Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Apr 1, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


The young male was an easy preyfor the mature one and now he has become his slave when he was fucked, this is theseason where almost all the females that are inside the program named "TheExperiment" are pregnant and in short time the pups will born but for the malesis hard have sex with them.

But the males that are inside theprogram are not controlled by their mind anymore if not by their instincts andsex is one of their priorities without mattering if it is with a female or amale and the mature male had long time without having sex and he sniffed theyounger and for several hours he was following him until he could attack anddefeat him.

The young male never could smell the mature one because thewin always was blowing in front of himand hitting his face so he couldn ´trelease that he was in danger and neverhe turned back to check if he was safe, but as in all the wild life in theexperiment the naked humans males that had been turned into wild animals orthose that had been born there being wild animals were who had the hardestlife, because they not only had to face the risk to lose their lives be huntedby the Hermas because they were their food but in addition they have to fightbetween them if they crossed their paths for the supremacy and control, andthis was present since the little males were expelled from the family nucleus when they were considereda sexual rival for the male that was his father or the dominant one, butdespite that this appeared to be cruel was the way that the experiment kept thepopulation control and the ecosystem sustentation in the island, since always born much more males than femaleswith the purpose to fight for the domination between themselves and with this actioncontrol the reproduction but above all to provide the Hermas their food feedingon them so they could survive.

But the naked wild human animalsabove all the young ones slowly had been leaving the jungle areas where therewas more food that the human wild animals eat, and they were emigrating tozones with much less vegetation even to high mountains and cold zones wherewasnt much vegetation, and the scientist were surprised for that conduct sincethere isnt a source of food they couldnt understand how the human wild malescould survive, in addition that they couldnt understand the reason why waspracticed the domination exercised of the stronger males over the weaker onesalthough they considered that this was practiced considering that naturally waspracticed that the stronger genes were those that could reproduce, even thisnot always was like that because many times while two males were fighting amongthem for the right to fuck a female and pregnant her , and despite that thefight decided who was the alfa male or stronger and the beta male or the slave,when the male wanted to exercise his right of the stronger male fucking thefemale for breeding purposes, he released that the female had gone or thatsomeone else had fucked her and already she was pregnant, causing that the alfamale felt frustrated making that the male that now was his slave paid theconsequences of his frustration, and that was something that kept the scientistintrigued but at the same time that situation didn`t surprise them at all sinceat the end for that were the slaves, and in this wild world it seemed that thisprinciple also applied.

The young male is hurt due to thebrutal penetration but he has not more option but surrender, because on his wildmind when he was fucked he now depends completely on the older male and thatimplies satisfy him in all aspects, and now one of his duties a part tosexually satisfy his master is look for food so both can be feed although thepriority to it if for the dominant male, and for the alfa male his instincts aretelling him that being in an abandoned construction with high walls is moresafer that being roaming, since a part that they are protected of the cold wingthat is blowing for the high mountain part there are some trees that they couldclimb if was necessary to be save, and due that they doesnt have much leavesif they are being persecuted by a depredator of for a stronger male whileclimbing or being in branch they can peeand try that their piss felt into their depredator or persecutor eyes and theycan escape, but what his instinct hasnt telling him is that being there isalso a great disadvantage because therealso could hide a Herma or other male that had sniffed them and could surprisethem while they're fucking or even sleeping.

But not all in the life of thiswild young that now is being fucked when he was defeated is going to be bad,because the scientists also has seen that the alfa males can be tender withtheir slaves when they're fucking them, although they're very demanding aboutthe slave has to give them pleasure, knowing how to arouse them and the slavehas to be fast to learn to be excellent cocks suckers, balls lickers, rimmingand now to kiss as well so their master feel pleased and don`t punish them in abrutal way, because those punishment can severely injure the slaves, but thedisadvantage of the passionate sex between the wild males and their slaves oreven with the females is that corporal smell is stronger and can be detected bythe Hermas or other males easier, and the air is the best way in which they canbe detected, although also their smell is impregnated on the plants or grasswhere they walked or rested, and onlytime will say if this two males survive and can breed in the experiment at leastthe alfa male since the beta unless the alfa male dies he could breed, or theyare hunted by their depredators becoming their food or the alfa male isdefeated by an stronger male and both become his slaves.

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Next: Chapter 473: Salvajes 35

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