Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jul 28, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it. The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


There is nothing more humiliatingto be exhibited in your own school naked after has lost in "The ScholarMillionaire Contest", these two eighteen years old blond haired white boys wereselected to participate, one in the dive contest and the other in the geographycontest because they were the best in their school. However one of the boys before hewas enslaved was an ambassador son while the other had a scholarship because hewas a governmental employee son, although the ambassador's son had diplomat immunity it didn't help him to avoid be enslaved, since when the boys were registeredin the school without mattering who were their parents, they had to give theirauthorization that in case that they were chosen to be contenders in the"Scholar Millionaire Contest" they had to do it and face the consequences iftheir lose. However the ambassadors' sonswere under constant stress and many times were selected to participate in "TheScholar Millionaire Contest", due that was expected that they were the beststudents because in one way or other they were representing their countries in other nation, but wasn'tnormal that this kind of students wereenslaved because truly they were excellent students, because they were sons ofthe ambassadors and of course they didn't want to be enslaved, furthermore that they had other problem to face since if they weren't good students then thegovernment that his parents were representing was going to enslave them. Lose a son on that way was verypainful but for an ambassador was very humiliating, since he not only had tonotify to his own government that his son had been enslaved, but he had to goto the place where he had been enslaved too, to sing a document where hisgovernment agreed with the boy's enslavement, thing that the parents of theother students hadn't to do unless they were foreigners, since then theircountry embassy had to send a documents authorizing its citizen enslavement. This ambassador was very proud ofhis son that was an only child because always they had been very close and eventhe boy helped his father to buy slaves, and have a collection that few peoplein the world could boast of having since it was very exclusive and wasnt easyfind the type of slave that this ambassador and his son bought, beside that theykeep them with iron hand under control and the punishment that were applied onthem and they had to face when they did something that displeased both thefather and son were very cruel, but ofcourse the owner of a slave had the freedom to treat and correct his slave ashe wanted because he was his property, so this ambassador and his son werefamous among the diplomatic community for the way that they had trained theirslaves and the cruel way how they punished them in case that they did somethingwrong, but above all for the kind of slaves that they had and the proud waythat they exhibited them although this hadnt been well seen by certain people insidethe diplomat environment, but they cant said anything because they also hadslaves and they disciplined and treated them how they considered that was moreadequate. This ambassador's son always hadbeen characterized by despising the slaves and not just make them be afraid of him but felt terror, beside thathis father always has been proud of him because he never had seen use theslaves sexually, but he has seen how his boy told to their exclusive slavesthat had oral and anal sex among them and they fuck each other in differentposition in both public and privately, and even he has seen how his son hadallow his friends both the diplomats sons or of his exclusive group of friendsto use the slaves sexually, but for his pride he never had seen the boy havesex with any of them even more never he had seen that he had a hard on whilethe slaves had sex among them or when they were sexually stimulating caressingor even kissing or rimming, and that made him feels very proud because he knewthat his son wasn't a queer, although something that had caught his attentionwas that never the boy had asked him for a female slave to serve him includingsexually, but he understood that because having pure males as slaves they mightbe distracted from their duties being as dogs in heath behind the female. When the ambassador was leavingthe school after had signed the documents where he gave his authorization for hisson's enslavement and after had receive the condolences from the educational andschool authorities, because the event had taken place in the same school andboth boys had been bought by the same owner and he had decided exhibited thetwo slave in a very special way in front of the visitors and distinguishstudents, he saw his son naked wearingthe collar and he was kissing with thegovernmental employee son that also was wearing the collar that identified themas slaves, furthermore the other boy was caressing his son's balls and schlongand his boy was erect, both boys were seated on a coach at the school's mainentrance hall while the free studentsand visitors were looking and mocking at them, and the ambassador was nauseatedwhen he saw his former son doing that disgusting thing, because despite that healready was a slave and for the slaves didn't exist shameful behavior,and see his former son with a hard on while the other boys was caressing him inpublic, made him believe that his son was a queer and the bests for him washave been enslaved no so much for the fact that shamelessly he was exhibitingwith his schlong hard as an animal, but because he felt cheated anddisappointed about his son pretended be a heterosexual boy when in reality he liked boys, and despite that he loved himand he would have understood that he wanted use the slave in such way since forthat purpose they slaves were servicing them he couldnt forgive him that hehad cheated him on such way and he hadnt tell him the true, since he perfectlyunderstood the boy sexual needs and the slaves were precisely for that tosatisfy their mater's needs, and the ambassador felt relieved to know that now his son never again would have tohide what he in reality was and he liked although sadly he ended up in suchway, but was better that this had happened in this moments and not when he wasolder and was in a very important position and he tried to cheat someone elseand he was discovered, because for him as a father and ambassador honesty wasthe most important thing,But the ambassador as owner ofslaves in his own embassy enjoyed about having sex with his own slaves and manyof those slaves precisely were the sons of other ambassadors that had beenenslaved in other countries, and he had bought them by the different on linestores that sold the slaves although this type of slaves wasnt cheap, but atthe end he could afford to buy them and was the only ambassador that had asslaves others ambassador's sons since even he had the certificate issued by theagency that had sold the boy that was the son of an ambassador, and many times even his son had helped him to buythose boys because he had an excellent taste to select them, and when his sonhad selected them and had told him how handsome the slaves were he never thoughthat he was going to sexually use them and only he thought that the comment wasmade because he liked aesthetically beautiful things.So when the ambassador was goingto his limousine that was driven by a naked slave that was waiting for himoutside of the car ready to open the door and he was admired by several of thestudent for his beauty and physic, he decided to go back to the school and makea purchase offer for the two slaved to the owner since he considered that hisson as object to be exhibited was very handsome and the other boy would serveas and sexual entertainment to his guests, beside that would be a very goodpunishment for his boy because had dared to cheat him by serving in his houseas other slave, the other slaves that had been humiliated and fucked by himthey would not let go the opportunity to take revenge and torment him, besidethat his son would be with him and he could breed him and maybe he would freeone of his children and take his place, and after all the situation wasn`t asbad as it looked, because he had the possibility that someone of his same fleshand blood take his place, but what this ambassador never knew what that his sonnever had sex with other males and much less with his slaves because he hatedhave sex with other boys, and what he loved was see the slaves fucking eachother and look at their humiliation and even though he felt disgusted to be beingkissed by other male of his same age and that also he was caressing him, he'sconfused because he has a hard on and until some point he liked be touched, butat the end he can't escape from slavery and maybe is not so bad that his fatherbought him because at least some of his descendants have great probabilities tolive as free citizens and being rich.

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