Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Sep 22, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


It's Saturday and while all his former friends are sleeping, he already has cleanedthe club's restaurant tables, vacuum the carpet where his former friends andfamily are members, and even last night he went to sleep very late washing thedishes and cleaning the kitchen. Nowthe restaurant manager is checking that the windows are clean and the otherthings that he had to do were done as he was told, and if all isn't done as hewas ordered to do and is considered perfect he'll be severely punished and theyalways keep him naked, and In few hours more his friends will be there havingbreakfast, parents and siblings and also will be the first time that they aregoing to see him naked, considering that other of his responsibilities is cleanthe tables as soon as the members get up from the table and are leaving , andhe knows that all his family and friends will be there to see his humiliation. Evenhis body has been permanently depilated from his face to his feet and he hadthe order to always be hard so that in case that a member or visitor wants usehim as a coat rack and hang on his cock his hat, cap, sweater, scarf or evenhis coat since this is one of the many task that a slaved assigned to work inthe club's dining room or banquet halls had to do and since he had arrived tothat place when he was bought by the administration when he was auctioned, allthe slaves had told him that he had been very lucky because be assigned toserve in the restaurant and in the banquet halls was the best thing that couldhappened to him, and was better for him to take care that assignment because ifthey removed him from there and he was put to work in other place his lifewould be a living hell. Healready knew the humiliation that was awaiting him as slave servicing in theclubs dining room and the banquet halls as well, because he not only he wouldhave to be cleaning the tables, or carrying the members or visitor food andservicing as a coat rack in case that someone whim wanted, but also he wouldhave to bring the food and beverage to all the members and visitors that werein the clubs different facilities, and even he had to brought the bill wherethey are and sign their consumption so at the end of the day they will pay whatthey had consumed before leaving the club, or even collect the visitors fortheir consumption and the members that in those moments decided to pay, but themost humiliating of that activity was that the money either bills and coins,credit cards and the receipts they had to be carried in his ass crack and hehad forbidden put them himself into his crack or take them out from there andthis had to be done either by the club's free employees, members and thevisitors and as soon as he felt that they had been punt into his ass crack hehas to squeeze as hard as possible his buttocks to prevent them for falling,since despite that he could pick up the money and documents he wasnt allowedto put them back into his ass crack and he had to wait that a free employee,one of the members or visitors or even other slave did it for him but he knewthat he would be taken in a painful way by his ear or sideburns having toendure an execrating pain where the free citizen that had helped him to put thedocuments or money into his ass crack again was, or if he had been helped by aslave or a free employee he was taken where the member or visitor that for thefirst time had put the money into his ass crack was, and in everyone presencebe spanked by the offended party that in this case was the free citizen who hehad offended, but the worst was that many times during the day his buttocks andeven his cock and balls were going to be caressed and touched impudently by thelascivious free citizens that beside that they loved humiliate the poor slavesalso they loved touch their beautiful and firm buttocks, and he as slaved washelpless to stop them since otherwise he would be brutally punished and even hewas in risk to be gelded because he had dared to stop a free citizen that hadthe right to do that and above all because he had dared to touch him withouthis authorization, and this was considered as a physic aggression committed bya slave to a free citizen. Butone of the hardest thing that this brat that used to have a pampered luxurylife has to do is keep his cock hard allthe time, and despite that for this eighteen years old black haired boy slavewith small nipples light brown colored and with a cock of reasonable sizes butwith small balls is easy have a hard on and be sexually excited, the truly hardthing is keep his cock hard all the time in his long service work hard day inwhich he has to be servicing to the clubs members and its visitors and eventhe free employees when they told him to serve them, and he'd like go back in the time and everythingwas different and wasnt a slave being exhibited naked as an animal and despitethat hes not wearing the collar that identifies him as slave, and with hisnakedness is enough for everyone to know how low he has fallen and in what hebecame, and despite that when hes sent to serve in the locker rooms and showerspicking up the clothes that are leaved on the floor by the members and visitorsand have to put them into the correct locker if he doesnt want be punished orbaht his better and they are as naked as he's, is enough that a free boy pushesa button that is on each locker, toilet, urinals, showers, massages bed and inthe entrance of the sauna, steam room or Jacuzzi to release when apparently allare equals who is the slave because when they push the button the chip that wasimplanted in the deeps of the slave's rectum, it makes that slave feels anexecrating pain in his guts and he bends for the pain throwing himself to theground and taking his hands to his abdomen, and even in many time he loses the control of his sphinctersshitting and pissing in the place where he's rolling up while the members andvisitors are laughing and mocking at him, and even though that those buttonswere to be used to punish the slave because he had done something wrong and atthe same time to call an overseer to punish the wretched slave in front of theoffended free citizen, above all the teenage boys used them to have fun andmake twice suffer the slave first for the so intense pain that he felt in hisgust and second because when the button was pushed the supervisor necessarilyhad to punish him in front of the boy that had pushed the button without matteringif the slave deserved the punishment or just the spoiled brat had done it forfun, and the slaves who had to serve in the sport center areaswhere the free citizen were didnt wear the collar because many times they hadto be in humid places and even into the pools servicing the members, visitorsand in many times the employees as well, and the administration had decidedthat was better keep them au naturel since the chip was in charge to keep themin order. Butnow these teenage boy salve is standing in one of the restaurant's huge windowslooking towards the entrance door with apprehension with his cock hard althoughhes holding it with his hand to keep it like that, hed have wanted that theyhadnt told him keep his cock always hard, he'd have wanted that they didntkeep him completely naked and they'd allow him to wear a tinny loincloth tocover his nakedness, but above all he'd like dont be there but sleeping in hishouse as right now his brothers should be doing and as he used to do it, but whathappened already happened and there isnt now a way to make that come back neitherthere is even a way that he can have a little of control in his life becausenow are others who decide for him, and all because a damn man signed a documenttaking away from him that right, and they dont care about what he thinksbecause nobody is interested about what he feels since they dont even hearhim, and if he dares to speak without authorization hes brutally slapped onthe face for that unforgettable fault that as slave he should know that hecant speak If they don't give him permission to talk or they ask somethingdirectly, it six o'clock in the morning and the time to open the restaurant hasarrived and for his misfortune he only could sleep two hours, but at the momenthes not feeling tired because he knows that soon will star to arrive to therestaurant to have breakfast the members since the scholar vacations alreadyhave begun, and how the prior day washis first day as slave servicing at the club center he was put to work cleaningone of the banquet halls when the party was over, and how one of hisacquaintances saw him went in to the room completely naked to begin to take outthe dishes and clean they place when he was leaving, he already knows that theboy is going to tell those that once were his friends and acquaintances, thathe saw him naked as slave servicing in the sport club and how many of hisfriend are going to see him exhibited as the animal that now hes naked, and heknows that day is going to be a living hell for him because everyone is goingto see the naked slave that once was one of them and that felt in disgracebecoming a naked animal, but for him his slave condition would be moretolerable if they had put him to work in the dressing rooms and showers whereonly are naked boys, despite that was very probably that he was going to sufferthe pain in his guts when those that once were his friends pushed the buttonsand also he had to endure the overseerspunishments, because not only hes going to be seen naked by his friends butalso by the girls and women that are club members beside than his mother andsisters, and this is precisely what keeps him mortify have to show his family jewels both men andwomen, and even his former girlfriend that also her family Is a members of theclub. Alsohe knows that he will be forced to suck countless cock and swallow the cum ofthose club members of visitors that told him to suck their cocks thing that hehates to do because hes heterosexual, and in very few times while he was amember of the club he told a slave boy to suck his cock since he preferred thatit was done by a slave girl, even in his home he was the only boy of all the brothers that didnt have apersonal boy slave precisely for that reason and despite that he had begged tohis parents that allowed him to have a slave girl, they had always refused tolet a female serve him for the fear that he could pregnant her, so he alwaysused the club's naked enslaved girls and they could be in the men's dressingroom without any restrictions although the male members were naked, althoughwas very rare see them since the male members above all the younger includinghis brothers preferred use a male slave to humiliate him, considering that someof those boys once had been their friends and they were enslaved and were theclubs slaves, and he knew that this was exactly what was going to happen tohim when he was assigned to serve in the mens dressing room or in the showers,but still he preferred be in the dressing room and be humiliated and had toendure the disgust to have a cock in his mouth or anus than being exhibitednaked in the restaurant in front of all the members and visitors, although hedidnt know that very soon he would get used to be naked and be naked wasntgoing to be for him a problem anymore,but also other of the reason that kept him worried was like he was anallyvirginal and he was a slave that belonged to the food and beverage area, allclub male members that went to consume something would be automatically in araffle to see who of them would be the fortunate winner to have the right to takehis cherry, and that terrified him because just thinking of this about that daya cock was going to go into his body by his anus reaping him made him feeldisgusted and feel filthy beside that the pain that the rape will bring byitself, and to make the things worst for him the winner could be his father orany of his brothers and despite if some of them raped him was incest and it wasforbidden in his society, how he already was a slave if some of them fucked himthen it wasnt considered as incest because at the moment that he had beenenslaved the family relationship in automatic had ended, and with bitterness hethought how was possible that the society thought in such way since a signaturecouldnt end with the people consanguineous relationship, but this was the waythat society thought and there wasnt a way to change it beside that himselfhad supported it when he was free without knowing that he was going to end upbeing a slave for life, but even if he hadnt approved it anyway he couldnthave done anything to change it when he was free.Nowthe club members have begun to arrive and many of them are those that used tobe his friends and acquaintances, which have gone to seat to the tables thatare far from the huge window where hes, and he hasn't had other choice but goand pick up the glasses of water and coffee to offer them, while the free boyslook how his naked buttocks move and his hard cut cock proudly is pointing outforward and when he arrived to the table he had to talk to them with respectand of course allow them to touch his buttocks, cock and balls and even thatthey put apart his buttocks to see his hairless light brown colored anus andeven one of them has put his credit card in his ass crack and other one a billso he take them to the cashier, while also he has to serve other members whohad just arrived that is precisely his family and his sibling with their mouthswide open seeing how his former older brother completely naked is servicingthem because they hadnt believed their father that he had been enslaved, and the boy with sadness and bitterness hasturned to see his father and with his lips without making any noise has askedhim why, and the father has written something on a paper napkin and he has putit in his ass crack, and now the boy with the credit card, the bill and thepaper that his father put into his ass crack and with his buttocks tightlyclosed has taken to the cashier the credit card and the bill and told him theamount that he has to charge to the credit card, and while he's waiting that the cashier gives him the receipt for thepayments he has opened the napkin where his father has written on it, and wherehe was telling him that he had enslaved him because despite that he hadprohibited him fuck his neighbor's female slave he had done it and the slavenow was pregnant, and how he couldnt make that the girls slave abort and theowner wanted that the slave girl kept the puppy in gestation and the pup born,he doesnt want a grandson that was half slave and half free and at the end the pup would be a slave for his foolishnessof having breed the salve, and this was his punishment for disobeying him whenthe only thing that he was asking him was obedience so he could have kept thepampered life that until that moment he had had, and for fool he had beenenslaved and now the offspring of hissexual encounter with the slave already wasnt his grandson because as slave hewasnt anymore part of his family, and now he was waiting that one of his sonor himself was the winner to have the chance to deflower him, and while hesreading with incredulity again and again he repeats in his mid if only I hadntbeen so foolish to fuck the slave girl without condom still I would be free,but as everything in this world the if or would dont exists.

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Next: Chapter 569: Chicos Infibulados 11

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