A Day in June

By David Lee

Published on Nov 5, 2014


A Day in June

warning and disclaimer.

This is a love story involving romantic relationships between adult males, including occasional graphic intimate scenes. If this sort of material is illegal for you to read, for whatever reason, please leave the site.

A Day in June is the intellectual property of me, author David Lee and, as such, may not be posted, published, or reproduced anywhere without my express permission.

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If you wish to read any of my previous stories, go to:

http://www.nifty.org/nifty/frauthors.html and scroll down to "David Lee."

I recommend reading the longer high school tales in this order: Always and Forever, Zeke, Tales from Bentonville, Second Chance, Tommy and Tanner, and The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long. While they are stand-alone stories, some characters make cameo appearances in later ones.

The rest may be read in any order. Someone to Watch over Me is a medium length novella involving adults and is not connected to any other story. The rest are short stories.

My editors Tom and David deserve special thanks and recognition for catching many typos and missing punctuation marks. They also make valuable suggestions concerning the content from time to time.

Please remember that Nifty remains a free site because of donations from readers. Give as you are able.

If you wish to contact me concerning this or any other of my efforts, you may email: dlee169@hotmail.com. I will attempt to answer promptly. Please include the name of the story in the subject line, or I may not open your communication for fear of getting a virus. I appreciate hearing from you!



A Day in June

It was a lovely mid-summer's eve, one that put Devon in mind of a snippet of poetry that he'd been forced to memorize as a lad. If he made his students do that these days, he'd have an open rebellion on his hands. Funny how dumb the verses had seemed to a fourteen-year-old and how appropriate they felt at present.

"What is so rare as a day in June?

Then if ever come perfect days;

Then Heaven tries earth, if it be in tune,

Over it softly her warm ear lays;

Whether we look or whether we listen,

We hear life murmur or see it glisten..."

(James Russell Lowell: The Vision of Sir Launfal)

Well, it went something like that. He wasn't sure if all the words were correct, but that didn't matter because the sentiment was there. It had been a perfect, carefree day out in the sun by the water. Now in the twilight, he was heading down the Interstate with the top down enjoying the 78 degree weather as the wind blew through his short blond hair. He felt completely liberated in his thin nylon shorts and flip-flops, the only articles of clothing he had on at the moment.

This summer was welcome in many ways. The school year was finally over. He had a little house that had only a small mortgage on it because of his share of the equity from their McMansion. He wasn't taking any classes since he'd finished his Master's degree last summer. He was finally out of his loveless marriage, liberated from back-breaking house payments, done with graduate work, and free from grading papers until fall. He was beginning to climb out of the abyss he'd been in the last couple of years. He was FREE!

The only fly in the ointment on this beautiful evening was his aching bladder. If only he hadn't drunk that whole large bottle of soda. If only he'd have stopped at the last rest area. If only... Now he would have to hold out for home or take a leak by the side of the road and risk being turned in as a pervert when someone complained to a cop if they thought they saw his dick.

As he was contemplating his options, he saw a rest area sign ahead. It said "Parking Only, No Facilities." However, there were bound to be trees and it was off of the highway. It seemed like a God-send.

Devon entered the off-ramp and drove about halfway into the lot. It wasn't until he stood up that he realized how badly he needed relief! He jumped out, heading for the trees and bushes to his right – loosening the drawstring as he ran.

He was well into watering a tree when he thought he heard something close by. He stopped the stream for a few seconds and listened. Not hearing anything, he started again. This time, he knew that he'd heard a sound. It was kind of like a moan. Perhaps it was an animal that'd been hit by a truck or something and crawled into the brush to die.

It was dark enough in the wooded area to make it difficult to see. Devon thought about going back to his car for a flashlight, but then remembered he had his cell phone in his pocket. He flipped it open, using the faint light of the keyboard to illuminate the ground. There, almost where he'd just pissed was something pale. On closer inspection, he saw that it was a nearly naked figure – a young man clad in nothing but a torn tank top.

He stepped toward the body very carefully and knelt by the person's face. It appeared that the guy had been badly beaten. There were cuts and bruises on his chest and blood on his bare legs.

"Pleesse don' hurt me," the young man slurred. "I'll do whatever you want..."

"Easy. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm calling 911 to get you help."

"No, jus' let me die!" he moaned.

"Hello. Yes. We need an ambulance and police. Uh, I'm at that primitive rest area about 10 miles north of town. Yeah, Centerville. Devon Cook. No it's for a guy I found by the trees. He's been beaten severely – at least that's what it looks like. Yeah, I'll wait. Please hurry!

Though the evening was warm, the poor guy on the ground was shivering. Devon assumed he was probably suffering from shock, so he jogged back to his car and popped the trunk lid. He had an old beach towel in there from today and a few other things he kept in case he wanted to lie out in the sun on the spur of the moment. Among the stuff, he found his flashlight and an unopened bottle of water. It was warm, but that might be just as well.

Returning to the unknown victim, he gently covered him with the towel and offered him a drink. He cradled the young man's head, raising it enough to permit his drinking without choking on the water.

"Thankss. You're a good pershun."

"You're welcome. Can I do anything else?"

"Jus' shoot me."

"Hang in there, man. You have a long life ahead of you. Don't give up! I'm Devon; what's your name?"




"Nice to meet you, Jade. Is there someone you'd like me to call?"

Jade shook his head.

"Surely your family will want to come and care for you?"

"No, already dead to them. I haf no fam'ly anymore," he gasped out.

Jade then became so still that Devon feared he really had died, until Devon's light illuminated the young face and he saw the tears streaming down Jade's cheeks. It appeared that the guy had suffered an even deeper pain than the physical wounds that had been inflicted on his body, and the mention of family had evidently brought it to the surface.

Devon didn't have time for further reflection because his attention was diverted by a county sheriff's car that sped into the parking area followed closely by an ambulance. Help had arrived at last!

The deputy tried his best to preserve the crime scene, but that was nearly impossible since the medics couldn't avoid trampling the area in their quest to save a life.

After the EMT's loaded their charge into the ambulance, they rushed toward town with their lights flashing and the siren wailing.

The deputy asked Devon to use his flashlight to aid in searching for anything that might be important. He explained that budget cuts had reduced staff and he would appreciate the help.

They found Jade's ripped shorts, billfold, and cell phone. (Robbery didn't seem to have been the motive, because there were a few dollars, a credit card, and a driver's license.) The officer picked up the cell and tried the number listed as "emergency contact". The phone on the other end was picked up after three rings.

"Young Bear here, what do you want?"

"Mr. Young Bear, I'm Deputy Davis and I have just sent a young man named Jade to the hospital. He's been beaten up pretty badly. This number was listed as a contact. Are you related to him: is he your brother or son? I'll give you directions on how to find him."

"He probably deserved whatever he got! I have no son anymore!"

With that the line went dead.

"Damn it!" Tom Davis swore. "What kind of person would react like that?"

"Uh, Jade said he was dead to his family when I asked whom I should notify. There must have been a big blow-up or something. Still, not to help your own child..."

"Maybe the kid's gay. That seems to be a major reason for people to disown their own family members these days. Sad..."

Davis asked Devon a few questions, got his home address and cell number, and then said he could go.

"Will they take Jade to University Hospital?" Devon asked.

"Yes, that's the ER we send most people to. They're the finest place for cases where we don't know the extent of the injuries. Mercy's okay, but not as well equipped. Are you planning to check on him?"

"I am. After that phone call, I take it that he might need a friend. I'm going to try to check on him tonight."

The parking ramp wasn't packed like it would have been in the daytime, so Devon quickly found a spot on the second level near the skywalk. He was going to put up the top, but figured he didn't need to since there was nothing loose in the car to steal. He'd want it down to enjoy the evening on the way home anyway. He did stick his flashlight in the trunk and put on his tank top so he wouldn't be banned from the hospital for his state of undress.

Since he hadn't parked near the emergency room, it took him several minutes and a couple of false turns to work his way through the maze of hallways which seemed like a labyrinth with a Minotaur possibly lurking around the next corner. He got to his destination in time to see Jade being wheeled toward an elevator. He squeezed through the door just before it closed.

"I'm sorry, I'm taking this man up to surgery and it's off limits at night unless you're a friend or family." The orderly said.

"Uh, that's my cousin Jade you have there isn't it?"

"Yeah, that's the name on his bracelet – Jade Matson. I guess it's okay then, but you'll have to remain in the waiting room until he's out of surgery."

"Hey, Jade. It's your cousin Devon. I got here as quickly as I could. Hang in there, Bud. I'll be praying for you and I'll see you when you're all fixed up."

Jade opened his eyes enough to see who it was.

"Thankss," he murmured. "I appreciate it. Tell Aunt Jane I'll be okay."

Jade's wounds evidently didn't adversely affect his mental agility. He had fallen in with Devon's charade so quickly that the orderly didn't have a clue that the two were total strangers.

When they reached the surgical suite, Devon went to the waiting area and gave his name to the receptionist on duty. He sat down watching the news wondering what he was doing there and why he'd started this pretense in the first place.

He had begun to nod off and was startled when the nurse called his name. It took him a second to get his bearings, but he reacted quickly, following her to a small conference room furnished with several chairs. Moments later, a doctor came in.

Devon stood as the man entered the room and offered his hand.

"I'm Devon Cook. Sorry to come here looking like a beach bum, but I didn't have time to change."

"No problem: I'm Dr. Martin. You may call me Jeff if you like. I understand you're Jade's cousin."

"Yes, how is he?"

"He's a very lucky young man, if I may say that about someone who's undergone a savage beating and has multiple fractures. I say lucky because, though his liver and kidneys are bruised, his spleen is intact and he should be almost as good as new in a few weeks. That's not to say that he won't have pain in the mean time, but he is out of the woods."

"Thank God for that! What is the extent of his injuries? You don't need to hold back. I know he was raped."

"Well, since that issue is on the table, I can tell you that we had to do a little repair to his rectum. It will be tender for a few days, but it should heal nicely. They used a kit in the emergency room to collect evidence of the rape. That will provide the necessary DNA when and if suspects are arrested.

The main problem is the broken bones in his hands and wrists. He's going to need help with common tasks for the next month to six weeks at least. Do you know if his insurance will cover a nursing facility?"

"I'm not sure, but I doubt it. Jade's been on his own for a while. I'll ask him when he regains consciousness."

"He should be coming around soon. You'll be allowed to see him in the ICU. We'll keep him under close observation for the next twelve hours or so. By the way, I'm curious about your kinship since his skin color is darker than yours. It's none of my business, of course, and I'm being politically incorrect even to notice. I hope I haven't offended you."

"No, were used to that. Uh, his mom and mine are sisters and his mom had a boyfriend who was of American Indian descent. I was too little to remember him much, but he disappeared soon after he got her pregnant..."

"Sorry, like I said, it isn't my business. At first glance, I thought you seemed more like a buddy than a relative. In the absence of other family, he's lucky to at least have a cousin who cares."

Devon had embroidered on his bald-faced lie without flinching or averting his gaze. He thought to himself that it must be the result of the acting classes he'd taken in college. He was pretty good at playing whatever part was called for in a give situation. That ability had come in handy more than once in trying to be someone he wasn't cut out to be.

Walking down another corridor, he was so lost in thought that he nearly missed the turn to the ICU. After a short consultation with the nurse in charge, he was directed to Jade's room.

Jade opened his eyes enough to identify his visitor and greeted him with a weak smile.

"Thanks for being a Good Samaritan. They tell me I'm going to make it. At least I can talk without slurring, even on pain meds. I guess I had a slight concussion, but it seems to be clearing up."

"The surgeon told me your prognosis is good. He thinks you're lucky although you probably don't feel like that just now," Devon said gently taking hold of Jade's finger tips and looking into his beautiful brown eyes.

"I actually don't feel much of anything, probably because of the drugs I'm on. But I do feel gratitude to you and everyone who helped me. I hope I'll be able to pay you back someday."

"No worries, dude. If you ever have the chance, just pay it forward."

"Will you stay a few minutes and talk to me? I'm getting sleepy, but I feel sorta disoriented and I'd enjoy the company."

"Sure. I've been here about three hours, what's a couple more?"

"I was in surgery that long?"

"Well counting getting prepped and coming out of the anesthetic, yeah, it's been that long."

"Oh, it must be midnight then. I shouldn't keep you from your family."

"I live alone and I don't have to work `til the end of August, so I have plenty of time. I can stay all night if it will make you feel better. I've already convinced the staff that you're my cousin. Our mothers are sisters; or were, in my case, since Mom's dead. Your father is an American Indian, I guessed that from his surname, and he was my aunt's boyfriend but left before you were born."

"Wow! That's pretty close to the truth. My father is almost full-blooded Meskwaki and he didn't marry my mother. That's why I don't carry his name. He's been in and out of my life over the years. Right now, he's back at my grandmother's after an eight-year hiatus. Mom died a couple of years back and he disowned me the minute I came of age – not that I truly give a shit."

Devon pulled a chair up beside the bed and kept talking. He also continued to hold the portion of Jade's fingers that extended beyond the cast on his right hand. He wasn't sure why, but it seemed like a way to let the guy know someone was there for him.

After a very few minutes, Jade drifted off to sleep. Devon was getting sleepy too, and chilly. The tank top and sport shorts that had made him feel liberated in the heat of the day were no match for the hospital's air condition system. He got up to hunt in the closet for a blanket which he wrapped around himself. Using it and the pillow he found in there, he managed to get comfortable enough to fall asleep in the big chair.

He awakened with a start some hours later. Jade had cried out in his sleep – evidently in response to a bad dream. Devon spoke softly, stroking his jet black hair and telling him that everything was okay.

A nurse came in to make sure that Jade wasn't having some kind of medical emergency. She checked his vitals and found that everything was normal, though his pulse was slightly elevated. Satisfied that her services weren't needed at the moment, she left the two men alone again.

The next time Devon woke up, the sky was beginning to lighten into a gray, rainy dawn. He thought about his convertible and was thankful he'd parked in the center of the parkade and not near an open area.

"You need to get a life." Jade croaked when he noticed Devon stirring. "Or, maybe you're some sort of angel who has come to watch over me."

"I guarantee you that I'm no angel!" Devon exclaimed. "But I am glad if I was able to do something for you. I've never before seen anyone hurt so badly and I felt so helpless to do anything. Your throat sounds dry. Would you like a sip of water?"

Jade nodded.

While he was drinking, a nurse came in to check on her patient.

"I'm going off duty in a few minutes, but I had to make one more round to see how you were doing," she said cheerfully. "You look about 99% better than you did at midnight. I have a feeling you'll be moved to a regular room today and possibly be discharged before long. Are you in pain, or are the meds working okay?"

"I'm not in much pain," Jade declared.

"On a scale of zero to 10, how would you rate it?"

"About a three and a half or less, I guess. I feel a kind of general malaise, but nothing I can't handle."

"It's only natural that you'd be physically and emotionally down after suffering that much trauma, but if it turns into depression you need to let the doctor know so he can give you something to relieve it."

"I don't want to be drugged any more than I have to be. I'll take feeling down rather than not being in control."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Devon asked when they were again alone.

"You mean the attack or why I'm feeling hopeless?"

"Either or both."

"I guess I'd rather talk about why I'm down. Yeah I know; that should be obvious. Anyway, with both of my hands in casts, what am I gonna do? I only have a basic student insurance policy which won't cover a care center, much less a private nurse. I won't be able to take the summer school classes I just started which will put me off schedule to graduate and now I can't work to pay the rent or to buy food, even if I could feed myself. I'll be on welfare or on the street. It's friggin' hopeless!"

"Don't give up. There are always options. What we need to do is explore them. Are you staying in the dorm? Have you already prepaid on a food plan? Do you have any savings?"

"I'm in the dorm, but I'll be kicked out if I can't make the next payment. I don't have a food plan and my savings are so puny you could put them in a little kid's piggy bank and he wouldn't see the difference."

"Okay, let me take some time to see what I can do. I'll check with the university to see if there's a program to help you. I mean, you're temporarily handicapped and you're a minority student. Given those factors, there could be some form of aid."

Again their conversation was interrupted by a nurse. This time it was for the purpose of giving Jade a sponge bath. Devon would have to step out of the room for a while, so he took the opportunity to go down to the cafeteria for a bite of breakfast.

When he returned, he saw that Jade was propped up with his hair combed watching a comedy, but looking even sadder than he had before.

"I thought you'd left," he exclaimed. "I mean, I can't expect you to stay, but..."

"I'll be around as much as I can. Look who I brought to stay with you when I have to be gone," Devon grinned as he handed Jade a bag containing a small sock monkey he'd purchased at the gift shop. "He can keep you company while I go to check with the university about any aid that might be available and what we can do to keep you in classes. I'll have to go home first so I can shower and change clothes. You can probably smell me from there!"

"You smell fine to me." Jade said a bit more strongly then he'd intended. "I mean, I'm just so thankful that you found me when you did. If I'd have been there all night, I'd probably have bled out like Matthew Shepard, and ...," Jade trailed off while hugging the stuffed animal.

The arrival of Jade's breakfast tray side-tracked their conversation before Devon could find out exactly where it was headed. The Cream of Wheat with juice, toast, and jelly looked particularly appetizing to the young patient who hadn't eaten in many hours.

"I'll find someone to feed you unless we can talk your visitor into doing it," the nurse said.

"It's not a problem," Devon assured her. "What's family for if not to help?"

Devon hung around for the rest of the morning. At one point he was getting ready to slip out while Jade slept, but the latter woke up and needed a drink. After that, he stayed awake.

Then the lunch tray arrived and Devon felt he should feed Jade again instead of having some stranger do it. He caught himself thinking about that and how ironic it was. They were, for all intents and purposes, complete strangers. Yet each was beginning to think of the other as family.

Jade apologized for being helpless, but seemed to accept the fact that Devon didn't mind feeding him. He wished that he could hug his benefactor, but wondered if that would seem too demonstrative given the fact that they hardly knew each other.

When Jade's full tummy made him drowsy again, he accepted the fact that Devon needed to leave for a while. He said that he would try to stay asleep until Devon returned. With the monkey nestled in the crook of his arm, Jade began to snore softly.

Given the continuing drizzle, Devon was relieved that he could take the skyway to the parking lot to avoid getting soaked. Once there, he put the top up on the convertible and headed home.

The warmth of the shower helped relax the muscles that had felt cramped from sleeping all night in a chair. Spreading shower gel on a washcloth, Devon scrubbed away the sweat and sun lotion that covered a large part of his body. When he began to work on his crotch area, he immediately popped a boner. It had been a couple of days since he'd jacked off. He'd been exceedingly horny the previous day when lying nearly naked on the beach, but he hadn't found a place private enough to take care of his needs. He'd planned to have a comfortable stroking session in front of his laptop once he arrived home, but of course he hadn't gotten there until now.

He closed his eyes and began to masturbate in the time-honored manner of stroking with his whole fist. Then he humped his hand as if he were copulating. An image of Jade's face blazed unbidden in his memory as he reached the point of no return.

Damn! He hadn't intended for that to happen. His thoughts about the younger man had been completely pure. His motives to help were genuine and innocent. He'd have to be careful not to let his physical desires cloud his interactions with the guy.

Next: Chapter 2

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