Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Apr 29, 2019


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These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


This honky never imagined whatwas awaiting him when he was taken out from the Reunion Center and sent to an auction house and be sold as slave to ablack master, when his family and he arrived to the Reunion Center they wereregister and lived naked outdoors for three days.

On the third day his parents wereput apart from him and his siblings telling them that their parents were takento their new home so they could prepare it for their children arrival, two daysafter his siblings and he were taken out of the Reunion Center telling themthat they were taken with their parents, but the three little brothers weresent to a Maturity Center where they'd be trained as slave and after that besold as such to the black masters, while his two other siblings and he weresent to different auction blocks where they were sold as slaves too.

Now this hunky is grateful thatany member of his family knew what his master had done to him, because he wascastrated and pussyfied and he was given as a gift to one of his master's sonswho is in college, so now in addition of the house cores that he has to do inhis master's room, the slave has been a real sensation, and now he has sexuallyserve his master and his friends, and even the other slaves make fun of him.

But the Black master decidedleave the glans as a clit inside the slave's pussy, so every time that he putshis huge black cock into the slave's pussy and his glans touches the salve'sglans and like the glans all the time is humid it has become very sensitive andgives pleasure both the master and the slave, however the black masterintention wasnt that the slave felt pleasure, but how he as his master havehad pure pleasure fucking the slave, and as his master when he sees that hisslave enjoys when he's fucked he didnt like it very much that the slavesenjoys be fucked, and as much as he can he fuck the slave anally to cause himpain although in one way or other also that gives pleasure to the salve.

Every black student that takeshis white slave to college to serve him, has to sing a document in which heauthorizes the college authorities while hes in classes use the slave so besideto have to do the work that his master had told him to perform, also he has todo what the scholar authorities tells him to do and this has pleased greatlyboth the slaves' masters because is other opportunity to punish and torment thewhite slaves and the school authorities, because if they dont finish to do whattheir black masters told them when they come back from classes then they'repunished, and if the slaves don`t do what they school authorities told them todo while their black masters are in classes in order to finish what theirmaster told them to do, also they are punished because they had disobeyed afree citizens, and this situation is loved by the blacks that keeps terrifiedthe white slaves.

This modified slave as the othersevery morning have to wake up very early and first sweep the college gardens sowhen the black students start to going to their classes the gardens don`t haveleaves or anything else, after that hehas to go to prepare the clothes that his master is going to wear that day butfor this desperation the slave has to iron the clothes that same morning, andwhen the master is dressing has to feel the heat on his skin that the griddleleaves on the clothes, he has to be attentive to the time when his master wakesup so he can pee in his mouth and he swallows his urine, also he has to preparebreakfast and be attentive when his master wants to take a shower because whenhe gets to the shower the water most be at the temperature that he likes and shower him among many other things thathe has to do, otherwise he would be brutally punished because he had disobeyedhis master, and also he has to do errands for his master before he goes toclasses if he needs something or while his master is studying, but that simpleactivity that for a normal slave it wouldn't imply much problem, for this slavesis a nightmare because he has to go naked and as he's modified and instead to have a cock and balls has apussy and he's muscular, the free blacks above all the teenage boys stop him toinspect him, and the wretched slave doesn't have more option but obey themotherwise he would be punished, and the worst of all is that apart that severaltimes he's stopped by the black teenage boys to touch his vulva's lips andfinger his pussy, many times they touch his glans that now is a clit, causingthat he reaches the orgasm and the teenage boys punish him spanking him hard onhis butt because he has been an impudent and out of control slave, but beinginspected makes that he loses time and that causes that his masters andthe college authorities punish him because he had taken much more time thatusually had to be taken making the errand that he was told to do, and despitethat the slave explains them what iswhat has happened when we was asked about this matter they don't believe him,and with resignation and frustration the slave has to face a painful punishmentwithout being his fault.

All the slaves that were taken bytheir master to college to serve them had to go to the canteen to be ready tohelp their masters in whatever they might need while they were eating, althoughthe superior blacks taken advantage of that situation to exhibited their nakedwhite animals and even each month they have a contest about what slaves had beenthe best servicing in the canteen in a period of thirty days and which was thebest college student, and the winner student had the right to use the slave foran entire weekend in the way that he wanted and taking him wherever he wantedand as was expected the white animal was sexually used by the winner and sometimes by his own friends,although the white animals knew that their services with their masters didn`tlast long because the blacks got tired of the salve that was servicing them andthey wanted have white fresh meat servicing them, so the slaves among them withfear talked about that situation and this modified slave in particular was terrifiedthat his master would sale him in a short time due to his body peculiarity, andhe was wondering what was going to happen to him when his master decided salehim and how his next master would treat him because he knew that although hislife with his current master was very hard, his situation with other mastercould be worst.

And now as very day when hismaster's scholar day has finished, is fucked either by his pussy and by hisanus, and his master's gigantic black cock expands to the maximum both hisvulva's lips that being artificial are not as elastic as those as the womenhave, as well as his anus causing him unbearable pain and in many times whenbeing attacked in brutal way by his master's cock makes him scream in painalthough most of the time as this one he closes his eyes despite that he feelspleasure too when his glans is rubbed, although his face shows the pain thathe's feeling for his master's satisfaction.

But what this slave doesnt knowis that his master is not going to sale him at least in the short time becausehe's going to meet the masters of his brothers and father and he's going tomake that the white beasts fuck him and they discover his secret, and when thathappens the masters of these slaves are going to see how sweet is the paybacktime looking at the once powerful whites humiliation that now they are not morethan animals and beast of burden and heavy work naked laborers that are thereto their service and helpless, and they have to do what the blacks and Latinsorder them if they dont want to be brutally punished.

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Next: Chapter 485: La Sociedad Esta Cambiando 35

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