Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Dec 30, 2022


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.

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The societies in their need to have each day more slaves that allowed

them function correctly, what in the beginning it had been established

as a punishment system for those that had committed some kind of

criminal acts, it had distorted in such way that now any prominent

member of the society could request changes in that law, and if the

judicial authority considered that the citizen idea was a good one they

accepted it and they made changes in the laws to make them each time

more harder and then have more slaves.

One of the proposals made by a prudish citizen was that the masturbation

for the boys of all ages that still were living with their parents had

to be prohibited, because as the future gentlemen of their society and

was probably the entrepreneurs and the leaders they had to leanr have

self-control since a young age, and even if the parents found cum

residues on the sheets, towels, floor or underwear was enough evidence

to consider that a boy had wanked, and he could be brought to the

authorities to be prosecuted and enslaved, under the charge of being an

irresponsible citizen lacking of self-control that could be compared to

those citizens who got drunk, but unlike those that drank in excess

those how didn`t drive or committed any illicit being under the alcohol

influence they weren`t persecuted and they weren't in risk to be

enslaved, while the teenage boys with only find residues of their cum

anywhere was enough prove to present charges and take them to trial and

they were enslaved, and the reason that was given for not punishing the

drunks if they didn't commit any kind of illicit was that when they

were consuming alcohol they were contributing with the national economy

and in addition they were showing to be responsible citizens because

they could contain themselves, while the teenage boys their cum didn`t

contribute in anything and their shameless behavior was cause of shame.

As expected as many of the parents loved their sons in case that they

realized that they had wanked they didn't report that thing to the

authorities so as was expected the authorities decided take action in

the matter, and of course this was not going to be an easy task but

anyway the law again was changed to allow the authorities can apply the

law with all its rigor to those teenage boys that couldn't control

themselves, so one of the changes was that one of the national

population council members promoted that was allowed go to check the

boys' rooms and clothes when the authority wanted to verify that the

boy effectively had not cum during the night, in the beginning the

parents protested for that but when the law was changed and now the

parents who opposed to the inspection could be enslaved then they

didn`t have more option but accept the inspections in compliance what

the law said if they didn`t want be enslaved, however the authorities

went further of those inspections into the houses, because in the school

and jobs those guys that still were living with their parents or that

they hadn`t reached the age to be considered as adults were inspected

randomly, in those places the inspection were done in the morning when

the labor and school day began, in the afternoon when the students were

practicing sport and at the end of labor and school day to verify that

they had not cum because was well know that a boy that didn`t wank soon

or later he would have an involuntary emission of semen, and if they

didn`t find any the suspicious was bigger and then the authority could

ask to the boy to wank and with this depraved measure check how many cum

was expelled and if was considered that the amount was not normal for

a boy that had been in abstinence, the sample and boy were taken to

court and the judge with the help of a specialist determined if the boy

had wanked before he had told to do it, and if was determined that the

amount of semen that had been recollected was less than the average

should be, then they boy was persecuted and enslaved.

But the inspections above all the scholar ones were the most humiliating

because the boys were checked randomly in public, because precisely were

a punishment for the boy because his parents hadn't collaborated with

the authorities since the beginning and the laws had been changed to

force them to do it, when the students were going into the schools the

boys that already had woken up to life they have to make one line and

pass in front or the sanitary inspection agents who randomly chosen the

students that had to be inspected although in reality this was a very

simple procedure, usually the tenth student was the one to be inspected

and there was three lines to go into the school, one was of the girls

which went into the school without being disturbed, the second line for

the boys that hand no yet awakened to life that meant that still they

couldn't produce cum but they could be stopped by the agents and then

they had to pull down their pants and undies so the agents could verify

if they still didn`t have hairs over their cocks, and those that had

awakened to life that was those that already could produce cum and

therefore they were subject to be inspected, if an agent that was

checking the second line saw that a boy already had hairs over his cock,

in that moment he inspected him and for that day he had to be formed on

the line of the boys that had awakened to life, and once all the boys

had entered to the school and were all those that had been chosen, the

boys that were going to be inspected were taken to the school's locker

room where all the students including the girls that wanted to see their

inspections could be present, then the students were forced to get naked

and with legs a part and their hands extended to the front with their

undies on their hands they waited that the agents checked their undies

and even their backpacks to check if in them weren`t paper tissues with

semen, while the attendees including the girls could see in all their

glory the wretched students' naked bodies that were waiting to be

inspected, and when a boy was declared clean immediately he was allowed

to get dressed in front of the audience but most of the students begged

to their parents that allow them study in schools that only allowed

boys, to avoid the humiliation to be seen by the girls naked and in

addition have to study with them enduring the humiliation to listen the

comment that they made to the boys bodies, but unfortunately many times

this was not possible because the schools for boys were privates and the

tuitions were very expensive and they had limited admittance, so for

those boys that were declared perverted that was the end of the road for

them as free citizens and they were kept naked in the presence of the

other students while they were waiting to be transported to the Slave

processing Center (SPC) where in a public place a judge was waiting for

them to sentence them to a slavery for life and they were put for sale.

But usually those inspections gave good results because at least in each

school were enslaved two or three boys either because they found

residues of semen on the undies fabric or that even their cocks were

eliminating pre-cum and with that was enough to arrest them or when they

were forced to wank the expelled spunk amount was much less that the one

that was expected, and in this time an eighteen years old black haired

boy with grey eyes slim but brawny with middle size dark brown nipples

and with his cock hard, was enslaved when at the school where he was

studying was randomly chosen to be inspected, when he went into the

locker room with the other boys that had to be inspected too, already

were there all the students that wanted to see the humiliating procedure

and among those students were his girlfriend and her friends because he

studied in a school for boys and girls, and he only once had been

present as spectator to see the inspection procedure and then he never

again had come back to be present until that moment in which now he had

to be on the other side of the table, and despite that all the boys

refused to get naked being the girls present, was enough that that two

of the boys were punished with the modify cattle prod giving them

electric discharges on the hands or neck in a surprise way and they saw

the boys suffering, so that without thinking twice they got naked

putting a part their feet and extending their arms to the front with

their undies on their hands, while the attendees were enjoying the naked

bodies spectacle, and in that inspection three boys were enslaved

because was not necessary inspect their undies because their cocks were

oozing pre-cum, but this boy being completely clean was forced to wank

in front of his girlfriend and her friends and those student that were

there that avidly watched how his cock got hard and had a respectable

size, and he was taken to the SPC completely naked where was going to be

decided if the cum sample was enough copious to say that they boy hadn`t

wanked, and the boy was allowed to put on his naked body a robe to cover

his nakedness while he was in front of the judge because how he wasn`t a

slave he didn`t have to be naked in public and this was an achievement

that the parents had obtain about the unfair law, but once the boy was

with the judge with his cum sample he was taken into the SPC basement

where completely naked he`s waiting the judge's resolution about if he

is still a free boy or he's enslaved, and he's the last one that is

waiting the resolution because one hundred boys before him that came

from all the school in the city were enslaved.

The place where they keep the boy is a big metal room that only has one

entrance and this is by a metal stair, the boy is squatting with his two

hands resting on the floor and is looking very attentive at the guard

that is watching him closely, at first the boy thought about running

away but he already saw that is impossible and the guard is standing

with his hands crossed with his navy blue uniform ready to be in action

in case that the young suspect does not behave as expected, what this

boy for the moment doesn`t know is that he's going to be enslaved and

he's going to be bought by a shopping center, where he will have to

serve the free citizens as assistance completely naked carrying their

purchases either in the basket that he will have on his back or with his

hands, but being in a public place where decent people is going to be

shopping and above all girls, the shopping center is going to infibulate

him even though is going to be in a very discrete way because being an

uncut boy they are going to pierce both his foreskin and the back side

of his glans by both sides with tinny screws and his foreskin is going

to be screwed to the back part of the glans, and with this measure they

are going to prevent that his cock could be hard that could be offensive

for the customer and visitor and above all the ladies, because all the

time is going to be kept naked so the people can enjoy his beautiful

body and in addition his small and rounded buttocks, and to get sexual

pleasure only he's going to be able to get it by two way or that the

customers and guest that were using him put their fingers inside his

rectum and they stimulate his prostate to make him cum, or he gets

enough points for the good service that he brings to the customers thing

that is not easy, and the customers that wanted to be served by him will

have to guide him holding his cock and the boy will have to use all his

concentration to avoid to have a hard on if he doesn`t want experience

pain when his foreskin wanted to retract being screwed to the glans and

can`t do it, but the most exasperating for him will be have to

concentrate to avoid to have a hard on while they were caressing his

balls, buttocks, cock and nipples, but for what the boys is going to be

proud is that the customer and visitors are going to be able to enjoy

his naked body in all his glory even his parents, siblings and


Next: Chapter 626: El Concurso Millonario 43

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