Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Aug 4, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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(Is the continuation of Society is changing 32)

There's nothing like improve yourbusiness, a young twenty five years old black entrepreneur that is the owner ofa transport company in the city where he lives, just has inaugurated a luxurypassenger service for black passenger inside his city and hopes that this newservice free of stinky whiteys with luxury buses gives him much more profitsand increases his fortune.But although that the service isfree of the stinky and filthy whiteys, white male slaves are who serve theblack passengers while they are on board, because not only they go to theirplaces to pick up the tickets that they buy in the comfortable and luxuryterminals or bus stops, but also theyoffer them snacks, beverages, and coffee, in luxury cups, dishes and glassesthat after have been used the slaves have to wash in the back part of the busin an isolate place to avoid bother the superior blacks, all the slaves are wearing a tie that inreality is a very heavy steel collar that is covered by black silk or othercolor, so they can look like naked waiters and at the same time they complywith the law about all the slaves have to wear the mandatory collar showingtheir real position in the society.But the white slaves duties arenot only to serve naked their black betters offering them snacks and beverages,but also if the blacks wish they have to sexually satisfy them, and this is thereason why each bus has a room where in case that a black wants to be servedsexually can be done in a private place or if they want this can be done inpublic, but in this case the only requirement to be sexually serve in public isthat the black citizen be on board of a bus where only men are allowed. But the slaves are constantlyfrightened to be punished because only are two slaves per bus, the one that isservicing the passengers and the driver that as his wretched mate is nakedwearing the collar and is chained to the bus wheel, and his only responsibilityis drive the bus and being very polite thanking the passengers by a microphonefor their preference.However his job is notcomfortable because he is seated on a huge and thick dildo that has penetratedvery deep his rectum, besides that he has constantly itch in his butt becausethe dildo is constantly expelling an irritating liquid causing him itch, butthe slave can't try to relieve the itching because his hands are chained to thewheel, and if he moves his body to try to relieve the irritating feeling, whenthe bus travel is over he would be punished since a guard is watching by thecameras that are on board the bus the slaves behavior. For the slave that was servicingthe passengers the situation neither was easy, because he had to endure betouched in any part of his body, and as was expected always was touched on hisballs, cock and his hole was fingered, and after he had to clean with his mouththe fingers that had been in his rectum beside that give to the passenger a wettowel so the black master could clean and disinfect their fingers, but the thingdidn't end there because if the slave was forced to sexually serve a blackmaster, beside that he had to clean his anus and body perfectly to be ready toserve other superior black if he wishes, if any passenger was angry because theslave wasn't servicing him although he was sexually servicing other passengerand he complained, the poor white slave was severely punished in the presenceof the offended passenger who was the one that chosen the punishment.All the slaves that wereservicing in this business were taken from the Ghetto Boys that had been caught jerking off by the black guards in themales communal bathrooms and showers andtheir punishment had been be enslaved for life. For the Ghetto Boys was veryhumiliating be servicing in such way because they were seen by the whiteys thatonce had been their friends or acquaintances in the ghetto and that now theysee them naked servicing the black masters, even some of the drivers that hadbeen unchained from the busses wheels and that had been allowed to get out fromthe vehicles to can piss and shit, had been scratching their butts and anusesalthough they do all those things very careful to avoid been seen by the blackoverseer and be brutally punished.A black salve that is dressed andis working as overseer, has ordered to one of the white naked slaves that wasservicing the passengers on board of one of the busses that got out andfollowed him, because a passenger complained that the slave that was servicingon the bus where he was traveling had taken much time to serve him but hecouldn't remember on which bus he had traveled, so one by one the ghetto slavesthat were in the units servicing were taken off so the superior black canidentify the guilty slaves and be punished for this terrible fault of haven'tserved the passenger as he deserved, without mattering if he had been sexuallyservicing other passenger, and the black overseer that has on his hand a baskettickets that allowed to travel for free the offended passengers for one week asa compensation for the salve fault, as soon as the naked white slave is identified is going topunishing him brutally.But the worst of all is that theslave didn't commit any fault, because the only thing that the black superiorwanted was the free tickets, however the wretched salve that is going to bechosen by the passenger is going to pay dearly for the black's whim, and theenslaved black despite that he's a slave and he is the overseer is going to berewarded because he's keeping the whiteys under a harsh discipline.So for the blacks doesn't matterthat if they are slave or free, life now is very good because they are incommand in the country now, and even the slaves don't have to wear the collar andbe naked as the whiteys, and for the crackers or best known as the Ghetto Boysnow the fear and anguish about don't know what might happen to them are theirconstantly companions.Feedbacks, comments and ideas arewelcome sent them to

Next: Chapter 541: El Experimento 26

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