Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Mar 10, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


The younger black haired naked wildwhitey has been allowed to walk away from his herd for the first time so he canbegin to explore the place, he has reached the age that he has to get his foodand for the pup that now is his responsibility.

The next day for the first timehe's going to go into the town together with other members of his herd to lookfor the food, before he had been allowed to go with his herd's other malesuntil the forest's limits, but he never had been allowed to go into the townand always he had to stay hidden between the bushes or behind the tress, howeverdue that Latin guards were seen close to the place where the herd is, the youngwhite wasn't allowed to explore the forest alone but he went with a moreexperienced naked young male that is a member of his herd.

They always have been naked and asthey are savage they didn't require be clothed, however while they are walkingthe two teenagers are talking about the strange things that the Latin mastersdo like be clothed instead to be naked, live in houses instead to live in theforest and live in small places instead to live in the woods, and had to belocked on those things called houses instead to be free like them.

But not only explore the placeand talk with his naked dark brown haired friend were the things that was goingto do this excited young wild whitey, he felt like a man now that he had theresponsibility to feed one of his herd's pups, since his friend wanted badly dosomething that the males didn't do openly in the herd, but they walked away sonobody could see and what they did was have anal sex between them.

The younger teenager didn't haveany idea about what two naked males could do, however he had discovered thepleasure to be sucked when he offered his cock to other males and even femalesso they could get his cum and the proteins that they needed, he always tried tooffer his cock to all the males that were near to him, in other to feel the pleasure when his cockwas sucked by someone else, however the adult males always kept an eye on theyoung teenagers so they only offered their cocks to give to others their cumand the proteins at most three times a day, and was common see the young maleswith their cocks hard.

Also he had discovered thepleasure to be caressed on his buttocks and balls beside that he also openedhis legs so his perineum also could be caressed, due that when he sucked thefemales nipples to get the breast milk to fortify his immunological system,they always caressed these zones of his body as a natural response for thepleasure that they were feeling when their nipples were touched by other mouthor tongue, and how they always were naked there wasn't anything that could stopthat those intimate body parts were touched without feeling any kind of shame.

The most experienced dark brownhaired teenager asked the black haired boy if he knew the real men's secret andlike it was expected the boy's curiosity was awakened and he said no, and helooked surprised because never he had heard about that secret and now that hewas feeling like a man he thought that he knew everything.

But the older boy told him thatit wasn't yet the time that he knew what the secret was because he still was alittle boy, but the younger teenager answered that he was a real man because hehad to get his own food and the food of the pup that now was hisresponsibility, then the older boy asked if he knew the cock's purpose, thus proudly the younger teenager answered that everybody knewthat answer and that made that the olderteenager laughed at him, and he told to the younger teenager that not only the cock's functions were to pee and giveproteins, but to be rammed into other males' butt, so the younger boy couldn'tbelieve what the older boy was telling him because never before he had seenthat and nobody had told him about the cock could be put into his body and heasked him to show him, but the older teenager said that it wasn't a good idea,because rammed the cock by the butt was very painful and only the real mencould bare the pain.

Then the boy as a little childshowing that still he wasn`t a man begged to his friend that he taught himbecause he now was a man and he had the right to do all the things that the mendid, so the older teenager warned him that it was their secret and under anycircumstances he could tell anything to the others, because the real men nevertalked about what they did with other men and the young teenager gladlyaccepted.

Now the younger teenager is onfull fours on the grass, while the older is fucking him on his feet with hislegs wide opened, and as it was expected when the cock for the first time went into the other boy's body forcing thevirginal anus to open, the younger teenager screamed for the pain that he felt but he didn't want beg to his friend that tookout his cock from his body because now he was a man and men always bared the pain even though henever had felt such kind of pain that leave him paralyzed, whoever despite ofthe pain that he's feeling also he hasbegun to feel pleasure, is something new that he never had experienced before,what he doesn't know is that his friend'scock is stimulating his prostate, and between the pain and the pleasure soon he'sgoing to cum.

The older teenager was veryintelligent because he fucked his friends in a place where they were hidden by thebushes avoiding that the Latin hunters see them, and as soon as he finished he's going to allow the younger teenager to fuck him so he can also discoverthat pleasure, and from now on both boys are going to try to be more timetogether and alone so they can do what the men do without been seen, even theyounger teenager is going to look for new boys of his herd to be alone withthem with the purpose to have sex with them, but as a every inexperienced boyalso he is going to become the sexual prey of the herd's young males and theadults, whom will keep him in his free time constantly with his legs opened andin the air supported in their shoulders or arms while they rammed their cocksin both his mouth and anus, and between the dangers to be the wild nakedanimals being hunted by the Latin guards looking for their food, living withthe herd's wild members and having sex with the females for breeding purposesand with the males to prove his manhood, his wild life is going to elapsed inthe forest until he is hunted or dies.

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Next: Chapter 459: Granjas De Crianza 6

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