Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Dec 16, 2018


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These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

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A twenty years old black hairedwhite boy with middle size light brown colored nipples was courting one of themost powerful business man in the country daughter, his relationship with the girl was going verywell and even ha had fucked her several times hoping to get her pregnant andthen marry her and be part of the family, and despite that the family of thismale wasnt considered as one of wealthiest and powerful in the country theywere rich and they lived in one of the best zones of the city as expected, butwhenever he went to eat to his girlfriends house only he and she ate sinceboth her father and brothers were very busy in their business and the mother inthe social events in which every lady of her social class and lineage had tobe.

The boy didnt like be ignored byhis girlfriends family members because he believed that they were unfairlydiscriminating him because he also was rich and the only difference with themwas that his father hadnt been a politician and had took advantage of thatsituation to be rich and influential, but his family had advised him to do allthat was possible to married the girl because this will bring him much benefitsin the future, and this was exactly what he was trying to do and despite thatthe girls showed him that she was in love with him the rest of her familywerent interested to be related with him and he didn`t understand the reasonwhy of the rejection, and he was determinate to do all that was in his hands tomarried with the girls firstly because he loved her and second because oncebeing part of the family he would be able to show them that he was veryintelligent and capable of do good business.

But one day the girl's fathercalled the boy and told him that he wanted speak with him and that surprisedthe boy but immediately agreed to talk with the father with the hope thatfinally his girlfriends family would had reconsidered and could see that hewould really be a good husband for his daughter, when he arrived to thefather's house an eighteen years old naked white slave that had been his friendbut when he crashed his car was accused to drive drunk was enslaved for life,and he had been bought by his girlfriend's father and was the slave that almost always serve them eventhough that he as a gentleman never had put attention to the slave and as hewasnt interested in boys even he doesnt lose the time looking at the nakedbody and the slave took him to his master's office, once the boy was inside andthe slave offered him something to drink and went out closing the door thefather told the boy that he has noticed that his daughter was in love with himand he was affectionate with her besidethat his family was very appreciated, the boy was surprised about what thefather was saying and gratefully he said that he loved his daughter too, then the father told him that he knew that hehad studied to be a vet and he worked for the Slave Processing Center (SPC)infibulating the slaves of both genders, and that even he checked the slaves ofvery wealthy people, and the boy calmly answered to the father that it wastrue, and the father told him that he was interested that also he could checkhis slaves that were working at his different factories and auction centers aswell, when the young man heard that his girlfriends father had auctions centerwas surprised because he didn`t knowthat he had them and gladly accepted check his slaves.

One thing that left the vetsurprised was the quality of the salves that his girlfriends father had sincethose that were considered as hard work animals in his factories wereconsidered as slaves of excellent quality and considered very expensive, evenwhen he arrived to one the factories he saw that practically all those thatwere working there were slaves including those that were in administrativepositions, and that only few employeeswere free and were those who keep in order the factory because even those thatwere in charge to supervise the slaves that were working there were otherslaves, and immediately the people knew who were the slaves because withoutexception the slaves that his girlfriend's father had were naked and their bodies had to behairless only they were allowed to keep the head hair and it was to be short, and the overseer were distinguish by havingover their cocks a small triangle formed by their own trimmed pubes indicatingthat were slaves with authority over other slaves and they have the power topunish them, then were the slaves that had over the cocks a small square formedby their own trimmed pubes indicating that they have the power to punish boththe common slaves and the overseers that had over their cocks the triangle, andfinally were the overseer that they had in the middle of their crotches a stripthat crossed it from side to side formedby their own trimmed pubes indicating that they had the power to punish allother slaves including those that have both the triangle and the square, and upon all of them was the factory'sdirectors board that were all those free employees that had the absolute andcomplete power over the slaves and they were in charge to decide who slavescould have the strip over their cocks and if they wanted which slave had to bean overseer as well, but even to be an overseer the slave had to fulfill twofundamental requirements the first one was that he had a wide knowledge aboutthe activities that the slaves were performing in the area that he had tosupervise, and be ruthless as well whenhe had to punish a slave that he considered that wasnt performing his dutiesas expected and that same rule was applied to the overseer that controlled theother overseers, and despite that his girlfriends father paid excellentsalaries many free citizens didnt like work for him because if the freeemployee chose an overseer that didn`t fulfill these two requirements then theemployee was enslaved under the charge of fraud, and of course the slaves wereremoved from their privilege positions of being overseer either by the factory board directors or by theoverseers that controlled them, and this was something that any slave wanted tohappen him louse the privilege that he had because once being the same as theother slaves the slaves would look for the way to take revenge over them.

Even that effective slave controlsystem not only he found it in the factories but also in the slaves auctioncenters although there was different and then in the sports clubs that hisgirlfriends father bought, and while that in the CPE his main function wascheck the health status of those that arrived to be registered as slaves, andthen be distributed to the different auctions centers attending them if theywere sick, applying vaccines or even if they were fat putting them in a verystrict exercise and diet regime before they were sold by the CPE since the fatslaves without mattering their age werent send to the auction centers and wereauctioned by the CPE or circumcised, infibulated or even performingmodifications in the slaves' bodies that were bought in the different auctioncenters since only the CPE was authorized to perform that and if someone elsedid it and was discovered immediately was enslaved, unless himself practice inother places since he had the authorities authorization, in his girlfriendsfather's business a part to do all those things even he was in charge to getride of the slaves that weren't useful anymore and when they were put on salethey didnt reach the desire sale price making sure that they were convertedinto manure to be used in the agriculture, and his girlfriends father had beenso pleased with his jobs that even he gave him a free membership while he wasworking for him to one of his most exclusive sport center that recently hadbeen built, where the slaves not only were in charge to keep the place inperfect conditions but due of their quality all the slaves that were serving inthat sport center could be used in any sexual way by the exclusive members, andwhile the slaves that were working in the factories he had to circumcise themand put them in chastity, to avoid that they were fucking between themconstantly since this was a privilege that they had to earn because they haddone an excellent job thing that wasnt easy to perform, the slaves that wereservicing in the sport centers, in the auction centers and the overseerswithout mattering where they were servicing their master their foreskin wastrimmed and they were infibulated, making that the trimmed prepuce skin wereattached to the glans by piercings in both side of the cock without thepossibility to retract causing if their cock wanted be hard great pain, and onlythe little stainless steel little tubes that were used in the piercing wereremoved when the slaves were going to be awarded allowing them to fuck otherslave or even an overseer, but for those that were working in the sport centersall was very different because only the piercing was removed when a memberwanted to be fucked by a slave, and even though was disapproved that a freecitizen was fucked by a slave the sport center was very discrete about thismatter, and even the slave that was working in the administration and was incharge to attend this class of petition his vocal cords had been cut so hecouldnt speak and commit an indiscretion and he was the only one that couldremove the slave's piercing, and theslave that fucked the free citizen couldnt say a word about that under thepenalty to be sent to the organ banks or the mines.

The vet loved go to the sportcenter and enjoy his free membership because that allowed him to be relatedwith the most wealthy and influential men not only of his city but of thecountry as well, and that had brought him great benefits since even he had beenrelated with the CPE director and the Slave Police (SP) general director whicheven he had seen them naked and his girlfriend's father as swell fucking themale slaves, the only thing that he didnt like about the sport center was thatit hadnt female slaves servicing there since all were male slaves and despitethat himself recognized that were slaves of excellent quality, just thing aboutkiss them or even have his cock in a slave's rectum made him sick, even lookingat the slaves' buttocks and cocks in motion while they were walking made himsick and for more that the directors of the CPE and SP had told him to fuck aslave, so he could discover that pleasant sensation to have his cock buried inthe beast's anus or even that the animal mouth sucked his cock so he could feelthat pleasure, he had politely rejected the idea since he was satisfied withthe sex intercourse that he had with his girlfriend but of course he didnt saya word about he was fucking her because that would be considered as an insultfor the girl, beside that every day he saw the slaves' cocks, buttocks and theanuses that he had to check without mattering their age, and what he wasexpecting with the marriage with his girlfriend was the opportunity to have hisown veterinarian school or if that wasnt possible be in the administrationarea of one of the factories of who would be his father in law, and even at thesport center that were only for males he had seen naked who already heconsidered his father in law and the CPE and SP director talking together oreven practicing a sport and even he had joined them to practice a sport havingto be nude like them, thing that he disliked but he knew that was necessary tohave a good relationship with his father in law, and despite that he dislikedcaress the slaves' buttocks, balls and cocks in their presence or in othercircumstance unless it was his job he did it, but also he took revenge againstthe poor slave who had no more option but endure how the vet do it pinching and twisting painfully theirnipples or even striking their balls and kicking their buttocks, making thatthe three important men laugh and even they patted his bare back congratulatinghim or even they caressed his naked buttocks, and in many times although lookedas an accident they touched his cocks and balls thing that displeased him butfor the moment he couldn`t do anything to stop that but in the future he woulddo.

One afternoon while the vet wasinfibulating seven eighteen years old male slaves that had been bought by hisfather in law that they would be servicing as a curriers because even he hadbought a courier company, he received a test message form his father in law inwhich he was inviting him to a very special event that was going to take placein the sport center in which the vet was a member and that it was veryimportant because his services would be required, and that made that the vetget desperate because he had planned that night fuck her girlfriend and whilewas anally fucking her talk with her about the date of their marriage, and thiswas running his plans because she was going to be traveling with her mother thenext day in a trip that would take several months and a part he would have tofuck a slave his intention to marry her as soon as possible had disappeared,but that man was who was going to open the door to his future and he couldntsay no, then he send a message to his girlfriend telling her that he couldntbe with her because her father needed him a despite that she didnt answer backhim he didnt give any importancebecause he knew that probably she would be with her friends in a socialreunion, so the boy after infibulating the slaves both whites and blacks anddespite that he was tired because in the morning he had to circumcise severalslave at the CPE because their masters had ordered that and in the afternoon hehad to do this job the and the only thing that he wanted was be with hisgirlfriend on the bed, he went to the sport center where he was going to take ashower and put on clean clothes because there he always had clean clothes tomeet with his father in law in the event.

When the event began theattendees were very excited because the sport center was introducing a new typeof slaves that were there to serve them and were male piglets that already hadawakened to life that meant that they could already produce cum and wereextremely handsome, and they had been introduced by the sport center to severtheir master's distinguished guest and members that night and from then on, thefree guest saw with approval the sport center new facilities that were in anunderground area to practice the BDSM, either with the sport center's slaves orwith the slaves that the members themselves will take although if they used thesport center's salves they would have to pay an additional fee for the slaveusage and not for the installation usages, the dungeons were equipped tosatisfy any kind of fantasies related with the BDSM and in addition it had ainfirmary where the slaves in case to be necessary could be attended by thesport center's vet and the vet would be available the twenty four hours a dayto attend the emergencies, and in addition they would have enslaved male nurseshighly qualified to assist their fellow slaves while the vet arrived in casethat he wasn`t in that place when the emergency took place, and also in thatplace would be highly skilled slavesthat were other slaves' overseers in the different business that the owner of the sport center had to helpand instruct the members in the practice to inflict pain to their slaveswithout taking the risk to damage them permanently.

The little males piglets thatmost of them had just enslaved either because they had committed actions thatwere considered as anti-socials or even that their parents couldn`t paid a debtand they had put the innocent boys as the payment guarantee, were very nervouslooking the sport center's dungeons with all those rare instruments that theynow knew that were going to be used on the salves to cause them pain for themasters amusement, and nervously they were moving among the distinguish guestoffering them the snacks, beverage and even salads trying not to look at thosething that had the horrible room where they were, and even the malepiglets' buttocks, cocks, backs, facesand hair were caressed by the distinguish attendees and many of them even wereof their same age or youngers and in some cases they were being wanked so theirballs product served as a dressing to the salads, and once all the members andguest that wanted inspect or even asked to other slaves what was the use of anspecific object or apparatus, all of them were taken to a room where blackcurtains covered the four walls and in that room were very comfortable chairs where the free citizens sat, while the male piglets kept servicing thevisitors offering them snacks, beverage or even the dressing produced by theiryoung enslaved balls.

Once all the guest were seatedand the male piglets stopped to go through the chairs and they stood on the sideswhere the seat rows ended, a nineteen years old blond naked female slave withlong hair that was covering her tits and had a very prominent vulva lips andthat kind of slaves were known as bulky and was beautiful, was taken by animpressive naked black male salve that had the hair strip over his impressivethick and big cock to the front part of the room in front of the curtains soevery attendee could see her naked body, an despite that her buttocks were bigalso were fleshy and attractive however all the guest were surprised that theirhost was exhibiting a female slave in that place where only was for men andalso the slaves had to be males, and while the enslaved female all the time waslooking at the floor even when the impressive overseer took her to the stage theenslaved overseer was looking respectfully at the free citizens since hismaster had given him that instruction, and when they arrived to the middle ofthe stage in that moment the host stood up and went to the side of theimpressive black who immediately put a knee on the floor and flexing the otherleg put his feet sole on the floor and with his head bowed gave to the sportcenter owner the chain which put it on his hand, and the black on full foursleaved the stage and the owner of the sport center walked towards the oppositeside where the impressive black had gone and the curtain that was in the frontof the room was opened and what the attendees saw left them surprised.

In front of them were crucifiedand completely naked the vet that wanted marry with the sport centers ownerdaughter, his arms were extended to both side and were above the head, hiswrist were hooked up to a horizontal wood pole , and his legs were hanging inthe air and opened and semi-flexed and were attached by the ankles to hooksthat were on both sides of the vertical wooden pole, and between the legs fromthe knees to the buttocks could be see a thick piece of wooden and each timethat he tried to lift up his body with his legs and arms could be seen thelower part of a thick dildo that was in the deeps of his rectum and that hashis anus stretched to the maximum, each time that he tried to lift up his bodywithout success in his attempt to can take out the thick artificial phallusfrom his rectum and give some rest to his aching anus for having been openedfor a long time without being able to close being into anti-naturalsituation, was fucked by the thick dildo causing him a severe pain and at thesame time stimulating his prostate, causing that he moved his head forwards andbackwards in despair and opening his mouth to scream for the pain that he wasfeeling due to that with the same movement of his body when he tried to lift itup and then dropping it he was fucking himself, but the strange was that any soundcame out from his mouth, despite that hestill had the body hair and pubic hair his pubes had been trimmed and due tohis prostate stimulation by the artificial phallus his cock proudly was tryingto be hard and was pointing out forwards in horizontal position from his body,and even though his balls and schlong wasn`t big what nobody knew was that thehandsome black haired vet before to be crucified he had been infibulated, theyhad trimmed his foreskin and had been attached to the glans back part by twopiercing that they had done in each side of his cock, causing that wasimpossible to the prepuce retracts so when the cock wanted be hard because hisprostate had been stimulated by the dildo the pain that it caused him wasexecrating and that made that his suffering was even worst, and the reason whyevery time that he screamed any sound came out from his mouth was because theyhad cut his vocal cords.

For several minutes both the freecitizens and the slaves were watching the vets useless effort to get rid ofhis bounds and take out from his body the thick dildo and that scene cause thatmany free citizen had a hard on and even several of the piglets had it andtheir proud youth cocks being naked, could be seen hard as a little mastwithout they could do something to cover them but unlike the other slaves theywerent either in chastity or infibulated because their sexual organs stillwere developing, and then the sport center owner proudly introduced theenslaved vet as the one in charge to attend the slaves the were used inthe sport center dungeons in the BDSMactivities and in others ones in case to be necessary, and when he saw thatseveral guest were surprised because he had enslaved the boy that wantedmarried with his daughter, he told them that the naked animal that was hanginghad been enslaved because he had fucked the slave that was beside him withouthis authorization, and many of the attendees were even more surprised becausethey couldnt believe that he had enslaved his own daughter and the sport center owner told them that hehadnt a daughter and the female slave had been allowed to act as a freecitizen while she was with the enslaved vet to see until how far he was able to get, and as he used someone else property without permission this was a crimeand was typified by the law in which a free citizen that used a slave withouthis master authorization had to be enslaved, and with his fingers' snap one ofthe older male piglets that was offering snacks and beverages to the free citizenswent to lick the wretched enslaved vet glans causing that his cock tried to behard and making that he had an unbearable pain due to the infibulation, whilethe guest looked with amazement and pleasure the two naked male bodies onelicking the glands and giving his back to the audience, and the otherdesperately trying to take a way his schlong from that mouth that despite wasgiving him pleasure also was causing him an unbearable pain, and now the vetwould be fucked by any free citizen despite that he hated and was disgusted bythat but he couldn`t do anything to avoid it, and from now on he will be allthe time naked and being a low rank slave his body will be smooth and evenother slaves will have the chance to fuck him including the male piglets.

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Next: Chapter 410: Chicos Infibulados 3

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