Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Feb 17, 2019


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


This Twenty years old black hairedyoung man with middle size dark brown colored nipples is a participant in the"Millionaire Contest" in the event named social groups but he is lost.

He belongs to a Boy Scout groupand as he was one of the best was chosen to be a participant in the orientationand survival event, although his selection wasn`t welcome because nobody wantedto participate in "The Millionaire Contest" because despite that the award wasvery attractive and desirable, losing meant lose everything and still to makethe thing worst only could be one winner.

On this time the eventauthorities again asked a judge that issued enslavement orders for all thecontender, because it was required that all the participants were naked and howthe free citizen couldn ´t be nude was necessary enslave them, the winner wouldhave his freedom back and the normal prices including a compensation because hehad been exhibited naked to the audience.

The participants had to go into the foresttogether and after that each one had to find for himself the way that took himto the finish line furthermore to get his own food, keep them naked wasnecessary since they couldn ´t bring with them any tool that might help them andneither food, and be nude guaranteed that the rules were followed.

The first problem that the participantsfaced was that the trees foliage was so dense that the sky couldn't be seen andwith that can be oriented, be barefoot wasn ´t a problem for them becauseseveral time in their survival training they had been, but be naked was a bigissue since they never had trained in the nude in the nature as was expectedbecause they were free citizens, so have to move between the trees, thebranches and the bushes as well was exasperating slow because avoid that theirskin was cut and bleed was necessary to avoid infections.

They only rested when wasnecessary and even on the night they didn ´t sleep because they didn ´t know ifthe other contenders were moving and this could put then in disadvantage, andthis was how this young contender was lost, he now is in a clear place where there isn't foliage over him and he hadthe hope to find the way but the day is cloudy and he can't know where he is sohe doesn't know where to go, and he's very tired and for few minutes he decidedto be still seated on a fallen tree's trunk that had helped him to cross arocky zone full of bushes.

To his right are very sharp rocksthat would have been impossible to walk over them without hurting his feet, andon his left he has a dense vegetationthat also is covering the rocks, and if he would had tried to walk through that place probably hewould had broken a foot, the young manis desperate because he's trying to think what to do and where to go, anddespite that he's well trained the weather hasn't collaborated with him and hispossibilities to win every second that goes by are less, he doesn't want to bea slave for the rest of his life, and he's trying to find out what he did wrong, he knows that he's lost because hehasn't seen or heard any participant nearfor several hours and he's trying tofind out what they did correctly and how correct his error.

His scout group is disappointedby the mistakes that had made this naked boy that was one of their hopes to winthis contest, and right now the group leaders are wondering how well trainedare the guides and if they are capable to train the teenagers and boys thatbelong to their group, and even one of the leaders has proposed that if hisgroup participant loses they should buy him and he becomes the group's slave,and with that give a lesson to the other guides about if they want keep workingwith the teenagers and boys they must be well prepared, otherwise they aregoing to be witness what is awaiting them when they see how this youngparticipant is treated as slave.

But not only the group's leaderis interested in buying this participant, because several spectators felt inlove with his beautiful buttocks that are rounded and small and already theyare imagining the pleasure of deflowering the virginal dark brown anus, besidethat they are also imagining the smooth body when the body hair had beenpermanently depilated, and the delight that is going to be causing pain to thatjuvenile body when the slave doesn`t do the things as his master has told him.

This participant without knowing hasbeen followed by a drone which has a silently motor that is not easy to detect,but for the spectators disappointment that want to see the most private parts ofhis body the right arm is covering his cock and balls, and they want to seethem because they want to make the bid to buy the slave who in reality is notfar away from the correct path and arrive to the finish line, and like him manyother naked participants also are lost without knowing where to go, but alsothere are others that know what to do and despite that they have committedmistakes on their path that they have to follow, they have been capable of goback to the correct path and get both the food and the water from the plantsthing that this participant has not been capable to do.

While the thirst and hunger hasbecome together with desperation in his tortures, the desperation has made thathe made mistakes that took him out from the correct path, because the onlything that he had to do was look at the plants and see where some kind ofplants were oriented, and this action would be enough to take him to the paththat leaded to the finish line and to recover his freedom, and not only besomeone very rich but also to get his scout group recognition and the shamethat have been seen naked while he was participating be forgotten, but hisdesperation has made him forget certain basic rules to can go back to thecorrect path

But when he finds thecorrect way to arrive to the finish line is going to be too late for him, andwhen he arrives to the finish line he will know that he was bought by his boyscout group, and the life that is awaiting him will be very humiliating becausenot only he will be naked servicing all the time to the group leaders and evento the troops boys doing what he's told, but even hes going to be usedsexually by them, and hes going to be used as a reward , so to the boys of thewinner group he'll have to suck their cocks swallowing their cum and be fuckedhaving to clean their cocks with his mouth, and for his misfortune he became inother victim of "The Millionaire Contest", where not only have a preponderantroll the participant's acquired abilities to win, but also his mental andemotional stability.

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Next: Chapter 449: Hora De Cobrarselas 33

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