When I First Met Mike

By ds elliot

Published on Jan 9, 2005


When I First Met Mike - Part III

by ds elliot

This is the story of two men discovering each other. This story contains episodes of sexual abuse, physical abuse, and verbal abuse. While this is a story of discovery and understanding and compassion, the reader must live through the pain to get to that point.

All rights reserved. This story may not be distributed, sold, or linked to any other sites including pay sites without the express permission of the author.

Copyright 2004.

This story contains descriptions of sexual contact between two young men. This is a story of intimate sexual contact and discovery and well as forced sex and violence. If you are not of legal age in your area to read stories of this nature or if you are offended by stories of this nature, please navigate to another site and stop reading now.

I would appreciate your comments, suggestions, and constructive criticisms. You can contact the author at: dselliot28@yahoo.com

and now back to the story...

Telling someone you love them is a huge step in any relationship. I recalled telling a couple of buddies back in college that I loved them, but that was after we'd polished off the keg at one of the all too frequent frat parties. Too much booze always made me a bit more emotional. I'd never just said 'I love you' to anyone. The funny thing was that it was true. I'd been feeling it. I suppose on some level I was afraid of it... not so much afraid of the love as verbalizing it. I don't know what I expected from Mike, but I didn't expect him to tell me that he loved me too. That was more than I hoped for. I was awake thinking about what Mike meant when he said 'I love you'... did he mean as a friend, as a brother, as another human being in the world? Did he say it because I said it first? Mike was an emotional wreck. He wasn't at a point in his life where he could mean anything more than just loving me as a friend. I had to admit to myself that I really wanted it to mean more, but resigned myself to the fact that it likely didn't -- at least not yet. Maybe his feelings would grow to be more... maybe...

I turned in the bed to face Mike. I was startled to see that he was awake and looking at me. He asked,

"What were you thinking about?"

"I was thinking about telling you I loved you."

"Are you sorry you said it?"

"No... not for a second. I really do love you. I was just wondering if I should have said it. I don't want you to feel like you've got to feel that way about me. I don't want it to make you uncomfortable or add stress to your life."

"It was nice to hear. I felt warm inside when you said it. It made me feel good... good about myself too. I'm glad you told me. I'm not really sure if I know what love is, but you make me feel so good. It's hard to explain... you make me feel important and needed and cared for. I feel like I'm part of your life, and I like those feelings. I'd rather be with you than anywhere else. It's more than just feeling safe and secure and not so afraid of things. I feel like you genuinely care about me... you want me to get better. I care about you too. I just don't always know what is the right thing to do or say, but I do love you. I'm sure of that."

I pulled Mike to me and hugged him tight. He kissed me on the neck. As we held each other he said,

"The first time I felt your dick touching my body I was so scared you would put it in me. Now I like how it feels against me. Sometimes I want to touch it to make you happy, but I'm also still a bit scared. I don't think I said that right."

"You said it fine. You don't have to do anything you don't really want to do. If we ever do anything it would have to be mutual."

"What do you mean?"

"If you do something to me then I get to do the same thing for you. Like the hugging and kissing, it's mutual. You kiss and hug me, and I kiss and hug you. We both get to share the good feelings."

"Does it really make you feel good when I hug you?"

"It makes me feel great. I like holding you and you holding me. It makes me feel safe and secure too."

"Why don't you feel safe?"

"It isn't so much that I don't feel safe... it's just this feeling inside that I've got you to share things with and that makes me feel better about myself and the world... like I'm not alone."

"I feel that way too, but I also feel safe in a different way. I just know inside that you'd never hurt me and that you wouldn't let anyone else hurt me either. It's more than you just taking care of me and watching out for me... it's like you're a guardian angel or something making the world better just for me."

I kissed Mike's cheek as I hugged him closer to me. I hadn't thought about the many times my dick had likely pressed into or poked him. As I thought about it now, I could see how he'd panic at the thought of potential abuse. It felt good now though as his leg rested against it. If any other guy had been in my bed with me it would have been completely sexual, but with Mike it was different. I would never deny that I was very attracted to him. I would also not deny that if he wanted to have sex I'd be elated and eager to please us both. The thing too is that I wasn't feeling at all sexually frustrated by the closeness we shared. It was like I wanted the sex but didn't need it. I found pleasures in holding and kissing and sharing that I hadn't known before. Hugging and kissing had always been a prelude to sex. With Mike the hugs and kisses were different... better... more...

After nearly two months of treatment with Dr. Martin, Mike was frustrated at the slow pace of improvement. At times it did seem slow to me also, but that was mainly because there hadn't been any major breakthroughs. Mike was making slow and steady progress -- sometimes so slow and steady that he didn't realize the changes himself. Mike had once been reluctant to pick out what clothes to wear, but he had no problems picking clothes and dressing himself as he liked. Of all the colors of shirts we'd selected, he tended to favor blues. If I asked about his favorite color, he couldn't tell me, but when I asked him to pick the shirts he liked best -- they were all blue. It's like a light went on for Mike. He also didn't struggle with using the bathroom very often. He was able to go on his own and take care of his business without permission or even telling me what he was doing. Occasionally he'd relapse, but that was becoming less frequent. He was also venturing away from the condo more on his own -- going for walks or wandering through the stores and even having lunch out by himself. We still slept together, but I think that was more because we both liked it rather than his fears. He didn't freeze up when he heard keys jingle. Shouting on the street didn't cause him to panic. There were changes and improvements, but they were sometimes subtle and hard to see because they happened gradually.

It was about the forth month when Mike and I were cuddled up on the sofa watching the late news when he panicked. Mike started to push himself more into me. At first it was pleasant, but the steady pressure was getting painful. He let out a painful groan. I wasn't sure what had happened... if he was hurt... what? He was white as a ghost and only groaned like he was in horrible pain. I was ready to call for an ambulance because I had no idea what was happening. Mike's eyes were glued to the tv, but his eyes were glazed over... like he was seeing but not seeing at the same time. I asked what was wrong, but I got no response. I shook him and finally got him out of the stupor he was in. When I got him to talk, all he said was...

"That was one of the men..."

"Where, Mike? On the tv?"

"Yes. He was one of them."

I couldn't do more than hold Mike tight to my body and try to reassure him that he was safe -- that the man he saw on tv couldn't hurt him. He didn't calm down easily, but I did get him to bed when he seemed to settle down. His sleep was restless and troubled. He was having one of the nightmares again, but this one didn't seem as violent or frightening as some... he wasn't yelling out or begging which usually happened. I woke him a few times during the night to end the dreams, but they seemed to come back. Mike didn't want to be alone in the condo the next day so he spent the day in my office.

On one of my breaks I called the tv station to find out about their late night news broadcast. Specifically I wanted to know who the person was in the story Mike saw. It took some time, but I finally got the name of the individual. He was on the city council -- someone who rarely made the news. The only reason he happened to be on last night was that the story covered was filler on a slow news day. I then called my dad to see what he knew of the guy. My dad didn't have a high opinion of the man. That told me a lot. Being a developer my dad was around politics and the movers and shakers in the city. He knew most of them and usually found something good in each of them, but not this man. Later in the day I called Dr. Martin. He wanted to see Mike that evening.

At Dr. Martin's home Mike talked about seeing the man and the feelings he had. That talk helped to calm Mike and reassure him that he was safe and secure. I wasn't ready to let it all rest. I wanted to pursue the jerk; to make sure he got what he deserved. Dr. Martin told me he agreed but insisted that I not make this more traumatic for Mike.

The next morning I called the lawyer, Alex Melman, I'd talked to about finding information about Mike. As it turned out, Alex was preparing the information to be delivered by messenger that afternoon. I told the Alex what I wanted now about the man Mike recognized. Alex didn't have a high opinion of the man we were discussing either. Alex's firm was one of the larger in the city with connections all over the place. He told me that he'd make some calls and get back to me. The messenger arrived with a large envelope filled with information about Mike. I wasn't prepared to open it yet. I first had to decide if I really wanted to know what the file contained. I'd asked for the information, but now that I had it I wasn't sure that I wanted it. I decided that when Mike was ready we'd talk about the envelope to see what he wanted to know. It was all about him and should be at least in part up to him what he wanted and needed to know about his past.

As I was about to leave the office, the phone rang. I would normally let the service answer, but I picked up. It was Alex. He told me that he talked with the prosecutor's office about what I'd told him. The prosecutor was very interested in pursuing a case against Mr. Hannity. I told Alex that Mike wasn't ready to confront the man at this point. Alex assured me that he wouldn't allow that to happen. Alex asked to be allowed to represent Mike in this matter. I agreed with the stipulation that Dr. Martin be consulted and involved. Alex knew Dr. Martin by reputation and felt comfortable with my demands.

It was nearly two weeks before all the interested parties could agree with how best to proceed. We all met one evening at the condo. Mike hadn't met Alex or the prosecutor prior to this evening and was very uncomfortable with so many strangers in the house. Dr. Martin and I sat next to Mike as we took lots of time just talking about other things to help Mike relax. When Mike told me he was ready, the prosecutor asked some specific questions of Mike. Dr. Martin spoke for Mike and answered the questions for him. He insisted that Mike wasn't ready to relive the details of his kidnapping. The prosecutor seemed to understand and didn't push Mike. At one point Mike was asked to look at a series of pictures to see if he recognized any of the men in the photos. Mike saw three faces he recognized and put the names he recalled with each picture as well as the name of the boy each of them brought to the house where Mike was held. The man who kidnapped Mike was not in the pictures, but I asked Alex to follow up on that arrest. I gave the approximate date of the arrest. I asked Mike if he remembered the address. He was almost in a trance at this point -- just staring blankly at the coffee table where the pictures had been. He rattled off the address as I put my arm around him. Mike put his head on my shoulder and cried softly as I held him. I told the group that we needed to finish because Mike wasn't capable of dealing with any more of this now. They all readily agreed. Dr. Martin stayed after the others left to help me calm Mike and get him settled for the night. Dr. Martin gave him a l tranquilizer to help him relax and get through the night. He also wrote out a prescription for me to fill the next day in case Mike needed them in the near future.

Mike slept like a log. I don't think he moved once all night. The next morning though he looked like he hadn't slept at all. I took Mike to work with me. The women in the office liked fawning over him, and Karen, the mother to all of us, brought him to the reception area and put him to work helping her with the phones and the files.

Nothing seemed to happen for the next several weeks. I'm sure Alex was tired of me calling every day to see what was going on. When things did start to happen, everything seemed to happen at once. Mr. Hannity was arrested and his home and two other buildings he owned were searched. In the search they did find a boy locked in a room in the basement that the police almost didn't discover. In addition to the boy they found lots of pictures and video tapes. The man was running a porn website as well as selling and distributing pictures of children engaged in sex acts with adults. As it turns out the man was in several of the pictures. His face wasn't always visible in the shot, but he had a rather unique birthmark that was. It seems that the threat of prosecution for kidnapping and the porn he was selling was enough to make the man sing his entire song, and he was willing to implicate anyone he could think of in the process.

The police arrested nine other men in the area who had kidnapped or taken possession of a minor child for sex. It seems that Mr. Hannity had sold a few of the boys to these other men. In addition to those men, the computer in one of Mr. Hanity's buildings also contained a complete and detailed record of those who subscribed to his website as well as those who'd bought pictures and videos. I was amazed at the number of men who would eventually be arrested in various cities around the US. In all of this Alex did find out who kidnapped Mike. He was doing time for the meth lab and drugs that were found in the house. The house had been seized by police and hadn't been touched since it was searched.

I asked Alex if there wasn't some way Mike could pursue some sort of victim's compensation from the man who held him all those years. Alex had some ideas including a civil suit, but first he wanted the man brought back from the state prison where he was being held to face new charges for kidnapping, sex with a minor, and a whole host of other infractions Alex read off.

The man who kidnapped Mike was Ron Wicks. When faced with the list of charges against him as well as all of the evidence including the testimony of Mr. Hannity, Ron plead guilty. He would be going away for an additional 30 years. I felt confident that he wouldn't ever get out of prison alive. The other men involved received similar sentences for kidnapping and sex with minors. I was sure that most of them would likely not leave prison alive either after hearing how well regarded child molesters and rapists were within the prison system. They all deserved to die for what they did to the children they abused.

Alex did start the civil suit process against Ron Wicks. It turned out that Ron didn't live long enough in prison to make it to that court date. I can't say that I was sad to hear that news, but really wanted Mike to get something for all that he'd suffered. Alex assured me that it would be a lot easier since Ron didn't leave a will and didn't seem to have any descendants or living relatives. Ron had inherited the house when his mother died. Alex did pursue the house for Mike and did succeed. That took months to accomplish. By the time all this was over, Mike had been with me for eleven months. It wasn't a swift process, but it did have a happy ending in that all the men were locked up where they couldn't hurt any more children. Only two had decided to plead innocent and go through the trial process. The prosecutor's office told me they would likely end up with longer sentences once a jury heard details of their actions.

Mike didn't care about the house or even want to see it again. I could understand that. Since it was legally in Mike's name I decided that I would at least help him sell it. The money would help him get a fresh start in life.

Mike seemed to find a sense of peace he'd not found before when he started to see pictures of the various men being lead off to jail. Reading the stories of the time they'd serve for their crimes helped him find some form of personal justice. He was very curious about the other boys that were found. Most were still minors so names and information was difficult to get, but we did learn that four of the eight boys were returned to their parents after being checked out at the local hospitals. One of the boys was HIV+. He had started a treatment program and was living in a home that would care for him until he could get back on track with his life. The other three boys had been homeless like Mike. They were all in local shelters with hopes of placing them in the foster care system. Most of Mr. Hannity's holding were confiscated and auctioned off. Some of the proceeds were set aside for the boys who'd been held. Parents of the four boys were encouraged to pursue civil suits for damages. It seemed like a chapter in Mike's life was finally closing for good.

During most of this time Mike was meeting with Dr. Martin at least twice each week and often more frequently. Dr. Martin kept close tabs on Mike to be sure that none of these events caused a set back. For the most part it seemed to take all of Mike's energy just to get through these days. Though Mike didn't have to go to court or make any public appearances, I think the idea that he would have to see any of these men face to face terrified him to his soul. It took months for it all to come to an end, but when it did we all collectively released a huge sigh of relief.

Mike did come back to be the person he had been before he recognized Mr. Hannity. There was still a long way to go to heal Mike, but I felt we were back on track. When it was finally all over, Mike and I were laying in bed one Sunday morning just holding each other. Mike said,

"I feel like I can move on... like I'm not stuck in that block of time and reliving those events. I'm not as afraid of being taken back to that basement. I'm so glad that the other guys got free too. It feels like I did something good even though I really didn't do anything at all."

"Mike, you did a lot. If you hadn't recognized Mr. Hannity and had the courage to talk with the prosecutor and Alex about your ordeal, none of those boys would have been freed and none of those men would be in prison now. You did it all. You got the police looking in the right direction. Once that happened they did their job and the prosecutors did theirs. No one could have done more than you. I'm so proud of you."

"Are you really, Adam? I felt like such a baby when I talked with the prosecutor that night. I was crying and didn't want to help. I just wanted it all to go away."

"You might have wanted that, Mike, but you did talk to him. You helped him so he could do his job. It wasn't easy to do what you did. I'm very proud of you. I love you, you know."

"I love you too, Adam. Do you think things will really start to change now that it's over?"

"Things have been changing... little things... subtle things. Think about it... when was the last time you needed permission to use the bathroom? When was the last time you asked what you could or should wear? When was the last time you asked if you could eat or what you could eat? When was the last time you freaked out when someone yelled? Those things haven't happened in a long time. You are getting better, but it's a gradual process -- so gradual that sometimes we don't see the progress you're making."

"I hadn't thought about it like that, but you're right. When I think about those things, I have made progress. I've been thinking more about school too. I want to go to school as soon as I can. I mentioned it to Dr. Martin. He told me that I wouldn't have to go back to high school. He said I could go to a community college to get the rest of my high school education. I guess we'll need to open that envelop to see what school I attended and to get my records transferred. When you first told me about that envelope I was angry with you for getting all of that information about me. I think I was angry because I didn't want to know... because I liked the life we had here and wanted to make believe that it had always been like this."

"I'm sorry, Mike. I didn't think it would hurt you. I certainly didn't want to make you angry with me. I asked Alex to get the information more to find out about your schooling than anything else. When that package arrived I realized I didn't want to know what was inside either because I liked what we had and preferred to make believe it would always be this way too."

"I'm ready to open the envelop when you are. If you aren't ready to know what's inside, we can wait. We could also just have Alex take out the information that pertains to school and leave the rest. I don't really need to know any more than that."

"If you're ready then I'm ready too. Together we can face whatever information is in that envelop. Whatever is there won't change how I feel about you."

"Adam... you are the best. I love you so much I sometimes feel like I'll burst. I talked to Dr. Martin about having sex with you."

"You did? When did you do that?"

"Well actually I've been talking with him about sex for a while now. Mostly it's been about whether or not he thinks I'll be able to get an erection again and if I'll be able to enjoy normal sex. We talk about what I'd like to do with you and what I'd like you to do with me. We talk about what is normal and what isn't. We talk about everything really. I'm surprised how much that man knows. He really is amazing."

"So back up a few paces there... what exactly would you like us to be doing with each other? I really want to hear that."

"I'm not gonna tell you until I can do it. I hope that day comes soon. Dr. Martin says that he should talk with both of us before we do anything because he says there are things we both need to understand. He says you need to be prepared for me to freak out a little the first few times we try things. Some of the things we... well, some of the things you'll probably want to do will trigger memories of bad times. He wants us to be prepared and teach us how to handle that if it happens. I told him I'd start to drag you to the next Saturday sessions so he can lecture you about sex."

"That might be a little embarrassing..."

"It probably will be for both of us. Dr. Martin is pretty direct and he doesn't pull any punches. He gets right to the point. I know there are times when my ears feel like they're burning up he's embarrassed me so much, but we're just talking about normal things. I guess I'm still not all that comfortable talking about my body and sex, but it is getting easier to do."

As our one year anniversary arrived, I told Mike that I wanted to take him to dinner at the nicest restaurant in town to celebrate. Mike smiled and said ok. He wasn't all that excited about the anniversary, but I chalked that up to what it likely meant to him. He'd been with me a year and was still struggling with his demons. He was winning the battle more often than not, but he was still in the thick of the war. The day of the actual anniversary, I came home early to get ready for our night out. Mike said...

"Adam? I know you want to go to this great restaurant for dinner tonight, but I don't really want to go there."

"Ok, Mike. We don't have to go out if you don't feel like it. It's not a problem really. We can fix dinner together and stay in if you'd prefer."

"Actually I want to go to the restaurant where you first took me. I know it isn't anything fancy or great, but I'd like to go back there tonight."

"Sure... we can do that, Mike. It's your anniversary too you know. I'll just cancel the reservations I made and we can go when you're ready."

Mike wanted to walk to the restaurant so we did. He picked the route that would take us past the place where I first saw him. When we got there two people were huddled up against the cold. We stopped to talk to the two people in the shop alcove. It was a man and a woman. Mike looked at me with that silent pleading look he used to silently get me to do whatever he wanted. I nodded my head. Mike smiled and invited the two people to come with us to have dinner at the restaurant. I think they were skeptical at first, but they packed up their things and followed us. Mike told them to wash up and we'd wait for them. I told the waitress where we wanted to sit. I wasn't exactly positive which booth it was, but I was pretty sure. She lead me to the table and put down menus for the four of us. When the others arrived she'd brought water and place settings for each of us.

When Mike sat down he leaned in, kissed me on the cheek and said,

"You remembered the table where we ate. Thank you for letting me bring them to dinner. I know this isn't what you had in mind for the night, but it really makes me happy."

"This is way better than what I had planned. You had a great idea. I'm really glad we're doing this."

Mike told the couple to order whatever they wanted from the menu. When we'd all decided, we placed our orders. Mike told the couple that I'd found him in that same doorway one year ago this very night. He told them that I'd rescued him and saved him from a certain death. The couple didn't seem to believe Mike's story, but you could see the honesty in his eyes as he told them the facts he wanted to share.

The couple with us didn't talk much once the food arrived. Mike and I talked quietly as we ate. The man finished first so Mike asked if he was really full or wanted to order more. We could both tell that the man was still hungry so we got a menu so he could get more food. When we all finished our main course we all ordered dessert. It really was a pleasant evening for all four of us. We'd likely never see this couple again, but it was nice to learn something about them and at least try to make their lives a little happier even if for only this one night. On the way back to where it all started we passed a bank cash machine. I took a card from my wallet and withdrew $200.00. We gave each of them five $20.00 bills to do with as they wanted. I hoped they'd spend the money for a room and more food, but the money was our gift to them. We parted company at the storefront. Mike and I walked arm in arm back to the condo.

That next January Mike started school. I had been teaching Mike how to drive, but he seemed to prefer taking the bus to school for now. He wasn't a bad driver, but the traffic and honking horns tended to make him nervous. Mike did like to drive when we left the city though. He liked to drive in the country and up to the mountains. That was fine with me. I'd do the city driving and he'd take care of the country roads... a fair split of the duties. That was a lot of what our lives were becoming... shared duties. Mike liked to do somethings and excelled at them while I liked others. Together we seemed to cover all the bases. Everything got done, and we were each happy.

Work for me was good -- too good actually. I was working too much. I decided to add another dentist to my practice. I found the perfect newly graduated dentist from the local University. Dr, Don Helms started working in the middle of January. We worked together for the first two weeks so I could watch him work and feel comfortable with his skills and knowledge. I went to part time for all of February. I needed the time to recoup and take care of some things that needed attention, mainly the house where Mike had been held. Just knowing it was still in our lives bothered me to no end. Mike just ignored the fact that the place even existed. I just wanted to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

I told Mike my plan to go to the house to see what would need to be done to sell it. Mike absolutely didn't want to go, and he didn't really want me to go either. He did want to get rid of the place. His preference was to burn it to the ground. While burning it down wasn't likely to happen I did tell him that we could have it torn down if that was what he wanted. After he'd spent some time thinking about it, he decided that he'd like to sell it to a nice family. I agreed to do that for him.

My first trip to the house brought up more emotions that I ever thought the place could. I sat in my car in the driveway trying to stop the tears and get the strength to go inside. I probably sat there for a half hour before I got out of the car and walked to the front door. When I got inside I was surprised at how quaint the place looked. It was nothing like the torture chamber I'd been expecting. It really looked like a regular home. The place was dirty and dusty, but it was decent otherwise... a typical family home. I wandered through the rooms on the main floor. It was a three bedroom house with one bathroom on the main floor. The place was a bit messy from the police search, but not destroyed. I found the door to the basement. It took all I could muster to open the door and go down the steps. It was exactly as Mike had described it. I sat on the bottom step and cried. I could hear Mike's screams. I could see his blood on the floor. I could see the tools of his torture and rape. I could see the dirty mattress where he slept. I saw the hooks in the walls and ceiling and floor where Mike had been tied. I was physically sick and ran outside to vomit.

I made myself go back inside, but I didn't go back to the basement. As I looked around the place I noticed that something wasn't right. It took me several hours to figure out what didn't seem right, but it finally dawned on me. It seemed like there should be more rooms on the main floor. I finally figured out that a wall had been changed off the kitchen area. I couldn't find an entrance to the room for a long time, but finally found that the closet in one of the bedrooms was next to where I thought the room was. After poking around in the closet for a while I found a way to open the far wall of the closet. The room was dark with no windows. I got a flashlight from the car and entered the hidden room. I'd found a stash of drugs the police hadn't found. In addition I found a strong box. I found a hammer and screwdriver and eventually broke the box. I found money... lots of money.

I called Alex from my cell phone. He told me that whatever was in the house belonged to Mike, but he suggested that I call the police to have them remove the drugs. I asked Alex if perhaps he could make the call and explain that I wasn't involved with the drugs. He agreed to talk with the prosecutor he'd dealt with originally so there would be no confusion. I put the cash in the trunk of my car while I waited for the police to arrive. The police emptied the room of the drugs and other items that were drug related. The cop told me that it was likely over $100,000.00 worth of drugs... heroine, cocaine, and various pills. They also found some stolen checks and credit cards as well as some evidence that Ron Wicks had been involved with an identity theft ring.

I called one of the charitable organizations that would give all of the furniture, clothes, and household items to those in need. We worked out a time that was good for both of us. That evening at home I told Mike that I'd found a stash of money in the house. I showed him the money. Mike was speechless. We counted the money together. When we finished we had a total of $32,170.00. Mike and I just sat there and stared at the piles of money on the kitchen table. I asked Mike what he'd like to do with it. It didn't take him but a moment to say that he wanted to give it to the shelter where he'd stayed when he could get a bed there.

On Saturday we took a cashier's check for $32,170.00 to the shelter. The woman who took Mike to the doctor happened to be working that day. She didn't recognize Mike at first, but seemed so happy to see him and remembered him well. They talked about what had transpired since they'd last seen each other. The woman seemed so pleased that he was so much happier. She told Mike how much better he looked and couldn't seem to stop gushing over him and the progress he'd made. Mike just beamed at the praise.

Mike personally gave the check to the man who ran the mission. Mike told him that he wanted the money to go for food and blankets for the homeless. The man was very grateful for the donation. Mike seemed so happy and peaceful as we prepared to leave the shelter. On the drive back to the condo Mike said,

"I don't think anything I've ever done has made me feel better. I feel so good. The best part is that people will be helped by that money... people who really need the help."

"You did a wonderful thing Mike. Most people would have kept the money for themselves. You were generous and thoughtful enough to do good for lots of people."

"It wasn't my money really. I don't know what that man did to get the money, but I'd bet it wasn't legal. Spending that money on myself would have made me just as bad as him in some ways. I'm glad that money is gone and is some place where it can finally do people some good. A part of me knows that donating that money to charity is the last thing he would ever have done... giving his money away was a bit of revenge really. I just wish he was still alive so he'd know I gave it away. That probably makes me sound evil, doesn't it?"

"Not at all Mike. What you did was kind and decent. That man was anything but that. If anything he was just plain evil and mean. Giving his money away, no matter how he got it, was a good thing to do. He'd likely be turning over in his grave if he knew you got the better of him. I think what you feel is normal and healthy. It was a nice thing you did yet it still gets him back where it would hurt him the most. He was obviously greedy and involved in many different illegal activities. At least people will benefit from the evil he did while he was alive."

"You always make me feel better about myself even when I think I've done something bad or wrong. I was all set to feel guilty for my reasons for giving away the money, but you shine a different light on things and make me feel better. Have I ever told you how glad I am that you found me and took me into your life?"

"You might have mentioned that once or twice." I said as I chuckled.

Mike punched me in the arm and said, "Well if you only remember once or twice, I'm gonna have to start telling you every day so you don't forget how much you mean to me. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here today. I wouldn't be anywhere. I owe you my life. I love you so much. It's been hard at times... sometimes so hard that I doubted that I'd ever be better; that I could get beyond that place where I was stuck; that I could be happy to be alive; that I could be part of something so important and special to me as we've become. Adam, You really do mean the world to me... you are my world. I never thought life could be as good as it is with you."

Tears were running down my cheeks when Mike finished talking. I tried to talk, but the words just wouldn't come. I was so overwhelmed; so proud of him; so damn happy; so deeply in love with this man. I pulled the car over as soon as I could. The tears were blurring my vision. When I got the car in 'park' I reached over and hugged Mike to me as tight as I could. He rubbed my back and kissed my neck. I couldn't imagine feeling more loved... more wanted... more needed. When I finally could talk I said,

"Mike, you mean the world to me. I love you so very much. There aren't words to tell you how much I love you. You are my life. You give me the strength to face each day. I can't imagine life without you. I love you so much. I'm so proud of the progress you've made. You make me feel better about myself. I love you, Mike."

We just sat in the car holding each other. An older couple walked by the car and looked at us sitting there holding each other. They both smiled as they walked past. I wondered if they could see the love we shared. Once we were both composed I put the car in gear and drove the rest of the way home.

Mike continued to work with Dr. Martin. One Saturday Mike came home from his session with him and declared that he was too dependent on me and needed to make his own decisions and not depend on me to tell him what to do. I was more than a little shocked because I didn't think I was making any decisions for him. Obviously Mike didn't feel the same way. I asked,

"What exactly does that mean?"

"Well... Dr. Martin says that I should take more responsibility for my life. He said I should be more independent... that making my own choices will help me be a stronger person."

"I didn't think you were depending on me that much. I think you make decisions without me all the time. What do you need me to do?"

"I don't really know. It's just something we talked about today."

I called Dr. Martin to see what the hell was going on. If I was doing something I shouldn't be, I wanted to know. Dr. Martin just laughed at my concern and told me that Mike was just feeling his way -- testing the waters. He told me not to worry, but that didn't ease my worries especially when Mike mentioned that he thought he should get a job and support himself... perhaps even get his own place. That one really freaked me out a lot. I couldn't imagine life without Mike. I probably talked with the doctor as much or more than Mike did during this 'testing the waters' phase. That phase did finally pass, but I was on pins and needles during most of it not knowing what to expect. I often worried about what new challenge would face me when I got home. Mike was getting far more independent. I think school was helping in that respect more than Dr. Martin. Being around people his age and watching them seemed to affect Mike deeply.

The house was cleaned up, listed, and sold quickly. Mike netted just over $154,000.00 from the sale. We took the check to the bank and opened accounts for him. Some was placed in a checking account, some in savings, and the rest in an investment account. When we got back to the condo Mike asked what I paid each month for the condo. I told him what my monthly payment was. Mike sat at the kitchen table with a small calculator and a pad of paper. When he finished his calculations he asked me to show him how to write a check. I explained what he needed to put on each line to make the check valid. Mike's first check was to me for half of what he calculated I'd spent for rent and food for the entire time he'd been with me. When he handed me the check he told me he'd have to transfer some money from savings to checking so the check would be covered. I tried to decline the check, but Mike insisted and told me that he really wanted to pay his own way. I took the check from him and put it in my pocket with no intention of actually cashing it.

Mike found the check a couple of weeks later and was very unhappy that it hadn't been cashed. He insisted that we go to the back the next day so he could make sure the check got cashed. Needless to say we both went to the bank. I endorsed the check and deposited it in my savings account. I felt like an errant child as he escorted me to the bank and watched to be sure I cashed the check and put it into my account. It was important to Mike to be equal in the relationship. Mike believed that since he had money to pay his way that he should and would do so. When Mike got something in his head, he wasn't easily dissuaded. Dr. Martin told me that this was a huge step for Mike. The best thing I could do was allow him to pay for things when he wanted to. Dr. Martin reminded me that Mike had never had money of his own before and needed to feel like he had control of how that money was spent.

From that day on Mike enjoyed paying for things. I could see the feelings of personal pride as well as a more self-assured aire about him when he decided to take me to dinner or when he bought something to wear without me along to talk about the purchase. My birthday was in early May. I didn't ever make a big deal about my birthday, but Mike wanted to take me to dinner. We went out to the place we were going to go for our anniversary. Mike made all the arrangements including calling Karen at the office to make sure I didn't have any late appointments that day. We had a wonderful dinner. Mike seemed to radiate confidence and control as well as love. I couldn't have asked for more. Back at the condo Mike gave me a nicely wrapped box. I opened it to find a heavy gold ID bracelet with my name engraved on the front. On the back it said 'My Friend, My Brother, My Lover... Always, Mike'. I was a blubbering fool as Mike fastened the bracelet to my wrist. I held him and whispered 'thank you so much' as I kissed his cheek and neck.

It was mid June when the best change happened for Mike. It was a Wednesday evening. We'd finished dinner and cleaned the kitchen. We were both cuddled up on the sofa in our usual position. Soft jazz was playing on the stereo as we sat in silence. I was in the middle of some day dream as I held Mike. I was conscious of rubbing Mikes chest as I held him. I also felt Mike rub my arm and hold my other hand. I was lost in my day dream and good feelings when suddenly Mike bolted from the sofa.

I was shocked out of my peaceful state to see Mike trying desperately to rip his clothes off. He was saying,

"Adam! Look Adam! Oh my God... Adam! I... Oh God... Adam, I can't believe it! Adam!" he was nearly yelling as he fumbled with his shirt and pants. When he finally got his shirt open and his pants down I saw what all of the excitement was about. Mike had an erection. His first erection in far too long. He was jumping around like a kid with a new favorite toy. I don't think he'd ever been so excited. He just kept saying, "Look Adam... My dick's hard. Adam! I've got an erection. I can't believe it. This is so great! I... I've got to tell Dr. Martin. Oh... this is so great. I can't believe it. Adam... I've got a hard on. This is so fantastic!"

"Mike, this is wonderful. I can't believe it. I'm so excited for you."

Mike was struggling to get to the phone with his shirt on the floor and his pants around his ankles. I said,

'Mike, you're gonna fall down if you aren't careful. Take the pants off so you can walk."

"Yeah... ok. God, I just can't believe this. This is so cool."

Mike did get his pants off and made the call. He was talking so fast I wondered how much Dr. Martin understood. When he finished the call, Mike sat down on the sofa next to me. I pulled him into a hug and kissed his cheek. He sat on the sofa and couldn't take his mind off his hard dick. He was playing with it like a child who'd just discovered his penis. He wasn't masturbating, but he did touch it and marvel at it. He went into the bathroom to look at it in the mirror. He called me to come look at it too. With both of us in the bathroom Mike asked,

"It looks pretty good doesn't it?"

"It looks very good if you ask me."

"It isn't too small or deformed or anything is it?"

"Mike, it looks totally perfect. It looks about as big as mine. It's a great dick. You should be proud of it."

"I am! I just want to tell everyone." Mike blushed at his last comment and giggled. Then he said, "That was pretty stupid, but you know what I mean don't you? I've waited so long for this. I just want the world to see that I'm just like everyone else."

"I understand your excitement. We've both been waiting a long time for this to happen. I think it's great that it finally did. I guess this means that you really are completely better. I'm so happy for you."

"Adam... I... Well... I don't want to do anything yet. It's all so new. I mean I want to, but just not now. You aren't mad are you?"

"Mike... I'm not mad. I didn't expect you'd be ready when you first got an erection. We've got to take it one step at a time. If and when you are ready then we'll go to the next phase. Right now I think we should just both enjoy the erection. It's a damn fine penis."

"Do you really think it's as big as yours? It doesn't seem as big. Would it be weird if we compared them?"

"No... not at all." I said as I took off my clothes to stand next to Mike.

He seemed to be very critically examining both of us. He'd never actually touched my dick with his hands, but he did as he looked at mine and his. When his hand first touch mine, I sucked in a deep breath and moaned a little. Mike asked,

"Did I hurt you? I'm sorry. I just wanted to see if they felt the same."

"You didn't hurt me. It felt really nice when you touched me. That was a happy moan you heard."

"Lets measure them! You stay here while I get the ruler from my book bag."

Mike did measure each of us. We were only a fraction of an inch different, and Mike was just that fraction of an inch bigger. I could see his chest puff out when he read the measurements for the second time. I couldn't help be excited. I was obviously aroused, but more excited for Mike and what this meant to him. This was the biggest hurdle of all. The psychological damage that had caused his problems was mastered at this moment. I hoped that this was truly the end of that part of his ordeal. Only time would tell. As we were ready to leave the bathroom Mike said,

"Lets not get dressed. I just want to be able to see it."

"Whatever you want. Lets go sit on the sofa and relax."

Like all erections they eventually fade. Mike had been hard for over an hour. Mike watched his penis deflate and said,

"Do you think it will get hard again? I hope this wasn't just a one time thing."

"I think it will get hard again when it's ready. We'll just have to wait and see what happens."

"That is easier said that done. I've been waiting so long for this to happen. I just want it to stay hard."

"I know, but I believe it will be hard again... I bet you probably wake up with an erection in the morning."

"I hope I do. I really hope this means everything works. I should call Dr. Martin tomorrow to talk about it. He must think I'm a total idiot. I can't believe you let me call him to tell him about the erection. I think his wife answered the phone. I probably told her about it too. I hope I didn't. That would be too embarrassing."

I just laughed at Mike. His excitement was contagious. I didn't think he'd get much sleep tonight. More than anything I hoped he wake up with morning wood. That would be the best thing that could happen. It would prove that it wasn't just a one time thing for him. If he didn't wake up with an erection, I worried that he'd be depressed.

As it turned out I need not have worried. Mike woke me before the alarm to show me that he did wake up with an erection. I spent the day at work on top of the clouds. Mike had finally conquered the memories of what had been. He wasn't just on the road to recovery -- he was nearing the end of that long journey. When I thought about Mike's often painful journey, I couldn't help be proud of his accomplishments. So many times it would have been easier for him to just give up, but he never did. He kept fighting those many little battles along the way. There were some very traumatic moments for him... some of those moments lasted weeks and months. He'd faced nameless demons and beat them at their game. There were still times when I could tell that he struggled with a memory or had to fight harder to get beyond what he was dealing with, but he always came out the other side stronger and more confident and more in control of his life and his memories.

That Friday night as we ate dinner Mike asked,

"Do you have plans for tonight?"

"No, no plans at all. We can do whatever you want."

"Can we go to bed early? I think I'm ready to see if it works. I've been thinking about it all day. I can't help think about it it seems. I don't know what I want to do, but I think it's time to try."

"Hell yes we can go to bed early. Would now be too early for you?"

Mike giggled and said, "Finish your dinner. We've got all night."

"Right now the last thing I'm thinking about is food. I can eat later. I've been thinking about this a lot too -- and not just today. I'm ready when you are."

Mike laughed more and then said, "Well I need to finish my dinner. I'll need all my strength to get through this."

"It won't be bad. If you want to stop we can. I want this to be so good for you that you'll want to do it every day... all day!"

"Someone sounds even hornier than me... I just hope you aren't disappointed."

"I could never be. I love you. Whatever we end up doing will be perfect. What's most important to me is that you enjoy the experience. If you don't or if you want to stop, you have to promise me that you'll tell me. I won't be disappointed in you. I couldn't be no matter what."

"I really do love you Adam. You are so understanding. I don't think anyone else in the world would or could be as patient as you've been with me. It means a lot to me that you understand me and will go slow. Just knowing that makes it so much easier for me to actually do this."

"I think you'll like it. I'm gonna try my best to see that you do."

"I trust you Adam. That's what makes this even more special. This is really something I want to do. Before I didn't have a choice, but this time I do, and I'm choosing you. I can't imagine doing this with anyone else. If I forget to tell you later, I want you to know that this is really special to me. Thank you so much for everything, but mostly for this."

We didn't bother clearing the table or doing the dished. I convinced Mike that they could wait. In the bedroom with the light casting a soft glow over the room, I kissed Mike on the lips. It was our fist real kiss. His lips were so soft and sweet. He was hesitant at first, but gradually relaxed and became an active participant in the kissing. We only broke those kisses to remove clothing that couldn't be removed without a brief pause. When we were both naked, I put Mike in the center of the bed and said,

"For this first time I just want you to relax and enjoy the sensations. Promise me you'll tell me what feels good and what doesn't. I don't want you to do anything but enjoy the experience. I love you Mike, and I want to show you how much."

Mike nodded his head as I resumed kissing him as I pressed our bodies together. I placed soft kisses on his neck and nibbled at his ear. He moaned and sighed at the light kisses and pleasant feelings that were coursing though his body. I gradually worked my way down his body with kisses -- pausing along the way to give us both added pleasures as I licked and sucked on his nipples. Everything I did I tried to do as gently and tenderly as possible. I so did not want to trigger any unpleasant memories for Mike. When I got to his crotch, I shifted positions so I could kiss from his feet back to his already leaking and quivering penis. Kissing Mike's thighs was like unlocking them as he spread his legs open more to allow me access to his body. Nothing so far had signaled that Mike wasn't thoroughly enjoying the sensations. Occasionally he'd whisper 'yes' and 'oh God.... oh' and even more soft grunts and moans indicating that he wasn't ready for me to stop. I licked over his balls and sucked each into my mouth. Mike was squirming around on the bed as I released them from my mouth to lick and kiss that tender area below. He had a very wonderful smell... earthy and spicy. I loved that smell. Mike was gasping for breath as I licked up and down the length of his steely hard dick. His whole body shuddered with the sensations. Next I placed soft butterfly kisses up and down the length of his hard shaft, and Mike signed louder than before. I licked and kissed at the head of his dick. Mike was now thrashing round on the bed and moaning louder. When I took the head into my mouth, he nearly yelled out as his hands grabbed hold of my hair. At first I thought he might be trying to pull me off, but then felt the gentle push of his hands as he was encouraging me to take more. I did... as much as I could. His dick was so hot in my mouth. I could feel his heart beating as his dick twitched with anticipation. I sucked up and down the length very slowly at first. Each pass seemed to make Mike squirm more and pull harder at my hair. He was definitely into this experience. He kept moaning and babbling nonsense as I continued to give him the best I had to offer. It didn't take long before he was doing the same. I felt his dick swell even harder in my mouth as his whole body tensed up. His grip on my hair got even tighter as his body was wracked with a powerful jerk that raised his whole body off the bed just prior to his dick erupting in my mouth. I'd never felt anyone cum as hard as Mike did. It seemed his whole body -- every nerve -- was a part of this orgasm. As he continued to blast into my mouth, his body continued to shudder and quake. He shot a lot that first time. I couldn't swallow fast enough to get it all, but as the strength of the orgasm faded I lapped up what I wasn't able to get the first time. Mike was still holding clumps of my hair as he struggled to get control of his breathing. I raised up enough to see that he had a smile on his face. That was all I needed to see. He's passed over one more hurdle.

It took several minutes before Mike released his tight grip on my hair. When he did I moved up along his body -- kissing my way back to his lips. When I got there I kissed him deeply -- with as much passion and love as I could put into a kiss. When we broke that kiss I whispered,

"How was that? Did you enjoy it?"

"Adam... I love you. God... I never thought it would feel like that. My brain seemed to shut down. There were so many new feelings. I don't know how to describe it other than to say it was absolutely the best thing ever. I'll definitely want to do that everyday... probably all day. You made me feel so good. Wow! Oh Adam, I really do love you."

We just held each other for a long while -- occasionally kissing and touching each other. Mike's erection didn't subside. He was still as hard as when we started. I suspected he was or soon would be ready for more. I'd decided what I wanted to try next and hoped Mike would agree. Mike's body still responded with slight tremors as I twirled my fingers in his pubic hair or ran my fingers over his thighs and around his balls. As I was doing that he said,

"That feels so nice... I like how you touch me... so softly and gently and tenderly. It feels like my whole body is concentrating on the area where you touch me. It's like little electric shocks or something... I want to make you feel good too. Remember you said this had to be mutual."

"Mike... it isn't that I don't want that, but I'd like to try something you've never gotten to do before. I want you to be inside of me. I want to have sex with you."

"I don't want to hurt you. I don't think I can do that."

"It won't hurt if you go slow and you're gentle. It won't be like it was for you, and I know you'll really like it. I just need you to help get me ready to take you inside of me."

"I'll try to do what you want, but if it hurts you then I don't want to do it."

"Ok... cause I don't want you to do it if it hurts me either. Sex doesn't have to hurt. I want to show you that more than anything. That's why I want you to be inside me first."

With that said, I got the lube from the nightstand and told Mike what he needed to do. He was slow and more than gentle, but when I felt I was ready to try I positioned myself on my back so I could see his face. He hesitated at the entrance to my body for several minutes before he put gradual pressure against my hole. I did everything I'd ever heard of to relax my body and prepare for his entry. Surprisingly the entry was easy to accomplish. I had him stop to let my body adjust to him then encouraged him to come further inside. When he was fully inside me, we waited again as my body adapted. His dick felt huge inside me. It had been years since anyone had been inside me like this. As we waited those few moments Mike asked,

"Are you sure this doesn't hurt?"

"Mike it feels wonderful! I can't believe how big you feel. You're dick is so hard and so hot. I think I can feel it twitching inside of me. I want you to start slowly. Your body will take over once you get started... just let it happen."

Mike pulled nearly out and slid all the way back in. I was so comfortable with him. Nothing hurt or felt even slightly uncomfortable. He kept up the long slow strokes as he occasionally moaned out his own pleasurable feelings. It was great to see his face as these sensations washed over him. Mike's eyes were the window to his soul. I could read his feelings so clearly. His personal pleasures were wrapped in love for me, and his eyes spoke that deep and unconditional love and trust.

Mike's body did gradually take over. His pace quickened as he watched my face for any negative reactions. He leaned down to kiss my lips as his dick slid in and out of me. That action of leaning into me for the kiss brought enough friction to my dick that I wrapped my arms around his neck to keep him close. I loved the sounds he was making... soft grunts and moans as his passion grew. He got a little louder as he got more into the sensations he was feeling. I found my own vocalizations matched his as his body rubbed my engorged dick. I was getting so close... I could feel my impending eruption as he began to pick up the pace. We were both grunting with each stroke. I whispered in Mike's ear that I needed him to go faster and harder. His body complied. I was tipped over the edge without warning. I felt my body tense and my ass clamped down on his dick. My own dick sprayed cum between us as Mike hammered away to his own climax. His followed mine my only seconds. I hear him yell it before I felt him erupt inside me. His whole body was shaking as he filled me. I felt so at peace and so totally satisfied as Mike collapsed on top of me. He was still inside me -- safe and secure. I held him in my arms as he rode the waves of bliss that washed over him for a second time that night.

I kissed his neck and nibbled at his ear and whispered,

"Thank you for making love to me. I've never felt so complete or so satisfied."

"Oh God... Adam... I love you so much... Is that what it's supposed to feel like?"

"I don't think I've ever felt anything better. Did you like it?"

"Oh hell yeah... that's another thing I could do every day! Thank you, thank you, thank you... I love you!"

"I love you too... and I'm so glad that I got to show you."

"I just want to hold you and never let you go. This feels so nice. I never knew it could feel like this. No wonder the world is over populated." he giggled into my neck and then proceeded to nibble on my ear. Nothing gets me more excited faster than that. I had softened after I shot, but Mike's nibbling had made me hard again. He said,

"It feels like you're ready for more."

"You're nibbling on my ear. That gets me excited fast. I can't help it."

"Umm..." he said as he continued to nibble and kiss away. "You probably shouldn't have told me that... I'm never gonna stop now."

Mike started to rub himself over my erection. When he moved I realized that he was still hard and still lodged up my ass. We stayed that way until Mike gradually started sliding in and out motions. This time was a longer road to the end, but none the less sweet for the time it took to get there. When Mike didn't go fast enough for my needs, I rolled us over so that I was on top of him. I impaled myself on his erection as he stroked mine. With the end in sight we both increased the pace. He was first to come this time. Seeing his body tense up was all the added stimulation I needed to feel the same thing happening to me. We were both a sticky mess when his finally soft dick slipped from my ass.

We went to the bathroom to shower together. This was another first for us. We took a lot of time washing each other and kissing each freshly cleaned area. We exited the shower each semi hard and feeling so content. We soon found ourselves in the kitchen rummaging through the fridge for nourishment. Good sex really does work up an appetite. As we ate Mike said,

"That was fun! I feel tired but so alive... tingly all over. Is that normal?"

"God, I hope so cause I feel the same way. I want to tell the world that I just had the best sex ever."

"I'm surprised I didn't freak out even once. I worried that I might, and that would have ruined it for both of us. You handled it perfectly. I still can't believe how gentle and caring you were. We aren't even yet though,,,"

"What do you mean?"

"Well you said it was going to be mutual. I owe you oral sex once and anal sex twice."

"Are we going to keep score?"

"Maybe at first... I just want to make sure you don't get more of the good stuff than me." he laughed.

"It's all good to me!"

"What are your plans for tomorrow?"

"We've gotta hit the grocery store, but nothing else really. Why?"

"The only thing I've got is an appointment with Dr. Martin. I think we should sleep in tomorrow... well not exactly sleep..." he said with the sexiest look I've ever seen. Those blue-gray eyes were suddenly sparkling with a strong hint of mischief and desire.

"You've convinced me. I'll shop while you're with Dr. Martin."

"I want you to come with me to my appointment. We can shop after that. I might even take you out to dinner if you're really good."

"I'll do my best to be very, very good..."

and that brings me to the end of this portion of the story...

I hope you enjoyed this offering. If you've made it to the end of this portion of the story, please share your thoughts with me. I sincerely appreciate your comments, thoughts, and criticisms. You can contact me at: dselliot28@yahoo.com.

If this is the first story of mine that you've read, I encourage you to give some of the others a read. I'm listed in the Author's section at Nifty. Please scroll down to the 'e' category to find my name -- ds elliot. When you click on my name you will get a complete list of the stories I've posted at Nifty. Thanks for reading my work!

Thanks for reading my submissions!

Peace and Love.

ds elliot

Next: Chapter 4

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