Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Dec 23, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


This black master went to the auctionhouse "The Happy Honky", he's looking for a slave that can serve him as officeboy but also he has to have other abilities such as give sexual pleasure by anyof his body's orifices.

The slave's price doesn't matterwhat really counts is that the slave is intelligent enough to perform theoffice duties and excellent ability to relax his master when needed, but ofcourse that the black master if is necessary will show his abilities to educatethe naked white animal so he can behave as he wants, since pain always has beenan great teacher to break the now helpless naked white animals.

This master is a very goodcostumer of "The Happy Honky" , no long ago he bought one thousand white slaves lot to put themwork into his mines, quarries, factories and offices, so the auction centermanagement will do all that is in its hands to make that the black master buythere the slave that he is looking for, furthermore that always they send himthe white livestock catalogue that they receive and he knows what kind ofanimals they are selling, and they make all that are in their hands to makethat the white animals are in the most lewd positons to make that theircustomers buy the white animal that they are looking for there.

Since they lost the power thewithes lives in the extreme poverty in cardboard houses that sometimes even haven't bathrooms, they coveredtheir nakedness with rags and despite that they live with the fear to becaptured and sold as slaves, when they can see the slaves of his same race inthe street despite that they are naked and are wearing a collar and theirbodies are smooth and they are hairless in their crotches and only are allowedto keep the head hair, they look clean and good fed while they are filthy andstink due to their dirty clothes and the lack of personal hygiene.

The blacks try to avoid thewhiteys because the bad smell that their bodies emit and even in the cities andtown there are exclusive zone for the blacks where the whiteys have strictlyforbidden go in, and to get their food the whites have to make long lines forseveral hours because they have forbidden go into the stores to buy, and isvery hard that they can find jobs because In the schools where they are allowedto go they are put apart from the blacks and they are taught to serve, and eventhe black students can use them as servants and in some cases they are allowedto go into the blacks exclusive zone after they had taken a shower but nakedand with their pubes trimmed, and despite this humiliation the white studentsaccept it because they know that they are going to get good quality food and not the trash that they receive close theareas where they live.

However many of the white studentthat serve naked to their black peer at the end of the day they end up beingsent to the Slave Processing Center(SPC) where they are enslaved and from there are sent to the different slavedealers where they are put on sale as slaves, and even in many occasions they're exported to other countries to besold there if some customer when sees their naked pictures or even isinterested in some of his personal abilities that might want to buy him, andthe slave exportation is very frequent because they're transported as if theywere cattle, because is a chip and effective way to export the naked whiteanimals without raising the transportation costs in huge quantities, whichwhile are transported they have to pee and shit in the same wagon becausethey're not allowed to go out until they arrive to their destination, and eventhey have to eat in that unhealthy environment because that makes that theirbodies defenses are stronger and make them resistant to diseases.

Now that the black and Latinshave the control of all the countries in the world, each slave dealer can offerto his clients a huge quantity of white slaves both males and females, and theyhave both types those that born free and those that born being slaves, and whena slave is considered old meat in a slave dealer auction center can be sent toother sale center where the slave hasnt been seen to be sold, and thisinterchange of the cattle is very common around the world, even there are huge cargo ships where in all theircontainers transport only slaves that have to be delivery in the differentports of calls, but since this is a lot of work feed the white slaves that areinside the containers the ships have white slave which job is perform suchheavy task, and the best of all is that they are kept all the time naked andwhen their services are not needed they are caged and when they dock in a porttheir ankles are chained to avoid that they try to scape, even though usually theydidnt try to do that because they know if they try to run away from theirmasters the mandatory punishment is castration, beside that in one way orother despite that they are kept nakedand are wearing the collar and even they are mistreated and punishedconstantly, the food that they receive is more abundant that they would receiveif they were free.

This time the black master chosenthe import slaves instead of the nationals due that the slave that he's goingto buy in addition of the qualities that he requires must be capable to speakseveral languages, ability that the slaves from his country don't have, and fromall the imported slaves only fifteen fulfilled his requirements and now he'stesting one by one to decide which one he's going to buy, and for the blackmaster life has been good since the blacks took the country's control.

The whitey that now is beingtested is twenty two years old and has light brown hair and he speaks severallanguages, and he has proven that he has enough intelligence to understand whatis needed to do in the job that he will have to perform, and when the blackmaster checks his anus he'll see that is small and tight and is very probablythat the boy is virgin, although hes clumsy to suck his cock and he hasnt thecapability to have all his cock inside his month without gagging, but if hedecides buy him is going to be fun punish him and force him to have his bigblack cock in his mouth, beside that the slave has a beautiful buttocks and atinny cock and balls thing that he can take advantage to humiliating him, butat the end of the day this is the reason why the white animals are there toserve and be humiliated.

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Next: Chapter 417: The Experiment 19

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