Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jun 23, 2019


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These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


Hisfather has bought him a slave as his birthday present but this wasn't anordinary slave because he was the son of his father former business partner, theboy had to be sold because his father made a financial mistake and to restorethe damage the only way to pay was put on sale his child, and he was bought byhis partner who with these purchase he won because the money that he paid wentback to him as a compensation for the mistake and now the boy was his son'sslave.

Howeverthe way that this handsome mestizo boy considered like that because he was aCaucasian father and Latin mother offspring, didn`t know what had happened andnot even despite that he had seen his father worried could imagine that a stormwas forming over his family but specially in his future, the boy that has justturned eighteen with dark brown hair, with brown skin that already showed thathe had reached the sexual maturity with a schlong of ten centimeters long beingsoft and fourteen being hard, with low hanging balls that were pleasant to thesight with the left ball hanging lower than the right and with a rounded andmeaty buttocks that was a delight look at them for both women and men thatappreciated the male body esthetic.

Thestorm began over this boy's life when one day when he was leaving the school togo home the principal called him to his office and this wasn't a surprise forthe boy because being a boy of a high middle class family that his father gavehim all that he wanted and being only child, his parents tolerated him anythingalthough he didnt behave as was expected but as he was an excellent studentthey werent very worried, however in his school that was only for boys he madejokes to his schoolmates that were considered unconventional because he putdown their shorts and undies when they were in the sport class leaving exposedtheir cocks, balls and buttocks to the sight of all the people that were there,although the other boys made the same to him, but the thing that he did thatthe others didnt do was that to the weaker boys no only he put down theirshorts and their undies but also he spanked them as if they were slaves, andmany times he made them cry and he mocked at them and that conduct had made that manytimes he had to go to the principal's office and be punished, but how never hehad oral or even anal sex with the other boys his mischievousness wereconsidered as a teenager boys things, so when he went to the principal's officehe thought that he was going to be punished again because someone had seen howhe had completely stripped a boy younger than him and then he had spanked and wanked him in thepresences of his friends, but when he went into the principal's office he wasscare because two police agents were waiting for him but he felt relieved whenthe two agents asked him things about how his family lived and not about hisbehavior in the school and he answered all they asked him, and how he could gohome he didnt gave a second though to the situation because he knew that hisfather was going to take care of anything.

Amonth passed by and the boy kept doing his jocks and that situation wasforgotten when suddenly in the scholar year end ceremony where he wasdesignated a valedictorian and when he was given his speech of the end of thescholar year in front of the parents and the students, without he realized aSlave Police (SP) agent put down his trousers and his undies leaving him nakedfrom his waist to his ankles in front of the public that were in that event ofthe scholar years end, this boy reaction when he was humiliated in such way wasas expected to try to pull up his trousers and undies and after that go outfrom the stage as soon as possible although he knew that from this humiliationhardly he would recuperated, but when he leaned forwards to pull up his pantsimmediately he has forced by his hair to straighten leaving exposed to the sight of everyone hiscock and balls, and when instinctively he tried to turn around to defend himselffrom his aggressor he couldn`t do because immediately his two hands were put onhis back and cuffed, and for his shame they began to wank him so his ten centimeters cock changed to thefourteen centimeters while all the attendees were laughing, catcalling, mockedat him and called him names because he was a shameless boy that he dared tohave a hard on in public, and then they took off or tear his clothes leavinghim completely naked and taking him out of the place forcing him to walk by allthe auditorium seat rows so all the people that were there could see his nakedbody close.

Theboy knew that had been enslaved even though the SP agents didnt tell himanything but what was spinning around his head was the reason why, and that wassomething that he couldnt understand, he knew that his father lately had hadmany meetings with people that went to his house or he arrived late frommeetings but he never had told him something about they had a problem, unlesshe had been enslaved for the jokes that he had made to his schoolmates aboutputting down their trousers and undies since this was the way that the SP hadhumiliated him in public such as he had done to his mates, and now as slaves noone was going to give him an explanation unless that by accident when listeninga free citizen conversation he will find out, but even he saw that very hardsince despite that the slaves were considered as animals without the ability toreason by the free people and that they made comments in front of them thatmany times could be considered as compromised, the free citizens werent worrythat the slaves could hear what they were saying considering that they didnt haveany kind of right and they couldn`t go to the police or justice to be heard,but what the boy was thinking was to try to block the terrible reality that hewas living to be naked in public being exhibited as an animal while he wastaken to the transport, and hear how his former mates that until few minutesago had been his equals and now they were calling him names and mocked at himand that now were his betters to which he should have to show respect eventhough was something logic that he was wondering what had happened to be aslaves, and the only way that he could know why he was enslaved was thatsomeone that knew what had happened will buy him.

As theother slaves he was put in a transport with cages that kept the slaves exposedto the sight of the free citizens in the full fours positions locked inside thecage, and even several teenage boys went to the truck to caress his buttocksand touch his balls and cock and despite that he as slave had to allow that abetter do that with his body and that he was powerless to stop that, he managedto frat and send away those hands that were unwelcome to touch his bodys mostintimate parts despite that he was insulted to be so dirty and do that and evenmany of them spanked him and made him cry for the pain, but for him was avictory over those that werent respecting him despite that now he was a salveand he cant do it, his sale was a traumatic one because he was soldimmediately after he arrived to the Slave Processing Center (SPC) where hisstatus of free citizen was changed for the slave and was cleaned, but his bodywasnt depilated an neither his pubes were trimmed, since that week was thesale knows as slave au naturel, and that meant that the slaves' bodies didntsuffered any kind of modification, andonly it was done after they were sold and their masters wanted to do it andeven though he couldnt see who had bought him because after being processed hewas taken to the auction room where the reflectors were on his face, when hesaw that his new master was the son of his father's partner he thought that hewould have an easier life as slave because they had been good friends, butbeing a pampered boy and be used to do what he wanted, made that he was arebellious slave and that he was punished constantly because he wasn`t behavingas expected now that he was a slave.

Butthe enslaved boy never could adapt to his new condition and his owner tired ofhis bad behavior decided take drastic disciplinarian measures as a lesson tothe boy and the other slaves, now the slave's master that is other eighteenyears old Latin boy that had the cock bigger than him and uncut, with big ballsthat being seated are resting on the sofa because he's naked and with pubestrimmed, is checking carefully his slavewhile his penis is getting hard seeing that his father infibulated permanentlythe slave in a very especial way since instead to have cock and balls now he has a vagina and lips and of course athird orifice, the slave is still so traumatized for what they did to him thateven the vet gave him a tranquilizer and for the moment the boy doesntunderstand well what is happening, only he feels his young master's handstouching the place where used to be his schlong and balls and that now areinside his body and he feels that his cunt is being fingered, for the youngmaster this is a very exciting moment and he already wants to show the slavenew condition because inside the cavity he can see the former schlong as a buttonin the far side that now is a clit and his balls are also inside his body, theslave with his right hand is touching his master waist as looking for supportand sympathy while he has his legs wide open for his master allowing him toinspect him, even the master's right hand fingers are on the slaves perineumand he's touching the anus that also is inspecting since the slave was allowedto be in on the sofa to allow that his master inspects him.

Butfar of getting his master's sympathy and comprehension soon he's going todiscover the reality to be a permanent infibulated slave because his youngmaster that is stronger than him and muscular in few moments more is going touse his now three body cavities to get pleasure, and he will love the sensationthat his glans touches the slave and former friend glans that now has a clitfunction, and that same night only wearing a loin cloth he's going to take theslave to a party where he'll exhibit him completely naked and hell allow thathis slave is fucked all night long, and in many times this wretched slave withlight brown middle size nipples and his anus of the same color will have threeschlongs at the same time buried in his body fucking him in all possiblepositons, and for now on he's going to be a docile and fearful slave, sincehell be servicing on the same way his master's friends when he takes him todifferent places or they visit his masters and also he's going to live with thefear that the other house slaves want to fuck him at night when hes notservicing his master, and the newpunishment for this slave that already is submissive and docile is if hedoesnt behave as expected he's going to be sent with the slaves so they canfuck him thing that he's terrified, and now as the tamed animal that he's nowis going to regret haven't submitted and he's going to do all what his matertells him for the fear that is lend to others to be fucked ruthless, but whatthis slave has not think yet is that assoon as his master is get tired of him he's going to sale him as an exoticanimal, which will continue be fucked merciless by his three body's hole untilhe is considered useless and they permanently get rid of him, but meanwhile themaster is enjoying the sight of the slave's open cunt and the face of confusionand incredulity of the boy that once was his friend.

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Next: Chapter 517: El Concurso Millonario 37

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