Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jun 30, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


The capture and sale of thewhites as slaves by the Latin and black masters had become for both of them ina very profitable business as in a need, because since the whites had lost thepower had become enslaved and used to work in the factories, farms or evenrepairing roads and streets and clean them without the need to pay themanything and keeping them naked, feeding them with special cheap food forslaves and keeping them chained, caged or locked in barracks with any kind offurniture on top of each other and even in many cases they had to pee or shitin public or in the barracks where they slept, making them later cleaning theirbodies wastes and keeping them cleaned using cold water and cheapdisinfectants, and they had become indispensables to the new society so thatthe new society worked perfectly turning the tables around.

But the new society ruled by theLatins had decided let the whites live in their houses and even let them keeptheir business and their wealth, since in their plans wasnt keep the whitesliving like wild animals like in the neighbors countries where the blacks lovedhunt the naked wild white animals, but to avoid that they tried to flee theywere allowed be free but the laws for them had been hardened an now anythingthat the whites did that was considered antisocial was punished as a felony,and the white that did that was taken to the courthouse and the judge withoutthe need to check anything sentenced him to slavery for life, however the lifestyle of that country was so rich that even though the risk to live there manywhites went to live to that country, since if they werent caught doingsomething socially inadequate they could have a very good life and in that waythe Latin government had enough white people to enslave, and it wascomplemented buying white salves and daily at least arrived fifty ships totheir ports with white slaves of all ages so after going through immigrationand customs, were sent to the different auctions centers to be sold without matteringif they had been legally or illegally enslaved since there they made that oncethey had gone through immigration they were legal slaves although most of themwere wild animals, and the immigration process consisted of be registered intheir slaves data base and give them their slave identification numbers (SIN)and put chips in the deeps of their rectums, in each ball and their brains, andthe customs process was check their anuses, mouths, rectums, urethras to checkthat they weren't hiding in their bodies anything illegal, while for thefemales were checked their vaginas together with their anuses and mouths.

All the whiteys that werearrested because they had committed antisocial acts without mattering if they werentslaves yet were stripped naked and immediately taken to the Slave ProcessingCenter (SPC) where they were kept caged while the time to have to face a judgearrived, which only were wearing a toga that in the front only arrived untilthe scrotum ended, but the sides was opened and by the back until the legsjoined the buttocks and by the front only covered until the nipples were and bythe back only the line of the spine and the ass crack, leaving nothing to theimagination, and everybody knew even the whites that being arrested meant thatalready was a slave and going to the court to receive a sentence was aformality, and even all the whites that worked in in the police or the judicialsystem knew it and they treated them with the same brutality with the Latinpolice and black police and judges treated the whites, since if they didnt dolike that they were in risk to be accused of antisocial conduct because theyhad dared to treat in a good way an offender and everybody knew what thatmeant, however when the detainee was a Latin or black then the things changedand without mattering what kind of felony they had committed he had to betreated with respect and never they could be undressed, and although at thebeginning that has brought complains from the withes about the different way thatthey were treated they didnt have more option but accept the new rules becauseall those that had raised their voices to complain had been enslaved, butbefore that the complainers in front of the white people had been brutallytreated so they could see how they treated those that werent whites while theyhad the power, and now the new authorities were going to be intolerants withthem, beside that the Latins and blacks only were enslaved if they reallycommitted a serious crime.

However for those slaves thatwere imported once they were exhibited as the animals that they were and weresold to their masters, they were trained to serve their masters by both theirown masters or in a specialized centers that were created for that purpose, andeven the SPC recommended some of those training centers where was guarantee thedocility and the excellent service that a slave could give to his masterincluding the sexual, even many of the citizens including the whites or hadtraining centers or they went to those centers to can dedicate to this activitythat was so profitable, but the fear of the whiteys above all the young oneswas notorious because at least once a month many of them were arrested inschools for different reasons, and one of them was because they couldntfulfill the minimum requirements that the educative authorities were demanding,and although this requirement wasn't for the Latins and blacks they strived tobe better than the whites to avoid the teasing of their schoolmates, since theydidnt have to face the threaten to be enslaved as the whites and was a realdisgrace have lower grades than the whites and in many times even the parentsfor the shame that they were felling requested that their sons were enslaved,for not being able to be better than a candidate to be a slaves. In one of the many slavestraining centers, an exhibition is taking place where a dog has mounted a wild naked male slave that is imported andarrived in one of the many ships, however all the superior beings that arethere are surprised of the white slave docility in allowing that a dog hadmounting on him that is in full fours, and although that the dog is not goingto fuck him is a demonstration as how the captured wild white animals or eventhose that belonged to their society were enslaved can be trained to doanything, and once that the training is over they are so docile that doesntmatter what they are told to do they are going to do it, in one of the trainingcenter terraces that overlooks the jungle without any kind of protection istaking place the exhibition, but this place wasnt chosen at random, but thetrainers chosen it to show to the potential buyers, that the twenty five years old naked wild ginger maledespite that he can escape by entering into the jungle's thick foliage he's notgoing to do it thanks to the training, behind him in the terrace there is anaked black trainer waiting that the dog is told to leave alone the slave so hecan fuck the wild whitey in front of the audience, and his thick blackcock isgoing to expand to the maximum the pinkish anus and although that is notvirginal and is not tight due to the usage that his owner gave it when he wasliving as a wild animal, neither has been fucked by such a big cock and despitethe pain that he's going to feel meekly he is going allow to be fucked andendure the pain, although now he's confused because he doesn`t understand why adog is in his back just leaning on him, while several viewers both Latins andblacks observe in the terrace amazed the docility of the white animal, and evenmany of those spectators are seriously thinking in take the trainers course,but not all those who are there are free citizen either whites, Latins orblacks, but also there are white slaves chained and naked looking with horrorthe show and were taken there by their center trainers and overseer so they can see what is awaiting them in theirtraining, and they understand that there is no way that they can escape totheir fate to become naked docile animals that are going to do anything, andthe pain and the suffering during their training are going to be constant untilthey reach the docility level that the trainers want, but what has more amazedboth the free citizens and the slaves is being a wild and aggressive animal the slave that is being exhibited waschanged into a docile animal and for the Latin and black masters the paybacktime has been very sweet and very bitter for the whites.

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Next: Chapter 521: La Sociedad Esta Cambiando 37

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