Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Oct 6, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


The Titans efficiency issomething to be admired, because not only they demand have an exceptional intelligenceand a very muscular body to can be a member, but also know how to dominate theinferiors as they seen the others, without mattering if they are othercountries free citizens, or they are slaves that tried to be Titan members and failedin their try and they ended up be rejected because they didn't fulfill the requirementsand their punishment was slavery, or those slaves that lost their freedom inthe countries because they committed any kind of acts considered as antisocial.The Titans were who introducedagain the slavery in the world since their secret society had been funded,because as they were very influential because they were millionaires and havethe financial control in the different countries, all what they said was gladlylistened and in most of the cases followed, as had been the slaveryreintroduction because the Titans had shown its benefit.But slavery not only has thepurpose to take out from the free society those citizens that committed anykind of act considered as antisocial, although were acts as insignificants aschew the food with the mouth open in both public places or in their own home,if a member of the family complained about that antisocial conduct and showedit in court, but also had been reintroduced to eliminate the Titan's enemies, both because they had failed to become one of them and they knew their secret,or because they had been against their ideas in the different counties and wasnecessary to enslave him to avoid that he keeps giving problems. But slavery not only has broughtto the Titans those benefits, because also was very profitable from thebusiness point of view because the Titans had different slaves trainingcenters, where the slaves were brutally trained to change them into what their masterwanted if they didn't belong to the Titans, and the slaves' owners had to payexorbitant amount of money for their training, or if the slave belonged to themafter had been gone through the most inhuman treatment and punishment and afterhad broken their spirit and turn them into what they wanted, the price of salewas very expensive.One of the Titans' favoritemethod to train the slave that was applied by them was not allow that the slaveslept, but what the Titans did was caged two slaves and they had to be one overthe other, or if they could be laying down to be a little more comfortable ifcan say like that, they were laying on their sides with their heads facing hisfellow slave cock, and if they needed to urinate, the slave that has his mouth infront of the cock has to open his mouth so the other slave could piss into hismouth and he had to swallow the urine.But the slave that needed to peehadn't to tell the other slave that he needed piss, because was the other slaveduty be attentive to the needs of his fellow slave since this was a veryeffective method to teach the slave tobe attentive to his master needs, and the punishment that was applied on theslave that hadn't follow the orders that were given by his trainers was putinto his body by his anus a thick dildo, and give him electric discharges frommoderate to strong to teach the slave that when an order was given to him hehad to obey it without mattering how tired he was or how he might feel, hisbetters and specially his master was over his needs, because now he wasn't afree citizen anymore but an animal that had to learn to put first the freepeople needs before his, since his needs weren't important anymore in this newsocial class which he belonged now. But one thing that the Titanswatched very closely was that their members despite that might have rivalrieswas that they weren't going to prejudice each other, and to prevent that theyhad very strict laws although this situation didn't happened with the Titans'sons known as the candidates although they were protected by the law in certainthings, but in others they were in the middle of their parents fights and theywere in risk to be enslaved for those rivalries. Two Titans one white and theother dark skinned made a bet about that a Titan was stronger that could resistany of the methods that were applied by the Titans and the countriesauthorities to break the spirit of a newly enslaved person, to change him in atame and obedient been without daring to rebel for the fear of the punishmentthat might face if he did, so by a toast was decided who was going to be incharge to break the spirit of his fellow Titan, and the white Titan was thewinner and therefore the dark skinned Titan would have to endure the training andshow that he was very strong and that anything that the white did to him wasnot going to be enough to break his will and spirit.But the things didn't go as wasexpected and the dark skinned Titan after a month of training that was the timethat a slave was trained lost the battle and his will and spirit were broken,and he was changed into a tamed and scared salve to be punished by the now hiswhite master showing that there wasn't anyone inside the Titans that couldendure the brutality of the methods that were applied to submit a person to thelowest condition in the society, be a slave. The Titans weren't pleased aboutwhat this two Titans did, so the punishment for the dark skinned Titan was keephim as slave for life in the way that he had been trained that was be a dog,and always he should wear the leather collar, wrist and ankles bands, and hewas going to be given as slave to other Titan that was going to be in charge togive him the dog life that he deserved, for his stupidity to have been trainedas slaves and had been broken, because the Titans never would accept to bringhim back his freedom because he had been already dominated and controlledbecause he now was considered as a weak boy and he was useless as a Titan. The punishment for the witheTitan although that he doesn't know yet was going to be enslaved for life too,because he had broken the law on which was prohibited that a Titan cause anydamage to other Titan, and although in this situation both parties had agreedto do this, the result was that a Titan had been damaged and therefore theTitan that had caused the damage to his mate had to be punished to avoid thatother Titans tried to do this again. Now the twenty five years oldimpressive light brown haired white Titan that has his hair short cut is in his farm entrance with the dark skinnedanimal that he trained, even to show the grade of mental domination that he gotover the dark skinned animal he put on his butt a tattoo that made that his anus was more exposed, and he's waitingother Titans only wearing a black short, while the dark skinned animal that once was a Titan is in the full foursposition looking at that now is his master, naked only wearing the leather collar, wristsand ankle bands.The dark skinned animal is goingto be given to one of the black Titans who is going to keep him enslaved andhe's is going to use him as a pet exhibiting him in public as the dog that he'snow naked, while the white Titan is going to be enslaved and as a lesson to theother Titans he's going to be sold in a public auction as a chip animal, andhe's going to be bought by a company that built roads and he's going to bechained to a work gang with the candidates that tried to be Titans, and theyfailed in their try to be one of them because they didn't have the muscles thatwere necessary to be one of them sleeping outdoors without mattering theweather, and he's going to be working naked building and fixing roads, and theonly benefit that he is going to have is how he's the stronger slave he willfuck his younger fellow slaves that couldn't be Titans and they were enslaved. 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Next: Chapter 578: Victims 40

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