Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Feb 24, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


The naked twenty years old darkbrown haired white Titan with tattoos on his back and with impressive muscles andmuscular buttocks but beautiful that is looking to the right and covering hisdick and balls, has been punished by the Titans government together with hismate that is on full fore to his right, the other Titan also is naked he is hissame age and is a light brown white haired boy and is wearing a collar and thechain is being hold by a black man, that is wearing a suit of the same colorwith white shirt and white and silver tie because they put on risk the secretof the Titans when they were drunk in a party, and where several boys wanted tobe their lovers because they had seen that they were rich, but for one of thoseboys misfortune the Titan that is in full fours wearing the collar saidsomething about the secret society and he heard it, and his destiny was beenslaved for life and sent to one of the secret Titan's ranches where he willhave to work as a naked animal the rest of his life.

The muscled Titan that is in fullfours and that has exposed his anus and prominent and meaty perineum and hiscock is pointing towards the floor and his balls are delineated on his scrotumis looking at the black because his life depends on him, because is the blackwho is going to feed him while he is in that secret ranch that in reality is anisland far away from the civilization and where despite that has a hot weathercan't be saw and harvested any kind of food because the Titans had decided thatconsidering that is a punishment place, and the black as the only free man thatis in charge of that place is the only one that is in contact with the Titansto get the food that they need.

What this two Titans fallen indisgrace didn't know is that as the other boy that is naked with a pick on hishands ready to nail it into the ground they are going to be kept enslaved inthat place for the rest of their lives, the muscular Titan that has the tattooson his back is worried because he has heard strange noises and he suspects thathe's not far away from where the milk boys are, and his concern is that he'sgoing to cross his path with one of them because he knows what is waiting himif he has sex with a milk boy, although the milk boy doesn't have the muscles asdeveloped as his the milk boy is stronger than him and he has seen how theslaves that are fucked by the milk boys end up , but what he doesn't know isthat are not the milk boys and neither thewretched slaves that were sent to provide them the energy that the milk boysneed to keep them alive and produce the milk that is so needed by the Titans tokeep them healthy, but are wild depredators that feed themselves from the fleshof the animals that live there and the human meat that they hunt as well, and now that they are slaves and naked theonly one that has the weapons to protect them is the black that is responsibleof that place, although for the Titan's government these slaves don't have anyvalue and therefore can be sacrificed.

So if they don't do what theblack orders them then the black the only thing that has to do is send them awayfrom the barrack where they sleep or when they are working don't keep an eye onthem and that is the moment when they become the depredators' easy prey, and asalready has happened with other slaves and Titans felt in disgrace and sent tothat island that have wanted to revel or have tried to escape, because untilthat moment nobody has escaped from the island because or they are devoured bythe wild animals that are in the island or by the sharks that are in the sea.

For the boy that tried to be thelover of the Titan that talked about the secret society and beforehand has beenput to work and already he has a pike on his hands to begin to louse the groundto build a fence with razor wire, and that has small and rounded buttocks andthat also is a light brown haired white boy and is twenty years old as hislover, can't understand why he's there because he didn't do anything wrong butsince he was illegally enslaved has been treated with such brutality that hedoesn't dare to rebel, and as he was a farm boy he has recognized the noisedunlike what had happened with the boy with the tattoos and he knows that isvery dangerous be away from the cabin or from the black man that has the weapons to protect them, because in thosemoments they would become in the depredator's food, so abjectly he had acceptedhis slave condition and he knows that has to work as a naked animal and live inin dirty and smelly barrack, because in the barrack they have to shit and peeif they don't want attract the depredators with the fetid smell of their shitand urine and be in danger to be hunted.

And for the Titan that told aboutthe secret society his destiny will be to be the sex toy of the black and theother slaves, since he will have to sexually serve the two other slaves and theblack that control him as the bottom all the time, and he won't have the chance to ask the two other slaves topleasure him, but he will be at their service when they wanted beside that thework that he have to do in the island, and he's going to be taken by the blackthat is wearing the suit to a special part of the island as the dog that he'snow while the other two slaves are going to be locked in the barrack, because aTitans committee is going to arrive tothe island to see in what condition the black that is in charge of the slaveskeeps the two former Titans fallen in disgrace and the enslaved boy that heardabout the secret society, and the boy is going to be interrogated to find outhow many more boys could have heard about the secret so they can be enslaved too and end up in the island, and the black each time thatreceive the Titans he has to be wearing a suit because this is the protocolestablished by the Titans, and the enslaved Titans know that is impossiblerebel and escape from their terrible fate since nobody escapes from the Titansand their only hope is be release and get back their old life, and if they try torebel then their condition would be worsen so they know that is better be analive dog than a dead lion.

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Next: Chapter 453: The Experiment 21

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