Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Dec 30, 2018


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These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


In the auction block are doingthe last things to have all ready for that night slaves sale, but on this timethey are not selling virginal slaves but those that has been servicing othermaster and for some reason their betters don't want them anymore.

The salves sale price is verylow, however this slave dealer is proud to sale first class slaves withoutmattering if they are virginal or second hand, so he ordered that a specificslave that arrived that morning to be sold was taken to him to verify his anustightness.

Despite the way that this slavewas used by his former master, the slave dealer could verify that his hole wasenough tight to still give pleasure, so during his shower he fucked the slaveand ordered him to suck his cock several times verifying that he still was anexcellent slave to give sexual pleasure.

Although he had a fault that hehad shown since he had been kidnaped and kept as slave, he never has acceptedhis new condition at all, and although he did all that he was ordered liketheir betters wanted, always on his eyes were reflected the hate that he feltfor all those that was forced him to be a slave and serve without a choice, andthe young slave dealer knew that with that attitude hardly he was going to besold, so he decided keep the slave and allow his costumers and friends enjoyedhis body and services.

But this twenty years old whitemale slave that with dark and white hair is not only used by the owner of theslave dealer agency but also he's rented to serve in the different businessthat are interested in his services, and although that he has to do theactivities such as the law says only wearing the collar that identifies him asthe animal that he's now, he tries to show the hate that he feels towards thosecalled free citizens for the way that he's treated and even in the impudent waythat they touch his body in the most intimate parts of his body, and as slavehe has to allow them do that because he shouldn't be ashamed to show his balls,cock, buttocks and even his anus.

But this slave when he was freewas the son of one of the most ruthless businessman of his country, for who themost important was make money and have as much power as possible, and what hedid at the beginning was hire prestigious people of his country both young andmature to administer his business but he had a hidden and sinister intentionthat ultimately he carried out, and this was enslave all those that he hired soas his slaves they work for him without the need to pay them and making thatthey now made huge fortunes for him in exchange for being naked, wearing thecollar, have to give sexual pleasure to their master and sons, have to sleepone over the other in small cells and be fed with the slaves food that wascheap, nutritious but a disgusting taste and being brutally punished if theydidn`t give to his master the expect results, so at the end those wretchedmales that accepted work for him ended un in the worst conditions that a humanbeen could end up, even he applied on them the punishment that the slaves hatedat most didn't clean their bodies for several days and make that they stunk,and when the odor bothered his sons or himself the slaves were brutallypunished being used as urinals in their bathrooms or in the bathroom that thevisitors used and have to swallow the urine, or even in extreme cases both thesons the owner and the visitors if they wanted could shit in their mouths.

This young slave enjoyed a lifeof luxury and comfort and was part of his father's business, but his fall camewhen his father hired his girlfriends brother without his knowledge about theboy intentions to work in his father's company and he was enslaved, as wasexpected the boys girlfriend went to talk with him as soon as she releasedthat his brother had been enslaves and although in other circumstances he wouldhave ignore the girl, this slave estimated a lot his girlfriends brother andeven in secret they were lovers and he fucked the boy when they saw each other,so he went to talk with his father and asked him to bring him back his freedombut when the father refused to do that they had a discussion that even ended ininsult and there was where this slaves was enslaved by his own father, and hehad to serve his father and brothers and sleeping naked with the boy that hadbeen his lover inside the tinny cell over the bodies of the other slaves, butthe most humiliating for him was that he had to sexually serve those that werethe business commercial partners of his father which enjoyed humiliating him insuch way in front of his brothers and the slave that was his lover, and when the father find out that his son notonly hated be fucked by them but also be fucked by other males, not only thatmade that the father ordered the other slaves to fuck him, but also he was sentto his brother's bathrooms so they could shit into his mouth and after with histongue he had to clean their anuses, and although that made that the slave wascontinuously throwing up because he never was used to have shit in his mouthand had to clean with his tongue the shit in his brothers' anuses, beside tohave to perform the most degrading tasks being filthy because he wasnt allowedto clean his body and even many times with shit on his face, and when theydiscovered that the slave that used to be his former girlfriend's brother washis lover they decided to sell him.

Despite of the resentment that hehad against his brothers, father and the freemen for the way they had treatedhim, the slave felt great relief but at the same time a great sadness becausehe wasnt going to be together with the only been that he had loved when he foundout that he was going to be sold, and now he thought in the way to take revengeon his brothers and father although only his revenge was in his mind because heknew that he hadnt a way to carry it out, and think to hurt them and show to thefreemen and his family with his look how much he hated them made him feel good,and when he was taken to the slave dealer and found out that the owner of theagency was going to keep him he feltrelieved because for what he had seen the life there as slave was much betterthan with his family.

But the things in the slaves'life change because they dont have control of anything, and right now a slavedealer's friend that is one of the slave's brothers is fucking him in one ofthe auction center inspection rooms, and he's very interested to buy thissecond hand slave, and he's interested on him because he wants to break himbecause then he is going to show his father that he can handle the slaves thatare working on the different family business, and the false security that thisslave was feeling has collapsed and the nightmare to go back to serve hisfamily can become a reality although he's decided that this thing doesnthappen, and hes decided to do whatever is necessary and dont go back with hisfamily, however that means never see again his enslaved lover.

But the slave is feeling veryhumiliated for what his better is doing to him and in a defiant action he'sjerking off himself without permission while the free young man is fucking him,and now more than ever he wants to buy the slave, but if the slave knew thereason why he's being fucked the fear would make him tremble, because what isawaiting him is a lot of pain and suffering while he's broken and he endsaccepting his new condition without resentment and with him, he is going todrag his helpless and innocent enslaved lover which despite that is a good andobedient slave, hes going to be the instrument to brake the slave because withhis suffering will make that the slave be broken and understand that cant win,and for his brother and master rejoice he's going to be congratulated by hisfather and brothers which are going to enjoy the humiliation of the brokenbrother and lover, and unfortunately this slave was another victim of his fatheravarice and of the hidden love that he had for a boy that dragged both boys totheir disgrace.

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Next: Chapter 421: Granjas De Crianza 4

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