Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Apr 27, 2023


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you". These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it. Feedbacks, comments and ideas are welcome sent them to


The life in the island takes place unshakable without no one knows what

is happening there only the scientists and the governments that sponsor

the program, each day born and arrive wild naked humans as Hermas that

are the inhabitants or that fascinate but strange world created by the

human ambition to create a super human race but as many things went

wrong, but however has serve to create a wild world by the radiations

where now the humans are send to the program The Experiment have become

in wild beast, in a world of prey and depredators where for an strange

reason the population equilibrium that has taken place naturally without

the scientists intervention and where the radiations are in charge to

transform the naked humans that live there in the animals that they are

now, who are no longer able to be guided by their reason but by their

instincts and that had made that the island is a place that is not

pollute and they can live like in the wild world.

The humans transformation and adaptation to the wild life is fast but

very painful and the new pups that born there already born adapted to

that new world, because the only thing that they have of humans are

their bodies because their minds no longer have the capacity to think

and their instincts are who guide them to can survive in that natural

and wild world, and this is the same that happens with the Herma's

pups that even faster than the naked human pups they become independents

to can hunt and fee themselves, and this strange but efficient world the

only being that are save are the females because they're not hunted by

the Hermas because the altered hormones that their bodies produce are

toxic to the Hermas.

However despite that "The Experiment" program went wrong has been

very beneficial to begin to control the human population and avoid that

the humans keep destroying the world, and despite that is a very erotic

world where can be seen the naked bodies above all the males bodies in

their maximum splendor, when they run to escape and to hunt, when they

climb trees or even when they are resting is a real pleasure look at

those naked bodies in a wild and natural state fighting each day to keep

alive, but the most erotic is can look how the buttocks move and how

they leave uncovered the anuses , and how the cocks are moving

everywhere and the balls bounce on the thighs when they are running or

in motion, and look how the naked wild humans fight between them to

establish who is the alfa male or the dominant one and who is the beta

or submissive and enslaved as well.

The Scientist again are surprised about the Hermas' behavior because

they're the more ruthless beings of the all participants in "The

Experiment", because until that moment they believed that the Hermas

hunted the males and put their heads into their pussies and after eat

them gobble up by their modified pussy and vagina once the skull bones

had been softened to be eaten the whole body, and taken to their stomach

where they are digested, the males are defenseless in front the Hermas

despite that both the males and the Hermas when they went into the

experiment were normal males, the radiations changed both the males and

the Hermas making that they behaved as animals but the Hermas' bodies

were sexually altered because they are hermaphrodites whom reproduce by

anal penetration and now they have both balls and cocks and pussies, and

only the pussy is need when they need to feed and they are hunting males

so they can keep they preys' heads trapped, and when they're going

to breed they take out their balls and cocks to can penetrate and

pregnant other Herma, and then they can be penetrated and be pregnant as

well in a very delicate process that implies many sexual caressing

otherwise the reproduction wouldn't be successful and they have a huge


The males are common men that are naked and need the females that are

put into the experiment program to breed, but as the wild animals that

they are now are defenseless in front the Hermas and their sense of

smell and their abilities to climb trees and run are their defenses

against the Hermas, but once they are captured and their heads put into

the Hermas' pussies there is no way how they can escape, only if the

Herma makes a mistake and allows that his prey feet can lean on the

floor and push with his body his head and can hit the Hermas body Inner

part to can escape.

In this time a huge Herma was following for several hours a young male,

when the teenage boy released that he was being followed by the

depredator made all what was in his hands to escape, however what caught

the Scientist's attention was that muscle depredator only one day a go

had globed up other male and was so soon to hunt another prey again and

eat him, so they decided observe him to see why he was behaving in that

strange way although they thought that due to his muscular body his body

needed to eat again, but not all the Scientist agreed with that


The teenage boy despite of his youth showed that already had experience

to escape from his depredators, but for his misfortune always he had

faced Hermas as young as him and never so powerful like this one, that

the only thing he had to do was persecuted the teenage boy without

giving him rest until the teenage male was tired and he caught him, and

despite that the teenage boy fought with all his strength to free

himself from his depredator he wasn't match to that formidable Herma

that when he caught the boy allowed that the naked teenager fought, but

when he was tired of the boy hitting him only slapping the boy's face

very hard then the victim felt dizzy and the only thing that the Herma

had to do was put his head into his body by his pussy making that his

vulva's muscles firmly squeezed his victims neck avoiding that the boy

could get a way and run away.

The wretched victim kept fighting until was tired and he ended up

sitting on his legs and his long cock that had been hard while he was

fighting now is flaccid and resting on his balls, the viscous liquid

that is produced copiously into the Herma's modify vagina that is

known as "the washer" and where the victim's head is kept trapped

has made that the prey is intoxicated and felt ditzy and weak and this

is the reason why the victim stopped fighting, furthermore that is

thirsty and the Herma has offered his victims his clit so he can drink

his cum with the purpose to receive pleasure and allow the victim to

keep intoxicating himself, but what has surprised the Scientist is

that from the wood has appeared a young Herma and the formidable Herma

with his hands told the young Herma to go closer and took out from his

pussy the head of his victims and then gave the prey to him and he put

the head on his own pussy, and that has surprised the scientists because

this is a behavior that they never had seen before between the Hermas

specimens, about helping a younger Herman that is hurt and can't

hunt, and in this tragic but erotic situation all the involved has been

whites, the two Hermas and the prey as well.

Next: Chapter 694: Victimas 47

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