Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on May 13, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


These two whiteys few days agobecame members of a new herd since their old herd was dismembered by the Latinguards and even some of its members were captured, but their flee wasnt aneasy one because they were persecuted by several hunters that were huntedcrackers nearby, and when they saw the naked white bodies running among thetrees and the bushes they didnt hesitate to persecute them, and even thoughthey could capture few more of them at the end most of the whiteys couldescape.

The eighteen years old blond teenagerthat is squatting and is not the son of the forty years old black haired malethat has an incipient erection but his balls are small, although he was amember of his old herd and who he could rescue while he was running away and whichhe has had both oral and anal sex while they could have their own herd or finda new one, and now he was the only one that the teenager had until he wasaccepted by his new herd's teenagers,and for the wild whitey adult the things were harder because the boy alwayswanted to be with him due that several herd's teenager didn`t want that he waswith them.

This conduct was very commonbetween the herds' young males and in special for the dominant males, becausethey always saw in other males above all if was a new comer and they didntknow him as their sexual rival that could threaten their dominion over theother young males, and until they were sure that the naked newcomer male wasnot a threat at least for the moment they always kept him apart, and the herd'sweaker males didnt have more option but obey to the dominant males otherwisethey would be brutally punished since the order and discipline in the herd mostbe maintained above all, and was the way that the dominant male showed hisdominion over the weaker males and his stronger friends, and the herd's adults didntdo something in this kind of conduct because definitely was healthy for theherd this kind of behavior, to establish what males were the dominant ones andthe future leaders, and which were the weaker and will have to serve and obeyand with this actions guarantee that in the future the herds went on, as longas the Latin hunters didnt capture the herd's members or dismembered it.

But hadnt been easy be a memberof this new herd , because the adult and the teenager as well they were bornbeing wild and all their lives have been naked, but inside the herd were whiteysthat they were not savage and like their ancestors they had to run away to theforest to avoid be enslaved by the Latins, and between them were the teenagersthat didnt want the boy as part of their group because they considered that hedid dirty things, and he couldn`t be part of the wild teenagers groups like himbecause those boys almost all the time weredoing things for the herd, and how the herd's members that were not wildcame from a very far places but they had taken the control of the herd becausethey were more intelligent, because they knew how to do things that the wildwhite animals in their wild natural state didn't know to do and kept workingthe wild naked whites as their slaves , and they weren't used to be naked, andmuch less to see that the wild males and females without inhibitions had sex infront of them or even in front the pups.

But every day the herd's life washarder because several times they had had to change the place where they wereliving, since the Latin guards each time went dipper into the forest to capturethem because was fun for them hunt the wild whitey naked animals and make themtheir slaves , so now was harder go tothe towns' trash deposit to get their food and now they depended on the wildfruit and vegetable to eat because now many Latins guards were close watchingthe trash deposits , but they ran out of that food soon and then they had to bemoving constantly.

Now their feeding dependsbasically on the breast milk that was produced by the females and the cum that wasproduced by the males but even that production was limited, and to make thethings worst the herd ´s member that weren't savage and weren't used to be nakedyet, they refused to give their breast milk and their cum to other herd'smembers and even between them.

Some wild whiteys were expertswimmers and had learnt through their lives to fish, so every morning they swamto isolate beaches where they could get fishes and bring some food, but duethat they couldn`t take with them much fishes the quantity that they took withthem was not enough to feed all the herd, so the adults and teenagers tookturns by days to can eat the precious meat, and the pups had the priority toeat the meat every day, and however was true that every day more male teenagersjoined the fishing group, even the number of fishes that they could take withthem was very limited and not enough to feed all the herd, and the new comer blondteenage boy wasn't allowed to go to fish with them because he wasn't a goodswimmer yet, and the females stayed where the herd lived taking care of themany pups that were part of the group and the females that were ready to givebirth, and the wild blond teenager duty was watch that the Latin hunters weren'tcoming closer to the place where the herd lived.

The wild whitey adult is happy and smiling while the teenagerwith curiosity has turned around to see how has arrived, the wild whitey issmiling because his best friend has just arrived bringing with him and othersherd's members fruits and vegetable, however he earlier that morning had goneto fish, but his smile is because his best friend is also his lover and in fewminutes more he not only is going to be alone with him to give each other theircum but also to fuck each other, and the teenager is mad because he knows hecan ´t go with them and he's going to be alone again with the other teenagers,and he is not going to be accepted by the wild teenagers until he's productiveand he can bring food to the herd like the others, but also what he wants isthat the wild whitey that rescued him allows him suck his dick so he can getthe needed cum, because his hungry and he doesn ´t have a friend like the otherwild boys to get it.

But what this wild whitey and hislover don't know, is that be away from the herd to enjoy each other bodies isgoing to save them to be captured by the Latin guards, even the teenager thathe rescued is going to be captured and taken into a Tame Center together withthe other teenagers and adults, and the pups are going to be taken into a MaturityCenter, and later all the captured herd's member are going to be sold as slavesto the Latin masters, and unfortunately the wild life for these wild whiteanimals is hard and many times their effort to stay free are useless, but asalways happens the Latins are going to be constantly hunting and enslaving thenaked wild whiteys whom are going to keep breeding pups and then they can keepliving as free wild animals providing slaves to the Latin masters, who needthem working in their factories and farms as burden beast and servants and ofcourse they always will be naked but now conscious about nakedness is bad thingbecause always the inferiors are kept like that.

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Next: Chapter 491: Victimas 35

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