Viviendo En Esclavitud

By Billy Billy

Published on Nov 18, 2018


"As those who publish theirstories in nifty make an effort to think of stories to entertain you, if it isin your possibilities donate to nifty so nifty can continue entertaining you".

These are fictitious shortstories and do not continue unless specified, all characters and events arefictional so any resemblance with reality is a coincidence, and do not represent my way of thinking since for me all human beingsare equal and have the same rights.

This is a homoerotic story thatincludes slavery and humiliation for males intended to entertain adults, ifyou're offended by this content don't read it, the legal age to read this storyinside the Jurisdiction that was written is 18 years old or older, however isrecommended that you check in your jurisdiction the legal age to read it.

The English language is not mynative language, so you are going to find grammatical errors, I apologize forthis circumstance, and anyway I have tried to write it as best I could, sothanks for your understanding

Important note: If you read thisstory you're certifying that you have the legal age to read it.



Thesewhiteys are being exhibited by their Latin masters in The Animal BreedingNational Center (BANC), so all the Latin community members that are interestedcan see these animal species reproductive habits.

Inthis breed farm the white animals are under close watching and observation, totry to discover what made that the whiteys changes their behavior sodrastically and they became in what they are now, a shameless animals that theydon`t care be naked not to say in front of other whiteys but in front of thesuperior Latins.

Wastrue that after the Latins had taken the society control the whites had beenenslaved and forced to live naked servicing them in the way that the nowalmighty superiors wanted, but what the Latins never had seen was that thewhites once were dominated behaved as irrational animals in a way that wasconsidered by the psychologists something scandalous, and that never the blacksin their slavery had shown and was hard to understand the reason why the whitesbehaved like that.

Manywhites could flee to the mountains, forest, beaches and jungles and they couldadapt to live as savages, while the other whites that didn`t have the same luckthey were arrested and sent into the Reunion Centers and from there the slaves dealers to be sold to the Latinmasters, as servants or beast of burden beside that those that were living assavages were hunted, but still they had the intelligence and can run away fromthe Latin armed guards and even they put them traps, although that ability wasgoing to be lost in the future generations and they would end up behaving likewild animals.

Alsoall those whiteys that lived in captivity as slaves servicing they master andin the breed farms where they were given special food in order to sexually stimulate them so theyfucked between them with two fundamental purposes , the first one to keep calmthe alfa males, and the second one with the breed purpose , however for thewhites was the same have both anal and oral sex in privates places or beingwatched by the superior men and their masters, thing that the Latins couldntunderstand, because one thing was that they were forced to have sex in front ofthe superior beings when they told them and other very different was when theyvoluntarily and shamelessly had sex in front of them, also was true that they were forced to benaked and being exhibited to the superior beings like that but what also the Latinscouldnt understand was that the whites love exhibited themselves naked showingtheir anuses, cocks, balls and even the females opening their legs showingtheir clits that were inside their bodies, thing that never before the blackshad done.

Themales and female that are being exhibited in the BANC are not wearing themandatory collar that all whites have to wear on their necks because the Latin Scientificsdon ´t want that anything interferes on these animals reproductive action butabove all in their shameless conduct, although they knew that the collar inreality wouldn`t stop them to behave shamelessly, and they have done thatbecause the want that the Latins that are interested in buy the males' cum andthe female's ovules can see them if they were fucking in a similar place thatonce had been their homes.

Althoughthe spectators know this whiteys are animals are amazed of their shamelessbehavior having sex in public without any inhibition, considering that thewhite race once ruled the country and now they are considered shamelessanimals, the two whitey male are twenty two years old and both are dark brownhaired with small nipples light brown colored, their bodies are athletics andmuscular and toned because they're forced to exercise and work hard in theBANC, beside that the breed function to fuck the females or be jerked off bythe machines, overseers or by themselves, to take out their cum produced bytheir balls and can be sold or put intoa female's body to gestate another white animal , and the female is a twentyyears old blond with middle sizes tits and big pinky nipples who even thoughthat already had given birth two male puppies due that she's forced to exerciseby her Latin overseer she keeps her body slim and pleasant to the sight.

Boththe Latin ladies and gentlemen are observing with interest these three whiteanimals shameless sexual behavior, one of the males is standing with his lefthand leaning on the other male left shoulder, while the other male is kneelingand both males are jerking off themselves, and the male that is standingdoesnt have pubes while the one that is kneeling has trimmed pubes and bothmales dont have corporal hair, the two males are uncut and while jerking offare showing shamelessly their glans that should be covered by their foreskins,and both males are looking at the female that is kneeling in front of the malethat is standing and on the right side of the male that is knelling and she'slicking the right nipple the of male that is kneeling, while the shameless femalesis stimulating her nipples and she has been allowed to keep her pubic hair buttrimmed.

Verysoon both males are going to fuck the female both vaginally and anally and theywill ejaculate inside those two holes and then the two males are going to haveto fuck each other anally while the their overseers look at them closely, whilethe females shamelessly is going to open her legs so both the Latin ladies andgentlemen can see her vagina and anus full of the two white animals cum and howeven the white viscous liquid goes out from both her anus and vagina and fallson the wooden floor, and after the two males had cum inside each other anusesare going to open their buttocks to begin to expel the white viscous liquid andthe female has to lick it directly from their anuses swallowing the cum, andthen clean with her mouth the cocks full of cum and gut juices, before theastonishment and fun and in some cases disgust and repulsion of the attending Latins.

Forthose that whiteys breeding are their business, the BANC is selling top qualitywhiteys animals ovules and cum, and even if some buyer wants to be sure thatthe jizz that bought belongs to the slave that he chose, can be present at thetime that the white animal is milked, by a white naked female, by a milkingmachine or by other naked white male animals or even if the buyer prefers byhimself, all male slaves whose cum is being put on sale will be injected astimulant directly into their balls in the presence of potential Latin buyersto make their gonads produce non-stop tadpoles for several hours, while allattendees who want it can see how an ovule is extracted from a female whiteanimal and is frozen or sold if a buyer at that time is interested in acquiringit.

Butfor the Latin attendee's delight they are going to be allowed to see the whitemale animals suffering while the stimulant is injected into their balls, andthis time all white male animals that are capable of produce jizz, are going tobe hanged on Saint Andrew crosses with their legs lifted up and open and tied to the top part of each side of thecross, so their anuses, cocks and balls are exposed and the Latin vet withoutany risk can inject into the balls of each slave the stimulant, and each slaveis going to scream on the top of hislungs for the pain of the liquid that is going into that glands that is themost sensitive of his body, beside that the slaves are going to need be jerkedoff constantly to avoid to have blue balls and their glans are going to be veryirritated, and for the BANC is going to be a very productive day becausethey'll have a huge profit selling the slaves cum and ovules, so the paybacktime for the Latins has come and they are going to get the most out of thissituation.

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Next: Chapter 397: Hora De Cobrarselas 30

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