Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Aug 11, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


This male that was included in"The Experiment" program is looking for his prey between the foliage althoughhe can't see him he has smelt him, He's an eighteen years old black haired andbrawny Latin Herma and he is called like this because he's an Hermaphrodite,and his body due to the strong radiations to he was subjected was changedinside and outside due to this external factor, and now he's part of the mostfeared depredators and he eats humans male's semen and flesh however they don'teat females because they would intoxicate and die, and his smell sense hasshown him that very close is a male hidden trying to escape from him. The male is hidden into the foliage because byinstinct he knows that the leavesproduces their own aroma and this can hide his own from the depredator, but inthis case the only thing that have happened is that the Herma is confusedbecause he can't determinate where is his prey exactly. If the male wants to survive willdepend on the Herma's ability to identify where exactly the smell comes from,since if the male is discovered all will have finished for him and he'll be theHerma's prey, however despite of the difficulties that the depredator is facingto find his prey, the Herma is not going to quite easily because he has severaldays without food and he needs to east soon. However this beautiful Latinspecimen has caught the attention of one of the scientists and has begun toobserve the way he lives and his ferocity when it comes to hunting his prey andthe ruthless way in which he does, and even though is not very different as theother Hermas do he's one of those that hit his victims balls once their headsare inside the "Washer", that is the place where he keeps trapped his victimshead feeding him and at the same time intoxicating his prey while the skullbones soften and he can engulf the whole body, and with the vulva lips he keepssqueezing tightly caught the neck, and once trapped the helpless male which canbe of any age cant escape unless the Herma makes the mistake to allow that hisfeet find the way to lean in something, so he can push his body forwards andhit the Hermas body inner part causing him a very intense pain that makes thatthe vulva lips stop tightening the neck and can escape, but these almost neverhappens because usually the Hermas are very careful that always the huntedmales' bodies are laying on the ground on their stomach or backs or hanging. As many other scientist that areassigned to the experiment to observe the transformed humans wild life secretlyhe has noticed this beautiful Latin specimen because he liked him, and duringhis fantasies at night while hes wanking he thinks about hes fucking thisbeautiful wild beast and he's caressing, and kissing his beautiful and meatybuttocks, in addition that hes rimming the beast to make him horny and canfuck him, and despite that the scientist have talked about the possibility tocapture several of the wild humans and Hermas to bring them into the islandsafe zone where they live and is free of radiations, to study how this modifyhumans behave and react in an environment without radiations, they dont dareto do it because they dont know how the radiation could affect them while theyare in the area exposed to them despite that they were weary the specialclothes that protect them, and other thing that he likes of this male is thathis vulva lips are very prominent and this is other aspects that makes him wantbe fucking this ruthless beast, because he knows that a human when is exposedto the radiations while is in the transformation period to become either in aHerma or a naked wild animal they are not attacked by the Hermas, because theirinstinct and senses dont detect them yet as a possible food.But to can study the wild lifeinside the island and see the behavior of those humans that once were civilizedand that now are wild animals are used drones which fly everywhere over theisland, but this are silent drones to avoid interfere with the wild life thatthe scientists are observing, since either the naked human animals as the Hermasdepend to hunt and stay alive of the sense of hearing and they know that anykind of interference within the life ofthis wild animals and their environment would bring a disequilibrium in thenatural way that the island keeps the population equilibrium in both the nakedhuman wild animals and the Hermas as well, and the silent drones are anexcellent tool to can observe those specimen in which the scientists areinterested in addition to can observe most of the time the little naked wildmale humans born in the experiment, to study the way that they behave above allwhen they are in danger to be hunted to stay alive, and although there are manybirths also there are many little males that become in the Hermas' prey oftheir same age or even younger or older than them, but of course it is muchinteresting observe the way that the little males born in the experiment lookfor the way to stay alive and avoid be hunted or become the slaves of thestronger males. This beautiful Latin Herma is inthe jungle area with a lot vegetation and is looking among the plants to see ifhe can find his victim, he has turned to look behind him because he had heard anoise and despite that the black scientist that had felt in love of him isenjoying to see the face of this dangerous wild animal that is a ruthlessdepredator, is cursing because the noise that the Herma heard was made by thedrone when it touched a leave, and he knows that this distraction could givethe chance to the naked teenage wildhuman boy to flee and this could bring problems to the Herma because he hasseveral days without eat and he needs desperately hunt a human to feed, and inthe zone where the Herma is there are not more wild humans that he could hunt,but that hasnt stopped him from seeing the Herma's beautiful buttocks since the left buttocks is relaxed andstretched, while the right one is tense and shows the perfection of thosebeautiful globes of the males anatomy which he has fantasied so much, but thisis the Herma lucky day and hes going to be able to hunt his black hairedAsiatic prey that is four years younger than him, since when trying to fleehe's going to trip, and when falling he's going to make the noise that willindicate this Latin Herma where is his prey and with fast movements and runningamong the vegetation and with the help of his powerful legs and buttocks, inseconds he is going to be over his helpless prey which he's going to hit hardon the back and in instants the head of the wretched Asiatic teenager will beinside the washer, and this Latin Herma due to the hunger he has immediately isgoing to begin to wank and the Asiatic prey in his desperation to try to escapeis going to hit the Hermas stomach, legs and buttocks, but his tries to escapeare going to be in vain., and the Latin Herma immediately is going to wank thewretched Asian boy to feed on his cum, and even though that at first is going to bevery pleasurable for the prey, in few minutes more the glans and cockirritation for being wanking is going to be unbearable and in his desperationhe`s going to try to stop his depredator so that he no longer wank him, butthis Latin Herma will start to hit his Asiatic prey's balls and in three daysmore the prey is going to be engulfed going from the washer directly to theHerma's Stomach , and the only thingthat will remain of the wretched naked Asiatic boy is going to a turd exposedto the son laying on the grass, and even can be stepped on by other Herma or byother wild naked males.

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