Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Dec 2, 2018


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These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



These four teenagers has justmeet each other since they were kidnaped in different countries but all of themwere sent to the same slave dealer that is part of the Slaves Black Market,however this is a very exclusive auction house due to its luxury, so here theworld's richest men can buy the most desirable and exclusive slaves but theprices are so high that almost nobody can pay them.

The four teenagers still are inshock because they can't understand at all what is happening, but despite thatthey are indignant because they have been naked since they were kidnaped, they know that is better don ´t complain otherwise they're going to be punished.

Few hours ago they were took out from theplain that brought them to the clandestine airport where they landed from theplace that they were kidnaped to that luxury auction house that is part of theblack market in cattle trucks where they showered, and then they were wateredand fed, and right now they're being exhibited to those whom in few minutesmore will be their masters.

Three of them are given their backsto the customers so they can see their buttocks, legs and backs, while theother boy has been ordered to stand giving his right side to the customers andbegan to jerk off, these boys are hopping that someone can rescue them, butthat never is going to happen and for the rest of their lives they are going tobe slaves and their main task while they are young could be give sexualpleasure to their masters.

However the three slaves that aregiving their back to the potential buyers their buttocks don`t have the desireperfection and that could make that they were bought with other purposes, thingthat definitely in not good for their best interest, although the teenage boythat is jerking off has a promising body and the best buttocks of all of them,and the auctioneer thinks that he has good possibilities to be bought by an eccentricrich that wants to exhibit him as the animal that he's now beside to use him ashis sexual toy.

The four teenage boys that arebeing auctioned are eighteen years old, the boy that is on the left giving hisback to the buyers and behind the boy that is jerking off has the tan line thatgoes from his waist until his buttocks end, he's a dark brown haired boy and isthe boy that is better adapted to the fields and farm jobs, beside that if hismaters wanted could give sexual pleasure to his betters, his buttocks even thoughthat are not perfect they are pleasant to the sight and even he could be usedas a sexual toy to keep the stronger slaves calm down.

The teenage boy that is standingbetween the two slaves boys and is giving his back to the audience has goodbuttocks but not the desire perfection, so the auctioneer is trying to sale himas a companion slave which principal function is that he serves as a burdenanimal carry on the shopping of the free citizens, this boy is very handsomeand would make that many boys wanted to own him, but also is tall and thatcould bring an esthetic problem, considering that is not very common that aslave be taller than his master, because otherwise the domination effect wouldlost its impact in front others, however his nakedness will tell others whatposition he has in society, and he could be humiliated frequently even morethat the other slaves.

The third teenage boy that is onthe right and also is giving his back to the audience his buttocks are somewhatred and that Is not good for his sale because could be thought that he waspunished however it wasn`t like that, and as the first dark brown haired boy isbarely more tall than the slave that is on the left, however this slaves is notas handsome as the slave that is in the middle and is considered that he besued to clean both the house, stables and the barracks where the slaves sleep,beside that wash the cars and transport that the master might use and clean theponies and change the straw every day, although also can be used in parties assex toy.

The last slave a teenage whiteboy as the other three and is on his side jerking off is the most promising ofthe four and on which already several bidders are interesting in him, thisslave is black haired and the dimple that is formed on the side of his rightbuttocks is very pleasant to the sight, although just looking at him with nomore inspection can be seen that his buttocks are big, but definitely he'sconsidered as the perfect pleasure slave and even he can be used in a brothelto give pleasure to the most exigent customers, but these slaves little theyknow that there is someone interested in buy them as a lot to put them to serveas flight attendants in his airline, and then be the first airline that usesnaked male salves servicing the elite passenger and that they are going to besexually used while the passenger are on board if they wish, and this youngentrepreneur has as a companion his public relation manager and he had told himthat the slaves are handsome enough to serve on board his planes, beside thatwith good training they could be seen as charming by their distinguishcustomers.

Into the luxury room already hadbegun the bid for these four slaves and their future lives will depend on whobuys them, but one thing can be guarantee, what they have ahead is humiliation,pain and degradation of their bodies as slaves, and only depends on them thatthey keep their mental equilibrium or they sink and lose in self-pity anddespair.

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Next: Chapter 403: Salvajes 31

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