Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Jun 16, 2019


c "As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


As every morning the slaves getup very early to perform the job that their master has assigned them in thebreeding farm, and each day in this farm the slaves are awarded if they havepleased either their master, a free supervisor or a enslaved foreman performingan exceptional job that were told to do, this breeding farm has discovered ifthe slaves are incentivized with any kind of reward they work harder and whitmuch better zeal being more productive, so even though daily the enslaved foremengave a report to the free supervisors about the performance of each slaves thatis under their control, and at the end of the week the free supervisor is whotakes the decision about what slaves has to be rewarded, and the prize is thatthe slaves has to be taken out from performing the worst labors in the farmsuch as sow, harvest, clean ,fix things, to be put to work performing administrative jobs, for its part the slave that had been rewarded working inthe administrative area and that during a week had had the lower performance istaken out of that privilege place to be put to perform the common slaves' jobs,but what any slave can avoid is being milked and his jizz produced by his ballsis put on sale.

Although the breeding farms areplaces open to the public there are places where the visitors dont haveaccess, and is there where the real drama about being a slave is lived, wherethose that being free lost their freedom either legally or illegally face thehard reality to be a slave and the despair to know that for them there is nowway to go out from that degrading human condition, and where all those thataccepted the slavery as something good because never they thought that theywould end up in that condition discovered the terrifying and inhuman to beconsidered the lowest of the society without rights, where they realize thattheir descendants without being guilty of anything only have been produced bytheir balls always are going to be docile slaves without knowing freedom, wherealways are going to be naked living as animals without never can take adecision and blindly obeying and without thinking the orders that their betterstell them to do, without can and much less know that they can take decisionsover their lives since their tamed animals condition since the moment of theirbirth is going to condition them to that and for them, the humiliation, thehard work and the punishment are going to be something normal in their livesbecause their mind is going to tell them that this is for them without theywondering why they cant be like their masters or the free citizens that aretheir betters, and for them is not going to be shameful being naked in front ofthe free citizens and be touched in their bodies' most private parts becausethis is a right that the free citizens have.

But despite that the freecitizens know what slavery is and the risk that implies being a slave, theythink that they never are going to end up in that condition and they do stupidthings that put in risk their freedom and therefore face a terrible reality tolive in his own flesh the slavery terrible reality, many of the wealthiest mensons end up being slaves for life for their lack of judgement and cautious forwhat they do, always they think that their parents are going to rescue them ofany dangerous situation where they are, without foolishly realizing that theylive in a society that each time needs more slaves to satisfy the free citizensego to have the control over another similar, and without mattering the socialclass is avid to see the fall down of someone in slavery to degrade and humiliate him in whatthemselves have been participants and where the males are the once that mostface the danger to be enslaved, however not only the young ones are who put inrisk their freedom but also the adults in their imbecile behavior of feelingthat they are always in control and they end up losing everything and livingthe worst tragedy of their lives in which once being inside they can`t escape.

The young free males always areboasting how big are their schlongs and balls and that their jizz production isvery copious and in many times this situation happens with the adults too, aboveall those that are considered rich of ancestry where they have had a luxurylife without they had made an effort to get something and they have inheritedthe family business, and being their minds saturated with slavery, eitherbecause they have slaves or by the TV as is the case of "The MillionaireContest" where publicly or by TV broad cast young and adult people is enslavedbecause they lost since their craving to be rich immediately makes them dofoolish things registering in a contest where their probabilities to win areminimum, or where even they are selected against their will to participate,make that sometimes they behave in an irrational way and put in risk not onlytheir freedom but also the freedom of their descendants either because they alreadywere born and for what their fathers did their sons also have to be enslaved,or because their descendants will born in slavery but that is part about whatthe society needs to do that their citizens take unnecessary risks so they end up in the most terriblecondition that a human being can face slavery, and the government is more thanwilling that this happens because this type of event and this kind of businessthe slaves purchase and sale generates a huge incomes for the society benefit.

But something very striking isabout to happen in the high society where is going to be seen something notcommon and is going to be either the theme of gossip, teasing and somethingbrutal as well that will do that the rich shudder for what is going to happen,because the oldest son of the breeding farm owner made a bet with his cousinabout who had the biggest cock, the cousin at first didnt want accept the betbecause he thought that was unwisely to do this kind of bet because he knew that the cocks size didntmatter since all cocks gave pleasure to their owners without mattering thesize, but as his cousin continued to insist although he made sure that hisfather didnt listen to him he ended up getting fed up with the boy and withoutthe father knowledge he accepted the bet, the breeding farm oldest son was avery handsome nineteen years old darkbrown haired boy with pinkish small nipples as his anus and always he had beenproud of his sexual tackle, however he had resentment against his cousin andhis uncle who was his father's stepbrother because they were more wealthiestthan them, and despite that they had the breeding farm and it gave them hugeprofits their wealth couldnt be compare with his uncle's that was much biggerthan theirs and this had brought problems between the breeding farm owner'soldest son and his cousin, and their fathers as well since they had livingtogether as a one family and they didnt have a good relationship, and this conceited teenage boy's fatherdidnt like his brother and even he had looked for the way to enslave and soldhim and this had brought a secret rivalry between them that in reality was hate, butboth men to avoid a social scandal had kept it hidden but in any momentcould trigger an unexpected outcome.

At the end the bet took place butthis not only made that the two boys the nineteen years old boys and his cousinthe twenty two years old red haired boy with green eyes measured their cockssize, but also that involved the youngest brother of the dark brown hairedteenage boy's brother, an eighteen years old dark brown haired boy with lightbrown middle size nipples that wasn`t as handsome as his brother but he was agood looking boy and the redhead cousin's brother that was a twenty years oldlight brown haired boy with pinkish small nipples, and although the twoyoungest brother didn't participate in the bet that they considered absurd forpride they did when the breeding farm owner's oldest song call them chickensbecause they were ashamed to have small cocks, and the losers would have to be put in chastity by the winners for oneyear in front of their friends and they could fuck them, and the way that willdecide the winner would be measuring the two brothers' cocks length in bothstates soft and hard and the two brothers measure would be add and the brotherscouple that had the bigger measure would be the winner, and the losers wouldhave to be put in chastity by the winners for one year in special reunion andthey would fuck them taking their cherries in front of their friends, and atthe insistence of the redhead boy the bet took place in private in his room towhich the breeding farm owner's sons accepted and it would have to be carriedout being the boys completely naked, andat the end the winners of this so special contest were the breeding farmowner's sons who were so happy because the next weekend they were going tohumiliate his two hated cousins putting them in chastity and fucking them infront of their friends and for one years the would have them like this.

But two days later the SlavePolice (SP) went to the school where this boys that were the breeding farmowner's sons were studying and were enslaved and they were exhibited naked infront of all the students while they were taken to the transport that wouldtake them to the Slave Processing Center (SPC), the two boy terribly humiliatedcouldn't understand what was happening and when they asked an explanation theonly thing that they received was strong kicks on their butts and they wereslapped on their faces while they were told to shup up, since the slaves didn`thave the right to ask anything to the free citizens and only they could speakwhen they were told to do it, so all the school's students could see theirschlongs, balls and buttocks exposed in all their glory and finally the olderboy who was the one that boasted that he had a big shlong it was exposed to thesight of all so they could see how well-endowed he was in that department andhis brother as well, and when the two boys' father realized that his two sonhad been enslaved immediately he sued the SP because they had unfairly enslavedhis sons and he went to the CPE to rescue them, but when he arrived a lawyerwas waiting for him and told him that he also had been enslaved because he hadunjustified sued the SP since that was considered as justice obstruction andthe penalty was slavery for life, and when the father began to be strippednaked in the presence of all the free citizens that were in the SPC his lawyeras a free citizen requested an explanation, and he was told that the breedingfarm owner's two soon had been enslavedfor the felony of indecent public exposure, and they show him a video where thetwo boys were naked and were measuring their schlongs and despite that thelawyer insisted that the boys had done that in a private place, the SP showedhim that the video had been up loaded to the social media and thereby that wasa felony because all the free citizens that wanted to see the video could doit, so that same day either father and sons where enslaved.

Both father and sons were boughtby the father's stepbrother and were sent to the breeding farm, the oldest sonis being exhibited completely naked in one of the rooms that are used tophotograph the salves for the catalogues, lying down on his back that iscovered with a fabric that goes from the dark to the light brown, with hisknees folded towards his pectorals leaving completely exposed his depilatedbuttocks, anus, balls and cock that is flaccid and pointing towards his leftthigh and his glans is exposed because the boy is cut, and despite that he'swaving with a smiling face to the first man that just has bought his ballsproductions he can't understand yet the reason why he's a salve, because if hejust has arrived to the farm that once belonged to his father he has to gothrough the humiliating situation to be milked in public, but now as slave hecan't do anything to change that situation, and even though that he's notwearing the collar that identifies him as slave, he has the chip in the deepsof his rectum that the signal identifies him as slaves, by his side hiseighteen years old black haired brother is being exhibited in one of thereception halls, he has allowed to sit in a high chair completely naked isexhibiting his body his right foot is resting on a wooden stick that keeptogether the two chair's leg, while his left food is resting on the floor, andhis right arm is leaning on the top of the chairs' rest back and his hands issupporting his head, he has his legs open and he was told that he keep his cockhard, so his balls and glans are completely exposed considering that he's cut,and unlike his brother he's not smiling and he`s looking at the free citizensthat are going into the place where he's that is a room with a fluffy carpetand is decorated as it was a rich people living room and his jizz has not beingbought yet, but soon will be and as his brother he's going to be milked by themilky machine in the presence of the free citizens, and although that he alsois not wearing the collar that identifies him as slave the chip that he hasimplanted in his rectum deeps indicates that he's a slave although that hisforced nakedness also indicates that.

The forty years old dark brownwhite father with big dark brown colored nipples went back to the breeding farmthat had given him all that he had and in which he decided the destiny of allthe slaves that were his property without anyone telling him nothing, only thistime he did not return as the boss and neither he went in by the main doorgiven orders as he used to do and he was obeyed immediately, but as a one moreobject of the farm completely naked in a slave transport caged and exhibited asthe animal that now he is together with his sons, and now for his misfortunehis life depend on his master the stepbrother that for rivalries and enviesbecause he was richer than him and that many time he wanted to enslave, andonce he was received by the enslaved foremen that were closely watched by thefree supervisors that once were his employees and that they treated himviciously as another slave and he was cleaned together with his sons, and thateven he was abandoned to his fate with his sons by his lawyer when he realizedthat they had been enslaved and thatsame lawyer told to his stepbrother that bought them as slaves so they couldserve in the business that once has been his, he was taken to one of theexhibition room and was forced to wait in the full fours positon completelynaked until his master wanted to go into the room with his guest where he had himhumiliated, without he could move unless he wanted be harshly punished by theoverseers that before his fall down they did all what he told them, and thatnow they despised him and even insulted and mocked at him without even knowingthe reason why his sons had been enslaved and that was the cause that he wasenslaved too, and when his mater went into the room his humiliation was evenbigger because he went in with the society most prominent members and many ofthem had been his friends, and afterinvite them to visit the farms installation he also suggested them to checkthe naked slaves that used to be this slave's sons and they considered thepossibility to buy their jizz since they were animals of excellent quality, butthis slave humiliation did not end there because his youngest son before be putin exhibition went into the room where his master and guest were and he put a bucket under the cock of hisformer father, and the slave by his master order had to rimmed and suck hisformer sons schlong to make that the boy was hard, and once that the youngerslave went out of the place, the maser put a slaves milk machine that wastransparent on the cock of the slave and he began to manipulate it in front ofhis guest to force the slave's cock to be hard while he was caressing hisbuttocks, the slaves humiliation anddiscomfort and sometimes the pain to be forced that his schlong was hard aswell could be seen on his face, in addition the humiliation to have had to givesexual pleasure to his son had made that the slave discover how cruel theslavery is but as always happens now is too late, and the jizz that for thefirst time his schlong expels as slave are going to be shown to the visitorsthat are going to make fun of his shameless conduct about don`t restrain hisanimal instinct to give himself pleasure instead of hold back himself in frontof the decent people, but part of this slave humiliation is that the instrumentwhich he's milked already has had insideit other slaves' schlongs, and the destiny of the cum that is expelled by the cock of the formerbreeding farm owner is that he will have to eat it in the presence of hismaster's guest, while the breeding farm new owner's sons are celebrating theirvictory over their cocky cousins because without they realized they recordedthem while they were measuring their schlongs , and then they edited the videoand they up loaded it to internet, causing their cousins and uncle fall downand they will be sure that they know that, but also the farm former owner stillis not wearing the collar that identifies him as slave but with the chip isenough for the moment, although in a public ceremony the master of these threeslaves and his sons are going to put the collar and then they are going to givea party where the three slaves will have to serve the guest and at the sametime deflowered.

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Next: Chapter 513: Chicos Tontos 37

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