Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Mar 9, 2023


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you". These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it. Feedbacks, comments and ideas are welcome sent them to


The ghetto boys that were whites had a very hard life since the Latins

and the blacks had taken the control of the society and they had been

relegated a second class citizens, living in each city in a confined

placed in wooden houses and with communal bathroom and having to go

through humiliating revisions when they wanted go in or go out from the


However there were few good will people that didn`t agree about how the

whites were treated, and they had fought because they wanted that the

whites had a better life although controlled to avoid that was going to

happen what had already happened in the past.

However it wasn`t well seen by the great Latin majority that their

people tried to help the whites for all that had happened in the past,

and when a Latin boy proposed that the white slaves were allowed at

least wear a loincloth in public to covert their nakedness and at the

ghetto entrance the whites didn`t get naked in public to make a more

exhaustive check, that idea didn`t like to the radical Latins as the

blacks as well, and how some good will citizens both Latins and blacks

were supporting until certain point that idea, they decided to intervene

to avoid that this boy's ideas were going spread.

But his way of thinking firstly brought him problems with his friends

and schoolmates which avoided him since they didn`t want to be close of

someone that was supporting the whites, and although like any other

teenager he resented be alone he decided keep going helping the whites,

but soon he released that his task was going to be much more harder than

he had believed because even into the public transport the naked white

slaves that went thought the bus asking the ghetto boys for their

tickets and the slaves as well, and given them the passes so when they

get off the transport they could give them to the Latin o black overseer

the unfortunate white slaves that worked in the public transport were

touched impudently and lasciviously on their buttocks, cocks, balls

beside that even their nipples were pinched and stretched from one side

to other and to the front by the same ghetto boys, and if any Latin o

black boy wanted to do it without mattering if they were free or slaves

they could do it and it was very common in the transports, even many of

the ghetto boys that had been recently enslaved cried for the

humiliation to be touched and hurt by both the Latin and black boys and

girls but by the female and males of their own race as well.

One day when the Latin boy got off of the transport where he was

traveling he saw how an enslaved ghetto boy was being punished by his

black supervisor, when he was given him the tickets that the ghetto boys

that were in the transport had given him and accidentally he dropped

them, and the supervisor immediately took out his whip and began to give

lashes to the slave on his torso, back and buttocks and even

accidentally he lashed his cock and balls, causing that the wretched boy

screamed in pain and throw himself to the floor protecting his hurt

balls, but that wasn`t an impediment for the supervisor to keep kicking

his buttocks until he was tired and then when the wretched blond boy was

force standing on his feet by his head hair the black supervisor

shouted at him that picked up the scattered tickets on the floor , and

was better for him that no one was missing because otherwise his only

meal for one week would be the other slaves' cum, as long as they

wanted to feed him and instead to drink water he would drink piss, so

the wretched slave didn`t have more option but pick up the tickets on

full fours and the Latin boy with sadness saw how the slave's pink

anus was exposed, so he decided help him to pick up the tickets that

were farthest away because the wind had just begun to blow and avoid

being taken away, and when he finished doing it he went where the

wretched white slave was finishing to pick up the tickets that were

nearby and he gave the tickets to him, the white slave was surprised to

see that someone helped him and when he lifted up his sight to thank his

benefactor thinking that was a white boy, when he saw that was a Latin

boys he began to kiss his feet but immediately the Latin boy stopped him

and put him on his feet and told him to go to his supervisor to give him

the tickets.

What this good-nature Latin boy didn`t know was that other Latin citizen

had seen what he had being doing and decided report it to the

authorities because he considered that was a shame that a free citizen

helped a despicable naked white slave, and just in minutes the Slave

Police (SP) arrived while the Latin boy was observing that that the

naked slave boy wasn`t going to be punished again by his supervisor,

although that in case that he decided to punish him he was going to be

powerless to protect the salve because that action was considered as

interference in the master right to discipline his slave as he

considered more suitable, since at the end the slave for the society

didn`t have any responsibility of his acts since he was considered as an

animal and the responsible one was the master, although in reality this

wasn`t like that since the slave made something wrong always ended up

being responsible for what he had done and only when he did something

good his master was responsible for his good action, and when the SP

arrived to the place the free citizen that had called them pointed out

to the boy and when they were where the boys was showed him an arrest

warrant and the suspension of his right as a free citizen and was taken

to the court, where the judge sentenced him to a slavery for life under

the charge of have interfered in an order given by a master to his slave

although the Latins and blacks slavery was very different of the ghetto

boys, and once he was put on auction and bought his master depilated

permanently his body hair including his anus, armpits and pubes that for

the boys of his ages was as signal of manhood only allowing him to keep

the head hair and he asked to the judge permission to keep the Latin

boy naked all the time and that work naked in the public transports all

the time picking up the tickets and suffered the humiliation to be

touches in his most body intimate parts as the despicable white slaves

were, at first the judge didn`t want to do it but when he knew that he

was an activist in favor of the withes rights, he considered that his

master request was a good idea since this would serve as an example to

those Latins and blacks about what might happen them if they wanted to

help the withes.

But the judge had put a restriction and this was that the Latin slave

couldn`t be on the transports embarrassing the Latins and blacks that

were traveling on them not only because he was a slave but for his

nakedness being touched impudently by the whites, so he issue and order

that he worked in the stations that had more whiteys affluence that get

out and in of the transports receiving the passes of those whiteys that

were getting off and giving the tickets of those that were going to

get in, and of course that the ghetto boys had the freedom to touch in

lewd way any part of his body, so this boy didn`t have more option but

endure that humiliation since being a slave he couldn`t do anything to

stop it, but the things didn`t stop there, because his master also

decided humiliating him in other way in which the judge agreed, and that

was that the Latins gave the ghetto boys the opportunity to

participate in sports events naked, for the amusement of the Latin and

blacks that went to see those events, and they had to compete star naked

with the Latins and Blacks that weren`t naked and In exchange they

received some benefits such as could eat something that they couldn`t

get in the ghetto, beside that they were allowed to compete against

Latin and black slaves covering their nakedness, and for this enslaved

Latin boy this is his first naked public appearance and he's with

other white slave watching the game, but he was allowed to sit down on a

towel because he went into the pool area covering his nakedness and

thinking that he wasn`t be allowed to be naked, but this action was to

humiliating him more because when he was going to sit down the white

slaves' overseer that was his as well told him to take off the towel

being star naked in public, but unlike the enslaved withies he was

allowed to sit down on it, and because the weather is very hot he's

sweating copiously, but he had his face red for the shame that he's

feeling because he has seen between the spectators that went to the

event his family which is watching him stark naked without any

possibility to cover his nakedness, so for this good hearted guy having

tried help the whites it resulted in his fall and misfortune, because

the ghetto boys are not going to miss the opportunity to touch his naked

body in the most intimate parts and he`s going to be fucked, making him

regret having tried to help them not only because he was enslaved but

because they didn`t even thanked him respecting him despite that they

knew the reason why he had been enslaved, but that was the way that the

ghetto boys were they didn`t know how to thank what the people of

other races and good hearted tried to do to help them.

Next: Chapter 664: El Experimento 33

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