Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Oct 6, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



For this twenty years old white darkbrown haired white boy that is a candidate to be a Titan that only is wearing asmall cock pouch to cover his cock as the rules remarks as the clothes that thecandidates have to be wearing when they are in public places, the lastintelligence test has finished and now he hasn't other thing to do but waitwith his hands crossed beside of his preys that he just has hunted and thathe's exhibited them as a trophy, the final note of both his body musculature asthe intelligence tests to know if he has been accepted as a Titan or he willhave to join his preys as soon as they are awake as one slave more who willhave to serve the Titan that buys him.

Although that his face is showingthat he's worried for the uncertainty about to know if he was accepted as aTitan or not knowing the consequences if he wasn't accepted, he's sure that hedid all the things correctly and with his body posture exhibiting themuscles of his almost nude body, hewants to show to his teachers and judges that are evaluating all the aspects totake the decision of what his fate will be he's confident that he has gottenhis target and that he'll be a Titan, but his face is showing the worry thathe's feeling and without his knowledge this factor also is being evaluatingbecause a Titan always has to hide his feeling to others especially those thatare not titans.

The last even where thecandidate's intelligence was evaluated was that he had to hunt four candidatesthat wanted to be Titans and they had failed and they had been enslaved, andtheir first activity as slave if they didn't wanted to be sent with the feared"Milk Boys" that by the anal penetration, sucking cocks and kisses they got theenergy that they needed to keep them alive and produce the milk that fortifythe Titans immunological system, but when the "Milk Boy" took out the energyfrom his "lover" in turn body, the wretched victim went through a process ofweakness to such level that the victim felt that was going to die and was aterrifying experience that nobody wanted to go through it, although the cumthat the "Milk Boy" produces and leaved inside the guts of his victim as themilk that the victim sucked from the nipples had so much proteins that afterfew hours the boy recovered his strength, and was ready if he was captured byother "Milk Boy" to give him the energy that his body produced and again gothrough the terrifying experience to feel that they were dying when thestrength of their body was taking out, to avoid be hunted by the candidate who have to show his intelligence tohunt the four slaves one of them wasbrunet, two whites and one black in two hours and of course the slaves hadenough time to run and hide both insideof an old farm building or in the forest where the event was taking place, andthe only thing that the candidate could use to hunt them was a gun that shotdarts with a sedative since in this event what was going to be evaluated washis ability to shot using a gun and his intelligence ability to find andcaptured the slaves before that the time ended up.

The first two to be captured werea black haired white boy with a small and meaty butt and the black slave,because the two inferiors had took the decision to hide together, but the whiteslave made a tremendous mistake that lead the candidate to hunt them, and thatmistake was as the boy had several days to be a slave while he was runningthrough the farm's granary to hide inside the house, he peed without stoppingas he did when was working in the farm of who now was his master, and that gavethe key to the candidate to find them, and that really didn't take him longtime and as soon as he saw them he shoot to the two terrify slaves, but theharder job was take them to the place where the judge were and leave themlaying on their stomachs.

The next one to be caught was theother white that had decided to hide inside the granary after had seen that thecandidate had went in, but he never released that he didn't stop there and hethought that he already had inspected that place, so the candidate once heleaved the black and the other white unconscious bodies he went withoutthinking twice to look for the other two naked slaves, and the only thing thathe had to do was kick the straw and very soon he found the white slave when hekicked his buttocks and he shoot at the slave and take him where the other twoslaves were.

But capture the brunet slave washarder than the candidate had thought, because the naked animal had decided tohide in the forest and walk inside a water stream that was there to avoid toleave any kind of track, the white candidate almost lost because the time tofind the slaves was arriving to its end, but the brunet slave made a mistakethat made that the white candidate hunt him, and this was that when he washidden behind a tree he didn't release that part of his left buttocks wasuncovered by the tree, and in his desperation the white candidate shoot to notspecific place and was very lucky because the dart hit the naked brunet slave'sleft buttock, and when the slave felt the pain he ran and that allow that thewhite candidate saw him and could take the slave from the place where he feltunconscious in the grass where the other three slaves were, but the judges wereaware about that situation and now the final evaluation is taking place andthis situation is being discussed, and for the candidate the anguish is almostunbearable because he doesn't know what his fate will be despite that he's exhibiting as a trophy the four naked bodies.

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Next: Chapter 575: La Sociedad Esta Cambiando 40

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