Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on May 11, 2023


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These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.

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For this boy the day ahead will bring a lot of things to do, now he's preparing his brother's breakfast who is now his master, while his master is having breakfast he has to clean the house and it must be spotless, and after that wash his master's van, but the feared part of the day is still to come, because his brother will take him to the airport so he can take care of his former family's luggage, when he was a free citizen many times he was told that he had a cute ass and that he'd allow that others can see it, then he was mad for that comments and he told them that leaved him alone, but sometimes they could see it into the sport club showers.

Always his older brother has enjoyed having breakfast when he has a day off and he hasnt go to college reading the newspaper and this takes long time and in many times some of his friends arrive to have breakfast with him, and of course in addition to be performing the cores that as slave he has to do for his master he has to be attentive to be servicing to his brother and guest and in many times he has to suck their cocks lick their feet and rimming them and his brother allows that, and despite that he hates do all those things he doesnt have more option but do it since any kind of rebellion he perfectly knows that can end up in a very painful punishment as he already has experienced and he doesnt want to go through it again, because his brother in the front yard that doesnt have a fence has put a wooden pole in view of all the neighbors where he ties him up and he invites the neighbors s kids to spank him with the strap or with the paddle on his buttocks, and in addition that this is very painful also is humiliating to be punished by boys younger than him, and also has to perform the spanked dance in front of them moving his feet and rubbing his buttocks while hes openly crying like a baby, and have to kiss his tortures their feet while he thanks them because they disciplined him and although these only had happened twice and has been at night his shame has been such that he doesn`t want that this happens again, in addition that when he goes back inside the house one of the boys takes him by his ears in a painful way or by his balls and they can slap the sensitive gonads,

But the beautiful eighteen years old blond slave with a beautiful butt with excellent body not only he's afraid of his brother, since there is other boy of his same age that is light brown haired and muscular because hes a diver and was this salve team mate in the sport club dive team with light brown small nipples with an excellent butt but like him with a smaller dick than him, while he was free they were excellent friends but now that he was enslaved he has become in a fearsome superior being that daily goes to visit his master's house and that once it was his too, which is responsible to supervising that the slave has done the chores that his master told him to do as was expected and he has authority to punish him in case that he considers that he has not done the things as his master told him to do, and he look for any pretext to torment the slave even he finds flaws in what the slave did even though there are not and even sometimes he mess something or throw something on purpose to punish the slave, and despite that the slave has tried to tell his master what his former friend and team mate does, his master doesnt listen to him because he consider that he is a lazy slave that is trying to blame a free citizen saying that he's lying to avoid be punished for his laziness to do the chores as was expected, and the only thing that he has gotten is that by telling his brother they way that he is mistreated by this boy he punish him more and even allows hat the boy punishes him because he has dared to defame him.

Also this light brown haired free boy with his brother authorization already several times he has taken the slave to the sport club where once he was a member so he can serve completely naked the team members only wearing the collar in both areas the public and the private ones, and even in the diving pit the team girls and the visitors of both genders as well have seen him naked but he is a slave and he doesn't have to cover his nakedness and the only one that is ashamed and humiliates is him because eve he had to open his buttocks for his anus can be inspected, however for his good luck his former friend has not taken him to the sport center because the coach forbidden him to take the slave back because he was distracting the team members and their performance had dropped considerably, even though the slave doesnt know this and he lives with the fear that this boy takes him back again to the sport club to be humiliated since even in the shower or locker room, he has had to suck the team members' cock while he showers them or help them to get dressed and swallow their cum thing that he hates because he detests the cum viscosity and salty taste in addition that is hot, the only thing that they have not done to him is fuck him and even though that he is not virginal because his master already took his cherry and several times has fucked him he doesnt allow that nobody else fucks him, however his former friend has told him several times to his master that this slave when walking taking advantage that he is naked moves seductively his buttocks trying to seduce him so he can fuck him, and although this is not true what is true is that his buttocks natural movement when he's walking are very seductively and causes that anyone that is looking at him wants to fuck him, and those comments have make that both his master and the boy have punished him several times causing that his life is a living hell because he doesn`t have a way to prevent his buttocks moving seductively, and he always is afraid to be punished for that reason.

But today his brother has not an impediment to show him to his former family because he has decided to keep him naked all the time, and a slave can be naked in public places if his masters wants to, even if his guests want they can touch any part of his body including his cock and balls without he could do anything to stop them, but what he can't understand yet is how he was enslaved but he's sure it was his master plot because they never had had a good relationship, but they had the need to share the same house because they were studying in the same college, but for this slave good luck in the airport hes not going to be so embarrassed because there are going to be many more slave that like him are going to be naked taking care of their masters' luggage taking it from one place to other, and the slaves that are going to be in the airport are going to be of his same quality or even better than him in addition that nobody is going to be putting attention to them with a exception of his family and special his younger siblings and parents. and he will have to allow them to touch any part of his body that they want in public and even he will have to open his buttocks so they can see his hairless pink anus thing that will be very humiliating for him, in addition that one of his younger brothers once he has the family luggage on his arms are going to take him by his cock to the van so he can put the luggage on the rear part and he will have to go and come three times so he can put all the luggage on the van, always being guided by his brother by his cock and balls and how at the end there's going not to be place for him because as slave he cant travel in the place where the free people travel and always he has to be in the back part, hes going to be hooked to a post in a special place in the airport where the slaves are leaved when their masters dont want to have them nearby and he'll have to wait that a slave transport takes him to his master's home, where he will have to take the luggage from the van to the house always guided by his younger brother who is going to be happy to do this task and for this slave humiliation because his neighbors are going to see him, but his humiliation is not going to end there because also hes going to be fucked by his brothers and he will have to swallow their cum and even the brother that was taken him from one place to other by his cock and balls, he's going to pee in his mouth and hes going to force him to drinks his piss in addition that constantly his brothers and his master cum is going to be draining from his anus and thighs, because he's not be allowed to clean once he has been fucked and like that he`s going to be taken to the malls so he can do the errands and the people will make fun of him, but his master never is going to know that his friend also fucked him.

He almost is sure that the night before he was enslaved his brother made him drunk because he never drank alcohol, and after that he put him behind the car's wheel, he even can't remember have driven, but when the police arrived to the crash place he was on the driver's place and drunk, so before that evidence he was sentenced to a life time slavery, and he was given to his brother, but in reality wasn't his brother who got him drunk but one of his brothers best friends because he loved look at him naked and he enjoyed look at his beautiful buttocks and cut cock, and this slave became his brothers property because the judge gave him to him as a compensation that the now slave had destroyed his car, but even the boy that was responsible that he was enslaved couldn't enjoy to see this slave naked because he also was enslaved, because this slave's masters discovered what had happened, and this slave couldn't be freed since he was been condemned to slavery for life without the possibility to be revoked, and this boy was enslaved for his foolishness to have accepted a glass with soda that contained liqueur from a boy that wasn`t his friend, and despite that the savor was strange he drank it.

Next: Chapter 700: El Concurso Millonario 48

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