Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jan 20, 2023


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you". These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

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This was one of the most uncomfortable moments for the farmer's son

that is putting oranges into a cardboard box and is dressed since he

knows that this could happen to him, beside him naked and wearing a

collar that identifies him as slave is the boy that once was his best

friend, an eighteen years old light brown haired white boy, his father

has just bought the boy because he needed help to pack and put in bags

the oranges, tomatoes and apples that are sold in the farm and in the

city stores.

The farmer's son has the slaves same age, hair color and skin and he

doesn't dare to look at his former friend because he's ashamed that

he's naked and for the fear that he's feeling to end up like him as

well, but there is other thing that embarrasses him and is that his cock

is very small and the last thing that he wants is that others see his

genitals sizes.

The slave is listening his new master's instructions about what he has

to do on that place however it wasn't necessary because several times

he had helped his former best friend to pack the fruit, although as

slave he hasn't more option but put attention if he doesn't want to be

punished since now he's very conscious that be punished or not depends

on his better's whims.

Be stood naked between the fruit, boxes, bags and containers has made

him realize that the place where he is due to the air conditioning is

cold, and as much as he would like to ask his master for something to

cover his body and be a little more warm, he knows that he can't do

that because a slave never has to ask something to his master and he has

to be as his master wanted to keep him without complaining.

The reason why the boy was enslaved was because his father found him

kissing and caressing with other farm boy two years older than him,

and like his father disliked the fags he decided enslave his son and get

a monetary profit of the son that had fallen down in disgrace, and the

farmer's son that doesn`t want see his naked former friend is

frightened because one of his oldest brother had found a magazine

with naked men under his bed mattress and had told to his father, who

threatened to enslave him if he find him doing thing with other

males that he shouldn't do.

But the boy has hopes to can use the new slave sexually since always he

had had a crush on him, but never he had dared to tell him because he

was afraid to be rejected, furthermore he heard that his brothers

that night were going to take the slave's cherry and practice their

right over him as their owners, and he knows that if his brothers fuck

the slave he also can do it, however in his plans is use constantly the

slave sexually and there is that he doesn't know what his father could


So he has thought talk with him to get his permission to use the slave

as he wanted considering that a slave is not consider as a man if not an

object, but also he knows that he has to be very careful because if his

father might think that he is using the slave sexually much more than he

ought, he could enslave him and this is about he's afraid.

The slave is uncut and with middle size schlong and despite that he has

a good bush of dark brown colored hair around his cock his balls that

are not big are perfectly visible, although could be that they didn`t

look so big due the cold of the place and they would have withdrawn to

seek the body's heath, the other parts of his body with the exception

of his anus and the arm pits are smooth and he's wearing a very heavy

stainless steel collar but the pubes and the hair in the anus and the

armpits very soon is going to be resolved because he's going to be

permanently depilated and only he was going to be allowed to keep the

head hair.

The young slave's buttocks are small and meaty something that is

desirable to caress and beautiful to the sight, beside that his anus

nonetheless is still virginal, small and pinkish, and is going to be the

delight of his new masters when they take his cherry, and despite the

fear that the enslaved boy former best friend feels his little cocks is

hard and simply he is thinking in what is going to happen in the night

even though of course that his friend doesn`t know this and is better

that he doesn`t know that, and although that also he's wondering if

that is going to be so bad for him considering that he likes men but for

the boy that now is the master one thing he wouldn`t like is that he

was fucked.

And while he's packing the oranges with the new slave help the

difference between the free boy and the slaves is notorious, since the

free boy is dressed and even is wearing globes to protect his hands,

while the slave is naked an only is wearing the collar that identifies

him as a member of the lower of the society with any right and he can be

treated as his master wants, but while the slave's former friend and

that now and even is one of his masters had told him to keep working

he`s observing the naked body in motion trying to warm up while his

schlong that is hanging between his legs is moving from one side to

other, and his buttocks in motion make the delight of his sight.

But also with disappointment he knows that is not going to be able to

fuck the slave together with his brothers that night and he`s not going

to be the one who is going to take his cherry due the shame to be seen

naked as all his brother are going to be in the moment that they fuck

the slave, because for what he has seen his brothers' schlongs are big

and he's afraid that they will make fun of him, in addition that he

always has been very careful not be seen naked since instead that his

cock is hanging between his legs barely is a protuberance that appears

to be a button in the lower part of his pubis triangle and even he has

shaved his pubes only leaving a small trimmed tuft in a vain effort that

his schlong looks bigger, while he has seen even younger boys have the

balls bigger than him, and he has thought fuck the slave in the night in

the intimacy of his room where nobody is going to see him, and for him

is not important that the slave discovers his secret since he`s a slave

and he cant say anything if he doesnt want be punished, and despite of

his tinny cock when is hard grows enough to can fuck other guy and


But very soon this handsome boy is going to join his friend as another

slave servicing in his family business, because someone one sent to his

father a picture where he`s kissing with other boy thing that made that

his father felt ashamed of having a queer son since one thing was that

his sons fucked a male salve that wasn`t considered as a human been but

as an object, and other very different was have sex with a free citizen

which was frowned by his sickly double moral and when the boy goes into

the house to have dinner with his family, he's going to be disrobed by

force and in a brutal way by his brothers and there are going to put on

his neck a collar that identifies him as slave and then he's going to

be spanked by each one of them and is going to be forced to stand beside

his enslaved best friend, while they are mocking at him for his tinny

pink cock and his small balls that are protected by a pinkish scrotum

and tears of pain and shame are running down his cheeks.

But what the father never is going to know because he didn`t want

investigate was that the picture was fake because the boy due to his

tinny cock never had dared to be with a man for fear that that part of

his body was touched and his secret could be discovered, and neither

he's going to know that who send the pictures was the father of the

boy that was his former son best friend and that for few hours had been

his slave because he was sure that both his son and his friend were

queers, and he didn`t tolerate that his son was enslaved to be a queer,

and the other boy also being a queer was a free citizen.

And both boys' cherries are going to be taken by their new masters

open up in a brutal way for the first time their virginal anuses

causing that the wretched slaves scream in pain, and in one night of

orgy both slaves are going to be fucked brutally all night long by their

new masters, and then they are going to be working packing and storing

the fruit into the warehouse always being cold and also loading the

trucks that are going to take away the merchandise, but in addition

their masters are going to take them to the shopping centers to be

exhibited them in front of their friends and even they are going to

invite them to their home or take them to their former friends homes so

they can fuck the slaves, and the secret of this poor boy that so

carefully he tried to nobody discovered, was going to be knew by

everyone and apart to have to endure the mocks and humiliation for being

a slave, he'll be still more humiliate than his friend for his tinny

cock, without those that are mocking him know that both a big cock or a

small one give to their owners the same pleasure, and these two boys

became victim of certain societies double moral that they accepted do

one thing with a slave but they rejected do the same thing with a free


Next: Chapter 636: Born Wild 44

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