Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Mar 24, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


The Titans have sent more slaveto the island where the Milk boys are, because for the Titans society the milkthat produce these altered boys by the radiations is indispensable to keeptheir society free of any disease, the Titan scientists never imagined that theexcess liquid that the altered slaves' brains produced fermented in their bodieswere going to produce a viscous liquid very similar to the breast milk that asthe females could be gotten by the nipples, beside that the semen that the Milkboys produce is very nutritious to such grade that a person that is weak in few minutes recovers his strength.

The Milk Boys eat the same thatthe normal human males eat, but the difference between them and the normal boysis that they need a huge quantity of energy that either the food or the sun can'tproportionate them, since the kind of energy that they need only is produced bythe human male body, and they get it by sexual way, having anal and oral sexwith the wretched slaves that cross their path with them or kissing them.

The Milk Boys are extremelystrong and even a Titan is not capable to defeat them, a Milk Boy can have athin body and that apparently is weak but in reality is very strong and candominate a male that cross his path, and even their physical condition is sogood that they can run for hours and they are not tired, and much more whenthey ´re trying to catch a slave to get for him the energy, beside that the MilkBoys are very social and can live in groups or alone and always are naked.

However for an strange reason theMilk Boys can ´t get the energy from themselves, what they do is have sexbetween them for pleasure but they can get the energy from other Milk boys, andthis is the reason why the Titans are constantly sending to the island slavesbecause they want that the Milk Boys each time have more naked boys to have sexwith and get the energy that they need and produce the much desire milk by theTitans, beside that also the Titans scientists already know what kind of slaveswith certain characteristics can be exposed to the radiations and betransformed into Milk boys, although now more than ever the Titans need moreslaves, some of them to serve in their society and other to be send to theisland as both Milk Boys or as the victims that are going to provide them theirenergy.

Three Milk boys has just foundthree wretched slaves that just have arrived to the island, and although thatthey knew that they had to avoid to any cost have an encounter with the MilkBoys to avoid to go through the unpleasant experience to feel how their bodies'energy abandoned them and feel that they were dying, because already they knewwhat was awaiting them because they had seen what happened to the slaves thatwere destined to give their corporal energy to the Milk Boys in the ForbiddenCity and then the Milk boys were milked and their milk was distributed to thecity population, and when the Milk Boyssaw them while the three slaves were looking for the food that the Titans hadput for the naked and helpless slaves and they realized that the Milk Boys hadseen them they began to run to try to escape and avoid to be caught andsexually used, but their try to escape was in vain because the three tireless MilkBoys kept running behind the wretched slaves until they were tired and werecaught and now are having sex with them and proportionating their energy, andthe face of the three wretched slaves is showing how the energy slowly is goingout from their bodies since two of the Milk Boys are absorbing the energy from the slaves' bodies by theircocks because they are having anal sex, and the other one is obtaining by hismouth because is sucking the cock of the wretched slave and by the urethra isgetting it.

A light brown haired twenty yearold white slave has his hand on the ground and is leaning on his right kneewhile the muscular dark brown haired Milk Boy has lift up his left leg and is hold by his left, while withhis right hand is holding his right hand leaving to the sight the hard cock,the balls and all his torso to make easier the penetration, the slave barelyhas enough strength to keep that position, but what he wishes is can be layingon the ground, but this is not going to happen until the Milk Boy has cum inside him and had put his huge amount ofsemen into his rectum so the slave'sbody can absorb it slowly and he begins to recover his strength, beside toforce the slave to suck his nipples to get the milk, the Milk Boy doesn ´t dothat to feed him but to obtain pleasure since for him is very pleasant feel howthe mouth of his wretched victims sucks his nipples.

Other naked black haired twentytwo years old male slave that is laying on his back on the grass and part ofhis right arm is touching the river water has not left strength, because theeighteen years old black haired Milk Boy had fucked him absorbing almost all hisenergy by his cock, but also has left his nutritious cum in the slave's rectumwhile he is finishing to absorb part of the few energy that still is in hisvictim's body by his mouth because is sucking his cock, and after that he ´sgoing to offer to the slave his nipples so he can suck his nutritious milk.

And the last naked white darkbrown haired eighteen years old Milk Boy is fucking other naked blond eighteenyears old white slave boy absorbing all the wretched slave corporal energy, theMilk Boy is squatting while the slave is seated on his legs and is being holdby the Milk Boy's arms to avoid that the slave falls to the ground, the youngwhite slave tried to escape the powerful Milk Boy of his same age using hisleft hand but as was expected he failed, so now almost without strength is trying to put his finger into the MilkBoy's anus to cause him pain in a desperate try to can escape, because he hadheard that the Milk Boys don't tolerate that anything is introduced to theirbody by their anuses, bur for the misfortune of this slaves that is not trueand anyway he has not energy left in his body to do that, and once that theMilk Boy had put his nutritious cum in his rectum, he's going to release thewretched slave who is going to fall to the ground and as the other Milk Boyshe ´s going to offer him his nipples to obtain pleasure while the slave issucking the nutritious milk that he produces.

Will take hours for these slavesto can recuperate, and when they are in condition to move, this small Milk Boysgang already had absorbed the energy of other six more slaves.

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Next: Chapter 467: Hora De Cobrarselas 34

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