Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jul 28, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


There is nothing like to be thebest student in the school although you're not the most popular, with the newrules that the educational authorities has put each day the handsome boys thatre excellent athletes are being enslaved more and more, while the geeky nerdboys are still keeping their freedom and therefore are the ones that have theopportunity to control the country, while the handsome athletes and with goodbodies are those that that are heading to be the slaves and therefore aredestined to serve them as their slaves without any possibility to get theirfreedom back and have the chance to have any aspiration in their lives. But for some strange reason theathletes boys still are thinking that being good athletes and have thepossibility to win the states and at the end the national competitions this isgoing to keep them free when the reality is very different, and each day in thestreet can be seen more naked athlete boys servicing their nerds masters andeven being humiliated in a very cruel way by them, but despite that they areseeing what is happening they still are thinking that being good athletes theyare going to be save of such cruel fate, and they are not realizing of thatuntil is too late and they are face to face with the Slave Police (SP) agents,that in those moments they're already enslaving them and undressing them inpublic to be taken to be processed in the Slave processing Center (SPC) andthen put on sale to the best bidder as if they were animals.In this country the two racesmore enslaved were the black and the white because these boys were moreinterested in standing out in sports, the black boys as the whites if theyweren't exceptionally handsome their fate was already sealed because they wereused as beast of heavy burden working in the farms, factories, quarries, mines,construction or even pulling heavy carts with merchandise in the city or evenin the roads exhibiting their formidable musculatures being completely naked,while those that were handsome were destined to serve in the offices as officeboys, cleaning the place and in some cases depending on their skill assecretaries and of course in the houses as servants and their masters' pleasureslaves and in many times for their desperation the geeky nerd boys that for reasons that theycould not understand all their parents were very rich and they can pamperedthemselves with the luxury to buy any kind of slave that they wanted, althoughthey also ended up servicing into the breeding farms or even their master couldsale their jizz to their friends if they were interested to buy their balls product and that their enslavedfemales gave birth the descendant of those slaves. One Friday afternoon when theschool day was about to end the students of that school were waiting to knowwho were going the boys that were going to take the place of those that weregoing to be enslaved that month, all theschool send their enslaved boys the Friday afternoon to the SPC and each schoolhad an specific Friday to do it, because all the weeks had to be fresh scholarmeat that was being sold and had been chose that hour because during the nightthe enslaved boys were prepared for the sale that was going to take place theSaturdays morning or Sunday in the city central park, where all the slavedealers took their slaves for the public general sale, although definitely forthe buyers was much better and comfortable go to buy the slaves Saturdaysmorning because being the slaves sale in a private establishment, the buyershad more privacy to make the inspections and in addition that they were treatedin a personalized way, and this was precisely what they were looking for,although the meat that was sold in the central park on Sunday also was ofexcellent quality in addition that the advantage of the Sunday sale is thatthey didnt have to be visiting each establishment to check the slaves but allof them were in the same place, and definitely most of the buyers preferred do it on Sundayto avoid have to visit several establishment and how the naked human meat thatwas going to be sold on Sunday was in internet in the website of the dominicalgeneral site the buyers could make their bids since the Saturday night, andbeing checking from their places comfort which was the highest purchase bid ofthe slaves in which they were interested and if they wanted they could made ahigher bid although still the Sunday could be done even at the time that theslave turn to be sold had arrived, even though many buyers preferred make thepurchase Saturdays morning for the personalized service that provided theirfavorite slave dealer.The swimming team captain of oneof the most exclusive school an eighteen years old dark brown haired boy thatwas very handsome with middle sizes light brown colored nipples was talkingwith his friend and mocking of the nerd boys with his friends, because for himthey were a very weird boys and even they considered them queers while theschool authorities were introducing the new students that were going to take theplace of those that had been enslaved that month, and as expected the studentsnervousness was almost unbearable because for their misfortune that month aconsiderable students number was going to lose their freedom, because the firstones that were introduced were those that were going to take the place of theenslaved and then the names of those that had been enslaved were mentioned, forboth inappropriate conduct or because they had been considered by theauthorities bad students but this boy wasnt worried for that because he knewthat the regional swimming competitions were about to begin, and the school wasnot going to take the chance to lose them and also lose a very important amountof money if they won, so while the names of those unfortunates that had been enslavedwere mentioned and they had to go to the school auditorium backstage and therebeing striped without nobody could see them to avoid that the students thatstill didn't know if they still would be free to prevent that they were moredistressed, because they were counting how many names left to be mentioned hewas talking unworried with his swimming team mates and mocking at the nerdguys, because even several of them unexpectedly had been enslaved and he waswondering who would want waste their money buying that kind of slaves, and he was surprised when many of hisswimming team mates told him that they were interested in them so they couldmake their homework and could study for them while they were practicing andwhen they arrived at home they could give them a resume about they had tostudy. The names kept being mentionedbut this boy wasnt putting attention because he was more interested to talkwith his mates and that this event ended as soon as possible, when suddenly hefelt a very hard hit on the back part of his head and he was roughly liftedfrom his seat and when disconcerted he turned to see what was going on he wasslapped very hard on his face that made that he felt to the floor and feltdizzy, and in that same place in front of his swimming team mates terrifiedlook he was stripped naked while thenerd boys were mocking at him, and holding him from his hairs he was takencompletely naked and exhibited in front of all the students that still werefree to the back stage while he was screaming in pain for the brutal way how hewas being taken because even they were kicking his buttocks so he could walkedfaster in front of the mocking and nervous laughs of the other students thatwere witnessing such brutal force applied by the SP, and when he was in theback stage area he was thrown towards the other naked bodies were and that hadlost their freedom waiting to be transported to the SPC, and with incredulityhe saw how several of his team mate arrived after him to that same place andthere they had to get naked, and when all the boys that had to be enslaved werenaked in the back stage they were chained by the balls and in one line theywere taken to the street and walking completely exhibited being forced to havetheir hands behind the head during all the way, theywere exhibited publicly and he could hear how many of those that had been hisfriends made degrading comments about their naked bodies, and even what theyhad in mind if they bought them but his mind was in turmoil because he couldn'tunderstand why he had been enslaved together with several of his mates that nowwere crying and even many of them peed in public for the fear that they werefelling, if the swimming competitions were very close and the school needs themto win the monetary price, but his thoughts were interrupted because severaltimes the free boys spanked him taking advantage that his buttocks were exposedand the burning in the flesh was going to be almost unbearable, and for thefree citizens delight the slaves screams of pain and protests were heardconstantly until they arrived to the SPC while the SP agents had a close eye onthe newly enslaved to prevent they wont allow the free citizens touch any partof their bodied, and the geek nerds were the ones that enjoyed must thehumiliation and they even had an active participation in the swimming teamsmembers public torment.In the SPC all the body hair wasremoved with exception of the head, although for the swimming team members theydidnt have much problem because they almost didn't have body hair only trimmedpubes, they were classified by the skin color, then by the hair, then by theeyes color, then by the nipples color, then by the cock size, then by the ballssize, then by the nipples color, then by the buttocks shape, then by theirheight, and at the moment that they went into the SPC they were classified infat, muscle, chunky and skinny and finally if they were cut or uncut, and whenthey were ready they were sent to the different slave dealers to be sold onSaturday and Sunday, but this handsome boy that used to be the swimming teamcaptain was bought on Saturday by a geek nerd boy that lived on his ownneighborhood and he had his same age with the same hair color and the nipplesof the same size and pinkish, and instead to put him a heavy collar he put onhis neck a very fine and expensive chain indicating his status as slave and hismaster opulence but also he ordered that the boy was infibulated but withoutanesthetic, so this very popular boy was infibulated the same Saturday morningand his master the nerd boy enjoyed the slave's scream of pain, because theprepuce was screwed to the glands back part by the upper and down sides and theholes were made with an incandescent needle, but not happy with that also heordered that put on the boy a thin metal strip that went from the top part ofthe prepuce and the glans to the lower part of it and went through the front partof the glans, so he couldnt have any possibility to have a hard on, and inaddition to piss he would have to sit because the piss stream when going outwas going to hit the metal strip and would go everywhere, and the boy despitethat he was experiencing very strong pain for the infibulation was takencompletely naked by his master walking on the street to his house exhibiting his new infibulated white animal. Anyway the Sunday he was takencompletely naked to the central park to the slaves sale by his master, so allhis master's friend and even his own could see him naked and infibulated thingthat was a real sensation, even his own siblings and parents could see himnaked while he had to endure the humiliation of not only being inspected and touchedin his body most intimate parts by the geeky nerd boys that he despised somuch, but even for those had been his friends and that now greedily touched hisbody and his own brothers, and even though that he wasnt taken constantly tohis former school he's is exhibited in his own neighborhood and he's still seen by his siblings andparents and even he has had to go to serve then in his former house, but thishandsome boy with an exceptionally long cock but small balls considering hisschlong size has been fucked several times by his master and friends, even for his shame by his own brothers, butlike his master is very pleased with his services he has allowed him that hehad pubes and for his surprise it doesnt grow much and even having pubes inall his pubis the dimple that is formed when the cock joins the body can beseen, and this has been a sensation for his master that exhibits him constantlytaking advantage to humiliating for that peculiarity of his body, but once thathe already has done the chores that were assigned to him as slave, he's in hismaster's room waiting to be fucked, the nerd that is an eighteen years oldlight brown haired white boy with middle size pink nipples, slim and that usesglasses only is wearing his trousers and while hes observing his slave'sbeautiful buttocks that belong to him and that soon his cock in a painful way isgoing to open up his anus and is going to be going in and out of his rectum toending up expelling his free men milk in this handsome slave's bowels, whichdespite that he hates being fucked he wont have more option but allow it if hedoesnt want be brutally punished, while the pain that hes going to fell whenhis cock wanted to be hard because his prostate is going to be stimulated isgoing to be very strong, and even the incestuous sex is going to be part of hislife because his brother are going to be allowed to fuck him, and of courseeach time that they see him they mock at him because being infibulated he's nota man anymore and as slave not even can have a hard on unless his masterunscrew the metal string and the glans and foreskin screws thing that stilldoesn`t happen and that for along time and may be never is going tohappen.

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Next: Chapter 537: Hora De Cobrarselas 38

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