Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jan 27, 2023


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you". These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

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A new stallion just has arrived to the breeding farm to be evaluated and

he's fucking the stallion that is going to replace as long as he is

considered suitable for such strenuous work, because the stallion that

is going to be replaced has already reached maturity and his jizz

production is no longer satisfactory and despite that his master has

enjoyed his body and he had fucked him countless times, in the breeding

farms there is no place for sentimentalisms and when a stallion stops

being productive he has to leave the farm and therefore is sold and the

new stallion that is fucking him is going to put his enslaved spunk into

the rectum of the now useless white animal, and it is going to be

vacuumed by a special machine and put for sale to the best bidder

but at the same time the quantity is going to be evaluated to see if the

new stallion's enslaved balls produce the quantity of jizz that is

needed in each ejaculation in that farm, and if so he's going to be

purchased and incorporated in that special place work force.

The enslaved male animals that serve as studs in the farms are chosen

very carefully in base of different criteria because generally they have

to be the best to breed the next slaves generation, either pure that

means those that belong to one race without being mixed or hybrids that

are the result of the races mix and the aspiring males to produce the

spunk that is going to breed the next generation have to fulfill many

genetic requirements, but even depending on what type of service their

enslaved descendants are going to be destined are the requirements that

they have to fulfill, however the aspiring to be the new stallion that

is bald Latino with impressive musculature with cock and balls with very

acceptable size completely smooth that is knelt behind the white

stallion, a forty years old dark brown haired very brawny male with his

body impregnated with slave oil to make him shine so be more attractive

for the potential buyers, and that for twenty two years his enslaved

balls have been breeding the offspring that have been destined to be

burden beast since here didn't matter if they were good looking but

they had to be strong to can survive as long as possible to the very

hard conditions, and now because of his age and the low spunk production

he hast to leave the farm that is the only place that he had known for

the last twenty two years and in which he never has covered his nudity,

and even he has been in charge to train and discipline the little beast

together with the other studs being many of them his piglets to make

them an excellent enslaved product being docile, strong and without the

capacity to take decisions by themselves always depending of someone

else to can do something even in the things more basic such as when and

what to eat, where to sleep and when shit and piss, without can cover

their nakedness and even being deprived of the most basic things such as

when to be able to give himslef sexual pleasure and that is in full

fours being fucked by the new stallion that if he fulfill the

requirements is going to take his place.

The white animal that is going to be sold already knows what is awaiting

him and despite that in his enslaved mind is so used to obey without

questioning anything for all the slavery years in which he had been

conditioned to not used it and only do what they tell him without

thinking if it is good or bad, since here who decides what has to be

done and how it had to be done without mattering what he can think is

his masters or the superior being that is on charge of him and that even

could be other slave, he has the capacity to worried yet because despite

that he's a docile beast that already doesn`t have the capacity to

take decision for himself not at all the long slavery has been able to

erase part of his humanity, and this part of his being allows him feel

worried because outside the breeding farm in which since he was bought

twenty two years ago has not gone outside and he doesn`t know what the

exterior world is and neither what is awaiting him there, and these

moments together with the candidate to be the new stallion is in one of

the breeding farm's luxury exhibition rooms being fucked by the

impressive Latin slave while several potential customers are observing

the two magnificent beast having anal sex, and is rare that two slaves

are allowed to fuck in a bed because usually these are used by the

potential buyers to evaluate the human animals produced in the farm

sexual abilities and that are for sale, but this time the two beasts

have been allowed to use the bed and be in that so luxurious room that

it even has a fireplace and a window that overlooks the beautiful

farm's gardens, which are obviously kept in perfect condition by the

naked piglets that have been produced there by the enslaved stallions'

balls, because what the farm's owner wants is that his guests are as

comfortable as possible while they are observing the merchandise,

however the enslaved Latin male is wearing on his cock a device which is

sexually stimulating him, because few minutes ago had been milked to see

the quality of his enslaved male beast's milk, and now that he's

fucking the old white male stallion the device that he's wearing on

his cock and that is inside the old slave's anus, it is sexually

stimulating him to see if he produces the same jizz quantity that the

first time when stimulated.

Despite that the slaves are tattooed on their impressive left arms being

the Latin slave the most colorful, and the tattoo makes that the

slaves' prices drop dramatically, this breeding farm is not so strict

as others about not accepting slaves with tattoos because is really a

big business for them buy the slaves like that, because they can get

them a much lower price and here the only thing that matters is that

they aren't sick since in the farm they had a procedure to remove the

tattoos and even though is a painful one for the slave, just for the

discount in the price that the farm got is worth buy the slave and make

him suffer while the tattoo is erased although in some cases like the

old stallion that is going to be sold as the tattoo is discreet he was

allowed to keep it during the twenty two years of slavery, but something

very different will be for the Latin slave who is going to be subjected

to the painful process because his tattoo is considered offensive if the

farm decides keep him and add him to his naked slaves producers stock of

the most valuable farm's product the piglets and the pups, but besides

that the Latin slave is fucking the naked white mature animal other

young slave is going to do it because a potential customer is interested

in buying that puppy but he wants to see how much enslaved spunk can

produce his balls, and the good looking puppy that is very brawny too

without the old stallion knowledge is a farm product produced by his

balls, and at the end the old stallion will be bought by one that many

years ago was his friends and he'll put him to work in a quarry

breaking stones and pulling heavy carts with that so special and heavy

product, and that he's going to join a small slaves' army that

already are working there in very had conditions and that they were

produced by his enslaved balls, and even in that wild and savage world

of the slaves in the barrack when they are resting they are going to

have each night epic battles between the naked male humans turned into

beast to see who earns the right to fuck one of the beast and who with

resignation has to allow be fucked for having lost, and this beast is

going to be fucked and he's going to fuck his own offspring without

his knowledge.

Next: Chapter 642: Chicos Infibulados 15

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