Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Sep 2, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


The Latin masters are laughing atthese two whiteys and how they changed from civilized people into animals, thesetwo young males were bought as part of a lot to work in the mines, althoughthey're allowed to go out to sunbath one time per day, they are not wearing thecollar because they have a chip deep inside their guts and is impossible thatthey can remove it, and is almost impossible escape from the mine. The slaves work eighteen hoursper day and they are allowed to sleep six, but always are kept in chastity toavoid that they can fuck each other so they can rest instead waste the restingtime having sex, however the desperate slaves look for the way to give pleasurethemselves at any cost, trying to lick his fellow slaves' cocks sticking theirtongues in the holes that have the chastity devices and even fingering theirown and their fellow slaves' holes to find their prostate and give thempleasure, although trying to do that their cocks tried to get hard for thestimulation and that causes them pain, but if they are discovered by theiroverseer that also are white slaves but with privilege the young white animalsare punished because they dont rest when they are told to do it. However one hour during theylabor time they are allowed to rest sothey can drink water and be fed, and the slave that had had an exceptional performanceis awarded allowing him have sex with the slave that he chose under an overseerwatchful sight, considering that all the slaves want to have the pleasure toejaculate and can have their cocks hard, always they work hard giving theirbest to please their Latin owners and their naked white overseers so he can bethe lucking one to be chosen to fuck the slave of his preference. But the selection is doneconsidering the Latin masters desires because if he dislikes the slave chosenby the enslaved overseer then he can choice other slave and the white slavesdon't have any option but accept the master's decision, though many times for theirrejoice and revenge the Latin masters chose one of the enslaved white overseersto be fucked by the slave, who take advantage to take revenge on the overseerfucking him in a painful way.The Latin masters were lookingfor keep healthy their white slaves that were working in the mines becausedespite that they are cheap they wanted to get the most of their investment,though if they worked in the gold, silver and diamonds mines when the slave got a bit of that natural productalready with that the investment on him had recuperated and much more, sodidnt have any case being buying constantly white slaves and haveunnecessarily expending money when they could get the most out of the slavesthat they have, and when they saw that a slave for any reason wasnt usefulanymore simply they saw the way to get rid of him, since as the animal that hewas and as was considered a hard work beast and when he was considered uselessfor his low production the time has cometo get rid of him, and they could do with that heavy burden beast what theywanted because they hadnt to give any explanation to the authorities aboutwhat they did with their propertyThe salves periodically were checkedby white enslaved naked vets, which were property of the Slaves OwnersAssociation (SOA) which a part to verified that Latin master's slaves that wereaffiliated to that association were healthy, also they were in charge of thewhite animals breeding, classifying them in categories that previously theLatin master had established to determinate the quality of the offspring thatwas going to be born and establish the new white animal that came to this worldsale price, as well as the kind of service to which he could be destined accordinghis genetic heritage, and this was established by The Animal Breeding National Center (BANC), beside that anyway all thewhite females from the moment that they were fertile had to be pregnant so themasters that are dedicated to the withe animal breeding business couldrecuperate their investment about sustain their animals as soon as possiblewith the puppies sale as soon as they reached the age to be sold, but thatdidnt mean that the white puppies were not put to work as soon as they coulddo it, and according to their physic characteristics were trained to theservice that they would be destined, and also the males since the moment thatthey began to produce tadpoles (spermatozoids) were used in the breedingbusiness, and the SOA had certain health norms about the way that an enslavedwhite animal had to be kept and the work conditions as well so the master getthe maximum benefit of thier animal, although of course there were LatinMasters that didnt belong to the SOA and they treated their slaves as theywanted and nobody could tell them anything about those animals' owners treatedthem and they had the right to do with them what they wanted. Butalso there were whites that still were living in freedom and were enslavedbecause they had done felonies or any kind of conduct that was considered as antisocialalthough were administrative faults, and for that reason the Latin masters hadcreated the Slaves Protective Association (SPA) which purpose was work on the nakednew enslaved white animals so they could adapt as fast as possible to their newsocial condition before they were sold, and get that they were more productivein the activity that their new master and lord put them to work and he couldget the greatest benefit as soon as possible, but also was an humanitarian actsince when helping in the psychological area the white animal to understand hisnew situation that prevented him to bepunished unnecessarily for disobeying his master, although the SPA only could dothat before the slave was sold since when he was already sold couldnt doanything unless the animal's master asked the SOA to do it, although thiswasnt frequent because the master what wanted was get the most out of theirproperty, and had the SPA helping the slave to understand his new role in lifeand with their duties took time and money, beside that the slaves' overseerwere there to "incentive" them whit the whip or with the cattle prod.This eighteen years old blackhaired slave was the lucky one to be chosen and have the privilege to fuckother fellow slave of his same age and color hair and is closely watched by hismasters and his taking advantage of that, while the slave that is being fuckedis kept in chastity and he hasn't more option but accept the enslaved cockinside him, and he hopes be so lucky to reach the orgasm by his prostatestimulation, the other slaves with envy look at how the lucky winner will reachthe orgasm but above all he had the privilege to have a hard on, while they'llhave another day of frustration hoping that the next day they can be the luckywinner because only one is selected per day.

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