around behind Matt, "you'll recall another sense that was more powerful than the mind was the sense of smell. Does anyone here smell anything?"

"Yes!" came the booming chorus.

"Well, let's see what the effect is here on Greg." Helping the handsome, naked teen squat down behind Matt so his nose was almost in his diaper, which was still rapidly filling, he picked up a bed pan and slipped it under the boy. From the odour in the room Greg had no idea who was doing it but he knew without any doubt what was happening. Between the odour and his squatting position, combined with his cramps, he had a good idea what was being expected of him and he no longer cared. Maybe he'd be lucky and shit on the doctor's shoes, he thought perversely. As the first turd slowly forced itself out of his anus, the giggling in the class increased. As with Matt, once he began he could not stop even if he had wanted to and a second and third turd followed the first. Even when the doctor removed his earplugs and blindfold and he discovered he was squatting there with his nose practically in Matt's diaper, which Matt was still filling, and crapping in a bedpan, he could not stop.

"Now then, what was the third sense?"

"Sound!" the class shouted, unable to curb their enthusiasm at the sight of the two teenage stars openly taking a crap in front of them.

Turning Jesse around so his back was to the now excited and fidgeting audience of boys, and removing his earplugs, the doctor told him to spread his legs and he then placed a pan between them. The overpowering stink of shit, and the sounds of his two former band mates grunting and deeply breathing, he, like them, knew that there was no point in resisting. He inhaled deeply and began to shit, his turds quickly exiting his ass and dropping with a plop in the pan, to the hooting and delight of the class.

"Now, in our society it has been decided that this very basic function that every single person performs at least once a day from birth to death will be done in private, which considering it is something we all do, and we do as regular as eating, is rather ridiculous, isn't it?" The boys were not so certain about his conclusion, but they agreed out of courtesy and respect, and because they were uncertain. "There is no logical reason to do it in private at all, nor is there any reason a person should be ashamed about doing it. Now, I want you to watch very closely just what it looks like as Frankie empties his bowels." Removing the hapless eighteen-year-old's blindfold and earplugs, the doctor smiled at him assuringly, and then telling him to turn with his back to the class and to bend over and grab his knees, he placed a bedpan under his butt and aimed a camera at his asshole. Like the others, Frankie knew there was no point in resisting even if he could, which by then with the odour filling the room and the fact his three band mates were emptying their bowels he could not. At least he did not have to face the class as they stared up at the screen and watched for the first time in their lives a closeup of a guy taking a crap.

The closeup of Frankie's anus slowly opening and the sight of a thick, brown turd slowly easing out of his hole grossed some of them out, but for the majority, they sat there with their eyes glued to the screen as it eased out and Frankie worked his sphincter muscle until finally it tapered off and dropped into the bedpan. The four boys had full intestines and their rich brown shit was thick and moist of course, thanks to the diet they had been fed, and it took a long time for them to complete their jobs, giving the boys plenty of time to observe them and giving them plenty of time to be embarrassed as they stood there emptying their bowels with obvious relief.

That, they discovered, was not the worst of it. The four could not believe it when the doctor called in Nurse Bjornson and Nurse Parker to remove their shitty diapers and wipe their shit-smeared butts and clean up their cracks and assholes. The two nurses had been shocked too when he'd told them he'd be calling them in to wipe up the boys' butts in front of the class of students, but the doctor's explanation that young boys had to be taught proper hygiene and there was no more lasting effect than having them experiencing the humiliation of having a nurse do the job for them, or seeing it done to another guy, made a lot of sense. Boys were not the cleanest of creatures, and if having a nurse do the job to one of their own in front of them didn't have a lasting effect, nothing would! They were certainly right about that and even the raunchiest of the boys watching were embarrassed for the four teens getting their backsides wiped. Finishing their messy job, they sprayed the room with deodorant, leaving behind a bucket of ice water as the doctor had instructed as they carted away the bed pans and shitty diapers.

Taking the four face cloths that had been soaking in the water, the doctor wrapped them about the dicks and balls of his four patients, causing them to immediately begin to shrivel. "Now, the last natural body function we'll talk about today is getting an erection and having an ejaculation." Again there was a twitter through the class. This was even better than the rumours had said! "As with urination and defecation, the mind has a big role in deciding when and how fast a boy gets an erection, and like in urination and defecation, the mind can be over ruled by the senses. Now, for example, let's see what effect smell has." Taking out a plastic bag, he opened it up and pulled out a pair of soiled panties, purloined from the sister of one of his boy patients. "Let's see if our four volunteers for today's lesson find the smell of a girl's pussy gross, or hot. If they like the smell of a girl's pussy, what do you think should happen?"

"They get hard," one of the boys in the class observed.

As the doctor removed the cold face clothes, the class twittered at the sight of the four naked boys standing there with shrivelled up balls and dicks no larger than their kid brothers', and with their shaved pubes, looking very much like their kid brothers. Of course none of the boys found sniffing a girl's soiled panties hot, as the doctor had suspected, and even if one of them had, he knew it would not have been powerful enough to raise their half-frozen dicks.

"Well I guess that was evident," he said as he put the panties away and took out a second plastic bag containing a soiled jock strap from the same boy patient. "Now let's see if they like the smell of a boy's sweaty crotch. If they do, what do you think will happen?" The same boy as who had answered before answered again and the class twittered even louder. Once again he held the object to the noses of his four patients. Of course the boys, familiar with the smell and their mind immediately calling up memories of sexual experiences they'd had associated with the smell, could not help but have a physical reaction even if slight, which of course the doctor quickly pointed out incase any of the class had not noticed. Knowing what some of the boys would be thinking about a boy who got turned on by the smell of another boy's balls, the doctor quickly pointed out that it was a common and natural reaction, again pointing out that boys were not offended by their natural functions or body odours, wanting of course to promote that attitude among his young and impressionable audience.

"Now, we've been talking about senses, this afternoon, but there is a sense we have not yet talked about. Can anyone tell me what it is?".

"Sight," a couple boys called out.

"Taste," observed several others.

"Very good," the doctor said with a smile. "Let's talk about sight first and see what effect sight has on our four patients." Slipping a disk into the large screen DVD player, the doctor treated the class to their first porn movie, a group of school cheerleaders who were changing into their uniforms and talking about boys, at the same time caressing their breasts and running their hands along their thighs and pussies. Every one of the boys in the class began to swell, as did the four patients, but of course with their cold dicks, the four teens standing before them were much slower to react. The movie switched to the boy's locker room with raunchy talk about fucking and getting blown and lots of crotch shots with the boys fiddling with themselves, which of course got all the boys in the class even hornier, and of course the four patients continued to respond also.

"So, as you can see, and I think many of you can profess from personal experience, the sight of naked bodies can cause a boy to become erect," the doctor observed and the boys in the class giggled and glanced at each other sheepishly.

"Now, let's see the effect of sound," he continued, as the cameraman shot the ceiling and all that could be heard were the sounds of kissing, grunting, panting, and slurping. Of course the four boys on display could not hide their reaction, and almost everyone in the class was squirming with arousal. "Now, is there anyone who was not turned on by those sounds?" the doctor asked as he paused the video. Of course there was none. "Then let's see just what was going on." The camera lowered and showed not the jocks and cheerleaders but just the locker room of jocks kissing, ass fucking, and sucking, to the snorts of surprise and embarrassment of the class. The doctor of course teased them about what they thought they were hearing, and at the same time made a pitch for the naturalness of same sex activity among horny boys, skilfully planting the seeds of attitude that he wanted to develop among this new batch of boy toys.

"Now, what did you say was the other sense we have not yet discussed?"

"Taste," one of them said, and the others giggled as the possibilities came to mind.

"Let's have the four boys who volunteered to help us at the beginning of the class come back down." Giggling and embarrassed by the obvious effects the lesson had had on them, and teased by their classmates who were all suffering the same condition, the four boys stepped forward. "Okay, pair up with the boy you were paired with before," the doctor instructed and they quickly did so. "Now, Matt, Greg, Frankie, and Jesse, I want each of you squat down in front of your partners as your partners pull out their dicks." The four boys from the class giggled in surprise and nervousness and glanced at each other uncertainly, but by then were so randy and so caught up in the doctor's lesson that they did as they were told. At the same time the four hapless celebrities reluctantly squatted down, knowing what was coming but not knowing how to get out of it. Nobody was surprised by the doctor's next direction.

Matt could not believe what he was doing as he stuck out his tongue and ran it along the shaft and over the knob of the grade seven student. Eighteen, one hundred percent straight, with female fans across the country writing to fan clubs about how hot he was, kneeling there before a class of boys licking the stiff dick of a twelve-year-old boy. Young Tyrrell could not believe it either as his dick throbbed and jerked with arousal. This was totally wicked and he was so glad he had spoken up and volunteered.

Greg knelt there in disbelief and disgust also as he licked ten-year-old Damon's tiny, smooth morsel, the boy's stiff dick jutting up out of his fly with arousal. Having had sex with Aaron earlier on his tour had been repugnant enough, but at least he had been furthering his career by having sex with the faggot. If what he was doing at the moment ever got out his career would be ruined! Damon on the other hand was feeling ecstatic as he watched the eighteen-year- old's tongue swirling about his knob and he squirmed with the ripples of pleasure pulsating out from his knob.

Frankie was thinking much the same thing as Greg as he licked the stiff dick of the grade eight student standing before him. He had been hit on by several older guys, and while not harbouring any gay desires himself, he had nothing against those who did, but this was a fourteen-year-old boy, and he was doing it before his class, and his teacher. Of course what he did not know, was that he was also on live cam being broadcast to the Brewster home and to Chris Trousdale.

Jesse was wondering what his boyfriend Aaron would think as he licked fourteen-year- old Tanner's erect dick. He knew he would understand, and they had agreed that they would not expect the other to remain celibate while they were apart. What bothered him more than what Aaron might think was that he was enjoying it, and would have readily gone down on the boy. Thinking back to his recent sexual adventure with Chris Trousdale and Stevie Brock at the Hudson Riverfest, his cock began to swell even faster with the hot memory and he began to realize for the first time why Aaron was such a cock hound. As for Tanner, he was definitely enjoying it, and as he glanced up into the lecture theatre, he wondered how his best buddy Michael might feel about doing it with each other. What he did not know, was that his best buddy Michael was wondering exactly the same thing as he reached down and squeezed his aching boner as he watched his buddy getting his stiff cock licked.

"Now, we can clearly see the effect of taste," said the doctor, referring to the steady swelling of the cold dicks of the four boys on their knees. "And the effects of moisture and temperature," he added, referring of course to the four students and causing their classmates to exchange grins. "Of course we all know the effect of the final sense, the sense of touch, on our organs, don't we?" he asked with a sly smile and they all giggled.

Having the four students return to their seats and his patients get back on their feet, he continued. "Now, we all know how a guy's penis can sometimes pop up unexpectedly and at the most embarrassing times," he observed, and they all grinned sheepishly, either having had it happen or knowing an older friend or brother who had it happen. "But there are other times where the mind can do it. Like when we think of a girlfriend, or a boyfriend," he observed, purposefully speaking slowly so they could think about what he said and so he could note the expressions on their faces, especially with the mention of boyfriends. "Or at night when we have wet dreams," he continued, taking a moment again to read the class and to mentally note those boys who from their facial expressions had such experiences for perhaps later checkups. "Then of course there are fantasies, and reading hot stories. Let me give you an example." He took out one of his favourites, a gay fantasy from the Internet featuring young idols, and read a part of it. By then the entire class was hard and aching for satisfaction and the boys squirmed uncomfortably with the graphic descriptions of boys fucking and sucking each other. After what they'd just been forced to do combined with the Viagra and aphrodisiacs, the four celebrities had finally become stiff themselves, which of course they could not hide, and as the doctor read the passages their stiff cocks wagged with desire, which everyone in the class noticed.

"Now, can someone tell me why a guy's penis gets hard?"

"So he can screw," one of the boys volunteered, so horny he, like the rest of the class, had lost his inhibitions.

"Right," responded the doctor. "Getting an erection is a sign that the male is ready to engage in sex, whether that be with a girl or with another guy," he explained, observing the reaction of the boys and who exchanged glances with whom, "and whether that be screwing, sucking, or masturbation." He had the entire class under his control now, and he knew it. "Now, another thing the mind controls is ejaculation, but only to a limit. A man can hold himself back for a while, but there reaches a point where the physical stimulation is too much and he comes. Let's see how long these boys can resist coming."

He turned to address his four patients. "There are several indicators of virility we are testing for here," he advised softly so only they could hear as he handed each a clear plastic glass, "the amount of ejaculate you can produce, the number of times you can come in a short period of time, and your ability to hold back as long as you can." He smiled, knowing the boys would now participate in his next little game full-heartedly, and then spoke louder so everyone could hear. "I want you boys to grasp yourselves at the base of your dicks and as the class counts, I want you to stroke, and continue stroking until you come." Holding up his hand and then dropping it, he lead the class off counting. It took a few attempts before they were counting in unison and at a slow and reasonable pace and their four patients were stroking in time with the counting.

It was as if he was controlling their minds. There was no way they wanted to be jerking off in front of a class of young boys, but the ache between their legs was too great to ignore, just like a scab can't be left alone until it is picked, and his last words were repeating in their minds. No matter how embarrassing and humiliating it was, they had to hold back as long as they could, when they came they had to shoot all they could, and they had to do it as many times as possible. So they stood there in front of the class, stroking their stiff, aching cocks in unison as the class counted, humiliated like they had never been before but enjoying a throbbing, piercing pleasure between their legs like they had never felt before either. Each of them knew the pleasure of pleasuring themselves, but never had they felt so horny, nor such pleasure, as they were at the moment. Their cocks seemed to throb and to grow still stiffer and still thicker with each stroke, the result of the Viagra and aphrodisiacs they had consumed. They inhaled and exhaled deeply with the pleasure of their dick heads itching and burning with desire and with the growing tension deep in their groins.

Frankie was the first to shoot. He threw his head back and gasped with the pleasure as he felt his cum race up the core of his swollen, aching shaft and spurt out of the tip with such force he was surprised it didn't crack the glass he was holding in front of his cock to catch his shot. The first spurt was followed by a second, third and fourth with equal force and volume. He was still coming when Matt began to shoot his load with equal delight and force, and seconds later sixteen-year-old Jesse was panting with his ejaculation. The last to come, Greg groaned openly with the pleasure of his release. The four teen celebrities stood there shooting their cum before the class of boys, aware of the perversity and the humiliation of what was happening but overcome by the sheer pleasure of finally releasing their load. They had all come within seconds of each other, and they were shooting a thick load like they'd never shot before, giving them the first sense of hope for their virility in the past twenty-four hours.

As for the twenty-one health students from the middle school and the two teens from the high school, they sat there staring at the four celebrity heartthrobs shooting their loads in disbelief, the fact the four boys were famous and swooned over by thousands of girls making watching them jacking off just like three-quarters of them did all the hotter. For most it was the first time they'd ever seen another boy jacking off, and for a third the first time they'd ever seen semen. For every one of them, they'd never felt so horny in their lives and more than a few reached down and squeezed themselves to ease the desire. Some could not hold back and found themselves creaming their underwear and they sat there filling their boxers and briefs with their hot, thick creamy teenage loads with pleasure and with sudden embarrassment. As their thick, hot cum soaked into their underwear and oozed down around their tight balls, they panted with their release, having never been so hot in all their lives.

Still in a horny daze, the class was lined up six to a celebrity, with their teacher making the sixth in the row beside Jesse. The boy at the front of each of the four rows was given a fresh glass and instructed to engage in a mutual jerk off with the celebrity beside him. And so Jason, the boy from the high school who had interviewed the famous four the day before and who had chosen to stand beside Frankie and was the first in his row, pulled out his stiff, aching cock and offered it to the famous teen performer while he reached out for Frankie's still stiff cock. Jason could not believe it as he wrapped his fingers about Frankie's erection and began to slowly pump his hand as he'd done his own, and as he'd done the dicks of several of his close buddies. As a gay teenager, he had spent many a jerk off session listening to the music of the Dream Street band and fantasizing doing one or the other and having them please him. He was living his fantasy, thanks to Doctor Redderik, whom he would never be able to thank enough, though as the doctor stood there watching he was already planning ways in which the handsome grade twelve student could pay him back. As for Frankie, he was feeling too horny and had been through too much to be doing anything other than enjoying the pleasure of having his aching, throbbing boner stroked as he wrapped his fingers about the eighteen-year-old student and brought him the same pleasure.

Beside him Matt and one of the thirteen-year-olds were hotly engaged in their own mutual jerk off session. Matt could not believe what was happening to him. It was like he was in the middle of a nightmare but wide awake, aware of what was going on around him but like in a dream unable to do anything about it. He was eighteen, worshipped by teenage girls across the continent, one hundred percent straight, and being jerked off by a thirteen-year-old stranger and wanking off the boy's slender, throbbing boner not just with pleasure but with eagerness. As the boy's hand stroked his throbbing cock, he could hear Doctor Redderik's voice. His virility was being tested by how long he could hold back, how much he could shoot, and how often he could cum. Inhaling deeply, he concentrated on the first.

Being gay, Jesse was not faced with the inner turmoil of engaging in sex with another boy as were his three band mates, but he was faced with the fact that he was engaging in the act with a ten-year-old boy who had whispered to him as they'd begun that he'd never done this before, not even to himself, and that if he was doing it wrong to show him how to do it right. That he was engaging in a mutual jerking off with a virgin was hot, but it was also disturbing, the boy being so young. The boy was eager and willing though, and the awkwardness of his stroking and his wide-eyed awe, and the look of pleasure slowly illuminating his face soon made Jesse forget any reservations about what they were doing and he began to focus on pleasing the boy to make this his best jerk off session ever as his own cock throbbed with desire.

Beside them was Greg and fourteen-year-old Perry, one of the boys from the middle school who had interviewed them. Both boys were straight but anyone watching them wanking each other off would never have known. The two boys were eagerly pumping each other's stiff, aching organ, and they were both breathing heavily and deeply with the pleasure throbbing through their stiff organs. Perry, who had already impressed his girlfriend with the news he'd interviewed the boys of the former Dream Street, wondered what his girl would say if she knew he was now jerking one of them off, and being jerked off himself. Of course that was not going to be something he'd ever be able to share with her, which was a shame in a way. Actually, that he was engaging in the act at all was a surprise to him being totally straight and hopefully about to lose his virginity to his girl, but then Doctor Redderik had said that jacking off was a natural urge, and that there was nothing wrong with boys enjoying what came naturally, unlike girls who had to be tricked or coaxed into doing anything sexual. It was not something he quite understood, but after the interview yesterday Doctor Redderik had spoken to him privately and suggested that they make an appointment, and he was sure the doctor would help clear things up regarding that. At the moment, he just let himself enjoy getting one off, something he'd only done alone in his bedroom up until then. It was not long before he was shooting his load into the empty glass he was holding and Greg was shooting his second load to join the first in the glass that he was holding.

As each boy was done, he stepped aside and watched as the next took his place. The lecture theatre was charged with lust and the air heavy with the scent of boy sweat and fresh cum. A few of the boys tucked their cocks back in their pants when they were done, but most left them hanging out. They were all young and healthy boys and it was impossible not to become erect again under the circumstances. As they did, Doctor Redderik motioned for them to rejoin the line, picking whichever celebrity they wanted.

Frankie shuddered as he shot his seventh load into the glass, his cock still burning just as hotly and with just as much pleasure as when he'd jacked himself off in front of the chanting class, which seemed like hours ago. This time though it was not his hand, but the hot little hand of a doe-eyed ten-year-old boy, and it was not his cock that he was pumping, but the slender, three-inch boner of the young student. As the boy trembled and gasped with his dry orgasm, the first in his life, Frankie observed to himself that the boy's tiny, tight balls were about the same size as his now that they'd been drained seven times. Seven times! There could be no doubt about his virility after coming that often, and from the almost half-filled glass of his ball slime, each load had been copious. The three remaining boys waiting in line were going to be bringing him off dry, but the way he was feeling at the moment, he did not care.

Matt was jerking off and being jerked off by the ten-year-old buddy of the boy who was wanking Frankie. The eighteen-year-old star still could not believe what he was doing, and even more so, he could not believe the pleasure throbbing through his stiff cock as the young boy pumped his fist eagerly up and down his cock. He was eighteen and liked girls and only girls, but being jacked off by an innocent ten-year-old boy had him pumping out the seventh load that afternoon like it was his first. Of course, he thought with a smile, no matter how perverse that was, it was proof of his virility. The boy watched the older teen spurting out his semen, the first semen he'd ever seen, and as he glanced up and saw the smile of contentment on his face, he knew he was the cause of that look of pleasure. And then his body began to jerk as he reached his first orgasm and he trembled and groaned with the new and unique pleasure. In the throes of his ecstasy he glanced over at his buddy and the two boys smiled, knowing that after this lesson the two of them would be engaging in this newly discovered pleasure with each other many times, much to the thanks of Doctor Redderik, who, unbeknownst to the boys, they would be rewarding for introducing them to this secret pleasure.

Sixteen-year-old Shaun, who had interviewed the boys the previous day, rarely engaged in the pleasure himself, and had never engaged in it with another boy. He had a girlfriend, and they were making out regularly. So, he'd been reluctant to join the line of boys and had lined up last. As the line had moved up, he could not deny his horniness, and as he'd finally reached the front of the line he could not deny the pleasure of having his bone wanked, even if it was by a faggot like Greg Raposo, and even if he had to do the faggot also. Whenever his girl went on about how awesome Greg was, he would be hard pressed not to tell her just what sort of boy he was, that he had watched her hero take a piss and a crap in front of a class of middle school boys, and that he was a hundred percent faggot who got off jerking off guys and being jerked off by them. Greg, concentrating on holding back as he felt his seventh orgasm approaching, saw the look of contempt and disgust in the boy's eyes mixed with undeniable pleasure as he pumped the boy's throbbing cock. He knew what the boy must be thinking of him and he too felt dirty and disgusted with what he was doing, but like the boy, he had no choice. Doctor Redderik noticed young Shaun's look also and his stiff cock throbbed with arousal. He would have to book an appointment with the handsome, curly haired student soon and begin working on an attitude adjustment. He had a feeling it was going to be a challenge, but he did love a challenge, and it was his responsibility after all to see the youth of Oklahoma City had a proper, healthy attitude toward sex.

Take David Darlington for example, presently pumping Jesse McCartney's cock while the sixteen-year-old star was pumping his. When he had first met the handsome, dark-eyed teacher who had come in for a physical as part of the requirement before being hired by the local school board two years ago he knew it was going to be a challenge getting into the man's pants on a nonprofessional basis, and an even greater challenge getting him to bring his classes to him for special instruction. But there he was, now in his third year, wacking off the sixteen-year-old star along with his students and about to add his shot of cum to the glass already containing the shots of four of his students. Oh, there was the little revolt at the beginning of this year, but he would see the man paid for that.

David Darlington was very much aware that he was being watched by the good doctor, and that the good doctor was likely scheming up more perversions for him as the result of his defiance. He should have known better. As he pumped his fist up and down Jesse's stiff, throbbing cock, he wondered what the boy thought, being jacked off by a teacher, and jacking off a teacher. He suspected he was getting off on it. He knew who the boy was, and from his behaviour, he had to figure that wild orgies were part of the boy's life as a singer and actor. Making out with a teacher was probably something he'd later brag about. He was more concerned about what his students, whom he knew were all watching him, were thinking. They had to be thinking he was in partnership with Doctor Redderik, that he was a boy-loving faggot like the doctor. That was what last year's class thought of him. They never said so, but he could tell in their eyes. He could tell in the eyes of the boys watching him right at that moment. That he was engaged to be married didn't mean anything. Some probably thought it was just a front to hide that he preferred boys. As he began squirting his semen into the glass he'd been given to hold, he wondered what his bride to be would think if she could see him being masturbated by a sixteen-year-old boy while he did the same to the boy. What he did not know was that the action was being broadcast by live cam to the home of the Brewster brothers, who saw nothing wrong with what they were seeing and had themselves had similar fun with many of the adults in their community, including their teachers, and the home of Chris Trousdale, who thought it was perfect justice for his former band mate. He would also later find out that it was being recorded by the doctor for his future amusement, and to ensure he'd never again have any problems seeking the teacher's cooperation.

With over three-quarters of the students lining up for a second jerk off session with the famous celebrities, Doctor Redderik knew that he was going to be in for another hot year, and that by the time it was over he will have converted another class of boys to his way of thinking, that sex was a boy's primary need, and that engaging in sex with other guys, boys and men, was not only perfectly natural, but the way it should be.

The students finally satiated, Doctor Redderik brought his lesson to a close. He did not have to tell them to keep what had happened that afternoon to themselves. He knew that they would tell their close buddies about their encounter with the four famous teens, spreading the word even further about his lessons, and ensuring that even more boys would convince their parents to switch doctors to his practice. Not only would that bring him more money and spread his reputation as the expert on teen boy medicine, but it would give him more choices in his private entertainment, not that he needed that! He also knew that the boys would never reveal what had happened to anyone else, being too embarrassed to admit having engaged in sex with other boys, and besides, having found out just how much fun it was, not wanting to risk losing the opportunity to do it again.

Sending the four boys off to get washed up, he smiled as he headed to his office. Taking the glasses of semen from his four famous patients, he carefully labelled them and set them aside for freezing and his later enjoyment. Grinding up four Viagra tablets, he added two tablespoons of diuretic powder, two tablespoons of laxative, and five grams of a powerful new aphrodisiac root he'd gotten from South America. Mixing them thoroughly, he dissolved equal parts of the mixture in the other four glasses containing the semen of the students from that afternoon. He had just finished when his four patients filed into his office and sat down before him.

Assuring them they had been cured of the virus, pointing out their tremendous ability to come that afternoon, the copiousness of their loads, and their ability to hold back under such erotic circumstances, he smiled as he watched relief pass over each of them. They were so gullible and so desperate to believe in their virility! Giving each of them one of the glasses and telling them it was a heath drink to re-energize them and build up the semen they had lost that day, his smile widened as he watched them eagerly down the slimy mixture. Finally, he handed each of them a pair of diapers, telling them that although they had been cured, there could still be a few aftereffects from the earlier medication they had taken. Removing their hospital gowns, they put on the diapers, and then their clothes, which he'd had brought to his office. Having no need for their underwear, and not knowing what to do with them, they left them with the doctor to dispose of.

With a final smile, he wished them a safe flight home and called on Nurse Parker to sign the boys out. Having no other appointments that afternoon, he took the class list of the boys who had been there that afternoon and began making notes on each of them and daydreaming about the many things he and they would be doing over the course of the year. He could not wait to begin calling them in one by one, and the occasional pairs of buddies, for their physicals. He would have to plan something special for their teacher besides as a nice reward for his cooperation that day. Taking Jesse's Extreme Zone print boxers, he held them to his nose and inhaled deeply as he pulled down his fly and released his stiff, aching cock. He'd have to be sure to find some way to reward the mysterious Brewster brothers for a most delightful two days also, unaware that the boys were already devising their own schemes for the future.

He and the brothers were still deep in erotic thought an hour later as the air plane carrying the former Dream Street boys flew overhead on its way back to New York. Two of them shuffled uncomfortably in their diapers, the other two having decided they'd had enough embarrassment and didn't need them and so had gone commando. It was about at that time that the health drink they had taken began to take effect. It was a shame in a way that Chris would not know about the final act in his most delightful revenge.

Next: Chapter 52: Aaron the Country Music Critic

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