Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Sep 16, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


Since slavery was established theslaves business has become very profitable and above all can be find flesh ofany color and type that goes from those that cost little fortune to the cheaperones, although the slaves black market always has characterized to sale to verywealthy people white flesh of the highest quality although there is otherraces, now other smaller business that also are clandestine sale all kind offlesh that has made that the slaves business proliferate in countries whereslavery is not accepted, since despite that is illegal have tolerated itconsidering all the money that this business makes and the benefit that thisimplies for the economy. The seekers of potential slavesare traveling around the world looking for flesh to buy or even kidnap to salein their business and keep their business always with fresh merchandise for alltastes, even the concept of young slaves and their muscular and perfect bodieshas been changing and any slave kind if fulfills some requirements that needhis future master is sold, since now not only are in danger to be enslaved theyoung and strong good looking boys, but also the mature ones if they aresuccessful businessman or they had good skills in any kind of business, anddespite that this kind of men expend much money to avoid be kidnaped andenslaved always the slavers find the way to kidnap and put them on sale.But the young men main enemieswhich are the easier to be kidnaped or induce to commit a felony and beenslaved are the schools' principals where they study, or even their owncountry authorities because they have issue such strict laws that have imposedto stop the delinquency, but the school has become the place where the slavesseekers goes constantly to see the boys and girls that they are going to kidnapwith the principals complicity since they give a huge quantity of money tothem, and if a principal refuses collaborate with them hes enslaved and soldto the best bidder, so now be a principal is a very profitable activity sincethey receive money from the school for their regular job and for the enslaverfor their cooperation, and even the sport centers have become in an excellent place to watch the possible candidates to beenslaved because either at the school and the sport center the seekers have thechance to see the candidates naked withouttheir knowledge.So either in the schools as thesport centers there are seekers as students, members or employees that havingaccess to the locker rooms and showers they can see the quality of themerchandise looking at the naked boys, and despite that the enslavers pay hugeamount of money for their services as seekers when they are useless or havecaused problems they are enslaved and they end up as naked flesh merchandise tobe bough by the best bidder, and the enslavers ended up recovering a lot of themoney that they paid to the enslaved seekers because they know their bankaccount in which they have the money since for the seeker is not convenientthat someone else know about their additional income, and was in a sport centerwhere this eighteen years old dark brown haired with little light brown colorednipples and good looking white slim boy was spotted by a seeker to be enslaved.The slaves street sales were verycommon in the zones where the farms and areas of large crops were and the smalltown as well, and the wretched slaves that were bought by the enslavers thatsold them on those places suffered a lot because not only they were transportedin small cages where several of them were caged on each other, but because even if they needed to shit theyhad to dig holes and squat and take the turds out from their bodies and all theslaves had to shit using the same hole and after finishing covered it, and if they needed piss they could doinside the cage but later they had to clean the transport and they preferredpiss when they were allowed to shit, however all the time were chained to each other to avoid that they couldescape and of course they always were kept naked and when they cleaned theirbodies was with cold water and in the street, and as the wretched boys thatwere sold in the luxuries auction centers they could be inspected for all thepotential buyers for the wretched boys that were sold in the street in thesmall towns they were seen naked by all the free citizens that went to the townmarket to buy their food without mattering their age, and for more they beggedto be helped because they had been illegally enslaved nobody put attention tothem because the enslaved meat dealers always had certificates showing that theboy or girl had been enslaved legally.The dark brown haired white boywas enslaved by his own brother that was a seeker in the exclusive sport centerwhere his family was one of the members while he was naked dressing when he wasso foolish to be alone in that place, once que was asleep he was put into hislocker where he had his belongings until his brother took him out asleep stillnaked and by the place where the dirty towels were sent to the basement he wastaken out from the sport center being helped by other seeker, who was the truckdriver and already they have into the truck cages several naked boys stacked ontop of each other, but before he was put into the cage the other seeker lookedat the naked juvenile body measuring his cock, balls and turning him around toopen up his buttocks and looked at the form that the anus had and make notesthat would be given to the overseers so that information of the wretched slavesthat would be sold could be put into the enslaved boys information cards, butthat information would be very useful above all for those enslaved boys thatwere sold in the auction centers considering that there went all kind ofpotential buyers, while the wretched boys that were sold in towns and ruralareas as the potential buyer used them mainly in hard works inside the farmswith the body inspection and some question were enough for the potential buyer todecide if he wanted to buy or not the slave. When this boy was awake insidethe cage he had other slave's cock that also was unconscious on his mouth buthe was still so drugged that he didnt release immediately about that and onlyhe stayed there laying over other naked body trying to understand what washappening, and in his mind he only could remember had been fighting againstsomeone that had put something on his nose and mouth and while he was trying toescape from those powerful arms while falling asleep he felt how his cock andballs were touched, and he vaguely remembered have seen his brother and when he was fully awake in the truck insidethe cage he released of his terrible reality and he understood that as manyother boys he had been kidnaped to be illegally sold as slave in the slavesblack market, and he began desperately to try to open the cage's door and can escape but not avail, and when theyarrived to their destination in a dirty basement each boy still naked was takenout form the cages that the transport had and they were divided in severalgroups, and when his turn arrived he was sent to the farthest group that was onthe left and without his knowledge it was the group of the boys that were going to be sold in therural area.His sale was traumatic because besidesthat being caged in a small cage stacked naked with other boys that also weregoing to be sold, each time that they had to shit they were taken out from thecage and had to dig the hole where they will put the turds but how they werechained to each other by their ankles and hands wasnt an easy task, besidethat they had to clean their bodies with water in the street in full view, butthe worst was when he was sold since before that he was bought he was offeredin several towns where several of his wretched fellow slaves were sold and withdespair and impotence he saw how they were dragged against their will anddelivered to their new master, but alsohow new slaves joined the wretched group to be sold in other towns and therewas how the human flesh merchants always had flesh to sale sometimes freshothers no, but there is where he learnt that the diversity of merchandise thatyou could offer to the potential buyers at different prices it was what makethat a business was successful, but even his master that on those moments wasthe merchant put the slaves in chastity to prevent them to fuck each other andthe virgin slaves lost their virginity because when they were sold if they hadlost it, then also they lost part oftheir value because they werent virginals.This boy was sold in a small coasttown where used to live very wealthy people but that almost always they boughttheir slaves in the most prestigious slaves' dealers agencies, and for hishumiliation he was inspected by an Asiatic boy of his same age which in frontof everyone forced him to open up his buttocks to show his virginals anus andhe could inspect it, also by the young buyer's order he had to wank so he couldsee the jizz production and even in small microscope that he took with him hesaw the quantity of tadpoles (little swimmers) that he had produced while theother visitors that had gone to the town market to do their usual shopping hadfun looking at the slaves' humiliation, and once the wretched slave had cum andhis cock had been cleaned with water, the Asiatic potential buyer kissed himpassionately on his mouth and meanwhile he was caressing his cock, balls andbuttocks and his nipples as well while the slave had to endure that helpless tostop the boy that had forced him to do something in public that disliked him,beside that the Asiatic teen boy was bargaining the sale price thing that atthe end he get while the people was laughing about how the boy was arguingheatedly with the slaves' merchant the price, and brought out the slave lack oftraining to give pleasure to his master while the other slaves that were inexhibition to be sold and the free citizens as well were listened thehumiliating discussion.The negotiation by the Asiaticboy about the slave price finished in that the Asiatic boy paid for the slave$27,500 Sklavens (that was the coin with the slaves were bought and that had anequivalent of 30 Euros for each Sklaven) considering that the human fleshmerchant wanted $30,000.00 Sklavens, but probably this boys would cost muchmore if he had been sold in a slave dealer auction room in some city where theslaves were auctioned, but as he was the son of a very wealthy man and had beenenslaved by his brother and was probably that his father together with hisfriend of his exclusive social circle were looking for him, was much bettersale him in a town that was far away and where hardly they would find him, andthis slave's brother was given as a commission $5,500.00 Sklavens that was theequivalent of $165,000.00 Euros however he had to give the 20% of that money tothe other seeker that was the one that was driving the truck without countingthe 20% commission that belonged to them for each slave that was caged in thetruck, and this amount was taken from the total of the commission that wasgoing to be paid to the seeker that had kidnaped them so only for kidnaping hislittle brother he earned a very handsome amount of money, but once the saleprice was agreed the young Asiatic boy had to paid other $1,500.00 Sklavens toget the certificated that showed that the wretched boy had been legallyenslaved, and still of that amount of money the seeker would receive the half ofthat money as a compensation of the chance that he had taken for kidnaping theboy without the need to share it, that in this case was $750.00 Sklavens thatwas the equivalent to $22,500.00 Euros.When the slavery certificate wasgiven the Asiatic boy implanted inside the slave's body two locating andcontrol chips, one of them was put in the union of the back of his neck withhis head and the other one in the deeps of his rectum by his anus, and theboy's screams could be heard while the chips were being implanting for the painthat he was feeling because he wasn't anesthetized, and once that was done andhe was recovered walking was taken to his new home naked, humiliated andashamed by his new master, which was exhibiting him as if he was an animal andthe boy in an attempt to cover his nakedness covered with his hands the best hecould his cock and balls and his buttocks as well, but his new Asiatic masteronly tap on a button of the control that he had on his hands and the wretchedboy screamed in pain and threw himself to the floor taking his hands to his absfor the terrible pain that he had, since the chip had been activated to causepain and punish him because he had dared to cover his buttocks and genitalswithout his master's authorization, and with the chips implanted in strategicparts of his body he hadnt more option but follow his master without the needto wear the collar and without even being able to escape, because the chipswould cause him a execrating pain so during the walk to his new home severalfree teenage boys that were the farmers' sons went where they were and talkedwith the Asiatic boy and at the same time they inspected the slave, who didnthave more option to allowed that they touched his body and even they wanked himand forced him to open his buttocks so they could see his pinkish hole whilethe tears of frustration, humiliation and hate were running down his face andhe was wondering again and again why he had been kidnaped and who had been,because he could vaguely remember had seen his brother in the showers of thesport club before he lost consciousness and he thought that his brother had tried tohelp him. When the slave arrived to his newhome a luxury department that was in the town most exclusive area, was forcedto kneel with his hands on the back of his head and looking to the wall, hecould heard how his Asiatic master talked with other man and they kissed andeven he heard how they disrobed and then how they closed a door and for a longtime he could heard sounds and wailings of pleasure, while he had to be on thatuncomfortable position and even both his arms and knees were hurting for thelong time that he had to stay in that position, and then he felt that someonewas behind him and taking him by the hair forced him to stand up and he committedthe foolishness to put his hands down and when the hand that was controllinghim made him turn around he was slapped very hard on the face that almostcaused him to fall, but due that he was hold by the hair that didnt happen,but as he felt dizzy the view became cloudy and when could see clearly again,he saw that a dark brown haired white mature man had been the one that had hithim and as him he was naked, but he was very surprised when he saw that themature man was his grandfather and when he was going to say something he againslapped him on the face and the mature man told him that he wasn't hisgrandfather anymore but his master, that his lover had bought him to serve themand then the boy with desperation and taking his chances to be hit again toldhis grandfather that he wasn't a slave that he had been kidnaped and had beensold illegally as slave, but his grandfather with a mocking smile told him thathe had the documents that were signed by a judge indicating that he had beenenslaved legally and now he was a slave, and that he doesn't dared to speakwithout permission because he wasnt going to tolerate any kind ofinsubordination from him since he already as spoiled brat had had slaves and healready knew how he had to behave and ifhe failed then would be severely punished, the boy tried to beg his grandfatherto listen to him but his grandfather told him that he had cost him a littlefortune and he wasnt willing to lose it, and now he was his and his loverslave and he will have to serve them, the boy wanted to rebel but the youngAsiatic boy tap a button on the chips control devise and with an anguish andpain scream the enslaved boy threw himself on the floor and began to movewithout control his limbs while his grandfather and his lover were laughing athim.Now the enslaved boy is on hisback laying on the floor with his legs resting on his grandfather's shoulderswho is seated on the floor on his legs and is playing with his grandsons cockand balls and already is fucking him, the wretched boy had his head lifted uplooking at how his grandfather is playing with his balls and cock, while theyoung Asiatic is recording the scene, when the grandfather's cock opened up forthe first time his enslaved grandsons virginal anus the boy screamed begginghim took out his cock because he was hurting him, but the grandfatherthreatened the boy to punish him if he didnt shut up, so the boy didnt havemore option but be raped by his grandfather and allow that he fucked him andsoon is going to be the turn of the young Asiatic lover to fuck him as well,and this wretched boy non only is going to have to serve naked to hisgrandfather and his lover in his luxury village apartment, but he's going to betraveling to his parents' house where as slave will have to serve sexually bothhis father and his older brother as wellwho kidnaped him, but also he will haveto serve naked to his mother and sisters and even he will have sex with some ofhis sisters since at the end of the day he's a slave and any family tie thatmight existed when he was enslaved it lost, and for his humiliation he's going to be controlled either by the young lover andhis brother being exhibited in public in front of those that used to be hisfriends, relatives and even his brother and his grandfather's young loverfriends and the humiliation that he'llhave to face is going to be endless, and the worst of all is that he is notgoing to be able to say how he was enslaved for the fear to be punished besidethat his father is happy that his lost son was save servicing as slave to thefamily to which once he belonged, and this poor boy became a victim of hisbrother's avarice, that at the end he`s going to end up enslaved like him, buthe isn't going to have the same luck of his brother to be bought by a member ofhis family, and all his accumulate wealth of his activity about kidnapinginnocent boys is going to belong to those that hired him to do this kind ofjob.

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Next: Chapter 563: Salvajes 40

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