Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Nov 18, 2023


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you". These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

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These whiteys just have finished the disinfection process minutes after

they arrived into the Slaves Black Market, and now naked are being

physically evaluated to determinate their minimum value in the black

market and later they'll go through the mental and knowledge

evaluation .

Despite that they are very strong men they know that they can't fight

against their captors due that they'd be an easy prey to their control

instrument and especially to the modify cattle prod and its electrical

discharges, their transport to the Black Market installations was very

traumatic because they were taken as cattle, many of them on trains,

other in cattle trucks and those that came from far places on ships or

airplanes cargo compartments, without be feed and they had to suck the

water that was stored in metal containers by a dildo, and if they needed

to piss or shit they had to do it in the same place where they were

because the compartments didn't have a special place to allow them

where dispose their bodies wastes.

Many of them even had to go through the shameful situation to be naked

in front of women as like them were taken to the Slaves Black Market to

be sold, and when they wanted to protest and revolt, only their captors

had to apply them electric discharges on their feet, since electric

wires were connected to the metal floor and with that they forced them

surrender to the situation that they were living.

Males and females had a good idea where they were taken, since was well

known by everyone that all those that were kidnaped and never found

were sold as slaves in the black market where the human flesh was bought

by the wealthy and powerful people without the need to give any

explanation, even some of the captives in their desperation had sex

between them, male with male, female with female or even male with

female without mattering that the females might be pregnant, other

prisoners tried to close their eyes to their cruel reality and they

preferred think in a positive way having the false hope that they were

going to be rescued.

The specialist in human flesh who is in charge to evaluate the white

slaves in the Slave Market facilities is dressed and is white and dark

brown haired, but he isn't happy with the naked whitey's evaluation

results that is on the scale, despite that he has an excellent body and

he's muscular he is not handsome, so if this twenty five years old

black haired salve doesn't want to end up as a burden beast in the

quarries or docks or even in the mines, he is going to show that he has

a college degree, so his future master can use him as business adviser

or as a qualify slave, otherwise his life will be very hard and probably

very short, and the other slaves that are waiting to be evaluated, for

him only one of them is enough handsome to serve his future master as a

pony or a domestic slave.

But off side of the evaluation facilities the anxious white meat dealers

are waiting the draw result to see which slaves will be given to them

and can sale them in their installation, since the slaves are assigned

to a specific dealer depending on the slave position in the evaluation

line and even thought for what they have heard about the merchandise

that is being evaluated they don't think that is going to be sold in a

very high price due to their physic characteristics, they hope that at

least they have enough knowledge so they can advise their new master in

their business, because despite that they are not considered handsome,

this would give to the dealers a big profit because nowadays the people

that buy white flesh and keep them enslaved are looking for

intelligent slaves that are capable to be in charge of their business,

but lately and for the merchants disappointment the white boys with

college education are not as intelligent as they thought and when they

have to do the quiz the results are not going to be as expected, and

they ended up being sold as a lot to the factories, mines, quarries or

farms so they can work as a heavy burden beasts.

But not all are bad news for these white meat dealers because is about

to be delivered other group of male and females that are considered to

be excellent quality and they can reach a price of fifty thousand

Skavens that are million and half Euros for each male, and the dealers

know that many of them are going to be bought by the big hotel chains

where they are going to serve as maids, waiters, receptionist in

addition that all of them are going to be sexual slaves for their

distinguished guests either in the main financial center of the glove or

in the touristic resorts specially in the beaches, where the wealthy

boys of their same age are going to use them as their sexual toys, but

for these slaves group the life is going to be very different if they

don't show be intelligent, although be a handsome slave and serve naked

in a luxury hotel also is not an easy life, since constantly they have

to sexually be servicing the guest that even they can take them out the

hotel facilities to the street naked as if they were their own slaves

wearing only the collar that identifies them as the lower of the society

and being carried by a chain by a free citizen either a young or an

adult, and he had to carry his better purchases or they have to carry

all that the guest need to have a beach day in addition to have to

sexually serve them.

The females almost always were sold to the slaves breed farms where

constantly they are being pregnant so they can be productive and the

male offspring are sold to avoid any kind of inbreeding illness and the

farms don't need to have much white stallions, since they are

constantly producing cum and they can breed several females in one day

in addition to keep them working in whatever was necessary in the farm,

but even the great hotel chains make business with their slaves' cum,

because if a breeding farm or a specific guest wants to take with him

the cum of an specific slave he can buy the viscous liquid that is

produced by the slave's body although is not cheap buy the cum, and

the hotel chains prefer the male slave than the females for the simple

reason that the males don't menstruate and thereby all the time are

exposed their bodies' most intimate parts, while the females would

have to put something between their legs while they're menstruating,

beside that the males are not in risk to get pregnant.

Other humiliating aspect that the Slaves Black Market has for those boys

that are sold there is that many time the illegal enslaved boys while

serving their masters specially in the big hotel chains on any business

with public attention can be seen by an acquaintance or even a relative,

and above all that the enslaved rich boys are who have to face that

situation because the people of the social status that once they

belonged are who go to those places and in many times the relatives find

a lost son but being a slave with legal documents since the Slaves Black

Market masters always gives a legal enslave certificate, they can't do

anything to rescue them and the way that this so exclusive place where

the white flesh is sold but also flesh of other races are offered is

very sophisticated and safe for its customer because they don't are in

risk to lose their investment.

Next: Chapter 600: Born Wild 42

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