Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Apr 15, 2019


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These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


This boy knows that his life isruined, many times he was warned by his parents and the police about don't bethe bullies' friend because soon or later would bring him problems, but he didn't want to listen, and even the School's Principals punished him severaltime putting him on detention and making him work with the slaves humiliatinghim but of course he couldn't order the brat to be naked because he was a freeboy.

But again he was involved in ascandal and the Principal decided to expel him warning the other schools aboutthe danger if they accepted him as student, and when the boy's father saw thathis son didn't have a future he enslaved him because he didn't want keep him athome and sustain him without being productive and he put an advert where hisson was for sale, since he didn`t want either have in his home as slave becausehe knew that soon or later he was going to forgive the boy and he was going tofree him and the boy was going to do the same once more, so was better leavehim enslaved for life and sell him to take him away forever from the familyenvironment.

The principal where the boy usedto study was interested to buy the new enslaved boy and now he's going into theslave's former bedroom with his former siblings an father to inspect him, anddespite that this boy is going to be the first slave that the school has that usedto study there the principal thinks that has been a very good decision want tobuy him, because it will serve as a warning to the other students and they'llknow what is a awaiting them if they don't behave as they should do, besidethat for this now enslaved boy's bully friends is going to be a strong messageabout or they change the way that they're behaving or they are going to end upbeing enslaved as this eighteen years old dark brown haired white boy with pale blue eyes almost gray

When the father ordered to hisformer soon to strip the boy didn't obey but two hard slaps on his face madehim change his mind, and with sadness saw that his boy wasn't as brave as hewanted to show to his bully friends that still were free while his son had beenenslaved, and although he was wondering If it had been a good decision take away his son's freedom after see that the boy wasn't as bad as he though andonly he was being influenced by certain guys, he knew that he had taken thecorrect decision because despite that the boy had been warned several times tobehave as was expected never did as was told and he knew that soon or later hewas going to end up being a slave, and the Principal when he saw his back andbuttocks close the deal with his father and the boy the next day will begin hisnew life servicing naked in his former school with the other slaves exhibitedas the animal that he's now in front of his former schoolmates and siblings.

Other thing that has caught theschool principal's attention that has the reputation to have the most handsomeslaves servicing in his school is the way that the boy is seated on the bedbecause not only is giving them his back, but he has seated on the mattresswhit his legs wide opened and despite that his anus is pointing towards the bedsheets still is exposed, and the boy unlike other kids of his ages is muscularbecause of the exercise he has done practicing sports, and his buttocks eventhough that are muscular he knows that when he stands up are going to form a small,rounded but a very fleshy butt and this is what is going to make that he'sgoing to be recognized in an easy way between the other naked slaves.

But what the principal iswondering is about how slavery and the humiliation to be naked and have to obeyall that his former brothers and schoolmates order him to do is going to affecthis mental stability, because this is going to be a very hard fall since beinga rich kid that had all what he wanted now he is going to be no more than anaked animal that will have to serve without having something, but theprincipal knows that all the enslaved free citizens sooner or later ended upadapting to that terrible and humiliating condition and if is necessary he canask for help to Educational and Correctional Center for Males (EDCOCEMA), where their main job is help to the malesthat had fallen in disgrace being enslaved either temporarily or for life inmany areas such as physical training, although in that aspect the school slavesoverseers that are in charge of doing it are having a lot of success, or to help themin the physiological area in case that the slave was facing problems to adaptto his new and humiliating social position, the EDCOCEMA phycologists work on their mind to make that the slavesadapt to their new condition talking with them or in more extreme casestorturing them , even though the torture would seem something savage in realtyhelped a lot to the slaves because in the EDCOCEMA installation the torture wasalmost unbearable, and when the slaves went back to their masters were thankfulthey aren't tortured in a such cruel way as they were in EDCOCEMA and then theysee than even as slaves they could have a better life.

The boy has turned around to seethe principal and his brother since he knows what is awaiting him as slavebecause many time he had made that with the newly arrived slaves to his home oreven at his school, he's going to be inspected by the principal but at leasthe's going to avoid the humiliating procedure to expose his glans when theforeskin is pushed back to uncover the glans and leave it to t everyone sightbecause he's circumcised as his brothers, although this situation is not goingto be overlooked by the free beings that are going to be inspecting him in theroom, beside to have to go through the shame to lean his torso forwards andwith his legs wide open put apart his buttocks so they can see his exposedanus, and the fact that he hasnt body hair on any part of his body will makethat they laugh at him and he will be considered as a shameless boy thatdeserved be enslaved, although he was actually shaved all over his body withexception of small hair tuff over his cock because he practiced swimming, butthe worst is to happen because however wants to buy him is going to taking himoutside the house naked only wearing a collar that identifies him as what he'snow a slave and all the neighbors, his former friends, his girlfriend and theneighborhood girls are going to see him naked in all his glory without even cancover with one of his hands his cock and balls and with the other part of hisbuttocks and they are going to see how his cock swings and his buttocks move without any restrictionwhile he walks, and he knows if his former school principal buys him his humiliationis going to be even worse because he's going to take him walking to the schoolnaked exhibiting him as he was an animal before the free citizens that are inthe street or looking by their houses windows, and even could happen that hewants to go into the shopping centers and buy something and force him to takeon his hands the purchases while the shoppers in the shopping center see himand they make fun of him, but the worst of this situation would be have to benaked all the time in front of his former friends, brothers and schoolmatesservicing them and now he just hopes that the principal doesnt buy him and besomeone else that doesnt want exhibiting him in public, and in his mind he'srepeating over and over again why he was so foolish about didnt put attentionto his father and have behaved as he was told but now is too late,

The boy was sold at a very highprice but the school could pay such luxury because at the end of the day allits students were rich and they paid little fortunes to have the right to studythere, while the young slave recently bought is enduring the humiliatingsituation about the principal is caressing his buttocks and balls while heswanking him in front of his former brothers and father, but the principal alsois thinking to use the boy as a reward since the best school's student is going to be allowed to take the boyscherry, furthermore that the jobs that the slave will have to do is clean theclassrooms windows while the students are inside them, so they can see hisnakedness in all his glory, his cock, balls, buttocks and his anus be exposedaccidentally when he has to bend or climb a ladder or showing his hole by theorder of the students, and at less the first months of his slaveryservicing in the school the principal has decided use theboy as a reward to the best student, servicing him for a weekend in his housein the way that he wants, beside that the slave has to serve him sexually inhis free time in the school in front of his friends or in private, and now theprincipal while is enjoying touching the juvenile naked body and even feelingthe silk hair tuff that is over the boy's cock, he has told to the boy's fatherthat never he thought that his son was going to be so stupid and not obey toavoid be enslaved, but now that he was a slave he assured him that the boy wasgoing to be in very good hands, well cared and he was going to get the most outof his investment while the boy sobs and he regrets having been so foolish andhis brothers make fun of him.

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Next: Chapter 479: Chicos Infibulados 6

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