Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jan 27, 2023


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you". These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it. Feedbacks, comments and ideas are welcome sent them to


(is the continuation of Foolish Boys 43)

The police wasn't satisfied with the answer that the boy gave them in

the school, so he was taken into the Slave Police (SP) central offices

that were into the Slave Processing Center (CPE) where he was

interrogated again and was ordered to disrobe and only he was allowed to

keep his underpants.

The places where the suspects to have committed a felony were

interrogated by the SP agents into the CPE were located in one of the

highest floors, and despite that was a place where the visitors or

inclusive the free administrative employees didn`t have access to avoid

that someone would try to help a suspect to escape the entrance to the

interrogation rooms was by the aisles that led to the building's

window and its interior cold be seen from the street, and when a suspect

was taken out from the interrogation room to be taken to the bathroom or

practice some test such as blood or the lie detector between others were

taken in the nakedness state that they were, some dressed, other only

wearing their underpants or others more completely naked and they could

be seen by the people that were in the street, since much of the

building was underground and this was done to humiliate the suspect, and

although the suspected was not declared as slave yet, being take to the

CPE and be interrogated by the PE a judge signed an order in which their

right as free citizens were suspended and from that moment they were

considered as slaves and only their freedom was given back if they

showed that they were innocents, and even they could be subjected to

mistreatment during the interrogation where as slaves wasn`t necessary

that a member of his family and much less a lawyer was there, because

while they were there as slaves their owner was the government by the


This eighteen years old dark brown haired boy with light brown colored

small nipples didn`t understand why the SP had taken him to that place

and even he already had lost track of time about how long he had been

there because he was inside a windowless room, that had a curtain that

was closed that was covering a mirror that in reality was a window where

the suspect that momentarily had been enslaved interrogation could be

seen and hear, and although in reality he hadn`t been there for long for

him had been an eternity, and what he couldn`t understand was why the SP

was constantly asking his name, the name of his friend that had escaped,

what had happened and how he had helped him to escape and the boy was

answering all the question but he was desperate because he didn`t

understand why they were asking him that, and neither why they were

implicating him in something that he wasn`t involved and for his shame

only wearing his underpants he had been taken to the room where the lie

detector was and several people that were in the street had seen him

just wearing his underpants walking through the CPE aisles, but the

worst hadn`t been that because when he arrived to the room where the lie

detector was, several detainees of all ages and most of them whites and

blacks were waiting their turn to be interrogated and all of them had to

stand with their arms on each side of their bodies and touching it, with

the big toes touching the wall if they were barefoot just like their

noses, and some of those that were waiting their turn were naked, other

dressed, and others like him just wearing their underpants, but that in

many places where the wretched arrested guys were on the floor were

puddles of yellow liquid and in some cases wet trousers or underpants,

indicating that they had peed while they were waiting and they hadn`t

given permission to go to the bathroom, but one thing that had caught

this boy attention was that for the short time that he had been in the

aisles he had seen naked slaves brining food in trays, and for him was

strange that weren`t slaves in that place cleaning the piss puddles of

those that were waiting their turn to go through the lie detector and he

didnt understand why they were treated like that if they werent slaves

without knowing that he was very wrong.

The time that this boy had to wait to go through the lie detector was

endless and as many of the others he ended up pissing in that place

until the turn to be interrogated again arrived, but now with the lie

detector evaluating his body reactions, but before entering the room

where the lie detector and the SP agents were he was ordered to took off

his underpants because they stunk, but when the interrogation was over

he was ordered to put on the wet underpants with his piss again, and he

was taken back to the room where he had been interrogated and he had to

wait until the underpants dried on his body, and he was officially

charged to have helped a slave to run a way and he was ordered to take

off his underpants, now that he's naked the student knows that he's

in serious troubles and for a long time he has been locked in that

office, he has lost track of time and he doesn't know if is day or

night, he's tired and he needs go to the bathroom and he try to cover

his nakedness with his hands, the SP agents had gone into the room to

interrogate him for several times and then he has been left alone for a

long time and nobody tells him what is going on, the boy believes that

he's not a slave because they hadn't taken him off the office, but

he knows that he could be enslaved in any minute without knowing that he

already has been because he's naked, now the student is crying while

one of the SP agents is interrogating him again, but now is too late for

the boy because he's freedom is not going to be returned and even he

doesn't need face a trial, and the reason why the decision to enslave

him was taken was because the lie detector detected anomalies in his

body reactions when he was answering and considered that the boy was

lying, so in few more hours he'll be put on auction and one of his

former schoolmates is going to buy him and now the only thing that he

has ahead is a life of humiliation and submission.

But very soon a SP agent is going to order him to be in full fours and

follow him with his head down and he didn`t dare to lift it up, and

should have to follow the agent`s heels and he should have all the time

his legs wide open and this with the finality that the free people both

employees and visitors can see his exposed anus, his perineum, and his

balls and schlong hanging and swinging freely between his legs, and

the public exposure being naked in those first moments when someone is

traumatized for have been enslaved is indispensable so he can understand

that his life has changed forever, other important aspect is going to be

when he's in the building basement in the SPC building since that area

can be seen by the visitors and they can see how a slave has to wait his

turn to his fingerprints are taken still being naked and definitely

can`t be again a free citizen, but other aspect that this new slave is

going to have to face is the humiliation to be sold in an public

auction, where not only he`s going to be exhibited naked so the

potential buyers can inspect him and other visitors as well that enjoy

looking at the naked human flesh in exhibition, but in addition he will

have to serve them offering them snacks and beverage being closely

watched by the guards but now all his corporal hair is going to be

depilated permanently and only he will keep his head hair, and where the

potential buyers and visitors will have the chance to touch any part of

his body without restrictions and the wretched boy won`t have more

option but endure what they do and being powerless to stop it since

he`s going to be closely watched by an overseer, and at the end of the

day in which he was bought at night his master is going to take his

cherry having to serve his new master in a sexual way and for the first

time having to swallow the cum that he put into his mouth, and

constantly he's going to be taken to his former school and be

exhibited naked in front of the boys and girls that once were his equals

and acquaintances so he can suck the boys' cocks and swallow their

cum and even lick their balls and rimming them, and in front of the

girls he had to wank and they make scathing comments about his cock and

his balls that have an acceptable sizes, and these all happened to him

for foolish because he didn`t call his former best friend's father to

tell him that his son had fled due that he should have known that you

can`t be friend of a slave, and now he had learnt that lesson too late

and he's living that experience in his own flesh.

Next: Chapter 640: Chicos Tontos 44

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