Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Apr 7, 2019


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These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


There is nothing like a deservedrest after have done a good job and have been in danger to be captured by thefeared Latin masters and have to face countless dangers while they were in thecity naked as the animals they are now, to get the food or try to steal some ofthe things that the Latin masters have on their caves as they called the houseswhere they live that look curious and they didn`t know what they use themfor.

The tree whiteys that now areyoung adults took the two whitey teenagers boys to the beach after they almostare captured that morning by the Latin guards, when they went to get their foodand for the pups that now are their responsibility, all of them are wildbecause they were born in the forest and for they be naked is something normal,beforehand when they go into town to look in the trash containers for theirfood or steal something they go naked.

The dark brown haired wildteenager that is squatting in front of the three young adults is the herd'snewest member and he joined it not long ago, due that all his family and themember of his old herd were captured by the Latin guards and for several dayshe was roaming alone and scared in the forest because he was frightened to becaptured by the feared Latin hunters, until the blond white that is walkingbehind him and is on the left of the other two find him crying hidden in acave, so he took the boy with him and the herd welcomed him with open arms, andhowever he's still missing his parents and brothers now he's not alone andthere are many other teenagers to coexist with and explore around the placewhere the herd lives, furthermore he feels protected because all the herd'smembers that are older than him and even those of his same age are watching himso he can be safe.

The wild brown light hairedteenager boy that is on full fours and going out from the sea is the brother ofthe young adult that is in the middle of his two friend and also he has light brownhair, however the young adults prefer keep their distance from the boy becausehe always wants to be with his brother and his friends, and they don ´t want to be with him because then they can't dowhat the young men like them do when they are alone that is socialize in a veryspecial way and if they had lived in other time that kind of socializationnever would be allowed by their parents.

The two wild teenagers are verygood friends and even between them they give each other the proteins that theyneed and really they enjoy very much that moment, but they instead to let thatfirst one suck the other cock, and when he had gotten the cum then allow theother suck his cock, they suck each other their cocks at the same time givingsimultaneously the desire and needed cum that gives them the proteinspracticing what the members of their ancient society called sixty nine,beforehand the wild whitey teenager that is squatting was the one that taught the males of his newherd how to get the cum sucking their cocks simultaneously, since the herd'smales never had done that before the boy arrival, and when they discovered thatgive to others the proteins could give pleasure to the two males at the same time, all the herdmales really had become to appreciate the new boy.

The black haired young adult thatis on the right of the group, is thinking that the time has come to teach thenew boy what is the anal sex, for a while he had wanted to do that with thebrother of his friend that is in the middle but he hadn ´t dare because the boy's father watches on him closely, butthe new boy doesn ´t have any family so he could be his sexual partner, becausehe also doesn ´t have family, andalthough he was born in the herd his father and brother were captured by the Latinmasters, and despite he follows all theherd's rules, he knows that he is notgoing to be in troubles if he decidesfuck the new boy and also let him fuckhim, since he was the one that taught them how to do what he calls the sixty ninethat is a weird name and the boy says that since long time ago was named likethat.

Be living naked as wild animalshave been something that over the time not only has become the wild whiteysonly way to live, but also a sexual inducement that has shocked the Latinmaster since the white animals without any modesty they exhibit themselvesnaked as if it was the most natural thing considering the way in theirancestors used to live, and yet as slaves once trained and being conscious thatbe naked is only for the inferior beings the males above all when they walkmove their naked buttocks seductively to sexual arouse the Latin Masters andget that they fuck them.

But in this white animals wildlife seducing other male with their naked bodies doing all that is in their handto get it is everything, because since they are little boys is taught to themby their parents and the herd's leaders that be fucked by a dominant and braveherd's member and above all when he leaves his cum in their rectum so the bodycan absorbs it or in their mouth to swallow the cum, that gives them braveryand the strength to became leaders, although there is nothing more false thanthat, and how the naked enslaves whiteys see the Latin masters as a brave and dominant leaders they want to have their cum into their rectums andin their mouths, but for the newly arrived whitey and they black haired youngadult that wants the boy becomes his lover, very soon are going to begin havinganal and oral sex and as always happens in the animal kingdom as the teenageris the weakest this is going to turn him in one way in the slave of thestronger until he can defeat him If one day he can do that and the situation isreversed, and in that wild naked whiteys society the anal sex between males hasa preponderant roll because not only gives pleasure but also decides who is incharge and who obeys.

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Next: Chapter 475: Granjas De Crianza 7

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