Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Mar 17, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


These five losers of the"Millionaire Contest" just arrived to the Slave Processing Center (SPC)reception area; the young employees are enjoying the power that they have overthese wretched inferiors that now their only mission on their miserable livesis obey everything that their betters had ordered them without mattering howdeviant the orders might be.

Like many others they dreamedwith be rich and give orders to others, and the "Millionaire Contest" was theway to reach their dreams because they weren't rich, but instead since thefirst moment they were enslaved they have found humiliation and scorn.

The slaves reception proceduresestablish that the SPC new arrivals after they had been unloaded from thetransport immediately have to go through the disinfection process, but thisyoung employees that have more less the slaves same age haven't followed therules knowing that nobody cares if the slaves are forced to wait, since theydon ´t know the rules and is much more important if the slaves are humiliatedand degraded, beside that nobody cares about what they slaves might say.

The eight employees are wearinggrey ties, black suites and white shirts that contrasted with the nakedness ofthe five slaves, furthermore while the slaves are forced to be on their feetmotionless with their hands on their backs, the employees are stood restingtheir bodies on the wall.

These slaves were considered as asecond class meat because they weren ´t sold as soon as the event was over,therefore their sale price is going to be considerably much lower than if theywould be bought immediately, therefore for the SPC administration is not veryimportant what the employees want to do with the slaves before they are sold,if they don ´t damage permanently or cause notorious damage to the merchandise.

So the employees ordered the first slave thatwent out of the transport fucked the last slave that went out in front of them,the blond slave didn ´t have more optionbut do it, while the last slave a white one with dark brown hair didn ´t havemore option but obey, and for the employees fun the slave that is going to befucked is laying face up on the floor with his legs wide open and his kneestouching his chest, while the one that is going to fuck him is knelt ready to fuck him, while the other three white slaves a redhead,a black haired, and a black brown haired are on their feet with their hands ontheir backs and they weren ´t allowed to see what is happening.

However the white employees areenjoying the slaves' humiliation because they're naked, and because two of themare forced to have anal sex in front of them, and the others because they knowthat might be they could be forced to have anal and oral sex between them, andnow the five slaves are regretting have registered in the "Millionaire Contest"

However for the society wasnt asecret what "The Millionaire Contest" was and the terrible consequences thathad to face those that lost, although what was a mystery for the psychologistand sociologist was the reason why the people and especially the males werestill enrolling in that event, even though the answer was clear because infirst place was the same government who inculcated to the citizens but aboveall the young ones, the false sensation that they had the possibility to winand have everything that they had dreamed, beside that they never were going tobe slaves despite that in each event they saw what happened to the participantsless the one that was the winner, in second place the event eroticism wassomething which the modern society couldnt fight and had surrender completelyto that mental state, emotional but above all sexual, even knowing that they couldbe become the object of the sexual desire and lust as participants of thespectators, they didn`t care and they enrolled without thinking that by doingso they became in that kind of object and that the possibilities to beexhibited in public as a naked animal were almost one hundred percent.

But for these five naked youngmales losers of "The Millionaire Contest" now that they had awaken to the cruelreality of what their lives were now was something very hard, and as alwayshappened they were regretting to have enrolled and had been so stupid tobelieve that they could win, and they hadn't even know who had been thefortunate boy to win and take the coveted price, but what they couldntunderstand was the cruelty and viciousness which with they were treated becausesomeone had signed a paper indicating that they already were slaves, when inreality nothing in their minds and bodies had changed and the essence of theirbeings before being slaved was the same than after had been, however now theywere mistreated, insulted and forced to do things against their will withouthaving a word to say in the matter unless they wanted be brutally punished, andthe worst of all was that on those first traumatic minutes after had beenenslaved were mistreated by boys of their same age whether they were, blacks,Latins, or whites, which saw them as their inferiors, beside that be carrier tothe SPC in transports that stink of sweat, piss and shit and the CPE unload areawas horrible and also stinking and they couldnt understand how free boys couldbe there enduring that pestilence, and enjoying seeing how the helpless slaveswere forced to have homosexual sex between them, but like everything in lifewhile for the slaves was something aberrant and incomprehensible for the freeboys was something erotic, and have the power to do with other similar whatthey would like was something addictive and intoxicating, but what this slaveswould never come to understand was if they had experienced that same power thatthose young SPC employees had over the slaves and of course over them , theyalso would be doing the same without thinking what the wretched slaves werethinking to be mistreated as they were.

And these slaves lost in "TheMillionaire Contest" precisely in the event where they had to hunt a slave,tied him as if he were a steer with the hands a feet together, taking the slavecarrying him where the judges were in the ring and weight him, and this slaveswere one of the first to lost in the event that still continues.

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Next: Chapter 465: La Sociedad Esta Cambiando 34

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