Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Dec 16, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.


NOW YOU CAN SEE THE PHOTOS THAT HAVE INSPIRED THESTORIES VISITING Effective December 17th 2018 this blog won`t be availablebecause tumblr decided close all the blogs with adult content.

A "Millionaire Contest" winnerhas done the business of his life, because not only he received the monetaryaward and the house, but furthermore he opened a slaves training business andit has been very successful.

To avoid pay salaries the slaves'trainers are also slaves, whom in their former lives had under theirresponsibility the slaves' discipline that were working under their supervisionand most of them were enslaved because they were drunk, however be the"Millionaire Contest" winner and furthermore a successful businessman thismight bring envies and problems.

Each slave that arrives to thetraining center is put into the quarantine block until the most prestigious vetin town goes to check the slave, this procedure sometimes might take severaldays and since the moment that the slaves is admitted in the quarantine blockthe master has to pay, not for the training process if not for the slave'sstorages, the business' owner in persontalk with the slaves' owners, so always they have to make an appointment and ifsomeone goes without one he's not received.

In the slaves unloading area atleast are ten overseer slaves that are responsible to keep the new arrivals inorder, since most of them are new enslaved and they don't behave as a slaveshould do, the slaves are kept in the unloading are since they arrive untiltheir masters are received by the business' owner, and most of the time theyare kept on the squatting position with their legs wide open and their feet'ssoles most be fully touching the floor with their hands on the back of theirheads, and their arms fully extended to each side, they aren't allowed to moveeven they can't put down their arms when they are tire.

If a slave does that he'smerciless punished, the favorite punishment for those who dare to disobey is forcethem to stretch their arms to each side and put bricks on their hands' palmsand for five minutes they have to endure that torture without dropping themputting down their arms, if after that punishment the slaves again put downtheir arms while their hands are on the back of their heads then they apply thenext punishment that is rammed inside the slave's body a pole by the anus, andeven if he disobeys again then the slave receives electric discharges on hisballs, and if this happens again then all the process is repeated.

This salve that already is in trainingis trying to escape taking advantage that have arrived many salves and all theoverseers were sent to keep an eye on them, on his desperation to escape ha hasarrived to a training are where the slaves are forced to jump going through ahoop inner part, and he could arrived into that area going through the spacebetween the floor and the metallic mesh, he's frightened but his desperationhas overcome the fear to be discovered.

However the training center is afortress and the slaves can't escape furthermore that the security cameras hasdetected him, so in few minutes more he's going to be crucified for rest of theday and they'll keep him on the crossall night long, and under him they aregoing to put a dildo with an irritating substance that is going to cause him itch, so for all the timethat his punishment endures in front of his fellow slaves whom are not going tobe feed and they won't be allowed to sleep as well and they'll be force to bestood all night long, the slave will have to fuck himself with the dildo tohave some relive of the itching sensation, but also the pain to be crucifiedand by the penetration is going to be unbearable,and this is going to be a good lesson for the slaves about they don't think to try to escape.

But this has given an idea to theslaves training center owner and hes going to propose that his idea isincluded into the Millionaire Contest events, the event that is going to becalled "The Escape and Salvation of the Naked Animal", where the participantsare going to be enslaved since they will have to be naked in this event but thedifference with other event is that the contenders are not going to know ifthey are going to compete in the event that they chose or in this one, becausewhen they go to register they are going to be told that the event can havechanges, and this is how those that have signed up wont be able to know inwhich event they are going to compete and this is going to be done to avoidthat the participants don`t sing up for this specific event.

"The Escape and Salvation of theNaked Animal" first even is that all the participants must be grouped by ages,so they must be attentive where is the naked slave that has painted over hiscock on his crotch and on his buttocks as well the ranges of his age and thecontenders are going to be scrambled, but will be very hard see the number duethe body area where the numbers are drawn, and the last participant to arrivewhere is the slave with his age range painted over his cocks and on hisbuttocks, is going to be enslaved and stripped in front of the otherparticipants and of course all the losers of each group are going to be put onsale, and the slaves with the age range painted on their bodies are going to bemoving constantly so the participants had to move from one side to other toavoid be the last one to arrive where the slave had finally stopped, but thiswas going to be a difficult task because the space where the contenders canmove is going to be so crowded that they are going to be colliding with eachother

The second event is that thenaked slaved with the ages painted on his buttocks and over his cock are goingto throw in the air the enslavement orders that had been signed by a judge, andthe participants reunited around the slave have to look for the order with hisname on it and the last participant of each group to find it, will be stripnaked in front of the other participants an put on sale, and in case of tie thecontenders that had tied will have to suck the cock of the same slave that hasthe ages over his cock and on his buttocks, and each participant will have aminute to make him cum, and if they didnt achieve that goal then the slave isgoing to decide who gave him more pleasure while was sucking his cock, and thiscontender will continue in the event while the loser will be stripped naked andsold, but to decide who is going to suck the slave's cock first and who isgoing to do later the contender's cock size will decide, since the secondcontender will have greater advantage over the first one because the slavealready is going to be stimulated, and the slave that has the smallest cock ina flaccid state is the first to suck the cock, but if the first contender makescum the slave, the second slaves although hasnt had the opportunity to suckthe slave's cock automatically will be stripped naked and be sold.

The Third event will consist ofall the participant will have to strip naked, and fold their clothes and put onthe floor in front of the slave that has on his buttocks and over his cocks theages, and the las participant to do it will be immediately sold, and if thereis a tie the cock will be measured in the two states flaccid and hard, and thesum of the two measurements divided by two will be the average of the cock'ssize and the contender that has the smallest cock immediately is going to besold.

The forth event is called "TheJump of the Naked on the Cock" and consists in that each participant by agesgroup, will have to run with his legs open over a bench which will have to bebetween his legs, and each time that he saw a cock (dildo) in vertical positionfixed on the bench he will have to lower his body and penetrate himself by theanus making that the cock goes into his rectum deep inside his body and beswallowed completely, and once a judge says that the cock has gone completelyinto the participant rectum thecontender should go to the next cock, each bench should have ten cocks and eachcock that is in front of the other should be thicker, and this event willdecide the two contenders of each group that will go to the final consideringthe time elapsed to arrive to finish line, so the two best times are who aregoing to continue and the others will be sold immediately.

The fifth event consists onmeasure the cocks of the contender in both states flaccid and hard, and the sumof both will bring the final size, and the contender of each group that has thebiggest cock is who goes to the last event and the loser will be sold and incase of tie by a coin toss will decide who continue and who is sold, and thenonly will remind one contender for each group.

The sixth and last event wherethe winner will be decided is going to consist first that the naked contenderclimb up a pole as fast as possible supporting his feet and hands on smalltimber squares that were put on each side of the pole and all the slaves willhave to climb at the same time, the goal is to take a flag that is on the topof the pole and go down with the flag and the contender with the highest timeis immediately sold, the erotic of this event is that the participants' anusesand the cocks and balls as well are going to be exposed while they climb up andgo down, and the audience are gong even be able to see the cocks and ballsbouncing by the bodies movements, although to make more harder the climbing,the contenders when going up will have to do it facing the audience with theirbacks touching the pole, and when they go down they will have to turn around sonow their buttocks can be seen by the audience.

Once on the floor eachparticipant will have to drag over their backs and go through metallic polesthat are very low and with electrify cables and each time that a contendertouched a pole or a cable, will receive an electrical discharge and will bedisqualified and sold immediately, and those that can overcome this event, willhave to try to scape such as this slave is doing going under barbed wires and avoidingbeing captured by naked slaves with weapons and equipment to capture them, andthe participant that manages to reach the finish line in first place withoutbeing captured will be the winner, but the real beauty of this event is thatthere could not be a winner and all thecontenders are enslaved.

Definitely the slaves that try toescape like this one are very stupid because they give good ideas to amuse thefree citizens, and always will be foolish people that wanted be millionairesand end up being victims of the brilliant minds that give the ideas for "TheMillionaire Contest" event.

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Next: Chapter 413: Hora De Cobrarselas 31

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