A Day in June

By David Lee

Published on Jan 15, 2015


A Day in June, Chapter 11

Since it was only a day past the winter solstice, darkness had already settled in by the time the men and their baby got back home. Jade pulled into the attached garage and pushed the remote button to shut the door before opening the car door in order to prevent the winter air from chilling Jayden as they extracted him from his car seat and carried him into the house.

"Wow, what a day this has been!" he exclaimed. "It's good to be back in our own little nest."

"I'll bet you're wiped. You went through all the stress and did all the driving as well. I'll change our little one and rustle up something to eat."

"You can see to Jayden while I warm up the Italian sausages I cooked before we left on Sunday. Along with a salad and chips, they should fill us up. Do you want your bun warmed in the oven? I'm doing that with mine."

"I'd forgotten about the sausages," Devon grinned, "and yes, I'd like you to warm up my buns!"

"Jeez! You can never leave a pun lying, can you?"

"You'd be disappointed if I did."

"Yeah, I probably would."

Devon changed Jayden's diaper and fed him a bottle while Jade got their supper going. He kept everything warm so they could eat together when Devon was finished.

Once again, the baby fell asleep immediately after getting burped. Devon laid him carefully in the little portable bed nearby.

"We need to invest in a real crib for him now that we know he's ours," Devon commented. "Perhaps we can save a few bucks by finding a serviceable used one."

"A lot of the used ones may not be considered safe by current standards. They keep changing the regulations and we don't want anything that might endanger Jayden. If you stall a couple of days, I'll bet Don and Dale will spring for a new one."

"I don't want to depend on them for everything!"

"You know they'll want to spoil Jayden. I think I should take a couple of photos of him to send right away. I did text them earlier to let them know how the ruling went."

"I did too. They probably think we don't communicate with each other."

"Nah, they're probably excited that we both thought of them. I did the same with Grandma, but haven't heard back. She's probably off gallivanting around Arizona somewhere. I'll send her the same pix.

There were a few details about caring for a baby that neither man had dwelt upon in their excitement of having a child to raise. The notable one was the dreaded 2:00 a.m. feeding.

It took Devon several seconds to figure out what the noise was before he straggled out of bed to take care of Jayden quickly enough to prevent Jade from waking. He carried his infant son into the kitchen to change his diaper while the bottle was warming.

When all was set, he eased into the reclining chair for the feeding process. He held Jayden against his warm bare chest with the baby's ear near his heart. He figured that would be as close to the experience of nursing in the natural way as was possible for a male to achieve.

Jayden must have agreed because he nestled in contentedly. In fact, he was a little too content, as evidenced by his falling asleep after consuming about half of the bottle. Devon had to rouse him to get him to finish. After a good burp, Jayden was asleep again. This time, Devon laid him down in his portable crib and proceeded to climb back into bed to finish his sleep.

About four hours later, Jayden's crying announced that he was hungry again. This time, it was Jade who did the honors.

When Devon awoke an hour later, he was alone in the bed. The house was very quiet and he wondered where the other two were. After he went to the bathroom, he headed toward the living room. There he found Jade asleep in the recliner holding Jayden who was contentedly asleep on his chest. He quietly searched for the digital camera, taking pictures from several angles after he found it.

It was the aroma of breakfast cooking that finally aroused Jade from his slumber. He was trying to figure out how he could get up from the chair without waking up the baby, when Devon came in to relieve him of his tiny charge.

Fortunately, Jayden stayed asleep while he was being transferred to his bed, allowing the men to eat their meal in peace.

Today was December 24th and there were things to do before Don and Dale arrived in the evening. Jade had dusted and vacuumed on Saturday, but hadn't had time to do any decorating before they had left on Sunday. So, he got out the little artificial tree and ornaments that Devon had stored on a high shelf in the garage.

Together, they set it up and decorated it while listening to carols playing softly on the sound system. The tree wasn't very large, but it really brightened up the room. Devon took several photos of the process. He would be sure to get some with Jayden by the tree later. The child was their ultimate Christmas gift after all.

They were all but done when the infant in question started to wake up. Whether it was due to the music or the sound of his fathers' voices, Jayden didn't cry. He moved his arms and legs and made gurgling noises that the men decided were attempts at singing. Of course that was a real stretch of imagination, but they were doting daddies.

The day was sunny, belying the crisp temperature outside. The brightness may have stimulated Jayden to stay awake after he'd finished his bottle. It was nice to see him doing something besides eating and sleeping. Devon picked him up and showed him the Christmas lights. Both men talked to him whenever they had the chance. Devon said they should begin reading to him soon. He had seen studies about how early exposure to books helped boost a child's interest in learning. Jayden would have the best preparation for school that any kid could get.

It was dark by the time the grandpas arrived. Devon had a small pork roast in the oven along with potatoes and carrots that could be served as soon as their luggage and various other things were brought in from the car. Before they sat down to eat, the guests peeked into the bedroom to see Jayden. He managed to sleep through it all, so everyone got to have dinner without having to tend to him.

They all enjoyed eating something different from the poultry they would have the next day. Pork had been a Christmas Eve tradition for the Cook family and they had nearly always had goose the next day. Don was carrying on that custom by bringing along a freshly butchered goose. He made a joke about everyone getting their Christmas goose as he gave Dale a nudge in the backside with his thumb.

Almost as soon as they'd finished with dinner, Jayden announced that he was ready for his. Devon and Don went to tend him while Jade and Dale took care of putting away the leftovers and tidying up the kitchen. They felt that biological grandfather, father, and son should share in the bonding, especially if it involved a dirty diaper.

Don was up early on Christmas morning preparing the goose to roast. He liked to cook it slowly on a rack so that the grease drained away as it roasted. He loved the taste, but it was about the fattest of all the poultry types.

Next, he took out the breakfast casserole Jade had assembled the night before, and put it in the oven to be ready when the rest of the men got up.

Just as Don was about to sit down for a while, Devon came into the kitchen with Jayden who was again eager to have his bottle. He had slept a bit longer between feedings. Don said that was a good sign because he was evidently getting plenty to eat so that he wasn't going to be keeping his daddies up as much as some babies do.

"Like father, like son," Don commented. "You were a good sleeper, especially after we started you on rice cereal for your late night feeding. It wasn't long before we could get five or six hours of uninterrupted rest."

"That will be great once school starts."

"Speaking of going back to work, have you interviewed anyone to take care of him while you guys are out during the day?"

"We haven't had a chance because of getting him so close to the holidays. Jade's break is longer than mine, so he will take care of him until we can make arrangements."

"Dale and I have to go back to work before you do, but we'll do our best to take some of the nighttime duties while we're here."

"Thanks for the offer Dad, but with his little bed in our room, it's not that hard on us."

"About that," Don said. "Dale and I have just emailed you guys several Amazon gift certificates for buying baby furniture. We know he'll need a bigger crib and possibly a changing table. Gift certificates are rather impersonal, but we want you to pick out the things you need in whatever style you want instead of having them imposed on you."

"Thanks Dad, we're grateful for everything. He's the greatest gift we'll ever receive, but he has radically changed our plans."

"Having a child to raise does affect your financial situation, but I know you'll find that the rewards outweigh the costs. I speak from experience," Don smiled as he gave his son a shoulder hug.

Jade and Dale came in at that point and got the rest of their breakfast going. It would all be ready when Devon finished with Jayden. Before they sat down to partake, Jade put the strap of the baby "sack" around his neck and Devon helped place Jayden into it so he could nestle against his papa while they ate. Don beamed at the scene, knowing that his only grandson would never lack for affection.

Dinner was a great culinary success. The only glitch was that Jayden needed to be changed and fed before everyone had finished eating. Jade took those duties, handing him off to Devon when the infant was satiated. Again, Jayden slept in the sack, this time against Devon's chest.

When leftovers were put away and the kitchen tidied up once more, the family congregated in the living room to exchange their small gifts. They had agreed upon keeping down the cost, but Don and Dale had far outspent the younger men in the end. However, the extra expenditures were totally for baby things, so the older men insisted that the whole thing was even.

"Oh, here's one more little gift," Jade announced. "I'm sure Santa left it for Jayden. Would someone unwrap it for him?"

Devon removed the paper and found a small sock monkey inside.

"This isn't Jocko is it?"

"Nope, this is JJ. Santa thought every child should have his own monkey."

"That's a perfect gift for his first Christmas!" Devon exclaimed.

"Everything has been perfect today," Jade smiled. "Six months ago I didn't know how I was going to survive. Now I'm warm and full and surrounded by family. This is the best Christmas ever!"

"We are all blest to be together," Don agreed. "Not only do I have a partner, but I have another son and a grandson!"

"I'd been all alone for several years," Dale added. "I love having a family too."

"I was headed the same way," Devon agreed.

Jade's phone broke their musing before things got maudlin. The men sat quietly so Jade could hear. As a result, they overheard his side of the conversation.

"Hi Grandma! Merry Christmas to you too.

Okay, I'll hold it up.

"Merry Christmas to all of you," Dyani said loud enough for them to hear.

"Merry Christmas," they replied in chorus.

"Oh, we didn't expect you do to that. Only three or four days. Okay, I'll let you talk to Devon."

Devon listened for several seconds smiling through the tears in his eyes.

"Are you sure you're up to it? . . . Sorry, I didn't mean to imply you're too old! . . . Okay, I'll give you back to Jade, and thanks!"

After Dyani had ended the call, Jade and Devon shared the news. She would be coming back from Arizona early because she wanted to take care of her great-grandson. She had figured it would be nearly impossible to locate anyone they'd trust to care for the baby on short notice. She would love to take those duties for the foreseeable future. It looked like a win/win solution for all involved. Her plan was to arrive before Jade had to return to school.

Don and Dale both wanted to hold Jayden, but the infant fussed when he was away from Devon or Jade. They were about to give up trying when Jade said he might have a solution.

He went into the bathroom and returned with Devon's deodorant. He rubbed a bit of it on the blanket Jayden was wrapped in. After that, the infant seemed content to be held by the others.

"Jade, you're a genius!" Devon cried. "We may have to do that when Grandma gets here so he'll accept her too."

"I can still see him in the courtroom with his nose in your armpit," Jade giggled. "I figured he was already aware of scents. I think that's inborn. You know farmers will bottle-feed an orphaned lamb with the milk from a surrogate ewe so she'll accept it because she can smell it when it's gone through his system."

"I didn't know that," Don said, "but it makes sense. Hmm, I guess that also works if you spell it `s-c-e-n-t-s' – pun not intended."

"I don't know if I believe you Dad. You always did do a lot of lame plays on words. I think it's an affliction."

"As bad as YOUR puns are, Babe, it must be genetic," Jade speculated.

"Either way it's pretty generic," Dale added, without cracking a smile.

The other three gave deep belly groans and then they all laughed heartily.

The week between the two winter holidays passed more quickly than any of the men had wished. They had had a wonderful time simply being a family, but the reality of going back to their jobs settled on them on New Year's Day.

Don and Dale packed up to return home right after breakfast. Though the young men invited them to stay longer into the day, it made sense for all concerned that they depart early. The grandpas needed a little down time before working the next day. Jade and Devon could use the time to change the bed in the guest room and generally prepare for Dyani's arrival. Even though that would be several days away, Jade wanted to be prepared.

"Are you sure you can take care of Jayden without me?" Devon asked.

"I'm up to it. I know you'd like to take paternity leave right away, but it may take awhile to apply for it since we held off because of not knowing for sure how things would turn out. We can't afford for you to take the time unpaid."

"That's for sure! I've checked our finances enough to feel we can make it without going into debt, but I know things could be tight for awhile."

"Didn't you mention stock dividends once?"

"Yeah," Devon frowned. "I'd forgotten about those because they go into an account and are used to buy more stock. I think I'll call the bank and have them sent to my savings account from now on instead. That would provide a little cushion if we need it."

On the morning of January second, it was a doleful looking Devon who left for work. He hated to leave his son, but he had a job to do, and he knew Jayden would be well cared for in his absence. In addition to his usual duties, he needed to lay out plans for a sub in the event that he did get to take paternity leave.

Devon drove Jade's old beast to school, leaving the convertible with the car seat already secured in the back seat in case Jade had any reason to go somewhere. It was their more reliable car, and would be less likely to have any problems in the cold weather.

When Devon came home after school, he was wearing a big smile. His paternity leave would begin in a couple of days. The HR department had okayed it rapidly, probably because they'd run into a legal battle in the past for not treating male employees equally in an earlier case. Devon had managed to secure a great substitute who shared his philosophy of how to teach high school students, and who would carry on the classes very much in the same vein the students were used to.

The men celebrated their good fortune with a glass of wine for dinner and a bit of quality time in bed before they had to see to Jayden's needs again.

Dyani's plane arrived on schedule the day before Jade's new term began. Devon stayed home with Jayden while Jade went to the airport to pick her up. He drove his old faithful monster of a car because it was roomy enough to handle the luggage.

When Dyani arrived, she had only one large suitcase and her carryon. She was having the other things shipped because that was far less expensive than paying for additional bags.

"You look in the peak of health, Jade! Fatherhood seems to be treating you well."

"It is, Grandma," Jade smiled as he bent to kiss her cheek. "Having family is the best!"

"Have you drawn up papers so that you're a part of the family?"

"Our friend in the school of law did that last week as soon as the courthouse was open after Christmas and we're all set. It makes Devon and me equal as parents if, God forbid, something should happen to Devon. It will feel even better when we get married. We're still waiting until June for that. I know we're not going to do anything really elaborate, but I'm not sure we could plan something more complex than tying the knot before a judge as busy as we're both going to be."

"If you'll permit me to help, I'd like to arrange for a tribal wedding in addition to whatever you do at the courthouse. As the surrogate mother of the grooms, I feel like it's my place to do something special."

"I'll discuss it with Devon. I know he'll be pleased to do that, but I don't want to make any commitments without him."

"Ah, that is a wise decision on your part. A good marriage is based on good communication!"

As soon as they arrived home, Dyani wanted a turn at holding Jayden. The infant took to her immediately, without Jade's having to trick him with the scent of Devon's deodorant. It was as if Jayden knew he was in the arms of a loving grandma. Dyani beamed. In those moments, she appeared

younger somehow. Jayden seemed to be working some kind of magic.

Author's notes: Thanks to: Ott H, Bob O, Sydney, Wayne, Tony W, Mike D, Anon, Bill K, Jeremy R, Jim L, William J, Joe W, Jim W, Desert D, Trish R, Mendy D, Walt S, Zero, Paul R, Faun, and Lee B who emailed since last posting. I also heard from several others about "Zeke" and "Tales for Bentonville." I appreciate the support!

Remember that Nifty also appreciates your support.

I believe I will have next week's chapter posted about the same time, but there will be a slightly longer break before the following one is up. Don't despair; I'll get back on schedule soon.

BTW, I'd love to hear back from those who have requested the vid links. Please let me know how they affected you and/or someone you're close to.

Love and peace! This world needs a LOT more of that.


Next: Chapter 12

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