Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Nov 3, 2019


"As those who publish their stories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it is in your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you". These are fictitious short stories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events are fictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beings are equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story that includes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, if you're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this story inside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however is recommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not my native language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize for this circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, so thanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read this story you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it. Feedbacks, comments and ideas are welcome sent them to


These two eighteen years old whiteys one dark brown haired and the other

dark haired were in their home waiting for their families when the army

went into the building looking for white people, one tried to hide under

the bed while the other inside the closet, but when the soldiers went

into their departments both boys tried to go to the last floor where was

a hidden attic.

Both boys almost make it but the dark brown haired boy tripped and he

fall down into the floor making noise so they were discovered and

captured, the first order they received was that they had to undress,

and they were kept for several hours knelt with their hands on the back

of their heads facing the wall while soldiers were finding more

fugitives, that were ordered to get naked and also were forced to kneel

one beside the other.

The black population of that country had multiplied until they became

the majority and then the whites were in risk that the government was

controlled by the blacks, but since long time ago the whites were

thinking that they weren`t going to lose the power decided to oppress

the blacks which even in many times even were enslaved, but what the

whites never noticed was that the blacks despite of the brutal

repression in which they were living they managed to get help from other

countries that already were controlled and governed by the blacks, to

get the whites out the power and free the blacks that had been enslaved

and in their place put the whites to work as slaves and all this was

done by a free blacks clandestine organization, which had built tunnels

along the borders with the other countries to can cross and receive the

help that they needed without being detected by the withes that had a

strong control at the boarders crossings points.

When the time to elect the new government arrived the whites were

confident that were going to win again the election, so they already had

decided that once the new congress integrated by all white congressmen

began to work they were going to enslave all the blacks and with this

action eradicate the fear that some white citizens had about that they

were going to lose the power, due to the huge number of free blacks

that still were in the country and was bigger than the whites despite

that many blacks had been already enslaved and the whites had taken the

decision to make the elections without telling the blacks, but the

whites made a mistake and that was that allowed that a naked teenage

black slave boy that was servicing the politicians listened their plans

and he managed to tell the free blacks about the whites' plans, which

never released that their plan had been discovered, so when the time

came to vote to renew the government for the whites surprise the blacks

were in the voting centers, and despite that the whites wanted to

prevent that the free blacks participated in the voting process they

couldn`t do it because blacks groups with weapons stopped the white

police that its mission was avoid that the blacks voted.

So the whites fear became a reality and at the end the blacks were going

to govern the country and as soon as they had the control, they began to

enslave the whites while the enslaved blacks were freed and despite that

the whites wanted to leave the country and be save they couldn`t do

because the change of power was done one week after the elections were

done and most of the whites couldn`t leave the country, and the first

whites that were enslaves were the congressmen and their families but

the blacks were very intelligent to avoid the international community

protests and isolate the country from the rest of the countries, since

the congress kept s white congressmen in the government so the other

countries could see that in the black government the plurality existed,

but what they didn't know was that the white congressmen that most of

them were young being slaves they were kept naked and never were in the

congress sessions, and only they performed the most degradant and

mindless jobs in the congress and only they were taken naked to the

congress room wearing the collar that identified them as slaves when a

law had to be voted and they had to vote as the black congressmen told

them if they didn`t want be brutally punished, and at night they were

put together in a cell where they were very tight an hardly the could

move, and were forced to fuck each other and the white females that had

been enslaved with breeding purposes so the new white slaves generation

would star to born.

The transport that had to take them to the Reunion Center wasn't

enough to take all the captured whiteys, so the black authorities

decided dont send other transport for those that couldnt be

transported, so the soldiers were told to take walking the naked

prisoners from the luxury apartments where they lived to the Slave

Processing Center (SPC), and that made that many black soldiers that had

arrested them smiled, because many of those guards had been slaves when

the whites were in the power and what they wanted at most was take

revenge on the whiteys, and the black authorities thinking in all had

allowed that the enslaved blacks were part of the army forces and the

police as well because they knew that they weren`t going to have mercy

of the whiteys when they were arresting them, and precisely this was

what they were looking for since was necessary that the fallen whiteys

felt the fear that the blacks once had felt and they had succeed in

their mission to such grade that the whites not being able go out of the

country they preferred leaved their homes and go to live to the forest

while they find out a way to leave the country, because unlike the

mistake that they had done the blacks had perfectly monitored the

boarders to avoid that the whites were use the tunnels to scape,

although those same tunnels were used by the blacks to take out the

whiteys illegally from the country and sale them as slaves in the

neighbor countries without the need to pay taxes for the white flesh


But these young whiteys that couldn't be put into the transport not

only is awaiting them the humiliation to being brought naked to the

sight of the black citizen to the SPC but they will have to go through a

traumatic experience because they are going to be raped by the black

soldier that is watching them, and which already has taken out his

impressive cock in view of the others since he`s no ashamed to do it in

public since having been a slave he was used to be naked in public, and

for the two white lads the first traumatic experience that they're

going face is that they'll have to suck the impressive and muscle

black's cock which will be very humiliating for them because they will

have to do it in public, the guard had ordered to the dark brown

haired boy that be in full fours and began to wanking in the luxury

departments front yard, while the black haired has been told to put his

hands behind the head, and for the shame of the boy he has a hard on and

everyone can see him in that arousal state, but very soon their nervous

smiles are going to be changed in screams of pain when the huge black

cock open up for the first time the small and pinkish anuses, and when

they are taken to the SPC and they are classified these two whitey are

going to be considered as a low quality merchandise because they are not

virginals, and when they ask to the guard the reason why the whiteys had

fresh semen in their anuses he's going to say that the shameless white

animals were fucking each other when they were arrested and the

authorities are going to believe him without asking the slaves if what

the guard was saying was true, so the payback time has come for the

blacks and is being very sweet.

Next: Chapter 594: La Sociedad Esta Cambiando 41

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