Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Apr 27, 2023


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you". These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it. Feedbacks, comments and ideas are welcome sent them to


The most tragic moments for the young men and teenagers is when they

fall and they lost they freedom, the change in the new society was due

that each time were more free citizen and less well paid jobs causing

many social disturbs, the different governments decided take measures to

be able to give a solution to that situation and beforehand make the

society of the different countries be afraid, not be afraid of the

government but to fail in what had been established and the governments

had been very skillful about establishing slavery, since the beginning

had been agreed with the society that those citizen that didn`t comply

with their responsibilities as such would have to be put under arrest

and forced to work for a certain time for free for the government or

someone else that paid for their services, and as a punishment they

wouldn`t have any right and only until their indentured time ended up

all their rights would be restored, but when the governments saw the

benefits to have people working without rights and paying and when they

saw that the society loved that new situation changed the servitude law

and the limited servitude changed to permanent restoring slavery in all

the countries but above all on those where in their culture was very


So the new societies began to change the laws to enslave their citizens

hardening them to enslave their citizens, and now not only those that

didn`t comply with their duties as free citizens that in reality where

those that committed felonies were permanently enslaved, but those that

also that committed any kind of act that was consider as antisocial

without mattering which one had been were subject to be enslaved for

life, and suddenly the societies began to feel a great social relieve

having more and more slaves and less free citizens, and the pressure to

have to give jobs to all their citizens began to disappear because now

already all the free citizens could find jobs and have a very good wages

because they began to be less, and the slaves who were bought was their

masters responsibilities feed them and put them to work but above all

keep them under a very strict discipline to avoid a revolt, but at the

same time the governments began to make a lot of money with the slaves

import and export whether the government itself would export them or the

slaves' owners, but with this new laws wasn`t estrange that a slave

owner was enslaved and therefore also has to be legislated about this

matter, and now the law said if a slaves' owner lost his freedom

depend of the type of felony that had committed he and his belongings

including his slaves became the property of the government, or he had

committed a felony against other free citizen then all became the

property of the offended citizen, but that wasn`t all because if the

enslaved owner had family then all his family was enslaved and became

the property of the offended party, although the females if they hadn`t

committee any felony they could be freed if the new master wanted while

the males didn`t have that option and without mattering their ages they

were for life enslaved, and now their lives depended on what their new

master wanted to do with them, and this situation pleased even more to

the ingenious societies that without realizing themselves were putting

in great danger because they never thought that this might happen to


But to keep the order inside the society was necessary a police force

that was strong so was decided create the Slave Police (SP) which was

perfectly trained to control the wretched and usually naked slaves in

case that they wanted to rebel for the way that they were treated, and

was so brutal the way that the slaves were treated and submitted that

the same free citizens were afraid of the SP beside that they had

special weapons to use against the naked bodies, which didn`t cause

permanent damage but the pain that they caused was such that nobody

wanted to be punished in such way again, and many of the teenagers

wanted to be SP agents because they were attracted to the power that be

an agent brought over other humans been although they were considered as

animals, but being rejected as a SP agent if they failed the test

brought terrible consequences, although of course if a slave committed

an act that was considered as serious such as try to attack a free

citizen was executed in public in the presence of the free citizen and

other slaves, to ensure the free citizens that they were save and the SP

was watching to protect them and induce terrors to the slaves if they

dared to rebel, beside that in each big city were established the Slaves

Processing Centers (SPC) where were taken those wretched free citizen

that had lost their freedom, so their free citizens register were

changed to the slaves and even all the slaves that were sold by their

master whether other masters inside the country or exported to be

registered about what had happened with that slave, but also there were

assigned the Slave Identification Number (SIN) since being a slave the

name that he had when he was a free citizen was lost and a number was

assigned to him which was changed every time that the slave was sold, or

even when it was suspected that some relative was looking for him to buy

him and give him a better life but even that task was very hard to

achieve, because when the NIE was assigned to a slave his name was

deleted and despite that the new slave's fingerprints were taken to

avoid that he was freed, the fingerprint weren`t in the register of the

slave's SIN that was assigned to the slave and only they were useful

to determinate if someone was a free citizen or a slave.

But like all in life always there are good moments like tragic and

exasperating, since in the SPC reception area where the free workers

have their lockers to storage their things, three boys became in victims

of the change in the society where they lived, but due that they were

taken to the SPC by free citizens they didn`t enter by the slaves

entrance where the slaves that were taken by transport went in but by

the entrance that were used by the free citizens, one of the white

students that is twenty years old black haired boy and that is naked and

is carry on his hands the clothes that until few minutes ago was

wearing, is heading to the area where the slaves are registered and

where the free citizens aren`t accepted so they can scan his

fingerprints and they give him his SIN and the register of his former

life is deleted, so after being taken to the disinfection area where

he`s going to take a shower and go through a process of physical and

medic inspection to be sure that he's healthy and he hasn`t a skin

infection o has animals in his hair, and then go through a disinfection

chemical bath and then be shaved and put on sale, he has a beautiful

butt small and rounded but very fleshy that is going to make that many

buyers make very high bids because he's reasonable handsome and he has

a good musculature, and he was enslaved because he failed in one of the

test to become a SP agent.

Also was in the reception area other eighteen years old dark brown

haired white boy is seated on the floor with his hands on the back of

his head and his back is leaning on the lockers and only is wearing a

black sweatshirt while he's naked form his waist and below, his cock

is soft and is leaning on his left leg thigh which Is bent and under his

right leg and can see both his hairless legs and pubes, and is to every

free citizens sight both men and women that are coming in and out of the

SPC and with sadness and shame he's watching how while other people

could do what they want and are dressed , by his side he has to be in

that position and showing his cock and balls to all the free citizens

who see them with avidity but at the same tame are making fun of him,

for being so shameless to be showing his body most intimate part so

shamelessly although they know perfectly well that he can`t do

anything to avoid it because if he doesn`t obey the orders that are

given to him then he would be severely punished, even several of his

schoolmates and girls that used to be his friends have seen him in that

vulnerable situation but he had not more option but endure the

humiliation, while he is ordered to stand up and go to the slaves

registration area where he'll have to go through the same procedure

that the first slave, and he was enslaved due that he was an excellent

swimmer and that was the reason why he was completed shaved but he

wasn`t a good student and although that he had a brilliant future as

athlete was useless to the society, because once his life as an athlete

ended he would become a burden for the society because he wasn't

considered a well prepared boy to face life since what the society

wanted was good athletes but also they had to be excellent students,

and he's naked from his waist and below only wearing the black with

yellow strip long sleeved sweatshirt, because when was dressing after

had been swimming the coach gave him the news and was arrested, and as

already he was a slave wasn`t necessary that he covered his nakedness

and the coach took him in that state of nakedness to the SPC.

The third boy is seated on the floor on the opposite side where the

young swimmer is and has his legs flexed with his feet soles leaning on

the ground and he had hidden his head between his legs and arms that are

leaning on his knees, and also is eighteen years old but is black haired

but unlike the other two slaves he's still dressed, wearing a black

tennis shoes, a long sleeve shirt with white and black strips and blue

Jeans, and he was tricked and taken to the SPC by a undercover SP agent

since there was an enslavement order against him although the boy didn`t

know and was in the street, the agent told him that there was a very

interesting naked slaves exhibition and he together with his friends

went to see the exhibition since every teenage boy didn`t miss the

opportunity to torment and humiliate the slaves, without knowing that

soon he was going to become in a slave and this was the reason why they

went into the SPC by the zone where free citizens went in, but when he

was there he was told that he had been enslaved and was forced to sit

down with his back leaning against the lockers and the desperation took

control of him while his friends look with incredulity what has happened

to him, and an employee that is in charge to clean the disinfection area

and even to the slaves has ordered him to get naked and that has been

heard by his friends that are on the other side of the counter, so as

was expected the boy's desperation and shame didn't wait and he has

hidden his face between his legs and very soon he is going to be naked

in front of his friends and they are going to see with avidity his

nakedness, but doesn`t matter what he does his fate has already decided,

and the reason why he was enslaved was because he wasn't a good

student but to avoid to be enslaved he had enrolled in a course to

become a youth SP agent but he failed, and so as the first slave his

destiny was to become a slave, and that same night the three slaves

will be put on sale and sold to the best bidder, but the twenty two

years old boy that gave the news to the wretched teenager and that is

wearing his work uniform beside that he has on a rubber boots because he

has to be working in wet places, is not any employee since he`s the SPC

director's son which has been informed that he succeed in the test to

become an administrative employee of the SPC and of course he`s going to

earn much more money, and once again the life reality can be seen as

some boys fall wrapped in despair ,bewilderment and sadness, others rise

and the joy and the satisfaction of having done something right can be

seen in their faces.

Next: Chapter 692: El Experimento 35

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